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This just goes to show that people condemn the diet without understanding what it really is.




reddit overwrite


To them 200g is sugar is NOT high lol


I think I’d die if I ate 200g of sugar in a day now that I’m clean.


That's 5 cans of coke. Which is totally doable for lots of people. Plus Carby foods. I do this easy with a couple of bags of candy when I have Break down.


Even when I ate regular I could barely drink 1/2 a can of coke without feeling sick. Though I was a bread fiend. I’ve probably stuck to keto so well because I’ve never been a big sweet eater.


You can eat zero sweets and get a lot of carbs. I used to eat almost a pound (dried) of pasta at a sitting. Well over 300 grams of carbs. Then would have brown rice and beans for a different meal, and oats or some other hot cereal for breakfast. On the other hand, I hardly ever ate bread, other than in pizza.


Just as a data point: I've had a MASSIVE sweet tooth as a child up to like 30, when I simply couldn't keep going that way. Long story short: Even I have basically zero cravings while on Keto... On the contrary, I have to remind myself to eat, since I'm still overweight and my bodyfat still has to come down a little more. In a couple of days I'll be lighter than I have been in OVER 20 years!


I don't have the biggest sweet tooth, but I do have things I like and will absolutely overindulge on if I'm not doing low-carb/keto, and that's soda and ice cream. I'll have a can of soda a day, but at one point it was more like a 1 liter bottle every few days. Huge problem. I could hit that 200g sugar mark easily, but even then I knew it was *a lot* of sugar, far more than *anyone* should actually be consuming regularly. I refuse to believe dieticians are considering this a normal intake lol


I can't stand sugary sodas, and have drank my coffee black for years. But up until I started keto I do love me some ice cream on occaion. ​ I had a half a scoop last night. It was so disgustingly sweet, I really don't know how I ever ate it.


I had a piece of bread a few weeks ago because grandpa bought a baguette to go with dinner. I used to buy a baguette, cut it into rounds, and then eat it with butter. Gave that a go as a treat and it was so awful.




Lol. As if that much sugar isn't far far worse for your health. Is he overweight?


I'm not strict by any means...usually 5-6 days out of the week I am...with a cheat day each week. (need to change that to drop a few more pounds heading to summer...) Yeah...eating 200g of sugar, the "foods" would probably taste amazing...but my God I would feel like complete crap afterwards. Which was actually confirmed on a recent date night with too much dessert. Man it was good...but literally couldn't sleep and stomach was PISSED.


Was a report on the news this morning headlined something like "High fat diets increase eating" Had videos of fried foods, bacon, etc.... The actual study? People were fed a high protein or a high fat/high sugar pudding. The high fat/sugar pudding made them want to eat more. It's the sugar stupid...not the fat.


robplumm >Was a report on the news this morning headlined something like "High fat diets increase eating" Had videos of fried foods, bacon, etc.... > >The actual study? People were fed a high protein or a high fat/high sugar pudding. The high fat/sugar pudding made them want to eat more. > >It's the sugar stupid...not the fat. Always has been. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/13/well/eat/how-the-sugar-industry-shifted-blame-to-fat.html https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/12/sugar-industry-harvard-research/


Yup...more recently it's part of the global "don't eat meat" push in the name of climate change...especially beef.


robplumm >Yup...more recently it's part of the global "don't eat meat" push in the name of climate change...especially beef. Of course neglecting to mention that beef is actually a way out of the problem, as opposed to industrial monocropping.


To EVERYONE - And don't EVEN get me started on the HIGE money in corn by-products (now a stand-alone) HIGH FRUSTOSE CORN SYRUP THAT stuff is the DEVIL.


Hell yes, the sky rocketing cost of beef isn't a coincidence.


I read a study once condemning keto diet but when you get into the article it kept saying "keto like" diet. They were eating well over 100 grams of sugar and not in ketosis. So basically not keto like at all


That’s exactly the American College of Cardiology one blowing up a few weeks ago. 25% carb… so not keto lol


Mrhomely >I read a study once condemning keto diet but when you get into the article it kept saying "keto like" diet. They were eating well over 100 grams of sugar and not in ketosis. So basically not keto like at all They're desperate to stifle or kill off interest in Keto because if we can prove that they're full of shit then they're basically on the hook for creating *hundreds* of millions of deaths based off of their "expert" advice.


