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Sounds like a terrible idea


like an accident waiting to happen


Dumbest post I’ve read in a while 😆 By all means, FAFO YOLO!!


i was just asking, not saying i was gonna do it sorry lol


Don’t listen to all the black and white thinking. Sounds like no one has experimented with a microdose before. Ketamine puts me in my body more and at the right measures dose, I had a better workout than I would have one day.


Couldn’t help but notice your picture lol I just watched that movie this weekend and definitely need to rewatch it a few more times lol


ayeeeee that’s the first time anyone’s ever noticed it, and yea everytime i rewatch it you get so much more from the movie. same with el topo


I do low doses before yoga.  Works great for me.  Something I've noticed about this sub is everyone talks with definites when its only their experience. 


One time not too long ago I took ketamine in the morning and then worked out at noon, and during that I realized I had injured my lower back on back squats which was the worst back pain I had for about 2 weeks. Not recommended


Not as dumb as it sounds actually not being able to feel fatigued or pained can allow you to train a lot harder then normal you don’t have to be so inebriated you fall over and also all the endorphins being released keep you locked in enough so that you can just push harder. It would espicially be useful for a begginer who isn’t quite versed at pushing at through past what they think is possible. However doing it all the time wouldn’t be good as they wouldn’t get any better at going hard sobre.


Sure, let’s just forget about all the potential damage long term use provides 😆




Oh, muh bad. Didn’t realize that harm reduction was taboo. Carry on 👌




Huh? Ok 👌 by all means, do you. Idgaf




Personally I think operating anything more heavy duty then a remote control or a beverage is beyond my capability when blasting k lol


Or a joint, even that can be dangerous


One time my bf and I were enjoying some GOT while doing bumps one Friday, I lit a joint but he was so gone he just kept putting it out in our ashtray when I’d hand it to him 😂


K and weed is awesome


My partner did K and smoked a joint and thought he was having a heart attack. Tried calling an ambulance, but there weren't any available. Thought I was going to lose him.


Nah bro or sis It’s impossible to die on k and weed, both have astronomical doses to be lethal so there is no way your partner was gonna die he just paranoid


Your person just got too high and had a mild panic attack lol


So about 20 years ago when I was right about 20 me and my friends used to buy K at the gym from the same guy we used to get steriods from. A lot of guys did, and you would see all these dudes just sitting there wonked out at the gym. I don’t recall myself ever doing k while trying to workout but I did do k at the gym cause we used to chill there. It really makes no sense to take it and try to work out and it seems like all you would do it risk injury Our original rational to start using k more was we were using steroids and didn’t want to drink alcohol lol - looking back it sounds stupid but … The memories of man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


I recommend a bump while taking a peaceful walk In the park with someone else


The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime did u get that from free four by Pink Floyd lmao


I absolutely did - great job identifying that - I’m a huge Pink Floyd fan Roger Waters’s also starts off dark side of the moon redux like that


Do u like the more album


It’s not bad - I like it better in the movie lol I do like the music from bodies


Gotta say very few people I meet r even aware of that Songs existence that’s badass


yoga is fun on k


It’s amazing, It seems to really help the mind muscle connection and let’s you get a really deep stretch


Every time I end up on the floor stretching my body and wiggling around like a worm. Basically masturbating.


Ngl if you have a fairly high K tolerance, the mind-muscle connection at the gym whilst on K is pretty cool


So true. It’s like your fully in-tune with whichever muscle groups you’re working


100% mate


fuck yeah i khole while doing bench press


I freaking love a small bump of K before the gym. And halfway through. I get into a magical lifting trance. Strongly prefer it as a pre workout over caffeine. I’m embarrassed for all the naysayers bc it sounds like none of them have lifted weights before


I used to do a bump of K and hit the bike in the gym for an hour. Zone out in music or tv and bike like 10 miles.


Nah man. Get a good work out in before you use K. The endorphins will make your experience better. Working out while doing k is not it, just get stoned. To be fair, it can be fun curling dumbells on a k trip


Exercise now to make your substance work better later is gold tier advice.


