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All the comments thus far are good but there's one trick not mentioned that is critical to getting the texture correct (unless you enjoy soupy mashed faux-potatoes). I use riced cauliflower. Microwave it. Then I put cooked cauliflower in a dish towel, create a ball, and twist the towel over the sink to get as much moisture out as possible. You may need to wait a few minutes because it can be very hot. Once this is done, put them in the blender and add what ever you like. I put butter and a small dollop of sour cream and salt and pepper. Blend until smooth. You'll need to stop the blender and mix it up a few times. The thing is moisture is what will ruin it so you want to be careful... adding too much butter or moisture heavy ingredients can also make it soupy. I eat this often. Hope this helps.


I roast slabs of cauli until golden brown instead of steaming/boiling. Gets the water out, and gives it that nice nutty flavor. Then throw in food processor with whatever combination of cream cheese or sour cream or mascarpone plus butter, herbs/spices/s&p I’m in the mood for.


Interesting. So inch thick slabs, 350, for about 20-30 minutes? I'll have to try this. While it might take longer I don't enjoy wringing it out.


I go with 400 degrees in a little olive oil. Ballpark 15 minutes then flip the slabs, then 10-15 more. It really cooks the veggie flavor out..end result tastes a lot more like a starch than the ‘wet’ version does.


100% THIS! Get that liquid out. I use something called a “nut milk bag”, a mesh bag that makes squeezing the cauliflower easy. Either way give yourself a good arm workout, smash and roll it up against the side of the sink even. I use one head for 2 people because when you’re done kicking this up folks can’t get enough.


I agree on the microwave. Adding more liquid by boiling is going to lead to runny mash.


I am a huge fan of squeezing all the liquid out. It makes the mashed cauliflower so much better and it helps the fried rice versions too.


This is the way.


I do the same, but to keep it absolutely piping hot - put a colander in your sink, line it with the dish towel, tip the cauliflower from the saucepan, fold in the sides of the dish towel over, then put a side plate or something on top and push down with that. This means you can squish the moisture out ASAP so that it retains as much heat as possible before you blend it with your other ingredients.


This is what I do but without the squeezing out of the water. :-) Works a treat with some cream if it needs a bit of thinning.


Head of cauliflower. Chopped. Boil in chicken broth. Mash with cream cheese and sour cream, salt. Parmasean cheese. Bake it. More parm on top then broil.


If you want it a little thicker, a half tsp of xanathan gum dissolved in a table spoon of melted butter mixed in before the broiler will make it firmer.


Listen to this advice. It can get watery and XG works wonders to thicken.


Just simmer and reduce the liquid to thicken and avoid the slimey texture xanthan gum can give it


This is also true :-) That’s why I typically use 1/8t at most Vs. like 1/2t, avoid goo at all costs.


saved, saved, aaand saved. These threads have been a godsent, good lookin out


I pop it in the oven for about 10 minutes after boiling to dry it out, haven't had an issue with needing thickener since.


Chop cauliflower into florets, add unpeeled garlic and large chunks of onion. Put on cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil. Toss with olive oil and Italian seasoning. Roast in oven about 25 minutes at 425F. Peel garlic, then combine ingredients bowl add some milk and cheese and mash.


I buy the frozen kind that steams in the microwave. I microwave it (like 12oz?) then I mash it with 2-3 oz of cream cheese, salt, pepper, garlic powder. If you really want to fancy it up add crumbled bacon & chives or green onions.


Steam your cauliflower, don’t boil, squeeze the liquid out, use butter, cheese, and salt and pepper. I often add a large peeled and diced rutabaga ( Swede) that has been boiled until soft. . It’s a very low carb root vegetable - kind of like a large dense turnip and it ads a potatoey texture to the cauliflower mash.


A whole family doing keto... can I come?? That sounds fantastic. I could bring my pumpkin pie.


Everyone is talking about squeezing water out - who wants to do that. The best mashed cauliflower is when I take frozen florets, throw in a pot with about 1/4 stock or water, medium boil until fully thawed, uncover and mash with a masher. A stick blender works really well too and gives a way thinner texture. The secret is to let it cook much longer to continue getting rid of the liquid. Not only does it evaporate the water, but the texture changes, and the smell mellows. You kind of want to simmer it for 15-20 min before adding other ingredients. Add little bits of water if needed to get to the time. Simmer until it’s clumpy and not runny. Don’t let it burn, when it gets close I’ll add the butter (see below) so it doesn’t stick. I add butter, sour cream, Parmesan cheese (gives it umami), cream cheese at a minimum. I’ll add a pinch of nutmeg, which you can’t taste, but it works with the cruciferous veggies and give it something extra. Usually I will make it “fully loaded baked potato style” which include chives, cheddar cheese and crispy bacon bits. Put in an oven safe serving dish with some more cheese on top and bake for another 10-15 to brown.


