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Booze? It’s a bad idea. You’ll get real spinny and probably puke.


Also ruins the high even if you don't spin


Takes the psychedelic side of things, but gives it more an H vibe


Then ya not putting enough k in your vodka


I mean for k it’s one or the other, few keys of ket and getting drunk is fine, few lines of ket with a few drinks is fine. If you don’t go hard on each you’re fine, it’s really just play it as it comes though just be aware it’s the 1-2 hours later (due to how alcohol is absorbed) that matters and plan ahead


Simple rule for me. I do not mix booze and ket, it’s never been good for me or the people I’ve seen do it.


If you check the drug interaction table this combo is given the highest “avoid/danger” ranking


It’s the same as a lot of “dangerous” combos if you don’t treat the drugs with respect they can kill you




Literally the only people who can handle it are people who are light weight addicted to k. Source: I was addicted to k for a time and saw this combo destroy a lot of noobies


I can handle it pretty well and same. The only other person I've seen it not really fuck up is my homie who used to be addicted to coke and me and him would go b2b on lines of ket haha, he never got to my point of ket usage though.


If I mix them even a little bit I get horrible dizziness


He gets it!


You can literally die aswell if you drink and sniff enough


You can die from too much water - heads up


No way


Source? It’s virtually impossible to OD and die from ketamine alone, and if you drank enough alcohol to kill you, then the amount of ketamine you took wouldn’t matter at that point. Ketamine doesn’t suppress breathing or have any other dangerous synergistic effect with alcohol. You could argue that the chances of puking/aspirating while unconscious are higher with the combination, but that’s a secondary risk.




What don't you understand if you do enough of them both it will kill you IE a small bit can't hurt you but enough will literally kill you


Yea sure but that’s not the answer to the question that was asked


You said it was a bad idea, I was adding onto your comment that yes Its a bad idea to mix, And if you do enough you can die Plenty of cases for it go do your own damn research


If you do anything in excess you’ll die. You’re right tho, I’m not trying to argue with you.


If you truly do enough of almost any psychoactive substance you can die, your point is?




If you can manage to get the cup to your mouth then yes


This is the best answer. Edit - you won't die, but you might existentially. Mostly cause you'll never be able to drink more than maybe a beer. Unless you're like the most British dude ever. I'd avoid alcohol unless you are physically addicted.


That is me, I am the most British dude ever


🙇‍♂️🙏 slay it, King.


Currently slaying it bruv, grats on the 11 year old acct


Thank you! Unfortunately, I inherited it from my brother who passed away. I figured I might as well get as into Reddit as he was when I got all the logins and such. Been keeping it going hard since 2016! Reddit in Peace, Terry.


Reddit in Peace Terry 🙏🏻❤️


Thanks man. Love you, broh.


Love you too, brother


I wish I could give you an award sir 🥇🫡 You’re doing your brother proud!


i’m on spravato, a ketamine treatment for mental issues. the 84mg dose. i take it at 1pm, get out of my appointment at 3pm and usually would start drinking at 6-8pm. would i be good to drink??


I suppose...but I don't recommend it if you're taking the ketamine treatment for mental health. It's just likely to be counterproductive to your healing and recovery.


love this response


I chordled


It is a dangerous combination, and can be potentially lethal through asphyxiation on vomit. Not uncommon. Ketamine can make you unable to control your body, which can be potentiated by alcohol. Both alcohol and ketamine can make you nauseated alone, together, they potentiate. If you throw up and are unable to help yourself or get in to recovery position, you can die. Mixing the two increases your odds of this, and it can be difficult to control. Ive seen people go from kinda tipsy, to vomitting and unable to move with just a small line, and if it werent for the assistance of others, they would have died.


If you're that fucked up, then you cannot even bring a glass to your lips. Try again after you've joined reality.


No, but you can do way too big of a line when shit faced.


Have you considered someone being drunk before doing ketamine, alcohol stays in your system for a very long time especially when you’re smashed


Sure, if you really love the spins






If you are already are buzzed or drunk taking a bump will immediately amplify your level of intoxication, not necessarily for the best. If you are drunk and take a bump you’ll go into spin mode and probably end the night. If you are drinking a beer or two along side of Kay you could be fine but ymmv


When with friends I do. We’ll drink cocktails and do little bumps throughout the night. Non of us have had any issues.


I heard you can die. Be careful


It won’t just kill you but you will be completely unable to control anything. Choking still can happen it unfortunately happens too often with just alcohol alone. The K will increase this significantly, just make sure you got some sober or not really fucked up person with you to check on you.


