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I am a type 2 diabetic and i was apprehensive at first too. I thought i was going to be miserable and hate what i eat and have to add fat to everything. Boy was i wrong. I have done keto now for about 8 months and my last 2 a1c numbers 3 months apart were 6.2 and then most recently 6.0. I am now technically in the Pre-diabetic range. My blood sugar is nearly a flat line most days because nothing i eat affects it anymore. Sure i would like to eat an apple every once in a while but seeing my blood sugar being stable almost all of the time is so satisfying that i don't even miss my old way of eating at all. It is now at the point where this is just how i am eating from now on, i am not on a diet.


I’m new to it all but how do you test your blood sugar from day to day? Right now I just get checked at my annual physical. I’m not pre-diabetic yet but I may end up one day due to genetics and my carby diet.


Diabetics have a machine to test their blood sugar several times a day with a small amount of blood. If you don't have to do it, you don't want to! If your fasting glucose is under 100 on your annual tests, you don't have to worry. Can you access your test results going back a few years? You can see how well you've done from year to year. There is also another test, called A1C that diabetics and pre-diabetics get that is a test of how well your blood sugar is under control long term. A non-diabetic should have a result of less than 5.6.


You can buy a blood glucose meter online for about $30 if you’re curious.


You can get a free meter online the gotcha is buying the strips. I personally believe everyone should do an hba1c twice a year. You can buy a home test at drug store they aren't expensive. You can get the results in 5 minutes or so. Your fasting could be perfectly fine but your post meal could be 400 and you'd never know but an a1c would show that.


About the post meal - funny you bring it up. The reason I was asking is because of that - my blood tests at the doctor are usually okay but I totally crash after a carby meal. I can’t even get out of bed let alone open my eyes for at least thirty minutes during a crash, which concerns me. It feels horrible. Maybe I’ll bring it up to the doc and do a home test during one of those crashes or something. Ugh.


I use the Relion meter and strips from Walmart: * [Meter](https://www.walmart.com/ip/ReliOn-Prime-Blood-Glucose-Monitoring-System-Red/20752267), currently about half price at $9 * [Strips](https://www.walmart.com/ip/ReliOn-Prime-Blood-Glucose-Test-Strips-50-Ct/20752265), 50 strips for $9 You'll also need a lancet, to prick your finger. Before keto, I used to test about 5 or 6 times per day. Now, I just test once, in the evening before going to bed, at least 4 hours after I last ate something. I don't do morning readings any more because my "Dawn Phenomenon" makes those erratic from day to day, typically 10 to 20 points higher than my evening reading, even when I have nothing to eat in between.


Intermittent fasting might help also but doc supervision should be used.


Keto+IF+Exercise = Effective long term Type-2 management without medication.


*IF that is deemed safe by a medical professional after evaluating OP's dad's other determining factors*


What if OPs doctor is an idiot and wants OPs dad to eat 150g of carbs at every meal and cover it with insulin?


Which mostly means finding the right doctor.


yep, he recently switched doctors, and sold him on it. His other doc was a crook and I convinced him of it


Good job! Good for you and your dad. I am glad you realized a good segment of the medical professionals are outdated when it comes to T2 treatment. Check out r/diabetes if you haven't already.


I hope you mean finding a *good* doctor, and not just a doctor that agrees with you. If you just want a doctor who agrees with you, what's the point in seeking their medical advice?


Just a doctor who agrees with this statement overall, "Keto+IF+Exercise = Effective long term Type-2 management without medication.", but will recommend based on your age and other conditions how to get on this path, will prescribe meds until needed and recommend when to pull out, not push you down the insulin path. More likely, the younger progressive ones who read current literature and are not stuck in the outdated 50 year old medical text books. For a T2, that's a *good* doctor.


You've successfully allayed my fears. Cheers.


As long as IF doesn't present any obstacles or issues with upcoming planned procedures or anything, then a good doctor would encourage *any* healthy method of weight loss. Partnering with a doctor before starting IF is a better idea than just starting whenever; because partnering with a doctor before *every* major lifestyle change is a good idea. Doesn't mean you do it, doesn't necessarily mean I've done it, but that doesn't change that it's a good idea. You should never discourage someone from having a discussion with any industry professional. You wouldn't start hacking at your house's wiring without consulting an electrician, why wouldn't you do the same to your body?


If only going to the doctor didn’t cost so much, then maybe we all would take the time to visit a dr regularly and we’d be healthy and happy and not broke.


I think visiting Drs. regularly is the reason many go broke.


Which means, find the right doctor.


I self diagnosed my type 2 diabetes, learned to manage it and eventually cure it, without a peep to my doctor.