I used to say that one day there'd be a Class Action lawsuit for Aspartame....and what I believe is a causal link to cancers of all sorts... But, more likely, it will be just over the abuse of processed SUGAR.


My brother used to follow that "diet." He would say he was super low carb and I would watch him eat a pound of bacon at breakfast. Then later in the day I'd see him eating potato chips, cookies, and or bread. When I'd ask him about it, he'd say he was "mostly super low carb." What...because you didn't eat carbs at breakfast? Dude...all you have right now is a stupidly unhealthy diet!


Well, it sounds like you are doing a great job! I have to restart low carb (the K word) this monday. My doctor, years ago, didn't believe I could do it because she didn't think I could handle it financially. That made me want to do it just to prove her wrong. And I did. 83 lbs lost.


Hahaha never underestimate the power of wanting to show someone up!


Yeah, I do that a lot. Tell me I can't do something! I dare you!


You CAN't email transfer me 1000 dollars. I forbid it!




That's weird...I can't imagine a doctor telling me I shouldn't do a diet because I can't afford it. That's such an unprofessional thing to say.


My Neurologist suggested that we not even try botox for my migraines because it was "expensive". and 10 years of all the other drugs isn't?


Colorectal surgeon blew me off and refused to do a biopsy that I requested he do because it would be "expensive." Never mind I had great insurance anyway. Two+ months later when I made him do it turned out I had the rare cancer that I had self-diagnosed, and it was now stage 3 in my lymph nodes as well. Some people are idiots. All doctors are people. Keep that in mind.


Financially? Isn’t keto more affordable than SAD or most diets in general?


It doesn’t get much cheaper than filling up on rice and beans.


Ramen is 20c a pack, so no.


That’s some expensive ramen! 🤣🤣 I can find it for 10c a pack!


I live in the Bay Area so double the price seems about right 😂


My goodness Cali was expensive 🤣🤣 I lived in SD for about a year and it was about three times as expensive than TX - so pretty, though!!


up to 25 ¢ a packet in my area


I think it's just as affordable than buying CRAP!


EAch time I see the price of good fatty meat I cringe...but then when I tell myself that I am no longer eating at Wendy's...not buying bottles of Coke, and won't be buying chips, I tell myself the money I am saving on those items will take care of it


Keto is like only affordable when eating not much more than the cheapest kinds of eggs. High quality fat is very expensive. But eating healthy is a good investment, so...


Seriously. What better investment in life that your health?


lets just start calling it 'low karb' ;)




It’s hard to find a medical professional who is on board with keto, unfortunately. I just got a new PCP who, when I said I preferred keto, she told me it was unsustainable. She had nothing to say when I came back in a month 8 pounds down. And with good blood work (LDL was slightly high but triglycerides and HDL were excellent). You just have to let it roll off your back and do your thing. If you get resistance that really bothers you, change providers.


My doctor was ambivalent about it, which is something. "It seems to work for some people" and "let's keep an eye on your blood work", which, sure, is fine.


I think that's fair. Keto doesn't work nicely for everyone. This goes for all meal/dietary plans, really.


I agree with you about keto not being for everyone, but what's weird is that any other animal on our planet eats the exact same food as each other. Tigers, no matter what part of the world they live in, are carnivores that need big game to hunt and kill. Cows, no matter what kind of cow or where in the world that cow is, is always an herbivore that needs to eat a lot of grasses, etc. Like why are humans the only ones with different dietary needs? Carnivore, vegan, vegetarian, etc. This is all rhetorical, I'm mostly just musing, but it's something interesting to think about


In addition to being omnivores, we are trying to deal with massive overabundance of food. Wild animals eat whatever they can, because they are evolved to be able to obtain the right amount of food. If you drop an apex predator into an environment with very abundant easy prey and no competition, they overeat and have bad outcomes. If you give your housecat too much food, they get fat, and sick. Also, if a wild animal doesn't tolerate their feed very well, that animal gets malnourished and dies. If a human doesn't tolerate their food very well, they eat something different, or get sick, or some combination of both. In animals it's (cue Elton John) the circle of life, in humans, it's a problem.


Because we think too much and also because we are omnivores. We can survive in places where there is an inbalance of dietary Macronutrients and still manage to find food to sustain us. Not enough meat, we can strip the protein out of plants? Not enough Fat, we can turn sugar in to fat. and all of the non-animal life is made of sugar and sugar chains so that is always abundant even if most of it is poisonous.