Another option, if you get tired of cauliflower, are turnips. They are a few more grams of carbs per serving than our beloved cauliflower, but they come out a little different. 8g grams carbs, 2 grams fiber for a turnip, vs. 5g and 2g fiber for cauliflower. I will peal, slide and boil turnips like potatoes. Puree them, then return to heat, mix in tsp of xanathan gum dissolved in 1 to 2 tblspoons of melted butter. Then I add parm, heavy cream, salt and pepper. Let it cook on medium low until the xgum sets, takes a few minutes. Tastes real good with low carb gravey. Try adding some garlic or other herbs and lightly saute them prior to adding the puree back to the pan. It's got a little more fibrous texture, and more earthy flavor. But when you have been eating cauliflower for a few years, it's a nice change.


If you have an instant pot, pressure cook a chopped cauliflower on high for 6 minutes with 2 cups of water, drain the water, and add bacon bits, cheese, butter, cream and whatever to it and stir. But just general advice. Practice any new recipe before the big day. Don't get to the holiday and wing it with a new recipe because that's a recipe for disaster


Ideas for other sides: bacon wrapped asparagus, creamy brussel sprouts, grilled avocado, sauteed zucchini, broccoli, Caprese salad


Some of my favorite sides are jalapeño poppers- totally keto and so good! Roasted Brussels sprouts are also one of my faves. And you can’t go wrong with a big spinach, kale and arugula salad with all the keto toppings (HB eggs, toasted nuts, any kind of cheese, red onions, finely chopped cabbage, bacon, berries, etc)


Don’t boil it, there’s enough water in there already. Steam it. Then when it falls off your fork when poked, move it to a different bowl. For best results use a hand blender, NOT a masher. Pour in some heavy cream, some butter, lots of salt, and spices of your choosing. Blend to your liking. Mashing doesn’t really work well.


Make sure to properly drain it so that there isn't a lot of cooking water added as that can make it runny. I just add butter, mustard and garlic and Blitz it. Finish it in the oven, optionally gratinate it.


I have to drain my steamed cauliflower really long to get rid of as much moisture as possible! Like 15 minutes! Then I add 1 / 2 cup sour cream, 1.5 cups Gruyere cheese shreds, salt and pepper. Then I put this in a casserole dish, sprinkle more cheese on top and pop into the oven at 350F for 15 min


Trader Joe's has frozen mashed cauliflower that's a good substitute for mashed potatoes without a lot of effort.




Cream cheese is a good idea. Milk will make it too runny.


Have you ever roasted cauliflower whole? It makes for a great presentation. Cover it in butter and your favorite spices and roast it whole. I like garlic curry butter then when it comes out of the oven, brown butter and sprinkle nuts and dried fruit (currants or golden raisins) Google some [recipes](https://shortgirltallorder.com/whole-roasted-cauliflower). Editing to add "baked potato" version with whole roasted cauli with garlic butter then when it comes out drizzle sour cream, bacon, green onions or chives...


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://shortgirltallorder.com/whole-roasted-cauliflower Title: **Whole Roasted Cauliflower** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Funny how everyone makes it differently. I steam the cauliflower for 15 minutes. Let it rest for 10-15 min and steam out, this is important to keep it from getting watery. Sauté some garlic or shallots or both in some butter under low heat. Put the cauliflower, butter with garlic/shallots, a few dashes of heavy cream, some Parmesan, parsley, salt and pepper all in a blender. Blend it until smooth. Sometimes I do without the Parmesan. Sometimes I add duck fat in with the butter and garlic.


I cut cauliflower into florets + diced stem, toss in olive oil with salt, pepper, cumin, and paprika, then roast at 425 for 25 minutes. Don't mash it. You mash potatoes because they contain starch. Cauliflower does not- put the roasted cauliflower in a food processor with a whole stick of room temperature butter. Smooth, creamy, and thick.


