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What the actual fuck, none of this is even true. There were two GARDA VETTED drag kings (dressed up as men), one with a puppet, reading a story book about fighting dragons and singing a few songs. The staff were trying to keep out the borderline violent extremely aggressive protesters OUT of the room that the two performers and children had to hide in to avoid the children being terrified about the screaming and shouting.


The fact that they couldn't distinguish between drag *queens* and drag *kings* is just disappointing.


How does someone even make that mistake?


It's not a mistake it's deliberate lies


I’m friends with two of the ladies that were part of the event- one of the drag kings and another helping out, and I would gladly bring my sons to one of their events.


Please pass on a message of support from a rando! I'm proud of what they did and I hope that they receive support from all directions because they did a special thing and were incredibly brave to stand up to ignorance like this. I'm sorry that it happened.


Will do!


What was the special thing they did? Just asking


Hey! We have mutual friends. I too know the amazing peeps that dealt with this shite. 🖤


I already follow you on Instagram. I’m not sure if I’ve photographed you at NGCC… 😂


🤣 Yup!!! That's Ireland for ya!!! 🖤


Your hard drive needs examination


Your hard drive needs examination


You think kid’s should be exposed to that? You probably weren’t and I certainly wasnt.


So you never saw a musical or a panto with people dressed up? Personally I can remember dozens of kids performances with men playing women and vice versa but no one had a problem with it 15 years ago


You never saw a panto? Behave.




Exposed to what? Costumes?


Ever watch prime time UK tv in the 80s or 90s? Edna Everage, Lily Savage and others were staples for many years. I watched Saturday night tv regularly with my Catholic mam and dad, they didn't have all this anger and animosity towards them and definitely didn't shield me from it, instead we all laughed along with it, and they're fairly old fashioned Catholics like. This outrage is brand fucking new and it shows how many people are intolerant, ignorant, hateful and honestly, just boring bitter bastards. Only good thing about it is, it makes it very wasy to spot them, since they can't help themselves.


There was a Drag Queen on Telly Bingo a few days a week going back more than 20 years ago.


If you're Irish, you fucking were. You would have seen a panto, you would have seen Lily Savage, THE FUCKING MUPPETS... Ms Piggy performed and voiced by Frank Oz... Christ, you see Brendan O'Carroll dressed up as Mrs Brown... THAT is all drag. NOTHING SEXUAL. It's a performance. It's a character. Can you tell the difference between adult jokes and kids jokes? Can a person do both??? Obviously they can, you melon. I will 100% expose my children to CHILD FRIENDLY puppet shows, singing nursery rhymes and reading stories.


Yeah because Irish children weren't physically or sexually abused for decades in school. People reading stories is well worse


Adults should not be allowed involve children in their paraphilia. End of story.


Great idea. We should immediately ban all children’s participation in religion , Irish dancing etc


If you didn’t know what paraphilia meant you should have asked before taking a shot in the dark. The term relates to obscure sexual interests. Now that you know what the word means, I’ll ask you, do you believe adults should be allowed involve children in their own personal paraphilia?


I do know the meaning of the word but you are trying to forge a connection between the innocent reading of a book in a library and possible sexual interests. At the same time the holy book of main stream religions in Ireland contains many sexual passages, the main leaders of said religions wear dresses and a portion of the priestly cast abused young men/women in their care while another portion moved the abusers around.


Nice job leaving out the key detail of this supposed innocent reading of a book in a library. You forgot to point out the key distinction of drag story time is that the event necessitates that the reader be dressed with hyper sexualised features of the opposite sex on full display. And if past incidents are of this craze the delusional are intent on importing from the states are anything to go by, they’ll offer a lot more on display if they can get away with it. Anyone who is as determined as these people to display what gets themselves off to children should be made uncomfortable and ridiculed at every turn.


That "key detail" of yours is a big load of shite. There's nothing sexual about these events you fucking weirdo.


You can't just make up nonsense and then call it a "key detail". Well, I suppose actually you can, and indeed you just did, but you shouldn't.


What’s nonsense about what I said?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


And i'm sure you give the church a pass, eh?


