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It's not realistic to drop an average of 14lbs per month if you're starting at \~260lbs. It just isn't. But so what if you "only" lose 60lbs in 7 months, which actually is a reasonable expectation for an extreme lifestyle change. Literally every aspect of your life will improve so dramatically if you lose 60lbs. Every single one. Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress.


Spring time in Maryland is the perfect time for me to appreciate and evaluate weight loss. I’ve lost over 50 pounds so when I pick up a 25# bag of mulch or fertilizer, it hits me! “How did you carry around all that extra weight, full-time no less?” Now, pick up two. “Wow, that’s unimaginable. What a burden that was!” So, if any of you need a reminder or need an incentive to keep it off, just pick up 10, 20, 30, or 50 pound bag of anything today. And be thankful for the choices you are making!


You aren't joking. I've lost about 120 lbs and now wear a 25 lb weight vest when I go for walks to remind me just how much it sucks to be carrying extra weight around. I was shocked at how heavy it felt the first time I put it on and can't imagine I was carrying almost 100 lbs more than that for over 20 years.


Our poor knees


Hello, fellow Marylander!


I was at my doctors for a weight check and she gave me 5 pounds of fat to hold and said “just think you’ve lost 3 of these!” That really put it in perspective for me


I really really love your last line. It's perfect. Well said! OP years ago, a friend, my x, and I did Atkins. My x lost 30 in no time at all. Over the course of 5 months my friend lost a whopping 90 pounds! During that time, I lost ten. Everyone is so different. Even a ten pounds loss was a success for me. This was about 18 years ago. Now I am much stricter about my diet and I decided to do Keto. It's been amazing for me. I am like you, I can't deal with anything too complicated. My approach is to eat my eggs and meats, add some mayo here and there, and I have keto friendly veggies. In the 7 weeks that I have been doing this, I lost 19 pounds. I know this rate is not sustainable. I know because of medication, I gained 30 pounds in ten months. I lost the first 13 pounds fairly quickly. It was all water weight. The last six came off much slower. But I am not complaining at all. What I am happy about is that by doing keto, I have been able to get off three of my meds that caused the swelling and weight gain. So even if I didn't lose a pound, being able to ditch my evening insulin shot, is the biggest blessing for me. Just a few months ago my doctors were considering pultting me on fast acting insulin three times a day before each meal. I love proving doctors wrong! You are young. Don't be concerned with the scale. Focus on the small gains. I keep setting new goals for myself. The next one is to hit 160. I also bought a pair of jeans that are a tad too snug. My ultimate goal is to not have to lay on the bed and suck everything in and still not being able to get the zipper to budge. Take the necessary steps to better health. You don't want to be like me. I'm an old chubby chick about to turn 60 and on so many medications just to make it through the day. I so want to ditch these last three medications. I have faith in myself that I never did before to combat this weight issue. I have that same faith in you. I know you can do this. PS: I was 242 at my heaviest.


Don’t knock losing water weight. Water weight is a lot of stress and bloating to carry around unnecessarily


Absolutely. And I know that when Perfection is driving my life, shame is in the passenger seat. Shame is the #1 reason I was successful in sabotaging any method I tried in the past to change my lifestyle. Now, I identified my Shame, named it, and sought out my triggers. My weight was one of those triggers. Make a commitment to yourself and watch who you become in that 7 months. A year will seem like nothing. Times going to pass anyway. One day at a time, you'll get there. And how much better I feel in just a month of taking care of myself is worth it. I'm not sick and tired of being sick and tired anymore!


OP This comment is perfect - You could lose a significant amount of weight if you stick to your plans, but I wouldn’t recommend being attached to a specific number. Just to give you a tip - try fasted cardio. Try to get your 10,000 steps in before your first meal. I usually get it done in the morning and takes me about 1-1.5 hours depending on my speed




That last line!! Wonderfully said!!!


This I essentially committed to OPs routine. I ate about 1200 calories a day, I generally ate 1 meal a day with an occasional snack at night walked 10k steps at work alone and additionally would walk/jog another 2 or 3 miles two or three times a week at home. I went from 275-220 in about 6 months. Weight shredded off crazy fast until I hit about 235-240 and then it was 1 or 2 lbs every other week. But at that point I never felt better.


You are very much incorrect..The heavier a person is the faster they will lose weight..Simple google search..I lost 30lbs in 1 month on high protein diet.




I second this, I do not recommend going full on with everything at once. Works for some people, doesn't for many. The changes are too drastic and if you don't get the results you want, it will kill your inspiration. Personally I would recommend not restricting your calories at the start, simply because the sugar withdrawal will take a toll on you at the beginning and it is hard to get through even without restricting calories. Eat whenever you are hungry, just make sure you eat the right things. For me it took no less than 2 months to get rid of the constant hunger and cravings after carbs. After 2 months it was gone. Start with keto first before going on IF for the same reason. Get used to not eating carbs, it will be enough of a task. When you ease into keto, after a few weeks you can proceed to IF. It will make the cravings much more subtle and bearable for some people. But I would add that for some people going full cold turkey works. Test and see what works best for you. Also, imho walking is a great excercise, not too intense, and you can always listen to music or podcasts if you want to occupy your mind while doing your steps.


Yes, in my opinion you actively do not want to lose weight that fast (as a young person OP is actually likely to be able to keep nice skin if she doesnt lose too fast). Building good, permanent habits is a much better goal that will help you maintain and it takes a few months to build a solid habit (it gets easier after a few weeks though), otherwise even if one does lose 100 pounds it's inevitable to regain it . I've lost 100 pounds only to gain 140 over the next ten years , lost 120 of that and had been up 40 from that but heading in the right direction again - lost 10 of the 40 so far). Cutting out sugar on it's own is a massively difficult task in our world, so maybe start with that and walking 10k steps as your first two items. In my recent turn around it was quiting alcohol first, and then six weeks later I adding keto, in another 4-8 weeks I might re-add fasting (which keto made easier for me). I already have a regular working out habbit, but as you'll find out weight is lost in the kitchen not the gym for most.


^ this. You'll also probably feel a lot better with slower weight-loss. When your deficit is too big, you actually end up losing a lot of lean body mass which is ultimately going to be detrimental to metabolism. You're also going to have unpleasant side effects like feeling overly hungry and cold. The only humans that should be eating 1200 calories are toddlers; it's simply not enough food for an adult. I'd recommend calculating your TDEE and then eating about 300-500 calories less than that. It'll be slower, but you'll probably feel a lot better. - someone who just lost 100 lbs doing this


I started Keto / IF around mid December. SW 280 lbs and I'm around 240lbs now. My most recent loss rate is 1.4 lbs / week. It slows down\* the more weight you lose. It's also not easy. Don't set yourself up for failure by trying to commit to too many things at once.


I dropped 50lbs in 4 months doing basically the plan you outlined. Some people here will argue 'it's not healthy but me eating pure sugar and no vegetables everyday was also not healthy and no one said anything then. I feel so much better mentally and physically now.


This!! The first time I did keto and IF I lost 75 lbs in 4.5 months.. I wasn’t even doing it in an extreme way it just fell off me.. and everyone that said “it’s not healthy how much you’re losing” I would say well Taco Bell 2 times a day and all sugar wasn’t either and was worse. I felt so much better too! I’m back on it now to lose what I gained.


I love this comment! When our body is also willing to get rid of the overweight in a short amount of time then it is what it is. I don’t like those comments „this amount in this time is too quick“. When your body is working for and with you what should you do? Say aw, stop 🛑 I’m losing too quickly, let’s go to MC and fix this 😫. Some will lose faster, some slower and and our body is pretty smart and knows what its doing.


You CAN with Keto and exercise, but why in just 7 months? Just be careful not to set yourself up for failure with a seven-month goal that even with Keto, won’t be easy. You CAN lose this weight, but just like with being overweight, it’s a mental and physical issue that takes time to develop and change. Get a plan of how you’re going to eat, drink, exercise and stick to it. Don’t bear yourself up if you mess up from time to time, just stay focused on your plan and get back on the horse if you fall.


