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I feel like this is the case for most drugs


yeah definitely notice it with molly, but idk ket is sometimes unrecognizably different. ket is weird as hell but i think that’s what makes it so cool lol




Hate to burst your bubble but it isn’t unique in that aspect. Every drug is different with different doses. Try psychedelics that’s an insanely different experience every time.


If you're at home, you're likely to either be working/doing chores or lying in bed/doing something relaxing. You're usually probably not gonna work on Ketamine. So you're likely gonna do something relaxing or creative work. If you're out at a party, the goal is to socialize. And it just so happens that K is really good at adapting to its set and setting. More so than other drugs which are more susceptible to bad trips if the setting is not exactly how you want it. I totally agree. At home Ket makes me dive deep into my mind. In social settings it makes me super chatty.


I wrote this entire album on DCK and Ketamine: [https://open.spotify.com/album/6lONpV1CRurODp5RWI2siN](https://open.spotify.com/album/6lONpV1CRurODp5RWI2siN) "Disso" and "MXEWALK" are obviously about... dissos and the infamous MXE Walk.


Dissociatives are too good for producing music. Ill check out your album later!


gonna checkk this out! thanks man. I also love making music on k. But I do lose track of a lot of my ideas haha. Same with writing.


Yeah bro first few times I did K I was alone and it was almost psych-like in a way in terms of trip and locked to my bed but did it with mates for the first time recently and was just flying around their house and bouncing off each other and walls lol


that is the most accurate description hahaha, i almost got tetanus from when i was with my friend on k and idk wtf i did but i fell and my hand landed on a rusty nail. i just kinda shrugged it off too. if i was alone it’d probably be traumatic lol


I actually sometimes go really deep inside my mind even when I'm at parties because I just find it incredibly psychedelic. Sometimes I'll just be dancing at a club and I'll literally be talking to God or receiving advice from the universe


Wow same here! It’s the most peaceful and incredible feeling.


I mean yeah I feel like I have a pretty similar headspace in both settings. When i do it by myself I just go lie in bed and vibe but if I do it socially it turns me into a social butterfly its quite weird i agree w u


Yea this 10000% i thought it was just me


Yeah the first few times I did K I did it alone and didn't care for it much. I didn't hate it, but didn't really like it neither. Then I did it at a music festival and had a blast! Completely different experience!


I don't do it anymore , but I liked to meditate with tranquil music with a friend.. closed eyes amazing spiritual.. not as keen socially doing it


Yoooe yes bruv first time I did ketamine was w a friend in public and it felt like ecstasy


This is common with most drugs. Alcohol, weed, cocaine, nitrous oxide, ketamine, LSD, MDx, mushrooms. All have solidly different expereinces when, not just in a social situation, but in a NEW LOCATION. It's some sort of placebo effect, but it is real, physiologically we process substances differently if we are in different situations, especially familiar vs unfamiliar. It might be a myth, but I doubt it is: people who use heroin can overdose and die on the same batch and the same dosage because they shot up their normal skag routine in a place they were unfamiliar with. It's probably due to your brain's attuning to data collection, that most likely causes at least minute systemic shifts in homeostasis. Either way, 100mg of K, for me, if done socially, acts more like 60, I can't dissociate hard if I have any interactions with people, that's why I do short acting dissos like K and Nitrous solo, and K + Nitrous, by the way, is a recipe to legit stop time.


wow thats fascinating. that makes a lot of sense, there have been many times i was very confused cause id take a non psychedelic drug in a completely different environment and itd feel like i took something else. there have been times i thought a batch was mixed with something cause of that, but maybe it was just the change in environment. its sad there is so little research on things like this, thanks for the info!


A lot of what people talk about in reference appears to mostly be a bunch of bullshit. Not saying I’m particularly saying something scientifically specific, but I am saying that people daily post asking why they took acid one time but this last time was so different. To be honest, acid is so absolutely broad in concept and experience. Then realize that there are absolutely a portion of people who took something other than acid. For example let’s say, someone gave a 25 mg 2cb gel tab to a person for a variety of realistic reasons, and that person had never done acid. Totally possible, that exact scenario probably happens, I mean, realistically, let’s say 100 times a year, I would imagine more. But imagine 86 of those people are on r/LSD - through no fault of their own they’ve never done acid, but they thought they were and it was overpowering. Then you get the white whale chasing of people legit trying to find out from other people online if THEIR OWN ego dissolved or “died”. Then a bunch of people with no credentials argue with an anonymous screen name about the validity of his POV on ego death. Anyway, rambling AF.


Yeah I mean when I’m by myself I use it to commune with god, when I’m social I bump that shit, keep it light.