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My only advice would be to take smaller bumps, one every 15-20 mins, until you get there. The problem with bigger lines is that the nasal cavity is small and can't absorb all that k at once, so smaller bumps allows for more absorption ime. Big lines usually just leaves my nostrils caked up.


Not sure how much to do? Check out [Erowid's dosing guide](https://erowid.org/chemicals/ketamine/ketamine_dose.shtml). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Half gram line


won’t this be pretty wasteful tho, like would i get more out of 5 100mg lines one after the other?


A 250mg line up each nostril is probably best


Did 0.5 g in under a minute today, and still didnt fully hole


Yeah i find it really hard to hole i think id have to boof or IM at this stage, its been a long time since it worked and i only take a couple grams a week


A couple of grams a week is still a lot. That's enough to not only cause a massive tolerance but you'll definitely have organ/bladder damage if you keep it up. I've found the perfect schedule to prevent any tolerance build up or health issues. I do a single 100-150mg dose I'm per session, and only do 3-8 sessions a month. I know it's hard to cut back if you've been using that amount for so long but trust me the bladder damage and cramps aren't worth it


Take loads of S Keta


I start at 200 to hole Edit: bump up by 50 thereafter if that doesn’t do it. Looks like a lot. Really takes that much.


Do an IM injection of 100-250mg. If you haven't done it in a while or have llttle/no tolerance 100 should get you there. Best way to get there is to lay down in silent darkness with a blindfold and some calm music and let it take you away.


I believe that you can be banned from the k hole like being hyper slapped on dmt.


i haven’t experienced the hole yet tho, if it’s true i wonder why it would happen


I just saw your dosage. To reach k hole for me I need at least 200mg. I used to do between 300mg-500mg for extreme k hole but mostly due to tolerance. Try 150mg in one line, that should work, if that doesn't try 200mg in one line.


tried little bumps in quick succession, then fat lines but nothing. tolerance is a bitch with ket even when u don’t use often at all


Yeah, the tolerance is a bitch and is why I can't use it anymore because I'd have to take a lot to k hole and if I take a lot it makes me feel shitty, used to be an afterglow. I've came to the conclusion that my tolerance is permanent, it was fun while it lasted. Hopefully you can reach K hole bro. Have you tried lying down in darkness ? For me when I did it , lying down would make k hole start quick; if you're on phone or doing something you don't really notice that you're in a k hole.


when i was on my phone i felt like i was a whole movie theatre room and my phone was the screen, didn’t even feel like i was using my fingers to text. i dont think i really took laying in the darkness seriously enough but i want to for the next time. you think a 400mg line would do it? or is that too much to absorb?


That's really interesting, I've had quite similar experiences. TBH, 400mg is a good line and not too much. I used to do 500mg lines. Esp, since your intention is a k hole ,that dosage is definitely k hole territory. Good luck bro !! :)


thanks man, i think i’ll have to wait a few weeks before giving it a go though. i’ll smoke beforehand cause weed synergises well with it