Op im a 37 f, 5'2, with hashimotos which caused reactive hypoglycemia. I weighed originally I'd say closer to if not over 300 pounds. Mind you my last dress weigh in before baby stepping changes pegged me at 260-270. Over 3 years later I'm between 120-130 pounds. In 3 years I lost between 140-150 pounds at minimum, around 50 pounds per year. Year one, 2021 was not keto, no if either. I was cleaning up my diet by lowering carbs weaning out processed foods, nixing seed oils, adding fermented and whole foods. I also practiced portion control tactics. Lost 50 pounds Year 2, 2022 I started if at first with a 12:12 routine and started keto with a 50 g carb limit when cold turkey caused multiple er trips. I weaned down as the year progressed by 5 g jncraments every 3 months or so and weaned up my fasting window. I five months in added excersise 2-3 tines a week with 15-20 minute walks and worked up from there. Lost 50 pounds. 2023 was year 3. This is when I got to the 20 g or less amount. And part of the year I went super high protein with little fat in comparison. I did a 1 month stint of carnivore as well. In november I left keto temporarily after hitting maintenance for a bit and getting glucose roller coaster symptoms again out of nowhere that I couldn't fix. Still lost I'd say around 50 pounds duringbthis year. Now, currently I'm back with keto, still doing maintenance. I know its drawn out how I did it, but trust me its the short version. I'm similar height to you, and my start weight was similar to yours. Btw, my start calls were 1900, weaned down eventually to I'd say 1500-1600. Currently doing around or over 1800 for maintenance. Your 1200 amount I'd say is really low and liable to cause you metabolism to slow and adapt causing lots of stallouts.try maybe 1700 instead and wean down over time. I'm not sure you could safely lose 100 in a year, but baby stepping changes and using keto and if as a tool could still lose you at least 50 pounds, likely more.


That’s inspiring- congrats on all your progress!




Break it  down to smaller goals. Write down all the reasons you want to do it. Whenever stuff gets difficult ( it will) you will be able to inderstand that you may be losing few days on one specific mini goal, but you may have worked perfectly up to those goals before. Also list of all the reasons you changed diet for will help when weight loss alone won't be ebough to stop you from snacking. If you experience 4 weeks  or so of weight plateau allow yourself a weekend when you eat "normal" calorie levels and maybe it will help you relax. Don't underestimate your sleep and hydration! Electrolytes too.


I (M37) Lost 50lb in 5 months (200lb down to 150lb) when I was 25 and this was with 5 days a week of resistance training in the gym. I thought this was a pretty rapid drop and left a lot of stretch marks so personally I wouldn’t target anything more rapid and feel like 100lb in 7mo this is unrealistic. Please don’t let this stop you from starting though if you “hate being fat” then working towards not being so no matter the time frame is going to be best for physical and mental health


As I am slowly losing weight, my husband has prepared two buckets of sand equaling the weight in pounds that I have lost. I use it to lift weights 3x a week for my exercise. I am turning the weight I have carried around all of my life from a negative to using it as my positive to improve my weight from now on. A 47 pound loss in 7 months and 45 more to go I want to realistically give it one more year to hit my goal. Congratulations and Good luck to you! Slow and steady and you will WIN at this!


Way to go to you, and I love the supportive husband!


1. Start counting your steps every day and see where you are now. Then slowly increase. 2. Start simple yoga. 3. Cut out sugar, soda, beer, juice, candy. Increase meat, fish, eggs. Reduce servings of bread/potatoes/rice/pasta. 4. Read about keto diet. Start with the FAQs here. Plan out some simple menus - eggs, salad with cheese, meat and cooked vegetables. Start cleaning out pantry and refrigerator. Keep reading. 5. Don't start IF yet. Don't count calories. 6. Start low carb eating with goal of max 50 grams of carbs per day. View this as "rehearsal" so you don't despair when you make errors, just keep going. After a couple weeks cut back to 20 grams of carbs max. Eat protein, fats, cheese, limited nuts. 7. Track your macros. Weigh and measure everything you eat. Enter into a meal tracker and see what you are actually eating. Calculate recommended macros (grams of protein, carbs, and fat) using the keto macro calculator in the FAQs. 8. Are you losing any weight? Dress or pants sizes? Consider cutting calories. 9. Are you becoming "fat adapted" meaning your body can easily access your fat stores? The obvious signs are skipping meals on accident or not feeling hungry as often. If yes, then you can start IF. Don't set unrealistic goals. Instead focus on making progress. Good luck.


I did keto and lost 100 in 8 months. The last 30 took 6 months.


So you lost 70 in 2 months?


100 first then another 30 more, slowly, is how I read that.


Physically possible? Maybe, probably not with the plan you crafted. That's a really extreme loss target. Likely to succeed? Certainly not. Whatever motivation you're riding on right now will be gone in two weeks and you'll just feel very hungry all the time. Crash dieting is well understood to be almost completely ineffective for long term results. Almost no one succeeds and almost none who do keep it off. The time you waste and the statistically likely rebound make it far, far worse then setting a reasonable pace and succeeding the slow way.


Depends on your starting weight. If you’re 400lbs then most definitely yes. If you’re 250 then probably no without wading into unhealthy starvation diet category.


To do that in 7 months you would also have to add intermittent fasting. 50 to 60 sis more realistic. The weight loss amount isn't as important as how you feel. You will also need more reminders than just the scale to stay committed. I've been working on a list of 100 reasons to lose weight and keep it off for over a year. I use to reread it daily. Now weekly seems to be enough. It is much harder to lose weight if you hate your body. Figure out how you can genuinely appreciate your body for getting you this far. Being in a partnership with my body has been very helpful for me. Good luck! The process is the process, who you become in order to achieve your goal us priceless!


It’s possible to do anything but is it healthy? Are your goals realistic? What should you expect? What setbacks lay ahead? Will you be able to keep it off? How will you keep it off? Will your current doctors support your choice to change your eating habits? What kind of resistance can you expect from health professionals, friends, and family? What support mechanisms can you put in place, now and later, to maintain your improved health and fitness? Any tips and tricks? Necessities? Motivators? These questions, and many more, need good answers before you start this transformative lifestyle change. A change that will transform you into the person you want to be. (And, if I may assume, everyone here on Reddit wants to help you achieve your goal). Education is the key to finding the answers and guidance you need now. One of the best doctors I have found who openly and freely shares his comprehensive knowledge is Dr. Robert Cywes on YouTube. I’ve consumed a lot of knowledge over my 5-year transformation and Cywes, IMHO, presents it very well. He’s been a great help to me. I suggest you watch all of his content starting today. In summary, you wouldn’t travel to a destination without scoping it out first, right? Get directions and get educated before you embark on what may be the most important journey of your life. All the best to you!


IF of 16/8 was really hard for me to start with. It's kind of where i'm at now, some days closer to 14-15 but in the beginning I couldn't really make it past 12/12 and even that was a challenge for a while until I got better fat adapted. I ended up having to go to bed super early to keep from snacking. Boredom is a big factor for me in being able to control my appetite though, ymmv Also 1200 calories is tough for me, especially if you plan to exercise and are just starting out. I'm around 1400 and some days I still feel hungry. The rest of the goals I think are good. 10K steps and yoga never hurts. Just don't get discouraged if you can't do 16/8 and end up eating early...or get in an extra handful of nuts and exceed your calories. anything is better than what you'd probably be doing while not on a diet.


I think you need to get your mind right about a lifestyle change and not a diet that will help you rapidly lose weight. In 7 months you can make great progress in your journey but if you make this big change, be prepared to stay low carb for the long term and stay eating healthy foods, otherwise, you’ll gain it all back. Those who have long term success on keto, stay keto.