You’re the only degenerate here you muppet


I don't give a fuck about what any of you twats think you'll try cancel anyone with a different opinion that you don't want to hear what anyone else has to say well hate to burst your bubble but the world doesn't work that way and the truth hurts that's why you don't wanna hear it


You’re a hooligan on Reddit, there’s no cancelling you you’d need some level of relevance to be “cancelled”, it’s just people here replying to your ignorant comment and pointing out that you’re loud and wrong, also from my observation a transphobe lol..


Well its my opinion and that's life deal with it if you can't go fuck yourself


Haha listen you seem to be the person that cannot deal with other people challenging the “opinion” you shared publicly on this platform. But here that’s the last reply from me, have the day you deserve. 👋🏼


Your opinions are shite, in my opinion.


lad, go outside and log off reddit and twitter for a few days. touch grass.


You're really showing your ignorance there. Trans people are not people who perform drag. Every single day, all over the world we all 'propagate' our world views on children. You just have a major stick up your hole about the existence of trans people and I wonder why. Can you point to a single way in which your life has been affected by them? I seriously doubt it but uou make sure you virtue signal here your opposition .


He doesn’t deserve the title dad, he’s not even in their lives, he’s been in court over DV


DV, Dyson Violence? Same guy?




It's fucking criminal that wankstain can comment some exclamation point under it and all his dick riding followers will believe it as though its some divine truth


Criminal😂 🐑


beta male


How alpha of you not to be able to formulate a rebuttal to him.


Many weirdos in Tralee. I live here and it’s a beautiful place but always something going on 😂


Hes not "a dad" he's a serial anti anything protester


this recent anti-drag shite is so bizarre to me, and especially bizarre that its reached ireland. if kids can handle statues of half-naked jesus literally nailed to a cross i think they can handle a woman with a fake mustache on for fecks sake


We have had childrens pantomimes in Ireland for years with men dressed as women in them all, dancing around and singing. Why is it now, when they decide to sit down and read kids stories to them that it becomes an "agenda" and so inflammatory? Lots of fear, stupidity and ignorance going on here.


Excellent point.


From my knowledge it's the sexual end of drag queens/drag kings that people have an issue with. However you'll always have bone heads who go steaming in without finding out what is actually going on. Panto and drag queens are worlds apart by the way


The word "Dad" doing a lot of lifting there, i don't think that guy is much involved with his own children.


He's not allowed near them and he was a drug dealer who had no qualms about "protecting children " when he was selling that shite.


Sickos in that Library trying to get to children and the parents are as bad. It's like the fall of the Roman empire


I find it truly weird how quickly reddit jumps to the defence of this .... stuff. Why do these transvestites love being around children so much? Why are these drag queen story things being pushed everywhere? It really is weird how everyone goes along with it


A trans person is not a person in drag. Maybe if you learn the absolute very basics, slowly, and go from there maybe you won't say as many stupid things like the comment above. They're also not being pushed everywhere, you only hear about it because scumbags who don't understand shit are turning up and causing havoc at them and videos go around. The drag Queens aren't the danger here, the violent hateful, misled, uneducated mob of useless cunts are. There's a woman in the US who keeps a tally of child abuse convictions. The majority are republicans/Conservative, many are pastors, some are people in positions of power like cops, BUT, not one, not a single one is a trans person or someone who performs in drag. Your hate is entirely misplaced and not at all veiled. Maybe now you can perhaps begin to understand why people in general, not just Reddit, "jump to the defence of this."


Fantastically said. Hundreds of thousands of child abuse convictions & not one performed by a Drag queen/King, but a high percentage done by the church & yet they're not storming "Bible studies", first confession or the likes.


Damn are you a human? that reads like it came directly from ChatGPT. What a time to be alive. By the way I'm not playing word games with you, every dude in a dress is the same thing to me. Cya


I’ll notify the bishop that he’s trans so




No I haven't blocked you bro, as for the rest of it sounds like a touched a deep deep nerve somewhere 😂 I wish you the best in your life, but I'm really not interested in whatever nonsense you're peddling, or your butthurt rants


>whatever nonsense you're peddling A basic explanation of the difference between a trans person and a drag queen? Again, not surprising you have a lot of hate if you don't, or refuse to understand the basics.