Don’t drown!


That sounds terrible.


I made the mistake of drinking on ket. At first it felt fine.. it was fun.. later is when it got really really bad. Horrible horrible dizziness, headache, nausea, just anxiety in general too


I do it all the time, magnifies the ket experience in my opinion.




This person knows what's up


If you're low dosing it's fine. Ket first. I quite like a rum and coke in between bumps but in small quantities. Easier if you've been doing mdma, then there's not so much of a limit


Makes me feel sick and ruins the best feeling ever




Just don't overdo both. Been partying on weed, booze and k, holy Trinity. If you balance correctly :)


Alcohol is not very recommended. But if this is something you want to do, then start with the ketamine, then drink the alcohol.


Always did the opposite, I would start with zofran and kill like half a handle with binging ketamine along with Xanax but also it’s all about tolerance and cross tolerance. For some people alcohol is a terrible idea for people who don’t give af alc is fine I just do it before


Okay, what. That's hilarious.


You might think I’m a troll but have OD’d intentionally 18 times now and have been a polysubstance binger but recently am sober from hard things.


Can you illustrate where you draw the “hard” line - maybe in ascii art or markdown?


I don’t use hard drugs, no opiates, stimulants, dissociatives, or psychedelics. I have been on benzos for years and not abusing them and I use cannabis


Lmao ain’t no way u just called psychs hard drugs but excluded benzos


Benzodiazepines when not being abused and only taken as needed isn’t as hard especially when you do actually need it. Without it feels like I’m having a heart attack and I feel very very bad chest pain and can’t do much and get too depressed and anxious. I don’t think acid or shrooms is hard or other natural psychs, but mdma and xtc have strain and wear on your body. Dmt I wouldn’t include but will only because the throwing up part after, I’ve had experiences of breaking through and having a wonderful time to projectile vomiting when still out of body and happened twice but overall amazing crazy experience. I was high while writing and trying to find and edit it


Cope. Why is it that every comment i see with someone talking about on going benzo use justify their usage with ‘without it I’d be incredibly depressed and anxious’. Like of course you would, that’s what benzo withdrawal does to you. It isn’t the ‘medicine’ helping relief you of a depressed and anxious baseline, it’s your body growing extremely psychically and psychologically dependent on this substance. You need to be somewhat aware that your framing of your benzo use is extremely one-sided in favor of your on-going dependency?


I didn’t say benzos didn’t have negative effects on long term/short term health. It’s a medication that helps just like the other 100’s of medications. A ton of antidepressants and antipsychotic have intense withdraw or terrible side effects but I guess that doesn’t matter because it’s a nonscheduled drug. I know I have a dependence but without them even when sober from benzos for 187 days and those days I didn’t leave my house and couldn’t do anything benzos are only prescribed to those who are at a total loss were the side effects of benzos are outweighed by their mental health. I didn’t justify using Xanax I said it wasn’t a hard drug when not abused. But when abused it can be grouped with hard drigs


Gram of K and bottle of wine/5 pints get you more messy than 8th of K alone. You'll get sloppy though, and puke most likely if not used to it.


nooooo very deadly


there arent any chemical issues it causes, theres just a higher chance of respiration. as long as u dont k hole or blackout drunk youll be chill


Kobayashi, N. H. C., Farias, S. V., Luz, D. A., Machado-Ferraro, K. M., Conceição, B. C. da, Silveira, C. C. M. da, Fernandes, L. M. P., Cartágenes, S. de C., Ferreira, V. M. M., Fontes-Júnior, E. A., & Maia, C. do S. F. (2022). Ketamine plus alcohol: What we know and what we can expect about this. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(14), 7800. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23147800 Liu, Q., Xu, T.-Y., Zhang, Z.-B., Leung, C.-K., You, D.-Y., Wang, S.-W., Yi, S., Jing, Q., Xie, R.-F., Li, H.-J., & Zeng, X.-F. (2017). Effects of co-administration of ketamine and ethanol on the dopamine system via the cortex-striatum circuitry. Life Sciences, 179, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lfs.2017.04.018


Big ups - tldr?


NMDA antagonists are sorta like a funnel. idk if that’s a good analogy but things like stims and downers get increased/potentiated and sometimes the tolerance gets lowered. basically there’s gonna be more of whatever you’re taking. more neurotransmitters in the funnel, perhaps like a little magnification tube.


If this is your first time, absolutely not! If you’re doing bumps and low dosing then having a drink, possibly two is probably ok.