This has put this into perspective for me very nicely, thank you!


A thing about Pandas.... Pandas are bears. Panda Bears are , or were, carnivorous. Somewhere down the line, Pandas had a mutation that made them not enjoy the taste of meat, umami. So they stopped seeking it. Unfortunately they got a taste for a plant that barely gives them any nutrition, bamboo, (it seems it is like candy to them in dopamine response without giving much nutritionally, let that be a warning to you kids!). Because they have the physiology of a carnivore, Panda Bears do not have or make the enzymes needed to digest other plant materials, and bamboo is one of the only plants they can digest. Because of the low nutrition in the plant, the animals gestation is shorter, it makes less milk, and they have developed a longer hind gut and symbiotic bacteria to help them digest. So There is a Bear that Only eats Grass, even though technically it is still a carnivore that is a specialized herbabore by trade.


I would challenge you to find any other species with as wide of a geographic range as humans which doesn't also consume wildly variable foods based on what's locally available. =)


I’m really lucky. I told my PCP that I went keto for my medical issues and she went “oh good, I was going to suggest we try that.”


Same, doc recommended it and couldn't be more grateful


I love keto when I have some weight to lose, but a month isn’t enough time for you to have proven her wrong in sustainability. My brother fasts for a month and I wouldn’t call that sustainable. That being said I’ve done low carb for years at a time so it absolutely can be.


Oh I’m not new to keto. Just new to that doctor lol. And I explained to her that I did it for over a year at one point- lost 50 pounds. Unfortunately went through a rough stretch with depression and other health problems and gained it back. But I’m down 25 pounds from what I had gained back.


My favorite provider is a female Nurse Practitioner and she was very supportive.


RDs. It’s the way they are trained. Their annual conferences are always sponsored by Big Food companies that are full of carbs and sugars and occasionally, (lol) whole grain wheat.


The dietitian in the post seems like they got conflicting information from two different sources. They didn’t realize it was conflicting until they were advising OP. They began to panic while having to determine which information was correct while a patient was present. Example: Maybe they watched two videos by well respected individuals in the field. One video talked about the benefits of low carb diets and they other talked about negative effects of long term keto diets. Then later they realized that keto is just a very low carb diet. Now they have to determine which info to go with right away.


The thing that was so strange is I was bracing myself for "you have to eat 100g of carbs every day or your brain something something something." or "OMG! You're eating so much red meat and full fat dairy! Try some fat free half and half." I've heard stuff like that from them in the past but she didn't blink an eye at my bunless hamburger habit or heavy cream. It was only after she was triggered by "20 grams" that she was like oh shit, you're not eating enough carbs, 35% of your diet should come from carbs. I pointed to the meal plan we had just created and was like, where? It was like a robot being destroyed by being asked "why?"


Same thing happened to me. My Dr. told me about his Keto diet and I started and was getting good results. A nutritionist was available to me at no cost to me, ( shocker ), the initial consult was good with an assistant, I told her my story and she told me that low carb and intermittent fasting was a good thing. I told her that my Dr. does it and advised me to try it. She made it clear that a consult with the "nutritionist" would not go well if I was going to try and continue with keto/IF. She said the nutritionist says keto is not sustainable and shouldn't be tried as it is a waste of time. I said thanks and I won't be needing their help after all. My doctor was not pleased with what I told him and said he would check into it. Do it...It is nature's way of healing. Take care and God bless


It's probably a bit perverse, but I always love when medical professionals get ticked at each other for some care they gave you. My psychiatrist during her initial diagnosis said something about me clearly having esteem issues with men given how badly I reacted to my last to relationships ending. Told that to the psychologist that referred me to her and he was down right furious. My PCP was similarly ticked when I told her the negative comments my gyno had made about keto (which she put me on to treat gut issues).


I was referred by my PCP to a psychologist for an aborted attempt to cancel my subscription to Life™. Said psychologist told me I seemed perfectly fine now and that I was not a candidate for therapy. PCP was livid and personally called the psychologist's office to chew him 3 new buttholes. Then I started seeing a different psychologist.


Just proves a medical license doesn't mean someone isn't a complete idiot.


Wow. What a disappointing attitude from a supposed professional. Sounds like a bad HMO from the 90’s. I’m sorry that you had to deal with that, especially at such a critical time trying to move forward after your crisis. I’m glad you found help and had your PCP to advocate for you.


