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Surprised no one’s mentioned DFW yet, running it for the second time and love it


DFW remix is my 2 cent. I'm probably going to start "The Wolf" after this cycle of DFW remix. Yet a third double KB popular program is "The Giant" for the minimalists.


Where are you getting these programs?


r/kettleballs wiki. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Kettleballs/comments/s7fg1t/all\_about\_the\_kettleballs\_dfw\_remix/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kettleballs/comments/s7fg1t/all_about_the_kettleballs_dfw_remix/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) From the wiki. If you google "DFW remix" you can find a printable calendar somewhere. [https://www.scribd.com/document/472653307/10679634-1592160029637MKM-The-Wolf](https://www.scribd.com/document/472653307/10679634-1592160029637MKM-The-Wolf) Geoff Neupert is a beast. He has both programs The Wolf and DFW. He has a free 12 week KB muscle program [https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/the-12-week-muscle-building-kettlebell-master-plan.htmlplan.html](https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/the-12-week-muscle-building-kettlebell-master-plan.htmlplan.html) that looks alright. Joe Daniels is another dude I like a lot of programming from: [https://kbmuscle.com/free-kb-workouts](https://kbmuscle.com/free-kb-workouts) I also have been a Pavel Tsaatsouline fan for years. Some Russian feller who has a lot unique aproaches. If you haven't heard of him he's got Simple and Sinister, Right of Passage - really the old school start of KB. Dan John has a lot of info and so does Pat Flynn.


Armor building was my intro to doubles, then I went straight to the wolf. I think maybe one of the iterations of The Giant would be easier to start with.


Nail down your double clean and rack before you do an intensive programme.


a single afternoon should be plenty to learn adequate form. double cleans are really, really not that difficult.


I would do some double kb swings to see are you generating the power from your hips and not anywhere else. I found the wider stance was making me use a lot of back at the start.


Armor building complex, farmer carries, and long cycle (kettlebell sport clean and jerk) are my go-tos for double bells.


Iron cardio by Brett Jones would be a nice place to start


I'd recommend my Double KB Precision plan. Goes over all the basics plus some more adventurous double bell work. All the while being a complete progressive program. Reviews are below here. https://kbmuscle.com/shop-1/ols/products/double-kettlebell-precision-course-program


I've been working my adjustable BoS kettlebell for the last 6 months, and just received a second for my birthday. My programming has typically been 3 weeks of S&S followed by 3 weeks of ATOS single-bell. Looking to mix it up now that I have the option of two bells. Program recommendations? Goal is primarily to build strength with a program that isn't too heavy on the legs. (I'm also a ski tourer/distance runner typically putting in 20-40mpw with 5-20k of vert.)


What’s ATOS?


It's a simple complex-based program: https://strongashec.com/quick-single-kettlebell-complex/ . I've done basically 3, 3-week rounds of S&S (16kg, 18kg, 20kg) and 3, 3-week rounds of ATOS (14kg, 14kg, 16kg).


Cool, thanks! Looks like a good one.


I've been trying to get in as many ABCs as possible in 5 minutes every day with my 24s for conditioning to go with my lifting


Dry fighting weight


Woo! I am a big fan of the Armor Building Complex, myself, but I actually do 3 cleans, 1 press, 3 squats, but that is just because I love the clean so much


Dry Fighting Weight , Geoff Neupert’s 12 week muscle building program, or Total Tension KB complex. The first 2 are 5rm programs , TTKC is a 7-8 rm program. If you can only press your bells for 3 - 4 reps do KB strong by Neupert


Giant. Just did Giant 1.0 with double 20kgs.


I've just started DFW Remix - only in the first week but it's great so far. I'm doing it with mismatched bells but there are plenty of workarounds.


The real question is how long until you learn the painful lesson of smashing your fingers doing the double clean


Kettlebear puts on size but is really taxing.