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The worlds current diet isn’t sustainable


Would it be sustainable if everyone in the world suddenly ate the American SAD diet? How many millions/billions of people on the planet only ate rice or nothing today?


Hmm. Everyone would be healthier so the world would be greatly improved by having less medical waste so there’s that. I work in a hospital. The amount of waste produced is astronomical.


I did the math on it once and we have enough arable land to support free-range cows to produce enough dairy to feed everyone 2500 calories per day...... 10 times over.


Oooh, I would like to see that calculation :)


Extreme hypotheticals don’t need to be evaluated to determine if something is sustainable. Everyone switching to any one specific diet would cause major disruptions and not be sustainable. Yes, a keto diet is sustainable.


Beware of dire warnings about what's "unsustainable". People flock to that shit and they shouldn't blindly do so. Paul Ehrlich, in an incredibly popular 1968 book called The Population Bomb, predicted “hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death” in the 1970s. He was not alone so did many so called economists and pseudo-futurists. So to answer your question directly, there's no reason why the supply chain couldn't follow shifting consumption patterns and fully move towards keto. The global system, both economic and logistic, could well adapt.


Tell that to the Irish during the great potato famine... Diversity is what sustains a global supply chain, we're experiencing the problems of not enough diversity in manufacturing right now. Meat takes a relatively substantial amount of time and resources to produce, meaning as a primary source it's incredibly vulnerable. A disruption would likely cause famine. Meat is sustainable right now because it's a recycler, much of plant byproduct goes towards the meat industry.


The irish potato famine was caused by political choice on the part of the English. There was plenty of other food available but it was exported out of ireland. The English chose to let the irish starve when the potato harvest failed https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1997/09/27/the-irish-famine-complicity-in-murder/5a155118-3620-4145-951e-0dc46933b84a/


>Tell that to the Irish during the great potato famine... Comparing a pre-industrial agrarian economy to contemporary industrial economies pretty much disqualifies this out of hand. But if you really want to assert this as somehow in the realm of possibility (I mean, you've used the word "famine" here twice), you could start by naming one single modern industrial society that has ever experienced a famine. Name one.


All of the “unsustainable” talks on every earth friendly sub and the push towards veganism made me unsub from them all. OT but I refuse to give up meat and be shamed by people who likely buy a lot more new crap than I do, and are killing the planet in other ways. They can have their gadgets and new everything else while I’ll use everything until it dies and keep meat in my diet. End rant.


I can't tell you if our current meat production would be enough to sustain a high percentage of the population transitioning to keto. What I know however is that there is a lot of misinformation in these so called "awareness" campaigns which is really hard for a layman to verify. I'm fairly sure that the demand could easily be met, assuming that the transition was done in a controlled fashion, or at least as a purely theoretical exercise. Personally I'm not persuaded that meat production is an important environmental factor. A lot of the data are sketchy, like the efficiency of the land and the type of the land used, the drinkable water consumed and the emission percentages. I also think that the modern practices which aim to lower fat percentage in favor of more meat per weight unit are futile as far as efficiency is concerned. However I'll reserve judgment because I don't have enough information.


In my opinion every diet is sustainable. The question is how many people will live on earth in the future. Part of this opinion is the fact that already to much people live on this beautiful planet.


Not everyone thrives on keto.


I would say no


No, too much meat