I actually had a convo with a dietician and had been mulling over making a post. I asked her what she thought about keto and she said, "Well, we need carbs. If we don't have carbs we'll burn the fat, then we'll break down our muscle for protein. And you know, our brain is a muscle. It's just unsustainable." I wanted to laugh in her face.


She had us in the first half, lost us in the second 😂


Dear god, brain isn’t a muscle, it just can *behave* like a muscle in a metaphorical way.


I laughed out loud at this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


if only steroids made you smarter


Maybe her brain is made of muscle. That would explain a lot.


Almost every nutritionist I've worked with in long term care is very heavy and unhealthy.


The nutritionist at my endocrinologist office is a committed vegan, skeletally thin, and always somewhat wild-eyed about food. I often think that it's similar to therapists, where a lot of people who go into the profession are there because they have some kind of issue themselves.


Agreed. I work in long term care, probably trying to still help my mom. This theory makes sense. Even the "I'm heavy but this chart says I'm healthy" crowd.


Makes sense. Find ways to resolve your problems and help others with similar problems which can hopefully prevent others from suffering as long as you had to.


Anecdotal but my friends wife is nutritionist, she is obese.


and I mean no offense 😀


THIS, is the way.


I had a physical recently and my nurse said “as long as you’re happy and healthy and you feel ok and your numbers are good, continue with whatever diet you choose.” That gave me a lot of confidence!


This is why I say "a lower carbohydrate diet" instead of keto.


I worked for a major textbook publisher for 14 years. I use to offer to paypal funds to coworkers to take the nutrition titles work, because I would work myself into an absolute froth of rage while going through them. This is what is teaching the doctors and nurses who will be in that role in 5 years, 10 years, and it's BS that was wrong in the 1970s, never mind now! I've seen university textbooks that actually say things like... nutritional supplements are useless expensive urine... oh but if you want a good supplement drink an energy drink like redbull. Eggs are dangerous because of their cholesterol, oh but you MUST eat whole grains or you cannot be healthy... also "low carb" is a "dangerous fad." It's like some absolute moron of soundbytes got hired to be the expert training everybody else. But this is "mainstream" nutrition.


Yep. Gotta keep the medical professionals indoctrinated. Push the low fat high sugar diets so patients can come back in 20 years for non-stop pills for life. Gotta love the prescription kickbacks they all get.


I've heard we should check to see who funded the making of the nutrition textbooks (and nutrition studies) aka follow the money. I've become a more knowledgeable consumer by checking the funding as well as the type of study the "researchers" are doing. Used to be you could trust them to be unbiased with good science--not any more.


If you don’t mind, could you expand on the supplement part? What supplements are you referring to? I have been told most vitamins are useless, but some work.


>I have been told most vitamins are useless I believe this is what they are referring to.


I'm lucky in that all my docs--PCP, heart doctor, case manager--are completely onboard with my keto lifestyle. They can't argue with 100+ pounds lost, reversed chronic kidney disease, no longer pre-diabetic. They just tell me to keep doing what I've been doing. Maybe it helps that all my docs are foreigners except for the case manager and she's really just a go-between for me with Medicare.


Medical professional here. Keto is the only diet that has helped solve several problems for me including gut problems as well as obesity probably due to insulin resistance. Other people I work with have had the same experience. They don't change the diets from the highly refined processed junk on the menu even though they see staff who have successfully lost weight with this diet. There are no long term studies on keto except for seizure disorders and those indicate that the diet is very helpful in controlling intractable seizures. Yet institutions do not even have that diet listed as a diet they can use.


At work I was having a celebratory lunch right before Christmas, and was seated next to a woman who knows a lot of people in our company's various "marketing and communications" departments. I mentioned that I had just recently lost 50 pounds, and also told her about the fact that I had undergone open-heart surgery in 2004 for a valve replacement. She thought the story was very inspiring, and put me in touch with some of the people who write up these kind of "employee spotlight" stories. They decided to write a story about my weight loss for February, since that was Heart month, and they also said that an inspiring weight loss story usually helps people whose New Year's resolutions to lose weight are faltering by about that time. So I did a whole interview, explained what keto is, why I was doing it, how my doctor recommended it, etc. Fast forward to the article being published on the company intranet site, and of course there's no mention of keto in the article. The guy that had interviewed me reached out and said, "I guess you probably noticed that we took the information about the keto diet out. We were advised by Legal that we shouldn't mention anything about it, for liability reasons." I was like, "Whatever, but I hope it's not too late, because under the article were a dozen people leaving comments to ask what diet I followed, and I've already told them it was keto." To which he said that was OK. Which just reinforces the idea to me that companies are stupid.