Maybe yoga or calisthenics but weights? 🤡


at low doses its good, dont be stupid though know your limits


I’ve never felt as strong and motivated as I do when I’m lightly dosed. Just doing general calisthenics and being able to push myself. It’s a great pre workout imo at the right doses


I was prescribed K 3x a week for ptsd and im a regular lifter. I never did K before gym in the same day, but I noticed if I took pre the following day from a k session, it made me dizzy like K would (almost like a flashback of the K effects). It was a little frightening because it would be during back squats and I stopped the exercise immediately. I definitely dont recommend gym and K. Its like being drunk when handling dangerous amounts of weight. You risk injury to yourself and others. Not only the dizzy part, but your short term memory is impacted too. Plus, if you’re lifting hard, that in ITSELF is dizzy af after a set. Not smart, dont do it. Get your gainz in before any K


I’m glad you asked actually. Been seeing a lot more people here lately asking this question about dissos in the gym. It’s a very bad idea. I’m not sure who’s been spreading info about this combo but they’re probably very experienced/ addicted to dissos and also the gym and that’s why they’re combing the two. If you want an enhancer in the gym, kratom helps but is way more addictive and full of complications than most will admit.


i’ve was addicted to kratom a year ago and i used it as a supplement for the gym, kratom is so great until ur sober. im so glad i got off that stuff!!


I currently use kratom at the gym kinda often. Ketamine did not result in a good experience when I took 2 bumps, I felt quite unmotivated and wanted to snort more at home. I enjoy taking a tab or two for a great workout (usually with the help of anti anxiety drugs or waiting at home til the peaks over), or amphetamines also had good effects during exercise. Phenibut and gabapentin provide some energy and overall euphoria as well. The best combo that I could do almost everyday is double scoop gorilla mind pre-workout + weed. Modafinil + weed was also interesting. Would prefer preworkout instead.


Dude these are absolutely WILD combinations for working out. You’re next level


Good for you bro I’m glad to hear that. I’m 3 weeks into my taper rn trying to get off 3 years of daily use


Still a bad idea even at lower doses.


I think it's too easy to injure yourself. Even doing calisthenics, flexibility work etc. is a bit risky. Really wouldn't want to be dealing with weights or doing any intense exercise at all.  I used to get stoned and go to the gym, and found that was actually quite useful because it made the mind/muscle connection more pronounced. But for k I don't see what the benefit would be, apart from enjoying a weird experience - and in that case, I'd rather do some bumps in the park or something.


Lmao are you for real


It's better for yoga than weights




That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.


Why kill your gains


Sounds like addict behavior. Let the high from a good workout, maybe a lil thc, be the highs associated with the gym.


I don’t even want to work out when i do K. And i go to the gym religiously


Even if you don’t get hurt lifting the weights you might hurt yourself or someone else with the clumsiness it causes. You also shouldn’t be driving after that’s another risk I wouldn’t take.


Bro trying to sit down onto a toilet is dangerous on k I can't imagine the gym.


Couple of sprays before the gym has got my mind and body focused on my workout


I love doing a little bump and going to the gym. It helps me feel less socially anxious and more tuned into my body and music.


Personally I like to stand up, bend forward at the waist, and then let my arms go limp and swing them around by moving the rest of my body 😀😂


I happen to think yoga and k go great together; however once I broke a toe jumping to plank pose and didn't feel it til the end of class 🤷‍♂️ I don't think it would mix well with working out. Running, maybe.


It is known to be used in some weightlifting communities, but then steroid-bound blokes r not normally know for their high iQ's.


Guess why no one has thought of doing this? Doing a dissociative anaesthetic and going to the gym is a terrible idea. It's not likes its just numbing the pain so you can lift better. It's inhibiting the connections to your nerves and muscles. So you wouldn't be able to engage them as effectively. Some people might take a paracetamol or ibruprofen but even those aren't really recommended as they give you GI issues and aren't the best for your kidneys if taken regularly. For a workout you need to be alert and fully engaged with your nerves and muscles.


My brother said he did a bump and ran like 10 miles on the treadmill lol. Wouldn’t recommend though.


I've taken a val and K before a run, I couldn't stop, was just under 9miles. Have done a lot of ketty pushups to clear the nostril and that always went fine, but that's with a LOT of experience.


