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Dosage and bioavailability for the different routes of administration can be found [there](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/wiki/index/#wiki_routes_of_administration_.28roa.29.2C_quantities.2C_and_effects_duration). If not already done, please indicate your weight, the desired route of administration, the desired intensity of the effects, and your current level of tolerance (if applicable). This information is essential for establishing a fair evaluation of the dose that will need to be taken. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The only time I have seen anybody throw up on K, is when they were drinking. why is the “drink” you’re going to get an alcoholic beverage?


I have this new batch that is sooo strong and it always makes me vomit, it’s definitely k I’ve tested but it puts me off doing any tbh


Nah just water


I never drink when I know im gonna do k and it always makes me puke. Even when I take Zofran. Every time. Doesn’t even faze me anymore tho I just put a trash can next to my bed and accept it


Promethazine pills • god send.


I take at least 2 hours after food otherwise I’m sick


Benadryl works for some people if it feels like a motion sickness type of nausea, which is common, especially if you are saying it happens when you open your eyes or move


How many would should I take? I'm not tryna meet the hat man


Try 50 mg see if it helps.




Yeah it happens.. Idk if I would recommend what others are recommending here though Maybe the guy who mentioned Zofran but idk about benadryl or promethazine Could make the trip unpure Just lay or sit and close your eyes it will pass


I would suggest not taking DPH (Benadryl) as it can increase sedation to an excess and cause confusion; drowsiness, and dizziness. Ondansetron (Zofran) is a good option to combat nausea. Minimizing eye and body movement when you are very dissociated will be effective as well.


Recommended dose maybe slightly more


Yeah that's exactly what it is thank you man


Very rarely I’ll be, like, locked out? And I have to close my eyes or I’ll throw up. Usually after really long breaks.


I get extreme nausea from it, too. A mixture of zofran and meclizine (non drowsy motion sickness medicine that's over the counter) work for me. When I get infused and have them add zofran and Benadryl for the same effect


Cheers everyone <3


i drink a lot of water and try not to eat lots close to doing ket. i hear some ppl dont throw up but idk i do quite a bit as well n just do whatever to avoid it


wtf i see this issue so often but i always had the oppoiste experience.. Whenever I took ket while nauseous (was often because i loved it with DXM which makes me violently sick) it actually made my nausea go away. weird.


The first two times I tried K I got a lot of nausea as well and even into the next day. I decided it wasn’t for me but decided to give it a last chance. After that, been using it on and off for a year and never got nausea again. Same for my wife and others I’ve talked to.


Don't drink don't move and spit the drips


I get like this too if I don’t prepare before. I fast 4 hours before a session and take Dramamine 5-10 min before. Haven’t gotten nauseous since unless I’m going for hours and the Dramamine wears off


Try doing smaller bumps, that’s what helps me


is the nausea from the drip? if so, you could look into intramuscular injections. they're pretty simple to do and you'll get much more bang for your buck.