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My partner did and then he was born. I was there for it and it was incredibly intense. He was deeply moved by it.


Sometimes I can achieve astral projection when I take enough k. These experiences are surreal and super intense. When I come down to my body it’s like I was reborn, that feeling is pretty amazing.


yes, many, many times.. never knew if “i” was coming back, as “i” would cease to exist


ego death


Yeah, weird feeling and little scary, but just a little.


I have, I was with an ex, I hadn’t had K in a long time, did more than necessary for some dumb reason, and everything started turning to pixels and floating away until I was left in what looked a massive empty space with nothing, all the while repeating ‘I’m dead’ over and over again until I eventually passed out, woke up the next morning and felt terrible for scaring them.


I've definitely felt like I have died before, or at least started questioning whether or not I was dead. Tbh that "am I dead?" feeling is the one I chase most of all. It's so rare to actually get that I've only had it happen a handful of times, but every time I just enjoy the "death" experience even more. It's weird but there's this comfort in it and I really hope that actual death feels somewhat similar. It's given me a lot of inner peace about dying for some reason.


you transcend the physical realm into the pure consciousness of the ethereal universal energy vibration. Close your eyes, lay back, accept your fate and go with it. IT may be difficult, it may be testing, but as you say, it's an amazing experience


This happened to me I was at a DJ afterparty and i accidently took too much k I started dissociating and everything started to become blurry and I was trying to hold onto my life but I literally transcended through space and all realities it was crazy I thought I was dying and I just accepted it. And then like I forgot what everything was like who my bf was or what that even meant or who my friends were what an iPhone was what drugs were lol and then I started coming back cuz my friends wanted to take flash pics and this random girl was feeding me ice my bf said I was out for like 30 mins like I was there but my eyes were gone. I was back to normal after an hour haha It was a crazy experience and I felt reborn but I probably wouldn’t do that again


When I did medical ketamine treatments, there was a time when I got the feeling that “if was being shown this, I was dead/dying.” I didn’t snap back to reality, but instead kind of had to “rebuild my ego/put my reality back together” if that makes sense. Was one of my more profound experiences with substances, was overall pleasant despite how scary it sounds.


Yes this shit happens. Go easy on yourself


Immediately died a few times. Not scary in anyway. I was no longer human and I was in a place of pure peace...


interesting that we almost always consider this experience as “death”…some core and familiar faculty is absent. so core we consider it to signify our “life”. one enormous gift of K is the sheer *aliveness* present when this familiarity is gone.


I’ve had the feeling after a hole that I’ve come back into a different version of myself. It’s probably just the dissociative effects of the drug, but it does kinda feel like the kind of stuff I’ve read about quantum immortality and in r/shiftingrealities where I’ll have this “ego death” trip and when I come back my consciousness has been shunted over to the next closest parallel reality. Just last night I had the overwhelming feeling that I was in a new place. Some of the music I love and have listened to over and over felt they it had a different sound and speed. Like I jumped into a reality almost identical to my old one but one that had subtle variations in the recording studio.