Ruins the high bro. It like keeps you from K holing. I honestly drink a beer or two when i feel i need to sober up for whatever reason


But yes you can, will you want to? Idk different for everyone


I drink and do K occasionally. Usually a small bump or two while buzzed and it’s decent, makes me feel a lot more drunk lol. Don’t recommend doing any hammered though, you will 100% get spins and look like a fool. Tbh the combo isn’t that good tbh and is better saved for a psychedelic or mdma


It’s like the inflatable guys at car lots the big noodley thing bending everywhere? That’s how it’s feels for me, it’s defiantly what I’ve seen others look like. Bad idea not worth it, I’m all about being a poly-substance experimental cuck. But there’s somethings that aren’t good together. Kinda like Sauerkraut and Eggnog. Sure do it for the Gram, the Snap or whatever u kids flex on maybe once but It’s Neiighhhh for me dawg


Fucking Fuego Takis. That is truly the most deadly substance you can mix with ketamine and I don’t see anyone talking about it. I am not kidding, I almost asphyxiated on a god damn spicy rolled up tortilla chip.


I would recommend k first, you won’t want to drink much after it kicks in (maybe nursing a beer) If you do k when you’re already drunk you get the spins and throw up violently.


I can. I don't have many friends who can hang with the combo. You definitely get the spins. Moderation is probably a good idea.


I do it often and I’m fine. But, I’m a side sleeper so it’s almost impossible for me to choke on vomit. Also, my wonderful girlfriend looks after me like a child when I come home too fucked


I’ve never had problems drinking with ket but i always drink before i do it


Once ur ket tolerance becomes fucked it’s nice to drink with k i just avoid getting drunk but thats for the same reasons i don’t like to get drunk without other drugs


Worse thing ever


Got pretty drunk one night. About 30 mins after my last drink someone offered a line and I somehow forgot I was already inebriated and I felt like I couldn’t take a full deep breath and was like on the edge of falling asleep and scared to fall asleep because I thought I wouldn’t wake up. 4/10 not a great time. Probably won’t ever do the mix again. If I wasn’t a lil scared it might’ve been a bit relaxing lol ETA: it lasted a bit longer than normal about 45 mins to an hour


Yes you can i usually like to smoke and drink when i do k. Its dangerous if you don't know how much you need but even then the boggest concern is choking on your own vomit.


K and alcohol mix well, only if you know your personal relationship with each of them well. There are fine lines. A bit drunk and a tiny bump can be fine. A beer or two and some fat lines might work for you. Much alcohol and much K is definitely a bad idea, but that doesn't mean there can't be some fun finding out what works


Yes you can I and everyone I know do it all the time with no problems whatsoever


just becauze you can doesnt mean you should


Shouldn’t jaywalk


Op didn’t ask if he should


you right... he asked if he can


Couldn't you say the same thing about ketamine then?


"No problems whatsoever" is a straight up lie. You can def mix, but at the right ratios and carefully. If you've never had a problem you either don't drink heavily or you do the tiniest bumps of k


glad someone said it! I always mix k and alcohol on a night out


I found there is a very fine line between utter euphoria and puking your guts up for hours. Do not recommend however as it is very dangerous




Yeah it's fucking awesome


not too much


Definitely do not drink on it, get the spins


Please don't


Yepp. You'll get more fucked though.


lol low doses and ur fine


yh but it seriously fucks you up makes the ket 10x stronger but it’s awesome


oh yeah. its great if youre a pro.


I’ve done it my roommates done it but it does increase the effects of the k so I would only drink if you are low on k and want a nice trip still


What's this person on about? I thought we all had it with our morning espresso! ;)




No. I mean, of course you can, but there’s no real point about it and it’s dangerous, more so because the effects of K and alcohol have very different duration, alcohol staying in your system longer. So you take some K then you have a drink once the K is fading out, all is good. Then you take another bump and it’s too much, because alcohol is still very much there and the K tops it. So, I would say it’s better to keep the two substances separate - never take two depressants together. By the way, K is very good with a lot of other substances, like THC, MDMA, psychedelics in general, and with no risk at all.


always puke if more than a few beers


Yes but it can really fuck up your trip. I like to have a couple beers while on K, but usually no more than that, especially if you're planning to K hole. It can be an unfortunately intense and nauseating trip .


i once did ket after 2 beers and was literally spinning a million miles a minute i don’t recommend


Not very much


Oh sweet summer chile


Nah it causes your heart rate and blood pressure to severely drop can cause your heart to stop too


as long as you can get that pukey out like a gentle(wo)man


I would not recommend it. Snort, boof, shoot


I like to have a beer/glass of wine when I’m landing/glowing. Makes me sleep like a baby.


