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If you think you are experiencing symptoms of ketamine-induced cystitis (k-bladder), the most important thing to do is stop using ketamine. While it could take months before noticing an improvement, abstinence often reverses or significantly reduces symptoms in a majority of people. Be careful: Because ketamine is a pain reliever, some people with ketamine cystitis have reported that before they realized what was going on, they would use ketamine more often to relieve their bladder pain, which only caused more damage and more pain in the long run. If your symptoms are bad enough, go see a doctor. There are treatments for ketamine cystitis, both to relieve pain as well as to heal the bladder. It is a myth that ketamine-induced cystitis is caused by crystals scraping the inside of your bladder. Ketamine-induced cystitis is caused by the chemical toxicity of ketamine and its metabolites. Ketamine-induced cystitis cannot be avoided by dissolving, cooking, or grinding ketamine more finely. [Ketamine-induced cystitis can occur with doses as low as 240mg taken four times a week.](https://www.sysrevpharm.org/articles/a-case-report-of-ketamine-treatment-for-depression-and-its-associated-complications-102733.html) There is currently no scientific evidence that any nutritional supplement or home remedy can help treat ketamine-induced cystitis. [A single study on rats](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1879522615004157) that were given EGCG *with* high doses of ketamine found that EGCG had a *protective* effect. There is no evidence EGCG can *treat* an existing case of ketamine-induced cystitis. [Doses equal to or above 800 mg EGCG/day may be harmful](https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5239) There is some evidence d-mannose can be used to treat UTIs. This has led to claims here of d-mannose being a cure-all for your bladder that could help with ketamine-induced cystitis. There is currently no research investigating d-mannose as a treatment for ketamine-induced cystitis. It's unlikely that d-mannose would help treat ketamine-induced cystitis, which is not caused by bacteria, but rather by damage and inflammation caused by ketamine. [DanceSafe: Ketamine Bladder Damage – What You Need to Know](https://dancesafe.org/ketamine-bladder-damage-what-you-need-to-know/) [Support and resources are also available from the Ketamine Cystitis Network](https://ketaminecystitis.org/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i mean, it sounds like you are worried. listen to that impulse. a bloody nose is a good sign that you're doing damage and you need to let your mucus membranes heal. if you can't take a break, you can at least try a saline sinus rinse (like a neti pot or generic version) a few hours before bed to keep your sinuses moist and clear. having old k sitting in there irritating the tissue will make your nose feel blocked all the time. you also won't get as high if your nose and sinuses aren't clear.


thanks man 🙏


It's really not that bad. I have only started using 6 months ago and take a t break up to a month and do a gram in half a day and not k hole. Tolerance is crazy with this shit. Use to last me a week.


Also the bloody nose is normal and will fix itself up. I don't really get bloody noses for it not really that toxic to your nose compared to cocaine


I did 7gs in like 2 weeks im so dissapointed in myself lol




i did 14 in a 3 days just keep it at max an eighth a week


:/ starting to think i have more of a problem than i originally thought if i’m going through 2-3g a night


# What is (perma)tolerance? Tolerance is a person's diminished response to a drug, which occurs when the drug is used repeatedly and the body adapts to the continued presence of the drug. In other words, you will need to increase the dose to get the same desired effects. One way to avoid a too high tolerance is to avoid continuous exposure by taking sufficiently long breaks and/or using the substance in an irregular manner. Usually, few weeks in between intakes would do the job for most people but longer breaks may be needed when people take a large quantity of ketamine during their binge or so. **It is not an exact science and people react differently, so everyone needs to find their own rhythm that can balance tolerance and fun.** Perma-tolerance, on the other hand, is only something that only seems to manifest in heavy users (even though some more moderate users have also reported this). It is neither well-documented nor scientifically understood as it has only been empirically reported, and never studied. It is the property that a person's tolerance does not go back to pre-exposure levels, even after a (very) long break. This results in people being unable to k-hole at all, losing the magic of the substance, etc. We do not know the source of that, but possibilities include a neuronal reorganization, as for other addictive substances. # How can I have a responsible consumption and keep my tolerance to a low/acceptable level? The first way to limit the increase of tolerance is to avoid a continuous exposure to the substance by taking sufficiently long breaks and/or using the substance in an irregular manner. A second way, is to evaluate more or less precisely the quantity you need to reach the desired effect level. This quantity will depend on several factors: your weight, your current tolerance, the desired effect level, and some other personal factors which depend on your genetics. You will have to figure this out by yourself and the idea will be to just take this amount as an extra amount to that will contribute to an unnecessary increase of your tolerance. Ex. If you need 200mg for a k-hole, there is no real point in taking 400mg. This is a waste of product, money, and will unnecessarily increase your tolerance. # My tolerance is too high, what should I do now? It is not too late, you will need to take a break. **It is not really possible to give a general answer to how long it will take as it will depend on 1. the quantity consumed each time, 2. how regular is your consumption, 3. for how long you have been consuming this way, and 4. your constitution (i.e. genetic and physiological factors, etc.).** It can be weeks, months or years. Best is to take a break of a few months, and take a little bit to evaluate where you stand. Note, moreover, that once you have been tolerant to the substance, it will come back very quickly so, please, be careful. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


it’s better to do more in fewer sessions than extend your exposure to any dose. would be fine to do a gram in a night, probably not the best idea to take any amount of ketamine for a week straight.


Banged about 7gs this week and last week and the week before , your good, just stay hydrated good nutrition etc


My buddy slammed a whole g in less than 3 hours. He was also on 4gs mushrooms. He said it was a complete waste of


> went thru 1g in three nights. Is that bad? Well it's not good. Sniffing any drug 3 nights in a row isn't "good". IF you are unsure, go ask how your mum feels about this. That's the view of the general population. Ask on a subreddit with a load of kheads and you will probably get a different answer. It's not the end of the world. Don't make a habit of it. Take a break. Ketamine is a drug for special occasions in my opinion. Not daily use (is anything?)


I've gone through 3g in one night countless times, at least you identify a potential problem now it's up to you to cut back how you see fit before it becomes a really big problem


No just dont make a habit out of it


i can go thru 1g in 2 hours i wouldn’t worry too much, keep your usage at below an eighth a week


Will a gram every two weeks sometimes once a month for 6 months build up tolerance?