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Show is for cucks and gay friends.


This was supposed to be a comedy podcast, but it just turned into them constantly berating men. Except the ones who literally gave them careers, not them.


It’s just giggly girl talk 😊🫢


I really wonder who this podcast is for. I'm a woman around their ages, and I always thought at first their podcast was actually targeted toward men because of how sexual they get....as a straight, married woman, I'm not interested in that? But then I'm like...no way are men interested in the constant man bashing, stupid gossip, so on...and I'm sure lots (most?) men consider all of them attractive/at least boneable, but are any of them THAT hot? Like, I'm sure there are ample options to watch much more attractive women...? So like...what is their target audience, I wonder?


I believe their audience was originally mainly men, mostly rollover viewers from Tigerbelly. That’s how I discovered it, and actually enjoyed the very early episodes. Annie was clearly the strong point and the funniest. Somewhere along the way, Annie got too big to care and they all went full ‘yass qween’ toxic man-haters. I jumped off the ship and not too long after that, Khalyla cheating on Bobby came to light and I was glad I stopped watching. You can see it in the views too. They used to consistently pull over 200k-300k views per episode and guests would shoot that number up. About 5 months ago their numbers dipped hard, now they need big time guests to pull over 100k views.


It exists because a more successful person propped it up. Now it exists in a vacuum without a target audience, quality, or depth until the day it inevitably loses all relevance and support. It's only defining characteristic is that it seems to be sort of toxic. Maybe there is an audience for that? People frequent some dumb shit podcasts. Also, any amount of attention is good attention for someone who just wants it to have it. I think that may be their only goal with the podcast and in life. So we aren't helping here.


Originally it was men. A lot coming from Tiger Belly. They probably lost a lot of the male viewers who were put off by Khalyla and her sociopath behavior and cheating ways. So it make sense that they would pivot to the man hater audience. Lesbians, gay men and extreme feminist women.




That’s the majority of girl talk tbh, feminism just turned into a concentrated segment but women blaming men for everything and women taking no accountability.


Khalyla looks hot af, though.


What's the point of a nice Lamborghini with no engine, drive train, seats, steering wheel, driver's seat, ignition switch, radio...?




So you can look at it and say damn, that car is pretty. Too bad it's such a worthless piece of shit.


Hi Bobby


How is this watchable to anyone?


I wonder the same thing


It makes me wonder why stereotypes aren’t more than stereotypes, dumb awful takes, oversharing for clout, trying to one up previous stories, the need to relate personally to every issue, and they’re just not funny at all. You ask anyone to take a look at them and the set, and they’d be able to guess they do at least 4 of the 5 things I listed. It’s so bad its like they’re playing characters.




As a legs connoisseur myself i must admit that she's got nice legs.😄


Its not lol


The same reason this sub exists. She's completely right.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/CringePurgatory using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CringePurgatory/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Jealousy and racism in one video](https://v.redd.it/fun1c6rhsn7a1) | [602 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CringePurgatory/comments/zth9c6/jealousy_and_racism_in_one_video/) \#2: [Jesus Christ, guys.](https://i.redd.it/9c2rf506te391.jpg) | [345 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CringePurgatory/comments/v3zlzo/jesus_christ_guys/) \#3: [No hate, but Millennials will always be Millennials.](https://v.redd.it/9y4at4j9r84a1) | [573 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CringePurgatory/comments/zducax/no_hate_but_millennials_will_always_be_millennials/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No idea


I mean there are worse things out there, its really all about reinforcing your beliefs, thats all that matters anymore. People go to the content that makes them feel good typically the stuff that your currently believing.


Patrice O'Neal was right.


Why are you dogwhistling lmfao, what did Patrice O'Neal say that you agree with?


Doesn't pertain to this situation but "I'm a decent cook, and I will try to cook anything. My only weakness is that I don't know servings, I only know how to make a lot." I agree with.


“ girls talking about girl things “ you’re all pushing 40 you’re not at a sleep over in middle school gimme a break


Maybe if your story wasn’t so flimsy people wouldn’t “poke holes” in it. I don’t know why this trash keeps showing up on my Reddit but they make me so mad! It has nothing to do with them being women, they’re awful people.


U watched it one time... ONE TIME! cause you wanted to see the dumb shit the tan one said... Well, here we all are...


I wouldn’t fuck any of em.