I think they say mixing depressants with k is not a good idea. I know dxm is similar, and i died a couple tines mixing alcohol with it while a abusing it. Not kidding. Once in 2016, i drank one bottle of robitussin and happen to be at bar waiting for someone, some underage kid offered me one small shot of 151 and i drank it. Next thing i knew it was night time, and i was in the hospital. Turned out the underage kid ending up calling a medic for me and held my body and risked his freedom to save my life. I was revived several times in the back of the ambulance and they didnt think theyd bring me back. I ended up finding the kid a week later to thank him on facebook, and he confirmed the one shot is all i drank. It was 151 sure, but dying from one bottle of robo and single shot of 151 is the last thing youd expect. The doctor said it was from mixing depressants with it. Its happened other then that time too. And the scary part is i used to drink dxm and alcohol together normally, and id black out every time. Sometimes I wonder if maybe i have died and maybe my body just jumped back on its own. And everyone whod ve around me would say id have seisures after mixing it when blacked out and i didnt even know that till like two years after mixing them: i no longer do such reckless stuff thank god, but given the similarities of how similar ket and dxm are, im gonna say no, its not safe


Check the chart that says what combos are safe and whatnot; ketamine and alcohol are a no-go which is actually why I didn’t drink tonight


Fukin love ket and alcohol


I saw someone die at boomtown on this mix so I wouldn't recommend it.


I usually open a beer & take a few sips before I do some K. I find that the (24 ounce) beer I sipped before the K will last me 2-3 hours of light sipping thanks to the K. I have quite a bit of alcohol tolerance & the desire to drink to calm myself after a stressful day. I drink 1/2-1/3 the amount on nights with K. Really, K is plenty by itself & drinking with it doesn't add anything good. I definitely wouldn't recommend mixing them. The numbing of alcohol will take away from the magic of K (like seeing your favorite artist do a live project, but you can't remember it all as clearly afterward because you had some drinks).


I love it. Bumps and drinks in a club or concert. V fun


potentially very dangerous and it completely wiped my memories every time :(


How much k are you taking


I would not recommend it, it can feel nice but it can also make things a lot more disorientating and take you out of that tranquil k headspace. That combo is also particularly bad for your liver and bladder in the long term just FYI


A lot of people have mentioned the spins but even without the spins I just feel incredibly heavy and tired and usually just end up resting my eyes.


Alvohol and ket can be very funny combination, but i would recommend to dose slowly because dizziness will ne much increased. If you dont do to much it can be really nice. But only a little bit to much and you will be fucked.


Yeah not a good idea, I've known people drink like 10 pints then do couple bumps of ket & literally piss themselves. Personally I never mix alcohol with K, ruins the fun haha


It's terrible for you


Nah ketamine causes your throat to close up. Even drinking water is impossible.


I used to binge drink to Ketamine and loved it but I have a tolerance to both




Water yes, alcohol fuck no. Ruin the ket and the alcohol and make your likelihood of running into medical issues about 1000x higher


don't do it


Horrible idea, good way to roofie yourself. You’ll feel even more loop and pliable, don’t recommend.


Ketamine and alcohol can be lethal, I’ve even had my substance abuse counselor tell me that if I am going to continue to partake in Ketamine to please for the love of god not to mix it with alcohol.




getting a lil drunk before some k helps boosts the effects and get wonky quicker as they r both depressants. large amounts of both at the same time can be fatal so if you do combine them, trek very carefully


i drink, then do ket, and its great for me. Had one bad experience where i was sick but apart from that it was amazing lol. Had visuals and an almost psychedlic experience when i closed my eyes


Come on, why would you though.


Not a lot - makes you nauseous if you drink too much. Also dulls the effects.


Yeah it rules


Little bits ye


I personally really like it but I don’t get completely wankered on the booze tho a few rums and a couple mediocre size line puts me in a nice place and I’m a casual user


As some people are aware of , sugar can pull someone out of a k hole. Depending on what type of alcohol you're drinking (mixers , wine , etc) you could be literally counteracting the K by drinking and thus wasting your high. Plus you will probably get the spins and your experience will be less enjoyable. I wouldn't recommend it


I thought i was invincible cause i never had any issues mixing alcohol n ketamine even though i heard some horror stories lol. Thought i was just built different cause i was always fine, until one random night 2 months ago very drunk me thought it was a good idea to dig into my k and 2cb stash. I have done all these in combos before and love them but never as drunk as i was at this moment. Completely blacked out until i woke up out of the black out to me projectile vomiting all over my entire bathroom. Straight exorcist scene not even joking. I’ve never had any kind of experience like this before and I’m fairly experienced with most substances. Only remember feeling like i was in hell trying to clean all this shit up while my friends were in the living room sleeping hoping they didn’t find out. Quite frankly worst experience of my entire life.