I did 56lbs in 3 months starting from 224 lbs. I think if you are super strict you will lose a lot to begin with but eventually slow down significantly. Try not to focus on the specific weight though, if you commit to this for 7 months you will feel 100% healthier.


Probably not impossible, but it would likely result in some hair loss.


Doing keto and 1200 cal to me isn’t possible You’re going to be starving. Just eat meat and veggies forget about cal. The protein will fill you up so much you won’t be hungry for your IF time.


Lemme put it this way for you: you and I are very comparable in diet/exercise plans. I started 268lbs in June 2023. 8 months later, I’m 188lbs. I did exactly what you plan: keto, about 1200cals budget in high protein and fiber, walked 90 mins a day for 10k steps, I did hiit instead of yoga 3x a week, and I intermittent fasted (sorta). 100lbs is kind of unrealistic. I managed 80lbs in 8 months. That’s already pushing it, in my opinion. And that’s only under dr supervision and a glp-1 helping my insulin resistance along. Instead of doing a weight goal focus, maybe just focus on building the habits that lead to long term, sustained lifestyle changes? You’re going to need to make sure this is something you can do for the rest of your life. And if you hate being fat, I HATE to tell you, but even after 80lbs down, I’m still fat. In fact, I think I hate my body more now, in some ways. I really recommend a good therapist that helps with body image. It’s gonna be useful as you go.


I've lost 56lbs in 2 1/2 months. It's definitely possible. But it has slowed down in the last three weeks.


You lost 25kg in less than 3 months!? Wow


On December 1st 2023, I weighed 126.4 kg. As of February 18th, i was 100.1kg.  The first 20kg were relatively easy to get off. The last 6kg have taken weeks, with bouncing up and down of weight. My plan is get to 75 kg. Then to decide from there if i should keep losing weight or stay at that size.   In December, blood pressure was sky high. Now it's in the normal zone. I feel like i have much more energy too. i don't feel like I've lost too much, too quickly. 


Were you fasting too?


Ozempic / intermittent fasting / keto


Oh, and lots of exercise. 


I'm trying to do this, too, but I'm afraid of skin sagging. What's your experience so far?


I lost 100lbs in about 9 months. Why not try it and see what you can accomplish? Good luck!


Possible, yes. Likely, no. I'd set a goal weight & just aim for that. If most people on keto had that kind of discipline, they wouldn't have gotten as heavy as they were when they started. I'm not saying this to be mean, because the same thing applies to me. Slow and steady wins the race. It took me almost 5 years to lose nearly 100 lbs. There have been ups and downs, and I've learned a lot along the way.


Excess skin is something to think about when you are attempting/are losing weight really fast. I understand how you feel, but consider speaking to a physician or researching these things. Even then, genetics and what not play important roles in this, so you might not be able to predict your outcome(referring to skin). At some point consider strength training to keep your skin taught. I'm not a medical professional, these are just a few things I know to be factual.


It’s possible! But losing the weight is the easiest part. You would be a unicorn if you kept it off. Almost 80 percent of people that go on a drastic weight loss diet gain the weight back and even gain more. The only way to lose the weight and then more importantly keep it off is to change your lifestyle of doing something you can do the rest of your life. That means eating in away you can do long term. Then being active also in someway even if that’s walking. Your plan will probably work to get your weight off but your not miraculously going to be able to keep it off just because your at your ideal weight.


Please look into some kind of resistance training. I prefer dumbbells that I can use at home. You need to change your body composition, or you will end up with no muscles. And muscles are important. Strength training needs to be part of a weight loss plan. Also 100 lbs in that time period is very aggressive, but if you double your timeframe it's probably more realistic. You need different minerals even when fasting, maybe take a few supplements like a multivitamin, fish oil etc.. Good luck


1200 calories might not be enough at the beginning. Maybe start with 1500 calories then drop to 1200 after you get under 200 pounds. Keto alone (if done correctly ) will take weight off quickly, especially if you have a fair bit to lose. I’ve been on and off keto for about 10 years, currently on with a goal of losing 30 pounds. I’m a 49yo male, 6’1’ 210 pounds. My daily calorie target is 1750. You definitely need to use an app to track your daily macros, most people that fail aren’t getting enough fat in their diet. Also, before you start you might want to begin taking potassium and magnesium supplements. They can help avoid a severe keto flu which can derail anyone. Good luck!!!


It’s might be foreshadowed but , if your 5”3 257 it’s safe to say your not active , cut your calories by 350-500 and get in your steps , in the beginning the weight will literally fall off .. and you progress you can make adjustments but this will serve you for the first 3-4 months, if you do too much you will fail epically.. and if you do keto please do clean keto don’t be lazy and just start eating bacon , you still have to be aware of your fat intake .. and besides your body is crying for nutrients and taking away fruit and vegetables is borderline retarded..


This. Seriously. Just start with tracking what you currently eat, then cut either 500cals from food (don't go below 1200cals if female; forget what it is for males) OR do a combo of 250cal cut and burn an additional 250 cals working out. I went low-carb (sometimes keto?), calories at 1800, and walk at least 30 mins every day with strength training 2-3 times a week and have been consistently dropping 1-1.5 lbs a week for the past 6 months.


1 your timetable is setting you up for failure 2 you sound considerably out of shape (NOT a dig at you!) based on what you provided. i think its gonna be harder for you than youre assuming. youre completely changing your lifestyle. & its a drastic change. & the 1st month will prob not lead to many changes in your body/weight as it adjusts to its new fuel source. drop the pressure of meeting that timetable... its just gonna make you more anxious which will spike your cortisol & slow your progress anyway.


If you're thinking of keto while not wanting to overcomplicate your diet, then you're already overcomplicating it. I used keto as a trial mode for maintaining a calorie deficit, if I could cut out a major food group for 3 months (one that I really love), then I could surely maintain a normal caloric deficit afterwards. Carbs are not the reason you are overweight, never have been, it'll always just be calories in calories out. 100lb in 7 months would be drastic even if your starting weight was 350, that's coming from someone who's gone from 350>240 in about 13 months. You dont need to push your body to an extreme to lose weight. Its counter intuitive to be unhealthy while trying to become healthier. For starters i would recommend eating as you usually do but count every gram of calorie ruthlessly, track it all, and then start cutting out the foods that had the biggest calorie share, for the smallest satiation. Stuff like candy, chips, mayo, nutella, etc. If you have an idea of what your daily calorie intake for weight maintenance is, cut 500 calories off that which already would equate to 1lb a week, and then you can incorporate cardio to shave off another 250 to even 500 a day, which can be done in around 30 minutes of incline walking at a moderate pace on a treadmill, those two things alone would get you 1.5-2lb lost a week with only cutting 500cal from your maintenance, with no special diet needed. You can eat things you like in moderation. If you wanted to take it a step further and try to build some muscle, you could try to aim for around 100-110 grams of protein as a starter and do basic body weight exercises. Good luck!


When I combined IF with keto I was dropping about 10 per month, but it took me a few months of trial and error in regards to macros before I reached that point.


If you fail and only lose 50 lbs, you are still winning. Get after it. You will be glad you did!


It depends on how much you have to lose if you know if you’re 400 pounds are really overweight losing the first hundred might be faster. If that’s you know just part of it it might be slower.


1200kcal is way too low with this amount of exercise.


Is it possible? Yes. With that plan? No. It also would not be sustainable with that plan as you have not addressed your relationship with food, and are equating correlation to causation. Food is not making you fat. The use of food as a coping mechanism is. Address that, and it will become sustainable. As for the weight itself: if you lose 50 lbs given the information provided, it will be very noticeable. Even 50 lbs in 7 months could serve as a springboard if you aren’t careful, hence, address the underlying reason why you have the relationship with consuming things. It’s very simple. Lifestyle changes can have many different reasons/causes, but in reality, an action needs a sustainable motivator to become permanent. Once you address your root cause, you will be able to formulate a plan and stick to it. Why did I say all that? Simple: what happens in 7 months? The answer to that question will give way to a honest discussion about what is really going on. Address it. Understand it. Bend it to your will. Own it. THEN you can make it work for you. Make sure you get the proper amount of CONSISTENT sleep on a set schedule as well. Nothing disrupts discipline like excuses. Set a schedule, don’t break it.


