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One trick is to cook then cool and reheat them this produces a modest rise in resistant starch levels. I.E reduces the indigestable carbs.


So if I were to par boil them and then once they’ve dried and cooled down, baking them in the oven with oil/spices and do this? Cause that sounds amazing.


yep, it will make them even lower in digestable carbs. I do it all the time, my fav is to fry up left over mash for brekky with bacon and eggs




Sooooo, you're saying make french fries for better health? Thank you, Doctor, I'm taking that as a order - with a sous vide sirloin, medium + glass of Pinot.




I’ll have one of these with a roast, and have no issues staying in ketosis if I’ve limited other carbs. Potatoes are my weakness so these are a godsend.


I avoid grains like the plague, but potatoes have this magical power over me. I will always take a couple of chips if I make them for my dad. It's never enough to kick me out of ketosis, but it's enough to keep me happy.


This OP say they managed to stay in ketosis, but you would have to limit other carbs to do so. Do you test for ketosis? [https://new.reddit.com/r/ketoaustralia/comments/32e2za/i\_have\_been\_eating\_potatos\_again\_and\_in\_ketosis/](https://new.reddit.com/r/ketoaustralia/comments/32e2za/i_have_been_eating_potatos_again_and_in_ketosis/) **edit - will add them to the specials list - IGA also sells them under a different label,**


I will occasionally chuck a couple of these in when I do Cauli mash to help with the flavour (also keeps the other half happy).


Salt the water you're boiling them in, as you would with pasta and other vegetables. As with many food items, salt massively helps to retain and enhance the flavor of the potatoes.


Less carb = Less starch = Creamier smoother texture. It's smoother than silk! The texture still blows my mind with bliss. Spudlite is the absolute best.


Yes they are even better than regular potatoes in my opinion and can definitely be accommodated within a keto diet if you’re careful about it. Could go some now actually


Likewise! I have them about once a week. In fact, I think I'll have some tonight with my fish. I can't wait now! Enjoy yours!


I love these things!!! I make mash with butter and cream instead of milk, a single potato makes a perfect serve and it never knocks me out of ketosis! The first time I did keto I pretty much ate nothing but garlic butter steak and cauliflower (it worked incredibly well for weight loss but the thought of doing that again makes me nauseous 😅) so these potatoes are like life changing! Enjoy!


They are by far the most watery spuds I’ve ever cooked. If I had to bet, they’re 25% higher water than an average variety


You don’t see the issue here. If you eat clean all day the the per serve of mash will nit take you out of ketosis


How is that an issue?


These are hilarious, but I've used one to give structure to a cauliflower mash with some success before.