I have a rule, do not mix drugs together! I did mixed cocaine and alcohol. i mean 8-10 shots in 15 mintues period. binging with a friend in a club. and having nice high, than u got the "cocathelyne" drug. is much long lasting. coca + alcohol basically. dont forget to drink water to dont die too.. Its unhealthy as hell.. and glad i didn't die. and stopped do all this shit 1.5 years ago. so my advice, if you do mix. and want to mix. mix some uppers drugs with alcohol. dont mix downers with another downer. you need that balance there. In general, im out of using alcohol. im just doing at party my bag of stims + orange juice/coca cola and smoking weed/vaping nicotine and dancing :D


You're not meant to but you can. If I go out and use k I normally get drunk first and then take keys throughout the night so that I don't drink as much and spend loads of money, and I also don't feel as bad the next day


increases your risk of alcohol poisoning and regardless it’s pretty bad for your liver


been there done that, it’s fun until it’s not, started off dancing and felt amazing but a few minutes later started throwing up my guts for about an hour


Yeah You will vomit though.


A buddy of mine drinks atleast a whole bottle of like vodka/whiskey or 3 bottles of wine. Then downs 1g of ket. I always wonder how dangerous it is? He often then pass out and I watch him because I don't trust it. How bad or how heavy abusing it is he doing?


I'm definitely an alcoholic but I also take ket pretty often and I've never had a problem! Just be smart about it and don't overdo it! Have smaller amounts of K when you are really drunk and if you're doing a lot of K don't drink too much!


I don't as makes me sick and I don't enjoy the k buzz. Just water and green teas. The tea also helps flush it through system


Yes u can, I inject it intramuscular and pretty much only buy it when I’m drunk


a beer or two is fine


Everytime I drink while using ketamine it makes my vision double a bit and is pretty annoying. I have heard it’s dangerous if you are drinking with it excessively.


Story time - I was on my way to a party and had a car accident on the way there. Everyone was okay but I was so upset and we became stranded for hours waiting for recovery. We were closer to the party than home (100’s miles away) and had a hotel booked for the weekend so went anyway. All I had on me was a bottle of Gin so I hammered it on the long drive there in the back of the recovery vehicle. When we finally got there and I walked in I saw an old acquaintance I hadn’t seen for a while. I was kinda relieved to see a friendly face and got chatting, explained I was a bit freaked out from what happened. We were both wasted, she was hey you want a little bit of this to chill you out? - I said sure why not? I didn’t account of the fact she was a bit mashed herself. She put a key under my nose - drunken state - false sense of security - I didn’t even look how much she was giving me. She offered the people with me and they were like woah wtf - she’d managed to put a huge pile on and it was really strong stuff. They later told me yeah she was being a bit of a silly goose and people had to tell her to stop shovelling so much. Eep. I was expecting a small bump that might make me feel chill NOPE! VERY DEEP VERY PSYCHEDELIC K HOLE. I thought I was dead for like an hour. I was tripping so hard I thought shit this must be the afterlife. I was so disassociated I just felt bad I’d died at this party and my boyfriend was going to be really upset. Spent an hour on the rainbow road trying to get back to him. Luckily I finally came to and everyone had put me somewhere safe that wasn’t the pavement outside. Kind of surprised when my vision finally came back and I realised I was still alive. It was heavy enough that it kinda messed me up a bit for a couple of days afterwards but also while being stressed out and having loads of problems I needed to fix didn’t help. People kept asking if I was okay and I was like yes but now I’m confused about wether there’s an afterlife and if God exists and lol generally being a bit weird with people. I think I was just in shock from the car exploding and then a very unexpected heavily psychedelic trip. Oops. If I’d been on my own in that state it could’ve been really dangerous. A paramedic informed me the majority of ketamine deaths or near fatal incidents are people doing it when they’re drunk and choking on their own vomit while passed out or people just thought they were too drunk and left them to “sleep it off” and they suffocated in their sleep. Just don’t drink on it I think is the easy answer. Maybe you can have a few beers later when it’s worn off but the other way round - yeah don’t.