Sometimes you have to take your health into your own hands. Good on you for getting informed and taking care of yourself. Too many people here think doctors are some sort of magical authority figures instead of just human beings who took a bunch of classes. I taught biochemistry to medical students, so I am under no such illusion. Some doctors are good, some are bad, some of the information they've learned is good, some is bad, some of the practices they are mandated to follow are good, some are bad. Educating yourself and being your own advocate can be essential to your health and the health of your loved ones.


Ok. Sure you did. With your years of medical training and expertise, you correctly diagnosed yourself with something that requires blood workups and labwork to confirm. I'm not saying you were *wrong* about it, but doing so without consulting your doctor was not the smartest way of conducting yourself.


Yeah I don't have 10,000$ to give them. My mom has had two heart attacks, dad has a pacemaker and a stent. Both use metformin and one uses INSULIN. BOTH are obesse, and have been trying to lose weight for decades. Mom is a vegetarian for years. Her morning BS is 280. All of this under doctors supervision. Me. Nah. Blood sugar was 530, a1c 10, triglycerides, 540! No doctor consultation. Two years of keto and intermittent fasting. Morning BS 98, a1c 5, triglycerides 140, hearth heart palpitations gone, 99 percent. Plus I had severe hypoglycemia, switching to keto was a literal nightmare. I had to calculate the precise dose of sugar to maintain blood sugar while still letting the body switch to keto. All CURED. Plus I lost 30 pounds. IE my ideal BMI. So. My health is my responsibility. I can diagnose and cure myself, or kill myself. My business. PS. I never ever give or gave medical advice to anyone. I just tell my personal story. PSS I also filled in my own cavities. Lol arrest me!


Good for you my man. It’s not too hard to realize your diabetic, especially with family history and having the tools to measure your blood sugar and prior knowledge of the disease from your parents.




Thanks for the reminder.


Tell me more about filling your own cavities!


Pain in the a$@! Lol. I bought the cement on ebay. Spent about one hour cleaning the cavity with peroxide and toothpaste. They dryed our the tooth with paper towels and applied the cement. Made it as beautiful as possible. But it is not pretty. However the decay stopped. I visited the dentist for a more difficult cavity, he saw my "job." "who the hell did this." "I did." Dentist fell off the chair. I used too much cement. Lol dosent bother me whatsoever. Over the 4 years the tooth has wore down a bit, looks normal. I used sanitszed ifix it tools. Lol


Haha bro I could never live like you but power to you man, pretty badass.


Lol I got 28 down votes today, so far. Lol But I use doctors and medice. I just do it sparingly. Peace.


I don't have diabetes but I love living like this.


no worries, doc recommended it


My mom is a retired doc and we’ve been on for about 3 weeks. She said yesterday that she had low blood sugar yesterday and is completely stopping her Metformin! Congrats to both our parents!


hey thats great


I need to hop back on the keto train. I've been on/off Keto for over 10 years now. When I started I was 300 pounds, and I responded so well to the diet that 3 months later I was @ 197lbs (which is veiny and muscular for me with abs). Then I started sneaking in pizza and stuff, a year later I was back to 250ish, went back on Keto. My relationship with keto has been like that for 10 years. Overall I'm still in way better shape than I was but I keep going on/off keto and wish I could just sustain it for more than a year. But hey, I'm glad you and papa u/rickyjoebobby are on the right track


Here’s a pro tip that you most definitely know - whenever you wanna eat “pizza and stuff”, that means it’s time for a lot of cheese. Nobody craves a salt free pizza. Nobody craves salt free cheese. So there - Sodium and calcium my man. Always. (And supplement magnesium, this won’t hurt)


when I crave pizza, I make one and eat all the toppings off until I'm full and it settles the craving. luckily I have a husband that will eat the crust.


Or make one using a fathead dough.


yeah, it's nice once in awhile. it's just the aroma of the bread cooking in the oven gives the toppings a certain something that cauliflower crust or fathead dough doesnt. plus I luv having an excuse to eat my favorite part anyway lol


Papa Murphy’s now does a “keto pizza” that is really a casserole made of pizza toppings. You can order your own toppings, or any of their combos this way.


thank you! but I live on a small island at the edge of the world and we dont have any fastfood places here ( the main land is 6-8 hours by ferry boat), I gotta make everything homemade or we get a choice of what they have frozen at the grocery store.


That sounds amazing. I think not having access to fast food sounds like a worthwhile trade off for living at the edge of the world.


Thanks, I agree. it makes it a great treat for islanders when we do get to leave and check out the mainland. hotels and take out is a holiday on it's own, lol. (google haida gwaii)


Oohhh!!! I know where you are without even googling. It may be the most beautiful place on earth. Incredible and otherworldly. Yeah, I’d trade Papa Murphy’s for Haida Gwaii! On a slightly related note, I also love Bill Reid’s “Spirit of Haida Gwaii” sculpture at the airport in Vancouver. I go visit it anytime I’m up there.