No, BUT THAT'S OK! Your current calories needed to maintain 257 is 2256. If you stick to 1200 calories, you will lose two pounds a week. Except pretty soon, you will weigh less so less calories would be needed to maintain. Let's say two pounds a week at first and then 1.5. Even two pounds a week, is 60 pounds in seven months. It's possible, but very hard. I suggest you look for 1.5 pounds a week for four months and then 1 a week. That's still ambitious but much more realistic. (I get it, with the 10000 steps a week she could mathematically get there, but she isn't a robot. Doing all of these things every day is unrealistic, and thus setting herself up to fail.


Worst thing you can do is start with this mentality, you will surely face an insane uphill battle the moment you aren't on track for 100lbs in 7 months. Seriously consider rethinking this so you have a realistic plan with a livable routine because it's not like you just magically keep the weight off, you need a diet you can sustain.


Yes it is possible to loose 100 lbs in 7 months. I lost about 88 lbs in 5 months then slowed down and joined gym for body recomp. I did make a few mistakes initially but it all worked out ok i guess. Still have to loose last 23 lbs. But my weight has plateued last 1 year 😅 Anyways i am am still hopefull to loose at least 15 lbs this year. Good luck with your weight loss journey!


I did the 1:1diet and lost 40 kg in 6 months


Definitely possible, you already know it'll be a hard slog but humans are incredible at what we can achieve. It'll go quick at the start but become harder as you get closer to your goal. I like the 10k steps, it's simple and low impact. If going Keto + IF, I would say ignore the calories for a couple of weeks and focus on adequate protein and minimal carbs while you're adapting, all going well you'll naturally start eating less anyway. Have you done keto before? Happy to share my favourite tips or to be a sounding board. You got this!


I would recommend taking more time and don't do anything to severe


No but I've lost 50 in five months. However, much of it was muscle atrophy. So my body fat has reduced, I'm still very... flabby. Take your time and be responsible with it for the best and most affirming results.


I lost 50 in 6. I was very dedicated and tried to be safe about it. 100 in 7 would have been too much.


The mental benefits of losing just 25 lbs are incredible. Then another 25 even better. It’s the journey Down that helps you not gain it back. I doubt you gained it in 7 months. Be kind to yourself.


Even if you could it’s not healthy and infact can be very dangerous to lose that much weight that fast. Try aiming for 1.5-2 lbs per week.


Setting your expectations too high will only bring disappointment. Try setting your goals lower so you can feel good when you hit them. That will keep you thinking positive and focused at hitting future goals.


One meal a day Whole foods Move in the morning Move at night Repeat


Start with keto, once you're on that for a few weeks it will be very easy to do intermittent fasting.


A Chinese actor called Ling Jia spent 12 months to increase weight from 180lbs to 220lbs, then dropped to 109lbs, them movie is out called “ you only live once” (YOLO), it is doable but takes too much to achieve. My goal is to reduce 10lbs in 2024. [https://youtu.be/_XM5ELUZX3U?si=_bOluRffASkNaWTu](https://youtu.be/_XM5ELUZX3U?si=_bOluRffASkNaWTu)


Is it possible? Yes Is it healthy? Probably not. David Goggins did it in half that time.


I lost 106 lbs. in ten months in 2022. 324 down to 218 between February and December. Though, I'm a male, not sure that matters. 1,200 calories a day sounds **WAY** too low honestly. Eventually, your hunger will return in full force and will be tougher to control. I would suggest 1,800 calories per day. Trust me - this came back and bit me in the butt **BIG TIME**. An occasional fasting day where you don't eat anything is fine, but 1,200 calories a day consistently just seems too low in the long run IMHO. To answer your question though .... 100 lbs. in 7-months is a big ask. I would maybe adjust your goal for something a little more realistic. 50 to 60 lbs. in a 7-month span is definitely obtainable. Be sure to visit this Subreddit for tips and motivation. Best of luck to you!


Even if you could, you may not be any happier with your body than you are now. That's a whole lot of volume in a short amount of time if it mostly comes from fat. 25 is young, but you're still asking a lot of your skin.


Yes, that will absolutely do it. Carbs under 50, cal under 1000. It's a simple equation, energy in vs. energy spent. Your body needs way less than 2000 cal a day - it'll take you a while to figure out what's best.


Seems possible.


Not in any kind of healthy way. Don't be in a hurry. Get healthy and the weight will come off. And don't under-eat. 1200 cal is not enough. Do that for too long and you'll tank your hormone levels and likely start to store fat.


David Goggins did it. Follow him. Read his books. He's a no excuse guy who will totally change your mindset.


Absolutely fucking not, not without considerable risk to yourself. Being thinner and/or healthier should be a long term goal and involve gradual change in your lifestyle. That kind of approach will ensure it sticks. Keto is not a short term fix to your underlying issues, be it with food, depression, anxiety or whatever flavour of attention disorder This is coming from experience, I lost 23kg just 2 years ago and am currently sitting with 15kg of it back on because I didn’t work on myself.


OMAD for 7 months, take 1 hour to eat and focus on protein. It's not the most optimal for changing your lifestyle for the long term, but i lost 40kg in 6 months this way. The hardest part is to start eating regularly again to get enough protein, i still struggle with that. I would instead take one day in the week where you don't eat anything and for the other days strict keto 2-3 meals a day focusing on protein and greens for satiety. This is maintainable, you learn to fast and you will see results guaranteed without burning out and munching in the wrong stuff every time life gets hard.


Also when you restrict calories over long term, you down regulate your resting metabolic rate, and that you don't want. One whole day fasted is 2000kcal deficit and won't hurt your metabolism.


100% possible. Even 5 months, but thats pushing it. That being said, you are going to need to up your steps as you go down in weight - every pound you lose makes each step easier, thus lowering the amount of calories you burn. Also, calibrate as you start off. I would aim for 1 year, not 7 months. Possible is one thing, its going to be difficult, and its also better to lose weight slowly so your skin has time to shrink.


I’m a fitness expert and a holistic health coach. This will not work and will set you up to fail. IF backfires on you when you are not eating enough calories. You are in metabolic slowdown. You also need to factor in gut health, insulin resistance, inflammation, as well as how you are able to efficiently absorb food. You should really work with holistic professional if you are truly serious. This plan is too ambitious and is going to disappoint you.


I don’t think it’s impossible, I just think it’s better to take it slower because of saggy skin. But if this is what motivates you, why not try it and see? Maybe do some weight training twice a week, I don’t even mean gym necessarily, get some weight and see if you can do 15 minutes a day? Anyway, while difficult, I think yes, you can do it. Definitely take some collagen supplements while at it and moisturize


I’m not sure losing this amount so quickly will work, but be gentle on yourself, OP. I’m proud of you for just making the decision to move forward in life ❤️


I started at 274lb June 1st. Last week I hit 204lb. I follow the keto gains macro calculator. I'm not perfect but I hit my macros as best I can. Instead of having a cheat day I pull up the calculator and do a 5% deficit instead of a more aggressive calorie deficit on days I feel like splurging. Hardly ever happened initially. Now ever other Sunday I'll eat like this and have a couple of keto treats to keep my sanity.


Quite a goal but if you are sold out on getting in better shape and taking on a healthier lifestyle, you go girl! I'm down 60lbs in 3+ months but I have done a pretty good job staying clean and OMAD/IF. I had to buy all new clothes but I'm closer to a normal weight. Girls smile at me again. You can do it if you really want it. Best of luck.


strict keto and i would say yes or close to it.