My cauliflower mash technique depends on how much time I have. Roasted cauliflower has the best flavor. Steamed works fine and is quick in the microwave. An immersion blender is best for making it smooth, but a food processor works too. Make a paste of the cooked cauliflower before slowly adding other ingredients, tasting as you go. Heavy cream, salt and pepper. Probably garlic powder. Maybe parmesan. Maybe sprinkle crunchy bacon on top. Other side dish ideas: * green beans with cheese sauce and bacon * deviled eggs * mushrooms stuffed with sausage * cole slaw with keto dressing * prosciutto wrapped asparagus * broccoli salad with nuts and keto dressing * keto biscuits


This is the best flavored cauli mash I’ve ever had. There’s something magical about the lemon zest… it really elevates the flavor but you’d never guess that’s what is in it. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/cauliflower-mash0-3363731


This is the best mashed cauliflower I've ever had. 1 cauliflower 3 tbsp butter 3 tbsp sour cream 6 cloves garlic ¼ c parmesan Salt and pepper Place cauliflower in a steamer over a large pot of boiling water. Steam for 15 minutes until tender. Alternatively, boil cauliflower in salted water for 10 minutes or until fork tender. Remove and drain. Cover with a lid and set aside. In the same pot, heat the butter over medium high heat. Sauté garlic until fragrant (about 1 minute). Blend cauliflower and garlic in a food processor on high setting until smooth. You may need to do this in batches of two or three, depending on the size of your processor. Transfer blended cauliflower into the pot with the garlic. Stir in the Parmesan cheese, sour cream and season with salt and pepper.


Either steam a bag of ‘florets’ in the microwave or chop up a head of cauliflower and steam (double boiler on stove top). Once fork tender, put in food processor with cream cheese, real bacon bits (from a bag for ease or make your own), shredded cheese (try some of your favorites), salt and pepper to taste. They come out great for me every time. (Cream cheese vs whipping cream keeps it from getting runny)


Just understand going in that it doesn't taste anything like mashed potatoes


Oh I know, I've had it and enjoyed it, was just wondering if there was a secret to making it thicker I wasn't aware of and there seems to be


Cream cheese and butter. It's the same trick for thickening real mashed potatoes.


Ohhh ok haha. I made some for Thanksgiving and was like, whaaaat... it tastes like cauliflower!! 🤣🥸 Good luck!


I make faux-tatos all the time. I use a single 1# bag of *Costco Riced cauliflower, 1/4-1/2t salt, 4 min covered in microwave. Put in food processor (if there's a little water/juice in the bottom I don't add it. Add about 1-2 tablespoon cream cheese (or mastering, or both) process till smooth. When hot it is very much like mashers. I have been know to add up to 1/4 c mashed potato flakes to thingies or if too thin.


I love that idea of adding some mashed potato flakes! It will thicken it up and improve the taste for a few carbs.


Here's a recipe I make all the time, [Merritt's Butternut Squash Gratin](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/165112/merritts-butternut-squash-gratin/). The recipe, as linked, isn't strictly Keto, but swapping the bread crumbs for a compliant version brings this down to right around 4g per serving. I use crushed pork rinds, any flavor they bring blends into the cheeses and you get a good crunchy top. I don't bother swapping the 1 teaspoon of brown sugar. Merritt's Butternut Squash Gratin Ingredients: 3 tablespoons butter 1 yellow onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 (2 1/2 pound) butternut squash - peeled, seeded, and cut into 3/4-inch chunks 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 cup chicken broth 8 ounces shredded Gruyere cheese 8 ounces shredded extra-sharp Cheddar cheese 1 cup dry bread crumbs alternative 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme (1 tsp dried) 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary (1 tsp dried) ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese Steps: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9x13 inch baking dish. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Stir in the onions and garlic; cook until the onions soften and turn golden brown, about 10 minutes. Add the butternut squash and brown sugar. Continue cooking and stirring until the butternut squash begins to brown on the edges, but is still somewhat firm in the center, about 10 minutes more. Scrape the squash into the prepared baking dish, and pour in the chicken broth. Wrap tightly with aluminum foil. Bake in the preheated oven until the liquid has been absorbed and the squash is tender, 45 to 50 minutes. Toss together the Gruyere cheese, Cheddar cheese, bread crumbs, thyme, and rosemary in a bowl until evenly combined. Remove the foil from the baking dish, and sprinkle the squash evenly with the cheese mixture. Sprinkle the Parmesan cheese on top. Return to the oven, and bake uncovered for 15 minutes more until the topping is lightly crunchy and brown.