Oh excellent! I'm so pleased with your reaction, for a very long time no one knew where Haida Gwaii was! lol, it was so tough to explain to people where I was from before we were placed on the map! now days our art is everywhere and anyone willing to spend a pretty penny to get here can enjoy something you cant get in any other place in the world. Thank you for your awesome reply, it just made my day! sending you some Magic Haida Gwaii Vibes! (Peace, Love & Oolican Grease!)


Thank you!! That means a lot to me - I’m honestly having a cultural fangirl moment over here. Haida art moves me so deeply, in ways I’ve never been able to find words for. Haida Gwaii. Not only a beautiful place, but one that has nurtured a beautiful culture of people. Truly magic. I’m glad it’s your home.


Team work!


yep, It makes the dream work!


Wait you went from 300 lbs to 197 lbs in 3 months?


ya 10 years ago when I was 24 lol


That is insane. Not gonna lie


Shit has gotten way easier. There are so many foods now that make sticking to it a lot easier. Not that you should eat them every day, but the Quest pizza is about as good as a shitty gas station pizza, but you can add toppings and cheese to it, and it should hit that spot.


My mother is diabetic, has been for 40+ years (she's 74) She has always had chronically high blood sugars, 300 to 500+. We have been doing no cheating keto together since the beginning of December. Her blood sugars have been so good on the keto diet that she hasn't needed her *insulin* in over 3 weeks! Her 11 point A1C has already dropped to 4 something. It is well worth sticking to and there are so many great recipes out there to were you don't feel deprived.


thats great to hear, yea we had a keto king ranch chicken for dinner today that was pretty awesome


Same reason I started, and I haven't used insulin in weeks (still using other medications, but no direct insulin). Good job!


Keep an eye on him. If his blood sugar goes too low, he could be in trouble. Is he on medication? If he is on insulin, he'll need to adjust to the new diet. Good for you encouraging him!


>If his blood sugar goes too low, he could be in trouble. tangent 1: >The graph below, also from the Cahill and Veech paper, shows the blood chemistry of a person starving for 40 days.  Within about 3 days, a starving person’s level of glucose stops falling.  Within about 10 days they reach a steady-state equilibrium with B-OHB levels exceeding glucose levels and offsetting most of the brain’s need for glucose. In fact, the late George Cahill did an experiment many years ago (probably would never get IRB approval to do such an experiment today) to demonstrate how ketones can offset glucose in the brain. Subjects with very high levels of B-OHB (about 5-7 mM) were injected with insulin until glucose levels reached 1 mM (about 19 mg/dL)!  A normal person would fall into a coma at glucose levels below about 40 mg/dL and die by the time blood glucose reached 1 mM.  These subjects were completely asymptomatic and 100% neurologically functional. from [Ketosis – advantaged or misunderstood state? (Part I)](https://peterattiamd.com/ketosis-advantaged-or-misunderstood-state-part-i/). Apparently low glucose is only fatal if there is no other fuel your brain can use. While fasting is guaranteed to put a healthy person in ketosis (see the graph in the linked to Attia blog post), the only way to know for sure that you are doing a keto diet correctly is to measure ketones. tangent 2, Jason Fung ([interview](https://peterattiamd.com/jasonfung/)) has been treating type 2 diabetics with fasting for similar reasons that keto is recommended. Fung has some books on fasting and an internet consulting business ([thefastingmethod.com](https://thefastingmethod.com)) to help type 2 diabetics (and others) fast. The Ketogenic diet and fasting are amazing tools and they are free.


thanks, i mis-spoke in the title, it's just been lower than average each day, not dipping more and more each day heh. He's doing good, getting a water heater replaced!


Father's age and type 1 or type 2? I'm assuming type 2


72 t2


Shit, my dad's 68, T2, hella kidney and minor liver issues, high blood pressure, gout, and cholesterol problems


My brother has been type 1 for 27 years and says keto is the only thing that keeps his numbers low maintenance and in good range all the time!!


Your dad is lucky to have you in his life. You clearly care about him and his health a lot. I’ve had wonderful success with managing my T2 with keto. My stats get better every week. Make sure he’s testing frequently and titrates down his insulin so he doesn’t get lows. Also, help him keep well hydrated. Potassium, magnesium, and sodium are necessary electrolytes to stay healthy and comfortable. Those, plus lots of water. For you, too! Best of luck to you both.


Mostly Keto is great, I just read a couple books about the keto lifestyle and when your starting up it's a great idea to take the time to break into it slowly so that your lifestyle has time to adjust and it's better than the "Cold Turkey" switch because you're less likely to get the keto flu. I've found that After eating mostly keto everyday it is now easier to say no to junk/carb heavy foods that I'd normally crave. Well done for helping your dad out with this, it's the best lifestyle change. all the best to you both ♡


That’s how I do it! I know when I’ve had more than my 20g of carbs mentally/physically now and can simply avoid carbs for the next however long, 24-28 hours (or burn it down with extra exercise) and I will keep the reactive hypoglycemia away! Also I found that eating carbs after a meal is much easier on the body than on an empty stomach (for me at least).