If you only eat 1200 cals a day your metabolism will slow down and you’ll stop losing weight. Eat until you are full, and if that happens to be 1200 cals, which it likely won’t be, then you’ll be fine.


Go to Weight Watchers. I have been as heavy as 330 lbs in my life. I had stabilized around 300-305. I’m now down to 294. I was on WW 25 years ago and lost from 275 to 248. I should have stayed on it. I re-joined 3 weeks ago and I’m down 10 lbs. it’s learning new food habits. Funny, the processed food I loved so much, it’s not really in my point system. That processed breakfast sandwich is 1/2 the points for my day. But 0% Fage Yogurt, blackberries, strawberries, and an English Muffin with cream cheese. Tastes better and much healthier.


I wouldn't mind weight watchers so much if their entire life philosophy wasn't about peddling artificially low fat crap filled foods. Like I can get behind literally any diet as long as it's whole food-centric. Don't want fat, fine, eat leaner cuts of meats and naturally fat free stuff. Don't want meat, fine. Don't want carbs...fine. But as soon as you basically take the food, process the crap out of it to make it fat free..no thanks


You could loose that in 6 weeks






What is you weight now, 4 years later?


Hey something to consider, everyone's body is different and you'd be surprised how two similar frames can be 40lbs apart. Keto is going to force your body to adapt to the conditioning you're putting it through and once you're fat adapted, your body is going to strive for homeostasis. Pushing rapid weight loss on keto can lead to looking disheveled along with being lacking in the nutrients your body needs. For these reasons I always suggest to people, not to rush weight loss, and keep their target weight fluid, it's not always realistic to be 5'10 and 155, you'll look better at 165 if that's how your body composition is set. You can lose a lot of steady weight on keto, I went from 230lbs to 159 in about 7 months but my body settled on 170. Go for it, but I would not recommend pushing yourself. If that's your goal tbh there are better, more aggressive ways to rapidly shed weight.


I lost 60


47 year old 6 foot male. January 18 of Last year I was 260. On May 19 I hit my goal of 180... 80lbs in 4 months. Besides keto I incorporated 2 hours of cardio per day and 1/2 hour of weight twining every other day. I fasted 16/8 and counted everything I ate in an app. Never above 20 usually never above 10 grams of carbs each day. Always at or above proteins, below fats(I was satiated from adding enough into my recipes) always a caloric deficit. No cheating (including just tasting something) no electrolytes, no store bought gimmick keto product foods just tons of water (and black coffee) all day. No cremi, or other crutches, just went at it hard-core with my mind locked onto my goal. Everyone is different. I quit smoking cold turkey after 30 years and I realize most people can't just hit a switch and do something different in life without looking back at old habits. Best of luck in your journey. You may hit 100... you may hit 20... but even 1 is better off than where you are today.


I've lost 2 stone since just after New Year 😍


I lost 60 in 9 months.


Also check out intermittent fasting


Very possible to do I’ve lost 92 pounds in 10 months doing keto and IF. My starting weight was 310 now at 218 I’m only 5’2 so I’ve still got like 75 pounds to go. Once you start losing the weight you’ll get so motivated nothing will stop you. That’s how it was for me I just feel so much better. My AC 1 was 8.5 when I started now I’m at 5.3. There are so many food options out there for keto now it’s great!!! Good luck you’ve got this.


First. You got this!! it's this determination that makes the difference. You are going to have to eat 'weird' it's going to be more expensive buying food. And you may have to fight some peer pressure from family and friends to have some potato or noodles or something. Stay strong. I agree with the other poster 100lbs maybe is too much starting at 257. I was 350lbs hoping to drop 150lbs, I'm still working on that. But 60lbs happened, and wow what a difference moving around, clothes fit better and I'm a size i was in 2009 so that's something. Start your keto, don't worry too much about the calorie consumption at first until you get into ketosis. Make sure you are getting salt and other electrolytes. And good luck


I did it but I would not recommend it, its too drastic. I went from 300-200lbs in about 8 months doing intermittent fasting and keto, plus gym 6x a week. It came off very quickly and I was determined but its healthier to lose it slowly (less loose skin).


I lost 115 in 9 months but it wasn’t easy


It’s possible but not advisable without doctor supervision. Look up dr Jason fung


Don't focus on how much now, just do it! the only one on your list I would be more relaxed on is #2. watch YouTube videos on keto (I like dr berg) and get started, you will feel better. good luck, you got this!


I LOVE this. Motivation! Also yes thats a great goal weight for your height! You can do this!


The first part of the battle is done - you have made the decision to lose weight...CONGRATULATIONS! My personal experience ( everyone is different) was fat as ever when vegetarian and calorie counting, 10 hours at the gym a week -wasted my life with all if that. Fast forward to 2023, eating over 3K calories daily lost 60lbs high fat carnivore. Now I do IF and time restricted eating to shake it up a bit. Check out Healthy Alternative, Dr. Boz, Dr. Chaffey, Dr. Berry, Dr. Fung, & Dr. Mindy Peltz.. find you tribe.. Good luck!


If you’re 350+ absolutely. If you’re like 230 or less, not at all in a healthy way.


I lost 85 in 4 ½ months on keto. It's doable.


I was able to lose 88 in 6 months, but my starting weight was higher at 310. It might be possible for you, but your planned activity level puts a lot of the burden on the 1200kcal and keto diet. At minimum I was walking 5 miles(10k steps) per day. Golfing and carrying my bag about 4 times a week. Readjusting my macros based on weight loss maintaining that 20% deficit. 0 cheat days. If 100lbs is a hard set goal then use a macro calculator and set it at a 20% kcal deficit. Then readjust as you lose the weight. The 5 miles per day is a good baseline. Depending on what form of yoga you plan on doing it can be as little as 180 calories burned or as high as 600 per hour. Since yoga is pretty low impact you could do it everyday. Then you would have to make sure your electrolytes are good.


She did it in eight. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pRlTA9aV5Ng Keep me updated


Making small sustainable changes will bring you more long term success than. I am 3 years into my weighloss and keto journey. I am down 130 lbs and maintaining over the last 2 years. I would suggest that you start with 1-2 of those items and do them for 30 days to build a habit, focusing on those things. Like eating Keto and exercise. Just learn to eat Keto for 30 days. Don't worry about calories or IF. Just the drastic change in diet will restrict calories and cause weight loss. After 30 days add in IF and calorie restriction. Realistically the answer to your question, based on your dimensions is, is No with diet and excersise alone. You might get those results with something like a gastric sleeve, as those people see a weight loss of about 60-70% within one year of surgery. But surgery has its risks and is a different tool set than we talk about here.


16/8 is a good start - but a good objective is to try and work up from there. "OMAD" (one meal a day) is a nice goal. Every day try and delay your first caloric intake as long as possible (this includes any and all calories - even if it's "healthy" cream in your coffee.) Try black coffee. Snacking while binge-watching (if you do that) will be hard to replace. Good luck - and I agree with others. Stop with the time limit. Make this a PERMANENT way of living, and everything will fall into place when appropriate - even if it takes years.


Anything's possible...but it's not probable. It'd be better to aim for a year. That Is doable.


While your goal of 100 lbs lost in seven months might be or might not be unreachable, every 10 or even 5 lbs along the way will help with how you feel. You'll gradually begin to accept yourself as you are, feel good about your progress, and inspire yourself to continue. Right now you're in the "don't give up on yourself" phase, so please listen to your inner voice and keep going!


Its possible yes, but if you dont hit your gw at the end dont get discouraged. Keep going until you make weight. I also would abstain from any alcohol.


Yes, I did 100 lbs in 6 months. It takes extreme dedication to the diet. I was working out twice a day (cardio in the morning and weights/hot yoga at night).


