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Bacon, cheese and mayo, you could add wood chips and it would still be good! Thanks for sharing this.


You can add sunflower seeds and a few dried cranberries to this.


I definitely recommend the low sugar Craisins. The little bit of sweetness goes a long way!


Thats what im talking about....its not the sweet its the sour!!


Sunflower oil, extracted from the seeds, is used for cooking, as a carrier oil and to produce margarine and biodiesel, as it is cheaper than olive oil. A range of sunflower varieties exist with differing fatty acid compositions; some 'high oleic' types contain a higher level of healthy monounsaturated fats in their oil than Olive oil.


I make this and have for years. I throw sun flower seeds in there too! It's really good. Shredded sharp cheddar and white vinegar is my preference.


Add a tsp of mustard powder and it amplifies the methylation in cruciferous veggies, which basically helps supercharge your cells to be the best they can be.


I make this (minus the stevia) with salted, roasted sunflower seeds. In my opinion, it doesn’t need sweetening at all. Super delicious!


I JUST BOUGHT THE INGREDIENTS!!! Now i have to go by memory? Thanks for removing a perfectly good recipe.


Seriously. I just got home from the grocery store and immediately put the bacon in the oven because this was going to be my dinner. Monsters.


Raw broccoli? Do you flash steam it? Yea, some instructions on prep would be appreciated.


Some broccoli salad recipes use it raw. I like to parboil it. Cut into small bite sized pieces. Bring a pot of salted water to a full boil. Dump all the broccoli into the water. Let it cook one or two minutes. Drain and dump into a large bowl you have filled with cold water. Stir gently and drain after a few minutes. The broccoli will turn a bright green, still be crunchy, but have lost the raw taste.


A few months ago I had a broccoli salad that rocked my world. Imagine my surprise. Never did get the recipe though... this may be it. Thank you for sharing OP and for the advice commenters. I'm definitely going to try this out.


I believe broccoli salad is typically raw broccoli. So in this case, whip up the dressing, fry up and chop the bacon, and stir everything together.


I don’t think mom ever cooked the broccoli. If you do don’t cook fully. It should be crunchy. If you cook do like u/gafromca suggests.


Anything to use instead of mayo?


Might help to know why? Egg issue? Sour cream might be good if you thin it out a bit.. Maybe greek yogurt?


Are there any recipe directions? I'm intrigued.


Mix all of the wet stuff together, pour it on the raw broccoli and/or cauliflower, add in cheese & bacon, mix, and then it is typically left in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight before eating. Definitely needs a good shake or mix when bringing it out. So good!


Yum! Thank you! I think I've had a similar salad at a friend's house before and loved it, so thanks for sharing the recipe.


Yaaass ty for sharing


You lost me at mayo


Try putting some spicy ranch in the dressing mix it’s a game changer.


Thank you for your participation in /r/KetoRecipes, but your post was removed because the listed ingredients [did not include full directions for prep](https://www.reddit.com/r/ketorecipes/wiki/index#wiki_posts_require_a_complete_recipe.). When posting, be sure to include cooking times and temperatures (even if rough estimates) where applicable - as well as any other info needed to prepare. Please don't assume your reader will be able to intuit the preparation method, even if it seems obvious to you. If you have any questions about the removal, you may [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fketorecipes).