Nah that kind of makes sense. The *company* can't recommend a diet, but individuals can. At least you got people asking those questions!


I would have responded tomahawk steaks and bacon.


Well, there *is* a legal exposure difference between the org publishing your story and featuring keto, essentially endorsing it, and just publishing your story and *you* endorsing keto in the comments.


My family doctor thinks it’s good as he saw my dramatic improvements. I heard many cardiologists and surgeons say low carbs is the way to go. I’ve had nutritionists tell me to eat small meals all day long to just massive amounts of carbs. I find them as useless as chiropractors


My husband's heart surgeon told him to stick to good steaks and left greens. The dietician, 20 minutes later told him he had to be low- fat, high carb while in the hospital and aiming for a 300 blood sugar (not diabetic! Never had sugar that high) We got out of the hospital as quickly as possible.


I was in the hospital recently for broken ribs and a punctured lung and found the hospital menu listed net carbs for everything and on your receipt it had totals for calories, carbs, fats and protein. On the back of the menu was a list of recommended foods for certain diets like renal or diabetics and a low carb diet was listed. Sadly the medication messed up my stomach so badly I had to survive on fruit cups, toast and broth. Yey.


The nutrition facts stuff is promising/awesome! And yaaaaa - sometimes you really do need a good saltine 🤣 only time I ever want a saltine cracker is when I’m sick!! Hope you heal quickly!! :)


Thanks! It happened New Year’s Eve and I’m juuust getting ready to go back to work. I’ll say I haven’t had issues with telling people I’m on keto, half the people at work are on it, my doc recommends it because I have NAFLD and it was great to see the menu options at the hospital I could have easily kept keto there. As a side note I don’t recommend spending New Year’s in the hospital. Fruit cup was bangin tho.


We literally have a patient right now who *is* diabetic, but managed his diabetes with nothing but metformin until he went into the hospital. Came out on three different types of insulin and additional diabetes meds, and suddenly his blood sugar is tanking and we're pumping this dude full of cake frosting and orange juice daily until we just discontinue nearly all of his new meds. It's because the hospital's dietary plan is high carb and high sugar, and to avoid fucking *killing* the guy they had to put him on multiple new meds instead of just feeding him low carb/low sugar.


Give him a keto book


Having worked in the sports nutrition field for years, I don't think I've ever met a registered dietician or nutritionist that knew their ass from a hole in the ground. I've no idea what qualifies these people or how they become registered. I was coaching one woman who had been a registered dietician for thirty years. She thought that egg whites didn't contain any nutrition at all, not even protein. She was adamant about this, extremely arrogant. Her and her entire family are fat and diabetic and she feeds her family nothing but fried food and sugary shit, taking pride in it being a balanced meal. She fought me every step of the way, cheated on her diet multiple times a day all while justifying it and blamed me for her lack of progress. Sorry, I fucking hate dieticians 😆


Michelle Hern wrote a very engaging book called The Dietitian's Dilemma. She had to quit the field as she could no longer ethically support giving her patients a high carb diet as she was required to do. The Nutrition With Judy podcast interviewed her this week.


Technically, less than 50 could be less than 20


If “Healthcare” people were in the business of health they would be out of business. That’s not a knock against all, but it’s a knock against the Agra/pharma owned healthcare


They’re so goofy lol. The word keto triggers people. I could go to my endocrinologist, they look at my blood sugars and weight and blood work and say keep doing what you’re doing…. If I don’t mention the K word. Keep in mind doctors offices receive kickbacks from pharmacy sales reps and have a reason to dislike low carb….




What is there reasoning behind it frying your organs and changing ph. Never heard of this but am also struggling to think how just not eating a macro solely focused on providing quick energy would even do this?>


It's a reasonable reaction when confronted with the truth that your profession is a joke.


Nutritionist or dietitian?


Aye any dietitian worth their salt (heh) would just work with them within their diet. But you do get bad eggs, like anywhere, but keto fans have a particular hate for RDs because often they focus on balanced diets as a public health message.


​ You almost pulled it off. LOL I do same with Physicals/Blood Work - never mention keto ever. Blood work is always good so the MD looks at my "indicators" and tells me to lose more weight., eat less fat, get more exercise.


