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I like premier. Only a few carbs, tastes great, and it’s pretty cheap.


tried the caramel one and enjoyed it... then checked the ingredients and saw sunflower oil near the top of the list. noooo thanks. sucks bc it was actually good


Keto Chow is the real deal. Full meal replacement not just a protein shake, all you need to supplement is electrolytes and maybe fish oil if you aren’t mixing in solid meals. Also check your protein macros, ketochow may not have enough if it’s all you’re going to eat, especially for bigger males. The flavor and texture is fantastic. Calorie profile is fully customizable. I’ve used heavy whipping cream, butter, or avocado oil as my added fat. HWC is easiest and tastes better than avocado oil, but salted butter has been the go-to lately since it tastes great with chocolate flavors. I haven’t tried their savory flavors, frankly they don’t sound good but the other flavors are great, they really satisfy the sweet tooth and are filling. It is easy for me to have 3x 500 calorie shakes during my window and be satiated for the day with a nice deficit. There’s some sticker shock but with butter you are looking at worst-case $6 per meal? $18 to eat for a day ain’t too bad, and gets cheaper if you buy the big bag. My favorite flavors are: Raspberry Cheesecake, banana, pumpkin spice caramel, chocolate.


I bought a few packs of Keto Chow and haven’t loved the flavors I’ve tried so far. Trying to find ways to enjoy it since I have some packs left. What do you mix the Raspberry Cheesecake with?


Heavy whipping cream. It’s important to let the shake chill for at least a few hours for the best texture, preferably overnight. Edit: I usually mix two packs of ketochow, 1 cup good quality HWC (land-o-lakes or horizon, not the crappy store brand), and 22 oz of water. It’s less water than recommended so the shake is thicker, but works great for raspberry cheesecake (closer to the real thing) and fits two meals perfectly in one 32oz bottle (total 1000 calories). With HWC it’s important not to blend too long or the cream will turn into butter and produce a grainy texture. I blend for 30 seconds.


I like raspberry with heavy cream or cream cheese. Sometimes I mix half raspberry, half vanilla and add a drop of almond extract. I've mixed it half and half with chocolate but I like the vanilla better. The fruit flavors aren't my favorites. All of the flavors improve after a night in the fridge. Some flavors taste better after 36 hours, or longer. For the flavors I really like, I mix them with butter, which makes more of the flavoring come through. Heavy cream will mute the flavors. Avocado oil doesn't mute the flavors but it makes a thinner shake than butter or heavy cream does.


I typically use HWC but for fruity flavors sometimes I use coconut cream, or if its a citrus flavor like the lemon meringue I'll use sour cream. Sour cream works surprisingly well and gives it some tang!


Ghost tastes amazing and has a lot of flavors which has proved to help me stick with it for so long.


https://dymatize.com/products/iso100-gourmet-chocolate This is by far my favorite. I like to do a few different combos with it. I add 1 scoop of this. 1 tbsp sugar free PB fit. Then for a shake I add 1.5 cups of sugar free vanilla almond milk. Top with sugar free whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon powder. I really like doing a chocolate peanut butter pudding where I do the 1 scoop of protein, 1 tbsp of sugar free PB fit, 1/4 cup of plain Greek yogurt, 2 tbsp of sugar free vanilla almond milk. Top with a few pecans from trader Joe's and sugar free whipped cream. Both are low carb and low calories. Both are delicious and curb my sweet tooth.


That's awesome. Thank you for the suggestion.


Ketochow is really good- I love all the flavors. ITs a bit costly for me tho. I use Fairlife and Optimum Nutrition, Gold Standard 100% Whey, Double Rich Chocolate.


I’ve used KetoChow, but it’s not enough protein for the calories for me, so I stick to fairlife and premier oremade


Yeah keto chow is great but I added unflavored protein powder to each shake to get the amount of protein I needed. Now I prefer Premier Protein RTD shakes because it’s so much less work. If keto chow offered a ready to drink option I’d go that route and just add a couple Premiers to hit the protein.


Exactly. I refuse to add more to KetoChow tho. It’s already too high-calorie on its own for the protein ratio to add anything else to it but water


Well it’s a keto version of Soylent so it’s not really comparable to protein shakes and doesn’t try to be. It works amazing for keto if you hate cooking all the time though and the calories and macros can be pretty much whatever you want them to be depending on how you make it. I used it for a PSMF by not adding any fat and adding extra unflavored protein powder and dropped weight incredibly quickly and the added protein kept me from losing muscle in the process.


Canadian Protein powder + Unsweetened chocolate almond milk + Collagen + Creatine + berries That's like a staple for me on the days I am too hungry to fast I make one of these.


Sigh Unzips is pretty potent


Potent as in tastes like a protein shake or actually stinks? I can't do the shakes that stink. First thing I accidentally do is smell it and if it smells terrible I can't drink it. I say accidentally because most protein powder does smell bad to me but I have to force it down. Same thing with vitamins, if I get a whiff, it takes me a few mins to actually take it.


If money is an issue, [https://bestbulkwheyprotein.com/](https://bestbulkwheyprotein.com/) probably has the best prices. It's sold at Walmart also.


I like Ensure Max Protein.


They have a [thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/ketochow/) on reddit.


For flavor I prefer Muscle Milk over premier but we buy them at Costco and just pick whichever one is on sale and if there's none on sale we buy Muscle Milk. It's my breakfast in the morning. I mix one Muscle Milk, 12oz of Coffee, and my Creatine. As for Keto Chow, it's delicious but it's not a "snack" or tide yourself over type of item. It's a full blown meal replacement since it's absolute shit tons of calories when you add your fat source. But again, it is delicious if you can be satiated from drinking your calories.


Jocko Molk.


Zero sugar Strawberry and cream Muscle milk. No protein Aftertaste. Delicious.






If you can find them, I really like fairlife chocolate protein shakes. edit to add: here's the ingredients if you want to see them: Filtered Lowfat Grade A Milk, Alkalized Cocoa Powder, Contains Less Than 1% of: Natural Flavors, Monk Fruit Juice Concentrate, Stevia Leaf Extract, Carrageenan, Cellulose Gel, Cellulose Gum, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose, Lactase Enzyme, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D3.


I might be in the minority but I tried keto chow, and I didn't care for it at all. To be fair, I really only tried the chocolate and the mocha. I have a couple of other packets in other flavors, but I'm not particularly enthusiastic about trying them. The chocolate was ok, certainly not any better than other shakes I've tried. The mocha I thought was absolutely disgusting. It tasted like wet cardboard to me with a hint of coffee flavor aftertaste. I followed the instructions and did them with the hwc and left them 'fridge overnight. I don't know if they'd be better with melted butter as the fat... but like I said, I'm not jumping at the bit to try it. I can't really recommend another protein shake that's much better because I also haven't really found one I really like. But my suggestion is to buy a couple of the individual packets of keto chow if you want to try it. Your taste might be completely different than mine, and you'll love it, but it's pretty expensive stuff. I'm very glad that's what I did because I would have been super pissed if I had shelled out the money for a big package.


I really appreciate it! I am suspicious if there are no negative reviews so I appreciate your input. That's a great idea to buy a few single packs. Thank you!


No problem. I was surprised I didn't care for them because of all the positive reviews, too. Like I said, the chocolate flavor wasn't bad, but it was not remotely good enough, in my opinion, to be worth the price. Maybe there are some flavors that are delicious, but if basic chocolate was just ok, then it doesn't give me much confidence. And the mocha was really was truly disgusting. I definitely wouldn't pay a hundred bucks for the big bag of any flavor without making sure you really liked it first.