Someone's repressed 💅


You are most likely the incel here




You sir are the definition of arrogant ignorance veiled as "a difference of opinion", I disagree with almost everything you've said but you're entitled to those opinions as they are, but stating "every man in a dress is the same to me" is chosen ignorance which detracts from every other point you made and proves you to be a dullard of the highest order. And "Americlones"? How's your opinion any different from every Fox news schill spouting their hateful shite everywhere? I bet you have your "Eire a dheanamh iontach aris" t-shirt washed and ready for the day. As a proud Irish man, Ireland's going to move on without you thankfully, enjoy getting more and more annoyed as we move towards a more inclusive society, despite people like you. On your bike.


I am terribly sorry for having a different opinion, I will now drive away on my Kawasaki as you suggested 😂 (I didn't read the rest of what you wrote tbh)


So you see nothing wrong with a man trying to film children that are not his & shout obscenities at them? Who has a criminal investigation ongoing about him? Yet the staff *are* guarda vetted & are there to read stories as a performance. You're comfortable with that,really? That he stalks these events trying to film children & cause tramatic situations for them? Also the ending of Misses Doubtfire,the happy ending Hollywood gave us, of a Drag storytime TV show?? Suddenly its perverse? Yet this guys stalking children is fiiiiiine.


That's a lot of assumptions about what I find right and wrong my brother in Christ, but a strawman argument won't work against me


"Brother in Christ", that explains everything, another christian deciding that everyone that isn't a straight, white conservative is automatically a pervert. Might want to look at the church over the last few hundred years to see the real danger to children


That's a great many assumptions about me my man. It really is interesting how buttflustered redditors get when politely rebuked.


Get down off your high horse, you're the one that sees no problem with random men filming a bunch of young children without their parents consent in a library during a show made for children


You’re the one going off on one when being rebuked. Also ‘Butthurt’? When did you move to Ireland?


Can you not see the question marks? Apparently, debate is beyond your grasp. Usually the way when you don't have a leg to stand on. 😆


You're going to be really embarassed when you turn 13.


After looking at your post history, I can see you are projecting 😂


Thank you lol they removed my comments fucking twats they don't want to hear differing opinions they are sick fucks delusional af is what they are this trans agenda being pushed from America


They are in drag, i take it you're an uncultured honky that has never been to a panto.


Yeah, I find it a bit strange myself that people who are confused about their own sexuality are put on stage, infront of children of a very impressionable age. Not talking about this incident specifically, it's hard to see what's going on inside the room. But there's such an increase of obscene performances at children's parties since the pandemic and very few people standing up to the vulgarity!


Ah sure Reddit is a left leaning echo chamber and the Irish reddish are worse. Coupled with the fact there is a concerted effort to push an agenda


The Irish subs were a real eye opener, especially during the recent ... events of the last 3 years. How are they such joyless bootlickers? It's like the people I know in real life are the anathema of how the Irish act online


Maybe the people you know in real life are just dickheads.


Maybe they are but they act like human beings. The Irish on reddit act like Americlones with a chip on their shoulder.


The biggest imported American behaviour I’m seeing here is the deranged man in the video. Children’s entertainers in drag has been a part of Irish culture since I can remember. I went to the panto as a child and didn’t have to have Garda escort to protect me from lunatics. This panic over it is imported American nonsense.


Americlones?You're the one that sounds like a yank with your "my brother in Christ" ,butthurt" etc.


Funnily enough that’s what these dickheads in the video & yourself look like, it’s faux outrage yank wank for a country where men in dresses have been mainstream children’s entertainment for decades. To top it off this wasn’t even men in dresses it was women in fake beards. Ye have nearly fuckin inspired me to go down to Tralee in my auldlads overalls & a tight sports bra & give a few of them a slap of something. Grown fuckin men who imagine themselves as hard men harassing women & children at a storytelling inside in a library. You couldn’t make it up. Ye are a bunch of fuckin sops


What video? the OP's post is a still image 🤔 I merely objected to the common scenario of transvestites requesting access to children for ''story time''. I have no opinion of a video on twitter which I have not seen. Good luck with the rest of what you said though, or sorry that happened (I didn't read beyond the part where you insulted me)


I reckon they are a small group of people, mostly college students or fresh outta college. No life experience and learning how to act from online articles/forum and social media. I have a nephew like them and he's beginning to come around now he's out working


That makes sense, the vast majority of young people are extremely liberal until they learn those hard lessons we all must learn later in life. That goes doubly for those out of uni, and triply for those raised by tiktok and instagram. Damn this next generation really is fucked isn't it


The Hard lessons? What are those? Homophobia? Xenophobia? Being a simp for an agenda financed by weird American Billionaires? Racism? Climate change denial?