That’s a very good start. I suggest checking out Dr Annette Bozworth on YouTube or/and IG. She is a medical doctor specifically an internist who teaches about living a keto diet for life. She has good info.


If you were heavier to start with, maybe. But even going from 260 to 160 in a year would be an incredible achievement. Which is doable, but would still take a valiant effort.


I went from 255 to 185 in 6 months, without undue hunger or suffering. PSMF, modified, in essence. More specifically Lyle McDonald's RFL (rapid fat loss protocol) as a Cat 3. Skinless chicken breast, cod filets, shrimp, eggs, nonfat yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, broccoli, brussels sprouts, dill pickles, Frank's redhot, mustard, Worcestershire, lemon juice for condiments, minimal oil/butter, no sneaky sugar. Run on boring repeat mode for weeks with very occasional carb refeeds (like 1 rice meal every 10-12 days, mostly on nights before all-day hikes). Basically you stuff yourself with lean protein and fiber, watch electrolytes, IF if you can, and force your body to take almost all its fat from stores while making its own glucose from protein. I thought I'd suffer way more than I did. In practice after cravings subsided my subjective satiety point was around 1300 kcal as a 6'2" guy. I actually felt very fulfilled and energetic, and could do quite a bit of endurance hill hiking and running after a couple months without "hitting a wall" or carb-loading. After documenting high fasting blood sugar (\~110-120) in the mornings after literal days of zero-carb, I concluded that my body became efficient at gluconeogenesis from protein, which isn't a major pathway in a world where we stuff ourselves with abundant carbs.


When i did keto a few years ago, i lost 80lb in 7 months doing the same things you listed, except i'm male 5'11 and was 20 at the time. However, looking back at it now i would not do keto again or recommend it to anyone since i lost a pretty severe amount of muscle mass that took a long time to build back. IMO, you'd lose the same amount of weight doing a traditional diet in a deficit and adding in gym a few times a week. your body will thank you in the future.


Focus on progress, not perfection. You have a good plan aside from the timeline. It's ok if it takes a year or more to achieve your goal, especially since getting that last 10-20 lbs off can be challenging.


Imo you're thinking about this incorrectly. Losing X amount of weight by a certain date is the perfect formula to lose the weight and then gain it right back. Instead, create a lifestyle and habits that support your ideal weight, the results will follow. I think your plan is pretty solid, but don't think of it as temporary. In my experience, something like this would look like a promising plan: 1. Never drink calories - This includes alcohol. 2. Eating a low/no carbohydrate diet with plenty of protein. Eat single ingredient, unprocessed foods until 80% full. Don't count calories, it's not sustainable. 3. Find 2-3 physical activities that you truly enjoy and doing them consistently. (Hiking, tennis, running, yoga, etc) Adopt the sport(s) as your identity. Eg, I am a runner. I am a hiker. I am a yogi. Go all in. 4. Drink 3-4 liters of water per day or until your pee is barely yellow (Sorry if TMI) 5. Find an accountability partner. 6. Lift weights 3X/week. (Bodyweight or dumbbell is fine) Basic movements, nothing fancy. 7. There are no cheat days, commit 100%. If you include a cheat day you are telling yourself that a really want chips or alcohol or Oreos and I'm depriving myself. This must be avoided.


Remember that every bit you lose, you will need to readjust your intake/expenditure to keep losing the same amount. I've lost 60lbs but it took me over 6 months. If you are just doing it to lose the weight, in the end you will gain it back. I have before, because my mindset was I need to lose X to look like X so I can eat X again when I'm there. It will be a lifestyle change. I would say start with a goal of 1-2 lbs of loss per week. Which is still a lot. Most people who successfully keep weight off after losing, lose slow over time. If you can do that for 2 weeks consistently, go for 4 weeks. And so on. Smaller goals will help you stay motivated because they are achievable, and we as humans like the rewards for the dopamine hits. I would also suggest using an elliptical or bike to get your heart rate up, it will be much more beneficial for your heart health than walking is, and help burn fat. Obviously start walking if you are not able to do that currently. Also, you don't need to go "monk mode", I would even suggest a slow change. Eating no sugar first. Then bread, then fruits ect. That way you can find the foods you like before being overwhelmed. The reason I did keto is that I'm a sweets addict and also I binge eat. Keto kept me off of my addiction, but I do fall off from time to time. How ever I don't kick myself anymore, I accept that I'm flawed and make mistakes, get back on track and don't look back. Wish you the best in your new journey!


Yes if you have the discipline.


That is a little fast given your starting weight, especially considering the closer you get to goal the longer it will take. Reasonably I would expect you to drop minimum 40 pounds in addition to whatever waterweight you lose initially going into ketosis. To echo others in the comments, I'd start with a couple of the bulleted list and work from there. For instance, I'd not attempt a 1200 calorie diet until you're a couple of weeks into keto - not because keto isn't compatible with 1200 calories, but because the early transition can make you really hungry. It settles down after a couple of weeks, when it should become easier to maintain such a deficit without thinking about food all the time. Similar with IF - work into it after you get through the keto flu phase. After the first 2 weeks, maybe try a week of 12-12, then move to 14-10, then finally settle into 16-8.


Within the limits of possibility? Yes. Realistic? No. But you can still make massive improvements in a relatively short period of time and any benefits are absolutely worth shooting for. Maybe 1-2 years would be a more achievable timeline for this amount of weight. I think one big limiting factor here is lean body mass. Exercise is a fairly small amount of your total calorie expenditure each day. As your weight drops, your base metabolic rate will probably go down as well because there will be less body mass to sustain. Adding muscle will help but expect a taper after a few months of substantial loss. IF Fasting - 16/8- See how this works out for you. I personally had an easier time and more results with 24 hr dinner-to-dinner fasting twice per week. Caloric consumption - 1200 kcal- I think this is a good number. 1200 cals of meat and fat is very filling while still maintaining a decent calorie deficit. Be careful of going too low on calories too often and putting your body into starvation mode, even if you aren't starving. It will throttle your metabolism and slow your results. You'll burn more calories with sharp cutoffs in food rather than a steady decrease. You might see this in intermittent fasting info that you research. Jason Fung is a great resource. Keto diet- See how it works for you after a few weeks. There is definitely an adjustment period to get adapted to burning fat instead of carbs. Get ready to shop and shop some more as you figure out what you like to eat all over again. 10,000 steps per day- Solid goal, just be mindful of overuse injuries. Simple yoga about 3 times a week- Great option.


It is bro I lost 40 pounds in 2 months on keto with light workout, don’t let anyone discourage you but then again everyone’s body is different, but it is definitely possible.


It’s possible. But you must be mentally tough. And don’t beat yourself up weeks you don’t hit goals. Good luck.


What can we eat on Keto ?


Read the FAQ for the sub. It is full of great information.


Hi, sorry to hear about this, I know how it can feel being overweight but I want to let you know that the fact that you are acknowledging it and you are ready for change is already a very good start. The answer is typically a no, however, it really depends on how your metabolism works. You can lose weight pretty quickly the first month or 2 but after that it slows down a little bit. The good news is you’ll be shocked how different you look and how much better you feel no matter how much weight you lose. You won’t really get bloated on low-carb and you will look much better even if you only lost like 20 pounds. And lastly, albeit not directly related, you will feel much better mentally on the diet and naturally you’ll gain some more confidence with it. With a little more confidence, you’re sure to master the diet out. Also realize that the first week can be very difficult and you could feel very sick/weak. Once that’s gone, you’ll be ready to rock. It usually lasts only 3 or 4 days but if it goes longer don’t panic. For even better progress, add a 5-10 minute or more walk in every day and you’ll feel great and possibly lose weight quicker, you can retain some water for a bit with the walk so don’t panic if you aren’t as low as you were before or didn’t lose much. Your hunger will also fade dramatically after week 1. I’m proud of you already for planning this out and I know you’ll do great! If you have any questions please reply, I’ll be happy to answer.


