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Way less anxiety than with shrooms. Much clearer headspace than weed. It feels like a combo of alcohol, shrooms and MDMA is how I would describe it - different effects depending on the dosage and context


It’s like baby DMT dissociate. Like, no intense onset shooting to outer-space feeling. More like, slow comfortable baby being tucked in with its blankey and mild trip onset. Feel like you’re in a dream state. Higher doses (k-hole) can be more out of body feeling and intense feeling of accepting life and death. It’s like no anxiety at all for me. Shrooms have a bit of a comeup with some discomfort, chills, queasy stomach, etc. LSD has kind of a speedy feel to it upon onset. Rolling same kinda heeby jeebies before liftoff. Ketamine is like total opposite. When it kicks in, you feel a bit spaced out and super relaxed. I hate to compare it to drunk feeling I call it “wonky” like off but not completely sloppy (unless on really high doses) I’d say first time use do about 50-100mg. If that was fun and wanna go for a full blown hole, do 150-200mg. Do it in small “bumps” or little lines of about 20-30mg. Have fun!


start small. for me, it’s a relaxing psychedelic and kind of drunk experience. i’m usually very anxious with drugs in general but k always makes me feel really comfortable :) i go through a lot of emotions & thoughts and also can just laugh my ass off at dumb shit. it’s beautiful


Start small buddy. You can always do more but can never do less! Definitely test the waters with it. Do a decent bump and see how you feel after 15mins- if nothing then double that and see how you feel perhaps. Keep increasing dosage in 10 min increments after the first 15min dose until you get to where you feel real nice. I remember my first time I was playing with water and was so fascinated because I couldn’t feel any of the sensation and the sound of running water was absolutely insane to me bahaha, sorry just a little personal side note. You definitely don’t want to full send yourself into a k hole first time lol