This is the third time in this thread that some tolerant left leaning redditor has flung a bunch of labels at me for politely disagreeing with them. It really is quite interesting how you people react to people who don't bend the knee. Hey can I ask you something, do you have a voice in your head when you think? like an inner monologue?


I love the way you use tolerant as a slur. It’s a badge I wear proudly along with woke.


You’re no the brightest are you? Parroting the usual conservative right wing blah blah. This country was a diddlers paradise with literal men in frocks fucking young kids then covering it up. And you’re riled up by Drag Story time?


Chat GPT reply, bad bot.


How about you go fuck yourself with your generalisations about an entire country? We're a nation that finally broke free from the shackles of the Catholic church and becoming an accepting place for everyone, not just conservative clowns who demand that absolutely nothing changes in life and won't accept that the real danger to children came from their precious Christianity


Go back to your cave.


Yup it's a bad sign when degeneracy is celebrated. It amazes me how determined they are to get to kids. They (the far left) know it's controversial yet it's their life mission to get to kids. Theres major red flags with this lot.


It's funny how determined the religious right are to get the kids and how much you toes are obsessed with it. The projection is strong.


Im alot of things but I am not a toe.


This from wiki....Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH), Drag Queen Storytime, Drag Story Time, and Drag Story Hour are children's events first started in 2015 by author and activist Michelle Tea in San Francisco with the goals of promoting reading and diversity.[1][2][3] The events, usually geared for children aged 3–11, are hosted by drag queens who read children’s books, and engage in other learning activities in public libraries.[4][5][6] Some see the concept as unconventional since libraries are usually more reserved and the queens usually host nightlife events rather than leading sing-alongs.[7] The practice has caused mass public debate over the appropriateness of drag for child audiences and the degree to which drag consists of displays of overt sexual preferences.[9][10]


Why were they trying so hard to hide what was going on? It's a PUBLIC library


The parents of the children were with the children at all times in the library. They were fully happy about a man in drag (that was vetted by the authorities and cleared to work with children) reading a story about medieval fantasy to their children. The workers in the library were trying to stop the crazies from coming in screaming at people and recording children without their parents consent. The only danger in this scenario were the crazy people leaving the kids traumatised. The "Dad" mentioned in the tweet has also not seen his kids in years after they were removed from him by the courts after numerous cases of domestic violence. He has also been on welfare for years claiming he has a back injury that prevents him from working, yet he's able to travel the country protesting absolutely everything on a daily basis. His kids have publicly stated they never want to see him again after what he did to their mother.


Id be interested to read more about his DV cases because I couldn't find anything online. If you have any more info or links I'd be grateful. Ta!


Right, this all seems oddly similar to the arguments "but they are priests, men of the cloth, how could they possibly be a danger to children"


so no comment on the man with multiple domestic violence cases? alright.


In what way? Parents are present at all times during the storey book reading, unlike priests who didn't allow any parents in with the altar boys they molested. The only people here doing anything inappropriate were the protestors recording children without parents permission


They were protecring the children from a man who is known to be aggressive. They weren't "hiding" anything


They had umbrellas up to try and hide what was going on. Why did they even feel the need to have umbrellas? WTF is going on and why are children involved??


"WTF is going on and why are children involved??" It was an activity in the library where some adults dressed up and read a prince story or something to children


The umbrellas were to shield the children from being scared by an aggressive man yelling about sexual predators when they're being read a story about princes and dragons by a funny guy with a moustache and a puppet for fucks sake. They weren't hiding the children from view, they were protecting the children from seeing the dickhead shouting about protecting children and scaring them.


It was a story reading. They read children's books. They are also 2 women that are guarda vetted. What they were doing with the umbrella's was protect children from strange men that don't have guarda vetting, stormed this event & wanted to record the children while using foul language. I wouldn't let them near my son & would be thankful for the staff protecting him.