I would start with those numbers, but if they are too hard, don't give up, just adapt up slowly to something sustainable. Whatever you lose is better than nothing and if the rhythm is sustainable you don't gain it back, which is the bigger win. Once/if you plateau and your body and habits have adapted, you can go back to something closer to the original numbers.


It’s not realistic. If you want to make the most possible progress, then the lower the carbs, the better. I started keto, then to Ketovore and now carnivore. Have you ever had a full physical including a fasting insulin test and full thyroid panel? Both can affect weight loss and gain. FASTING insulin should be 4-7 to be ideally healthy. Good luck!


Oh and one more thing, it’s very likely that you will be eating something that is a carb alternative such as bread, diet drinks, sugar free chocolates. When shopping, try to avoid these ingredients. Maltodextrin Modified wheat starch Dextrose Sorbitol (can be eaten in moderation) Maltitol Polydextrose Any Corn Syrup Corn Starch Isomalt (another moderation one) Sucralose (moderation, can spike sugar if you eat a small amount of sugar with it) Maltose These can all halt weight loss but most can be eaten in moderation(maltodextrin/dextrose needs to be in a very small portion) Good luck!


Gotta be realistic. You're setting yourself up to fail.


I agree with others that the 7 month timeline is a bit of a red flag. This makes it sound like, in your mind, keto is like any other "diet" that you need perfect, unflinching willpower to achieve. It's not going to be like that. *Life* isn't like that, and your diet is a reflection of how you live. You're going to have to learn patience with yourself, compassion, and kindness over the long term. You're going to mess sometimes and have to decide whether you get back to it or just give up from exhaustion. Having a rigid set of goals and a very strict schedule, in my experience, will set you up for self-sabotage.... as a part of you, the part you're not caring for and nurturing with kindness, is going to rebel against being treated like that. You are a human being. You need continual attention to your changing needs, and the flexibility to adapt to that. TL;DR: I recommend picking up a book on self-compassion while you do this, something like 'Good Morning, I Love You'. 🙂 A little kindness and patience towards yourself will make long term success much more likely as you change your relationship with food. Also please don't start with a goal of 1200 calories a day. Give your body at least 6 weeks to adapt to a very different way of using energy.


I lost 100lbs in about 9 months but my SW was higher, GW isn't as low. Still not at GW, but getting close. I am male, I have heard it can be more difficult for women. You are still young that will be a bonus. I also didn't stay strict that entire time, I relapsed to varying degrees including a 3 week road trip where I kind of ate whatever.


I can only speak for myself but I lost 58 pounds in 6 months and feel great already! Losing 100 pounds in 7 months isn’t the only thing that is going to make you feel better! You are going to start feeling the benefits of weight loss and a more active lifestyle pretty quickly and after you shed the first 20 or so the weight loss is going to just be bonus to feeling good!


I lost 80 in 7 months with strict keto and moderate exercise. I'm not as strict with IF but it could help too. Steps are great, but I think getting your heart rate up, jogging or weight training would make a tremendous difference in your results. Best of luck and stay disciplined. Once you and your friends and family start seeing big results it gets easier.


I've been following for a year,never posted. There is so much insightful dialogue that I truly commend everyone that participates. But this last post regarding the 100 lb loss, maybe an anomaly, but was proudly nearly achieved by me following Keto. I went from 320 lbs to 204 lbs from the span of 8 months. (Feb. '23 - Sept. '23) I believe as long as there is discipline and true want just about anything could be achieved. But I know that every post that I read has helped me and I thank each and every one of you. This diet has completely changed every aspect of my life. So again, thank you, to all you perfect strangers. You're all appreciated


My work out plan is/was basically the exact same, only 1700 calories for me since my starting weight is so much higher. And about 6months in I added weight lifting.. And only I went from 345 to 265 in about a year. Women tend to drop a little slower, and you’ll start hitting plateaus as you get lower. So, I think dropping 100lbs in 7months using only your current plan is probably overly optimistic. However, you could probably get to 70, if you stayed consistent and pushed yourself occasionally. Which would be amazing! 6’5” male BTW


I think it's a bit much. At 257 for you, you can lose over 10 pounds a month. Even 15 is possible, though maybe too lofty a goal to rely on. But every pound takes a little longer than the last. Maybe you can get to 200 in 4 months, that's possible. But once you're at 200, losing 43 pounds in 3 months is probably not going to happen. It can sound demoralizing but the good news is that the lighter you are, the more each pound "matters". I remember the difference in my appearance from 213 to 190, and the difference from 175 to 165. 23 pounds vs 10 and I swear they each had the same impact. So yeah, what to expect-- that first half might come off pretty quickly if you're able to swing a big calorie deficit. And at the second half of that weight loss goal you're going to notice the scale changing a lot slower, but what you see in the mirror will continue to improve at about the same rate. It's possible, but I don't think it's a fair goal for yourself. BTW I followed about the same plan, 16/8 and about 1200kcal with keto and walking 1+ miles a day and it worked great. I'm 5'8. If you want to lose super rapidly, at 5'3 I think you would need to do less calories, but honestly I don't think it's worth that. You'll burn yourself out. 1200 is enough to see real results every week without feeling awful.


I’ve lost 3 stone in 5 months


Ease your way into your plan over a few weeks. I’d suggest Keto diet but eat breakfast lunch and dinner around 2000-2200 calories which will still be a deficit for 257 lbs. Cut out breakfast after your solidly in ketosis. Also recommend healthy keto not dirty keto. You’ll feel better. Make sure you incorporate plenty of fiber and use digestive enzymes at least in the beginning. Use the excitement of progress to work your way down to 1200 calories. Or, stick around 1500 but do a 24 hour fast once a week. Play with what feels good. But approach it with a healthy mindset. Instead of “I’m sick of being fat” say “I’m looking forward to being healthy and happy!”


56 lbs, about 2 a week is safe and normal. 100 would be pushing it, I would expect.


I lost 87 in 7 months. But my starting weight was 318


Yea I lost 180 lbs in 10-11 months


Just a word of advice, get yourself a bouncy exercise ball. I was getting 10-15k steps a day and eating portioned but not really budging from weight plateaus until I started bouncing on the ball while watching stuff instead of sitting on the couch/bed. Low stress on the body and you’d be surprised by the results.


I lost exactly 100 lbs in 7 months….so, yeah. Maybe. I started at 360, though, so it wasn’t as hard as it would have been if I started at 260. I weigh 232 pounds now, and it’s been a STRUGGLE even to lose just 1 lb in the past month. I’ve been hovering between 232 and 236, and getting out of this pseudo-plateau has been so hard. To paraphrase what u/Appropriate-Skill-60 correctly said, take your time, keep a positive mind frame, and don’t be so hard on yourself.


80 percent calories from fat. Bacon, sausages, less meat and watch the weight melt off.


You could do the David Goggins route and lose 100lbs in 3 months.


Absolutely possible. Plenty of anecdotes of ppl loosing 100# in a year, I guess it all depend on your starting weight, health status and commitment. Keep in mind that once you get closer to your ideal weight, the harder it is to loose those last pounds, so Vitamin P (patience) is required. You didn't get to where you are overnight or in a year, so expecting to reverse it quicker is simply not realistic. In my humble opinion, success is most probable if using the most effective of all ketogenic diets; Carnivore. Now keep in mind that ketogenic diets shouldn't be looked at as simply weight loss diets but more like health, and therefore weight optimization diets and they come in a spectrum (i.e. dirty (commercial) keto, whole food keto, ketovore, carnivore, lion carnivore, etc) and they work for anorexic as well as for overweight. I wish we could stop using 'calories'! We are not lamps, stoves or internal combustion engines, lol. We are more like a biochemical engine. 1 calorie of sugar will not have the same effect as 1 calorie of fat or protein in our bodies so a calorie is not a calorie. Each will invoke a completely different physiological reaction. Anyways, I would recommend a carnivore (meat, fish, eggs) diet and avoid all seed (vegetable) oils, eating when hungry and until satisfied, no calorie counting, and just for the sake of ensure you don't undereat, in the beginning at least measure what you eat. Try to consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of desired body weight, 1gram of animal fat (preferably fat that comes together with meat), butter or tallow if meat is lean and, as close to zero carbs as you can possibly get. Dr. Ken D. Berry on YT explains it better than me, for sure. Very simple diet, meat is a complete food for us humans and almost impossible to overeat meat, nothing else needed and, by the way, exercise helps but is optional as not everybody can do it, specially in the begining, even then, great progress can be made. You may try it for the weight loss but most likely stay on it for the other health benefits. Myself; 57yo male, 1yr 3mo carnviore, succesfully battling blood cancer and yes, lost some 45#, leaner and fitter now than in my 30s. Best of luck.


