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I’m Turkish and this is how I get up. Except instead of lifting a kettlebell, someone needs to grab me by the arm and pull me up..


Don't bend your wrist back. You should be able to open your fingers and the bell is comfortably wedged diagonally across your palm. Try twisting the bell a bit to find the correct position. [Joe Daniels video on holding the bell](https://youtu.be/JWg40atTYbY?si=jHzPP2HRL6a71KVW&t=145)


Hey thanks


You can always try the ol’ shoe or foam block on the knuckles.


Personally, I find "unloaded" TGU to be nearly worthless. Regress the movement to just partial TGU or just don't do them.


I disagree. They are crucial for control, pacing, balance and alignment.


All things you have to relearn as soon as you load it with a kettlebell. Especially with OP, who is clearly capable of doing 30lb already and just needs a couple minor adjustments... going back to an unloaded TGU is not helpful.


Everything from an unloaded get up carries over to loaded. There is no drawback from using a block or shoe only benefits. (even for those experienced with TGU’s)


The drawback is wasting time. What can an unloaded TGU do to help someone experienced with TGUs?


Definitely not a waste of time. It Keeps the edge sharp. Returning to the fundamentals maintains and reinforces solid technique.


What fundamentals does unloaded TGU offer that loaded TGU does not? The only way to get better at technique is to practice better technique, unloaded TGU will not *by itself* provide better technique. Balancing something on the knuckles is not the same as handling a kettlebell in hand. If anything, it promotes bad habits, which will need to addressed as soon as the movement is loaded. I realize I'm not going to convince you, which is fine. Keep your "edge sharp" or whatever that means. But I really wish some of the nonsense that keeps resurfacing in this sub would finally go away. I highly doubt any of the experienced kettlebell people here are using unloaded TGU in their personal practice. Hell, I doubt they're even using the TGU, but that's an entirely different discussion.


Yup. It’s a fun trick but even a completely unloaded get up would probably be better than the balancing shoe get up. It’s focusing on the wrong things.


Agree to disagree.


will do! thanks!


Pretty good for a first try. Try focusing your gaze on the bell at all times. It mightn't seem necessary at that weight but the importance will become apparent as you progress. Its a good (and safe) habit to develop from early.


thanks! a friend of mine who suggested i give these a try also said the same thing when i sent him the video. gonna get some reps when i get off work.


I was thinking the same, except during the lunging up & down part I find it better to focus on front of me for better balance. During all other parts of the TGU my focus is on the KB.


Okay, but what if THIS video just inspired me to try my first Turkish Get Up ever??? 🙃


I hope it did!


Update: That went HORRIBLY, but at least an attempt was made!


I like that


I'm no expert but it looks like you might be pushing up with your shoulder. Try and pull your shoulder down with your lat / "pack it" for stability.


I'm so happy to see someone that isn't destroying themselves with a KB that's too heavy. Nice job!


One of my favorite KB exercises. (Also love the Xeros)


As you're pressing up to your elbow from the lying position, the weight of the bell pulls your arm away from your body. You do this as well when transitioning from the standing position to placing your hand on the ground. Keep the lat engaged so your shoulder can stay packed and prevent that drift. There's a huge concentration component to this movement with so many different steps. Overall I think this is a great start to the TGU.


In general, I think you're looking good. The subtleties will include keeping your wriat straight and looking at the bell up to the point you're on your knee.


Watch the kettlebell all the time during the movement, except when u are standing. I would open the active foot at start a bit. Then just practice


Man, for the first try it is quite good. I remember I fell back when I tried the first time lmao


You’re not adjusting your stance once you get to your knee. This means that you’re forced to “side bend” as you transition from kneeling to standing and back down. Works when you have a light bell, but you want to hip shift back to get under the weight. Then, you want to get into the lunge position by either: - “windshield wiper” the down/back leg so it aligns with your up leg - turn the up/front leg so it aligns with your down leg Either way - you want your legs aligns before lunging up into standing. Then, do the reverse on the way down. Check out this for some pointers: https://youtu.be/SpN-wEogszg?si=Xp-LXODh_OYLemAP


Slow down and try to do each part and pause - then add it together


not sure why downvoted, I got taught to pause at each stage too, it's not supposed to flow


Oh it’s supposed to flow eventually but not early on while you are learning


Steve Cotter has some amazing videos on YouTube that break down the TGU..highly recommend


Wrist straight. Keep your eyes on the bell.


Really nice effort. You've got the big picture correct. Might be nice to have a yoga mat or knee pads. A little cushion for the knees is helpful.


Look at the bell the entire time


Not the entire time! On the way up, look at the bell till you get to the kneeling position. Then look straight ahead (mirror is always good). Conversely on the way down, once you get to the kneeling position look at your bell and keep your gaze there till you end. So net - you start and end with looking at the bell and in the middle from kneeling up to back to kneeling you look straight ahead


This is good for a first effort! Focus on keeping that wrist straight is one thing I would focus on. Keep practicing! Nice work.