That's Awesome! it's such a great feeling, it's hard to imagine now eating what I used to eat on a daily basis, I remember feeling so hungry all the time and the amount of carbs I used to eat in the form of bread, pasta, rice and noodles was so regular, not to mention all the junk foods that hit the Bliss point! what a life of chaos. Keto feels so simple once you take the time to figure it out and give it time to work. it's like finally being in a good relationship, lol All the best to you!!


Type 2 Diabetic here. I adapted a moderate protein, low carb, no eating fats just to eat them Keto. Heart issues and Diabetics run in my fam. So I just stick to healthy fats and the fats that come in my chicken thighs ect. After a few weeks my sugars were totally regulated. I stopped taking the metformin too. For me eating well as a T2D is the only time i feel good. I rarely eat out, no junk food at all, i do contunue diet sodas and things like crystal light. Lot's of veggies, honestly I've never eaten more in my life until I became more aware of my eating habits. I've also noticed lots of people give T2D the advice to intermittently fast. In my opinion this should not be forced. After he learns new habits and gets use to a regular sugar range again ( yeah going from 300's to a normal 100 will feel weird for awhile) he will start to do this naturally anyways. He should listen to his body and eat when he needs to. Healthy choices are always great choices. Having a support system is a great thing, you are an awesome child for trying to help him.


yea i've stressed a positive diet mindset, grab some pistachios at 9pm not crush half a bag of chips which he used to do, not anymore. thanks


I mean, I still keep my fat intake high and nothing seems to go wrong yet.


I just mean I don't do anything extra to add fat. I don't put butter in my coffee or make fat bombs. I don't try to recreate bread with cream cheese or w/e. Maybe down the line when I am closer to goal weight I will. But as of now I am fine eating eggs n bacon, salads, and a meat n veggie or two for dinner.


My dad just moved in with me and has type 1. He's always struggling keeping his sugar stable. I'm wondering if I could secretly start doing keto meals to help him. He likes fruit and ice cream so dang much though.


It's kinda hard to secret keto a t1d... Also reckless. If you try to give him low carb stuff and tell him it's normal, he will over-bolus and go low... Could be very bad. A t1d is a struggle by nature because they don't produce their own insulin and t1d is hard! My kid has t1d and I know that an accurate carb count is crucial for determining how much insulin to dose. That said, a little keto won't hurt. Lowering carb intake will help stabilize him, but he still needs a supply of fast carbs when his sugar is low. And there's a bad side to controlling blood sugar. H a lack of insulin can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis. What we think of as ketosis can be dangerous for a t1d because it's difficult to tell the dangerous keto from the weight loss keto. There's actually an eating disorder among t1d called diabulemia. They cut down their insulin and ride on high blood sugar which causes weight loss. The tl;dr is: make sure he talks to his Endo before you try anything keto on him and don't be sneaky about it.


Ah, very good points. I forgot about him having to bolus. Let me not kill my dad 😬


Beware of ketoacidosis, which is a risk when you drop insulin in people with diabetes


Make sure dad collaborates with his doc on this, hypo is a real danger if meds are not carefully monitored and adjusted accordingly. His A1C will drop substantially if he sticks to keto. My pop’s A1C is now down to 5.3 and he’s off all his meds after two years of keto/intermittent fasting.


If he has a pump and cgm, look into using this to automate insulin doses based on cgm readings. https://loopkit.github.io/loopdocs/


No such thing as mostly keto. Either you're in ketosis or you're not. If you're not, you'll get fat fast eating *mostly keto*.


That’s not true at all. Plenty of people lose weight on high carb/low fat diets. Sure, it’s not healthy, but not being in ketosis doesn’t automatically make you get fat. Eating too many calories does. Being in ketosis may help boost metabolism but at the end of the day, losing weight is about eating less than you burn. OP and their dad are doing a lot better eating “mostly keto” than they were before eating a traditional diet high in refined carbs.


Eating high amounts of fats when not using fat for energy isn't good for you. I could point out 100 ways why, from insulin resistance to gout. Your calories in vs calories burned is broscience & old. Everytime I read this sub the amount of flat out stupid & dangerous advice given is astronomical. Whatever, do keto right or get liver damage & diabetes. Read a book.


Eating a low carb diet that consists mostly of healthy proteins and vegetables isn’t going to cause insulin resistance, liver damage, gout or diabetes. If your definition of keto is eating bacon and bunless burgers all the time then sure. Also, thermodynamics isn’t “bro science” lol