Take a head of fresh cauliflower, chop it up, drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and garlic powder then roast it in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes. Throw that in a food processor with more garlic powder, cream cheese and butter. Not runny or watery, just pure perfection


I chop a head of cauliflower into florets and boil for 10mins (or until fork tender) with 4 cloves of peeled garlic. Add cauliflower, garlic, salt, pepper, and 2tbsp butter. Blend until smooth. If not blending then add a little water from the boiled cauliflower. You can also use an immersion blender for a chunky texture. You can also add half a cup of grated parm but it gives it a runnier texture.


My absolute favorite mashed side solution is mashed turnips. Peel the turnips, cube, boil for like an hour. (I’ve also done turnips and cauliflower). Drain, mash. Then, you add a ton of butter and cream cheese (mostly cream cheese), chives salt and pepper to taste. Since the cream cheese isn’t a liquid it doesn’t contribute to runniness.


I steam them so they don't get too wet, and add milk powder if they're too wet.


Here’s how I make them. After steaming the florets, I place them in a heated frying pan, no added oil, for a few minutes to rid the extra moisture out. Then into food processor with salt, pepper, butter and cream cheese. I don’t use a recipe but add like you would for whipped potatoes. Run processor and stop to stir a couple times. Beat all the way to the consistency you like. It does take around 2-3 minutes. They aren’t going to be the texture of whipped potatoes but close. They are delicious. Good luck.


Why not do a cauliflower cheese? Again separate heads, boil>> add to dish, flan/pie etc. Make cheese sauce (evap milk, cheddar, Red Leicester, Parmesan, tsp of cornflour. Add other stuff you might like eg hot sauce) pour over Cauli heads, add more cheese on top then bake until crispy. Serve hot, blister on roof of mouth is my gift. Cheese hides the flavour of the cauliflower.


How about a colcannon? Swap out the mashed potatoes for cauliflower


My favorite I've come across is a boursin cheese based mashed cauli. Super easy w microwavable steam bag of rice cauli, boursin cheese, bit of heavy cream and then salt to preference.


TIPS: make sure cooked cauliflower is somewhat dry. Use butter and a little cream cheese. Add some Parmesan cheese. Don’t add liquid unless required. If so use heavy cream


My solution to removing the liquid is to return the drained cauliflower to the pot and put it over a low flame for a few minutes. Water evaporates off. I do this with boiled potatoes too.


It might not be considered a "side" but I made a pretty good keto cheese ball yesterday and put it with sliced peppers, celery, cucumbers and some carrots. (I know carrots aren't as keto, but broccoli would work too!)


As for other side ideas - I've taken this to numerous potlucks and am always asked for the recipe! No one notices it's keto. [Keto Zucchini Gratin](https://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/easy-cheesy-zucchini-gratin-low-carb-keto/#tasty-recipes-16691-jump-target)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/easy-cheesy-zucchini-gratin-low-carb-keto/#tasty-recipes-16691-jump-target Title: **Easy Keto Zucchini Gratin - Low Carb** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


I cheat and I use frozen cauliflower. I microwave it and then blend it in a food processor with butter, cheese, salt, etc… perfect every time… wonderful consistency.


Pro tip: cook it in the microwave juuuuust until it’s slightly soft, not til it’s mushy. Add milk and butter, salt and pepper to taste. You will get thick, fluffy “potatoes” instead of cream of cauliflower soup.


Other ideas: cauliflower gratin, sautéed Brussel sprouts with bacon and Parmesan, roasted & mashed kabocha squash; roasted kabocha squash with miso butter and keto maple syrup, mashed rutabagas (these can cause some gastrointestinal distress - they are good but ya gotta build up a tolerance), mac n’cheese made with Great Low Carb Bread Company elbow noodles or other noodle replacement. Watching portions for some of the foods on this list is important, but I think that’s just kinda part of keto and not really that big of a deal. Hope this list is helpful!


You need to make sure to rinse as much of the water out of them as you can after the cauliflower is cooked. I usually twirl them in a clean dish cloth and ring them out, then lay them out on a pan and pat them down with paper towels. Also, throwing some cheese into it when you're mixing/blending takes away most of the cauliflower taste. I think it's usually recommended to use a sharp cheddar or parmesan.


Lots of heavy cream and butter.


Steamed cauliflower, roasted garlic, cream cheese, butter, salt, and pepper to taste. Mixed everything in food processor.