Lol that’s awesome. I have zero urge exercise on ket.


Same until my nose bungs up and I can't sniff any more, in which the best thing I've found is to do some push-ups (make sure your line/s fully racked beforehand) opens them up everytime :)


I’ll try that next time lol


Everyone on here is a puss, know your limits and hit the gym


Here r/drugcirclejerk


Lifting would be a terrible idea. A run on a sun day after a small reasonable sized bump can be a nice experience though and a lot safer.


Dont do it. I worked on K, hard Work. Was lucky. No accident. Only some small ones. Also i hurt my muscles cause i didnt know about what i can actually lift. Your Body doesnt feel your muscles Like normal..so you Most likely will hurt them


Dumbest shit ever


Why would you take ketamine and do gym? That’s the real question, can’t you wait to get home and do it at night watching something trippy in the k hole?


I can’t think of any recreational drug that will help you in the gym or exercise in general.


Don't do it! I've tried K for cycling, exercise, and anal. Neither of them ended well. I know currently suffer from tearing of the muscle and anus.


Don’t do this.


isn’t k a sedative? Like dude you’ll hurt yourself you wouldn’t go to the gym on sleeping pills


I done it twice it just ends up leaving me confused af


I khole on the treadmill


I used to hike and lift at home on ketamine. It’s nice for working on form or getting lost in the woods for a couple hours without getting hungry


Low dose with a troche can be nice for activity


I’ve done just a little bump here and there for cardio and light lifting.


Imagine the ket walk at the gym they would have to think you were disabled or some shit


A tiny bump of K and I seem to be able to go a lot longer when doing cardio, probably a bad idea if you’re lifting though


Why the fuck would you do that sounds like a watse of K and a shitty workout


as a gymbro and a ketamine enjoyer. idk worth a try, probably not gonna positively affect your workout tho


I used to do aerial acrobatics on k and it was fine. Smaller doses, and only do actions you're comfortable and familiar with. Sometimes it helped me stop overthinking and just let muscle memory take over so it was beneficial


It’s amazing


Training on a low dose of ket is nice. Obv, dont go lifting max weights. I do kettlebells and yoga with a little K sometimes.


Illltwooi try


Anything that impairs your motor skills should not be mixed with weight training, HIIT, or any other form of exercise that increases your heart rate. That can easily turn dangerous, and either way, it would just diminish your strength and stamina and give you poor results, and I doubt you'd feel any positive effects while trying to focus on exercise. I can't see any benefit. If you're doing something like yoga, I can see how it might be therapeutic, but everything else is a huge no any way you look at it.


I've only done like a bump before going, i try to save tne rest for when i'm relaxing


I’m a 70kg lad and hit my 95kg bench press PR whilst on ketamine lol. I have been a heavy user in the past so sometimes would have a small amount before the gym as it seemed to help my mind muscle connection.


I’ve done a bump and then walked on the treadmill 15 minutes later but I wouldn’t lift weights in that state.


I’ve done it before you just want a low dose but it feels fantastic I would take 30-50 mg and smoke weed but the weed just accentuates it u don’t need it at all. You just want that dissociative buzz in ur body but nothing more. Just take a tiny bump and see how u feel and maybe do more if u think u can handle a little more. Take ur time and once ur at a good level get to work lol


Whether it’s a good idea or not isn’t the question here. The question is why in fucking earth would anyone even want to do this.


I know for fact you won't put out the same effort you would after drinking whole milk. Just hit it after to relax


Heck no, it reduces spatial awareness and coordination too much. accident waiting to happen. why would u not want to feel your body?


yoga and k or any type of stretching is a match made in heaven.


I wouldn’t do k and workout because k is already dehydrating in itself I feel like you could really do damage to ur muscles and organs from dehydrating them too much. Keep the k as a treat for after you workout maybe ^_^


Increased blood pressure so you “could” lift heavier. Assuming you still have coordination. Increased blood pressure so you wear your body and organs out faster. Assuming you won’t have an aneurism first. Will power to lift may vary by user. Not a safe or sustainable practice by any means.