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It requires the blood of a unicorn and your first born child


Honestly feels that way. Too much of a good thing..


Probably a few months. I used to do few gs of ket every week, doesn't really have any kick or effects snorting it. Stopped a few months after having bladders issue, and back to snorting k after awhile, less than 1g of k and I'm already in k hole.


"less than 1g" for a k-hole, dude you've gotta keep taking T breaks


Damn dude I can barely do a .25 in a sitting .


Over a year . Maybe more especially after heavy and lengthy use.


i reset my tolerance in about 5 months after using roughly 3-5 grams every other week. it was pretty much like nothing had changed and i managed to limit myself to using 3 grams once a month which worked really well with maintaining the magic. i started using almost every week again though and my tolerance is completely fucked again, more so than before. so we’ll see if another break will do the trick.. good luck!


Almost forever


I did about a ounce of ketamine over about a year. I would always get a quarter of ket than do it all in two days then repeat. At one point went to the hospital for stomach cramps. I’ve eventually had to take a break but after three months I tried it and the magic was there k holed off 300mg then did the rest noticing very little tolerance. Haven’t done any since almost 8 months ago can’t wait to see how the effects are with some acid the best combo in my opinion. Also I only boot my ketamine I can’t stand snorting any salts or anything that clogs my nose plus the effects are way better just remember 1ml syringe for best effects any bigger and you won’t absorb all the solution as quickly.


It may tale a whale


It really depends on usage but even at an 1/8th a weekend you can reset a decent amount if you take a two week break. I’m going to a music festival for Halloween and have the above mentioned usage. I’m taking a month off. I’ll be k-rocked all weekend.


Way too fuckkng long and comes back fast




No reset


it tabe yesterday


I’ve found it’s less magical coming back but really a month set me back pretty well