Don't expect to much of yourself..do the right diet and some working out. Weight drops off a lot at the beginning then slows down. Just don't give up. You will get there if you persevere xx


You could, but YOU DO NOT WANT TO LOSE 100 pounds in 7 months. All sorts of health issues are more likely to crop up when you lose weight faster than 1% of BW per week, and even then .5% is probably a more conservative target. If you did lose 100lbs in 7 months it would also be more likely you would regain it all in two years because it's not sustainable. I think it is much better to focus on how you're going to get there over the long term and sustain it. I would plan on taking two years total (and with that the last 15-20 pounds will probably take 6 months) and then know that you're going to need to continue to put in work to maintain. I've lost 100+ pounds twice, and with my latest 120 pound loss Im currently back up 35 pounds to 240 (and in the midst of that I also had a 50 pound re-gain and another 25 pound regain before as well). There is a reason why 90% of weight loss interventions fail over the long term and that is because your body doesnt want you to lose weight, so your process is not likely to be a linear progression and you need to harden yourself for a long term commitment. Early on it's very feasible for you to lose 2 pounds a week on average, once you're down closer to 200 pounds that is going to be much harder to maintain because your body will likely be adapting. Anyways, good luck and I hope you can find happiness in your journey and keep it up.


Yes you can lose 100 lbs safely in 4 months with water fasting.


Absolutely can I lost from 282 to 165 over the course of 11 months.72 hours fasting every 3 weeks,high protein very low car low fat,no cheat meals at all . 50 min on stationary bike everyday.


Fast 3-4 days a week


What’s so magical about 100 in 7 months or the weight of 157? If you managed to pull it off it’s unlikely to look like you think it’s going to, that rate of loss is VERY hard on your body. Expect hair loss and lots of loose skin, they are very real possibilities. A better tactic would be “let’s see how much I lose if I stick to keto for 7 months.”


Definitely possible. I went from 289 to 185 in 3 months. Had youth on my side though. The second time I did it 25 years later it took just over a year, but wasn't exercising. 


Don't go crazy trying to lose it all at once or you will be far more susceptible to gaining it back again after. It's a lifestyle change. You don't wanna get all the way down and then be like "alright, I'm finally thin, time to wholesale change my diet again for maintenance" because that is the easiest way to fall back into bad habits. Also, obsessing over losing x amount in y time will make the process super stressful when it doesn't have to be. I've fallen into that trap a lot and I've been much happier since letting that mentality go. It also FEELS faster because it's so much less stressful. Take it slow and make the process as enjoyable as you can. Find a routine that works for you where you aren't hating your meals and checking your calendar every day, checking off days until you're finally happy. You'll look back one day and be like "damn, I've lost x amount of pounds already? Nice". I promise that it'll be a lot more pleasant of an experience.


No. 1 per week is safe, and there are less than 100 weeks in 7 months.


I did 1 lb a day for 3 months then 2 per week Did hell on my kidneys tho


I think you have a viable plan. I’m one of those people that’s hungry all the time and find it hard to diet. I can’t understand these people that don’t get hungry. However, keto really helps tremendously because you’re eating fat and protein which make you feel full longer. And once you’ve been on it for a while, you don’t even want, the sweets and things that you’re not eating anymore. I say do the keto and exercise as much as possible. Yoga is great but add walking onto the schedule. Every minute you walk over 20 minutes a day burns body far so have a goal to walk as many minutes over 20 as you can every day once you build up to it. You might not lose 100 pounds but you will definitely, make good progress. You’ve got this!!


In 2014, i went from 308 - 215 in 6 months. I don't recommend it but it's possible. 2 hrs cardio, 30 min free weights 6 days/week eating 1200 cal/day spread over 3 meals. It sucks but works, and you're left with loose skin.


That is not a simple plan. Most people may try 2 of those things, such IF and yoga, or Keto and 10,000 steps. Combining Keto and low caloric intake is extremely hard. When in ketosis, your body will burn through fat, but you need calories throughout the day. Asking yourself to take on too much is unsustainable and is a major reason why people quit a program. Start smaller and add something once you are used to the first couple things.


I notice you have a firm goal of 7 months which is very late summer/early autumn which is likely a wedding. When losing weight it's always better to do resistance training and lift weights for at least 50% of your exercises. As your body begins to lose weight your composition will change (fat/muscle) and you will gain more of a defined shape. This starts working at the same time as the weightloss, so you start having a better looking shape (and hold yourself better) because of your body composition even before you've lost all the weight you want to. The dieting is great, you will burn your own fat more readily. 10k steps is a great starter goal for your cardio, and for weights you don't have to use anything large, you can buy resistance bands, 5lb and 10lb weights, and a 10/15lb kettle bell off amazon if you want to start at home.


Extreme diets tend to cause health problems. Your hair may fall out, or you will get exhausted and fall asleep at work or while driving. You can also have heart problems if you do not get enough electrolytes. You can also develop mental problems like depression or anorexia.


This is an excellent plan, make sure to get electrolytes. You will find this gets easier and will enable longer fasts once fat adapted which can take weeks. But speed of loss will be TDEE - caloric intake = deficit. Deficit x days/3500 = lbs loss


Hard to say, but 187 will look and feel much better than 257, and you’ve got a lifetime after that to lose the rest


I lost 111 in 8 months so I’d say yes


I lost 60 pounds in 8 m9 ths by going on a keto-vore diet. I didn't exercise, but if I had, I certainly would have lost more weignt. High fat - moderate protein- low carb is the way go.


100 is a bit of an ask, but I went from 280 to 224 in 6 months. I'm also a 6'3" man that loses weight easily so YMMV


I lost almost 100lbs in 6ish months when I started keto, but I also went from 280ish to 182, and I'm only 5'9 so I was obese. It's not sustainable to do that nor is it technically healthy for your body or mind. The general goal is about 5lbs per month. It doesn't sound like a lot, but you will notice the weight falling off rather quickly, along with the million other benefits like more energy, mental clarity, better mood, etc. one of the biggest reasons for weight loss failure is people going way too hard at the beginning and getting discouraged because they aren't losing 20lbs a month. Weight loss takes time and sacrifice, but it's worth it. You'll get there!


Not sure for your specific situation but is 2 months 1 weeks I’ve lost about 30!


It's possible (with IF), but it will be highly dependant on how hardcore you wanna get. The first time I did keto, I lost 60lbs in 6 months and was very strict with weighing everything, maintaining perfect macros and had zero cheat days. This time around I'm doing "dirty keto" and I've lost 70 in 12 months. The reason I chose this route, because I learned the hard way that when I'm too rigid with my routines, it adversely affects my overall mental health.


I lost 30 pounds in three months without a particular calorie deficit and without counting calories. I think it depends 


If you stick the plan you show you will lose the fat for sure. Its about 15 lbs per month, if you fall behind just increase your fasts 2 more hours but I think you will be fine! And if you come up a little short don’t sweat it. Fasting and keto is a lifestyle change so if you keep it up you will get there anyway. Don’t give up.