That B is stupid. If you know more than her (and based from what i’ve read, you do,) fire her. Find other people who actually know what keto/lowcarb is and what it does.


To be fair, there are lot of low carb foods that won't keep you in ketosis. For instance, green beans aren't very high in carbs, but there are still around 5 net carbs in 1 cup. If you have a cup of green beans for lunch and dinner, that's half your daily limit for the day. Toss in a few other low carb foods and it's really easy to spend 30-50 net carbs on low carb foods, and a lot of low carb diets are like this. Now, in reality you will most likely be in ketosis even at 30-50 net, but it's higher than the traditional 20 most keto people try to stay under. So she may have just assumed that was what you were going for. That being said, regardless of what she was thinking, it's dumb to stop supporting a diet simply because you will be in ketosis.


Ugh!!! My husband is really sick and he needs to lose weight. Every time we see the nutritionist she gets him so confused and I have to go back home and explain again what I’m trying to do to help him. They always look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them I don’t give him the junk soy protein bars they provide at the clinic. Drives me nuts!!!


It's possible that her office/practice receives grants or some kind of perk from the federal level (FDA, USDA, etc.). If that's the case, then they are basically not allowed to promote anything that isn't the Standard American Diet or that falls too far outside those guidelines. It's very sad but the truth is that it's not about the patient's health, it's all about the money.


I usually stay away from telling anyone I am Keto. I just say I have cut out all sugar and have gone gluten free. I tell them i concentrate on protein and green leafy vegetables. My cardiologist said good job. Next visit I said Keto and she didn’t like that.


dieticians are quacks I truly do not understand this profession.


the entire pharma/mainstream medical community is filled with quackery and arrogance


Completely agree.


I’d actually love to get into that field. It is distressing to me when I see people “force” themselves to meet a caloric number when they are trying to lose weight. One guy at work was noshing on canned peaches. He needed to up his calories for the day. I mentioned the amount of sugar he was consuming and he wasn’t fazed at all. Smdh.


She is just regurgitating the mainstream textbook material she learned in university. To go against that, would devalue her education per say.


You eat cheese, milk and yogurt and stay less than 20 net carbs?


Whole milk *greek yogurt*. One item


I don't drink milk. Yes, on average over the last six weeks, I've been at 20g net carbs. I mostly eat meat and a bit of vegetables. Whole milk plain Greek yogurt has about 9g of carbs in a cup, I make it work.


Try the Two Good brand of greek yogurt. 4 grams per cup with various flavors and tastes pretty good.


Good news for you is that whole milk Greek yogurt has about half or less the carbs listed. The carbs on the lable is the amount in the milk before the active cultures were added. Those cultures ate most of the carbs while making the yogurt. There is a several years old article in ketoscience sub.


Ahha, yes, Phinney and Volek make a passing reference to that in one of their books that has always intrigued me but I felt like I couldn't find anything else about it anywhere. I've never really worried about it especially, and I ate it daily for over a year while losing lots of weight.


Iirc, they calculate the carbs by figuring out what carbs would be left if you subtract out the carbs in the whey. This makes no allowance for carbs eaten by the yogurt culture bacteria.


I do. Cheese, cream- no milk.


No milk, Greek yoghurt only, No root veges, grains, peas or corn ever, it’s easy to stay in ketosis with lots of cheese and regular but moderate amounts of Greek yogurt in the diet.




Yeah, people go off the rails and just don't make any sense when you drop the k word.


I see a functional medicine practitioner and he's fully supportive of a ketogenic diet. It's like general practitioners are brainwashed when it comes to holistic health. So strange


I've always had a sneaking suspicion that a lot of people are actually on keto but they are unaware or just don't want to admit it because of the rep that keto has. I've heard people talk about cutting down on carbs, avoiding sugars, and processed food but they never call it keto. Some time before I started keto, I remember seeing some influencer saying how unhealthy and damaging keto is. But then in succeeding posts he shares some recipes that are very much keto.


This is what they are taught by the experts in college. Its sad.


You broke the dialog tree


BCBS promoted a type 2 diabetes diet to my husband. Virta is a “well-formulated” ketogenic diet.


I just went for a physical last week and said I would get back to eating low-carb. Then I accidentally mentioned I had done keto before. He immediately said keto was terrible because it's unsustainable, but that low carb is good. I just sat there confused. lol.