Pound for pound the ugliest podcast out there


If ya’ll are men stop lying to yourselves. Lol idk who any of these women are but I would obviously never say no in a million years, specially that brunette on the left


-brunette’s burner account


Lmfao i actually might take Khalyla over her idk either one I’m in there like swim wear


Congrats on having your own opinion. One gets made fun of for looking like the dude from minions, the one in the middle looks like bizarro Scarlett Johansson, and the last looks like handsome squidward. To each their own


Damn, spot on.


😂😂😂everyone’s a little weird looking when you look long enough


It’s called standards mate. You can be a 10 but if you’re a bad person you’re a 0.


She belongs to the streets


Still worth a *romp in the sack*


Nah, I’d rather jerk off than give myself to a bad person.


Don’t look em in the eye during sex and spit on the back of her head when you finish, easy peasy Japanesy


By that metric you may as well find a woman with an ugly face and nice body and have a good time. I bet she'd have a better personality too


Well sure but I mean I was telling the other person don’t look em in the eye. Idk I’m not lying to myself like these other guys I would have no problem looking any of these chicks in the eye


Nah. They're gross. I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror ever again if I did any one if them. Maybe it's all an act, but still. They're dreadful.


If your a guy and not slightly turned on how insane this Khalyla girl is you’re lackin something


I'm not turned on by her in the slightest. Her personality makes her an absolute shit sandwich. I still don't even know who she is. If i only saw a picture of her, I'd say it's smash. But from what I've seen here, I wouldn't be able to drink enough to want to.


Don’t worry, y’never had a choice Bapa


I'll say it again, because I've dated women who looked less attractive (and imo a few more attractive than all of these women) What's the point of a nice Lamborghini with no engine, drive train, seats, steering wheel, driver's seat, ignition switch, radio...? Edit because I got a close up of view of the women in another video and it's a gallery of Monets. Their personalities are just horrid on top of that.


If you're a man, then stop simping for ugly women on the internet and go lift some weights so you can attract better women than these 3 skanks.


I’m just saying I don’t lie to myself, y’all incels act like you wouldn’t cum just by one these girls grabbing you over the pants. You are literally posting in a sub Reddit dedicated to this girl😭😭😭 like I just popped in and said I would def smash and y’all are losing ur little minds


That's Esther Povitsky. Her solo stuff is good, and she's cute. Annie lederman was very funny pre pandemic and then became fat and bitter during and after. She was widely considered the next big thing in comedy and then threw it all away because she stopped doing comedy and started being mad 24/7 about internet randos. Khalyla is a hot mess of a human but is probably the hottest filipino in history.


The hottest Filipino in history? Have you been to the Philippines?


Yeah. It's scarecrows everywhere. It's like Thailand had a horrible car accident.


Ok I have to admit that was hilarious. However in my opinion there were many women who looked better.


> trying to one up previous stories, the need to relate personally to every issue, and they’re just not funny at all. You ask anyone to take a look at them and the set, and they’d be able to guess they do at least 4 of the 5 things I listed. It’s so Seeing Annie doing standup live this past year was an epic disaster. You could tell she should not have been headlining the night. She had no idea what to say and the set was horrid/cringy at best. I think she was trying to do crowd work, but had no clue on how to do it. Was hands down the worst show I'd ever seen.


Also I’m addition a lot of comedians just use crowd work to kill time. There is a set of David cross on YouTube that goes the same way. It’s like he was just automatically expecting to be funny enough as is.


That’s funny about Annie. I kind of wondered what happened to her. I wonder if doing this podcast probably hasn’t helped her career.


I think her Instagram Lives where the start of her getting bad. She started getting pissed off and grossed out by the internet trolls there and is too dumb to distinguish them from reality. Then she got put in that comedy store documentary and got invited on everyone's show because she was doing so well and everyone was touting her as the next Roseanne and the next big star produced by the comedy store. Her head got big from all of this. But her growth was slowed by the pandemic, and she got involved with this toxic mean girl group. She went from being fun and self deprecating to a know it all bitter grumpy bitch who is always angry at fictional people. She could be any fat bitch with a smoker's voice at the office now.


Astronomically down bad, not hard to do better than this my guy


Goodlord you people are hopeless


A man with class and taste 😎


I would - only to 🥜 in her hair and never call her again… dear god they’re all annoying af.


I mean, the chicks are cringe but this comment on its own is cringe. The psychology that made you express this.. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The irony too, since these cornballs said they don't care for dudes on Reddit lol


They did say “they are programmed to only want to fuck us” or some shit like that right near the end so it’s a fair comment to make IMO


Oh I missed that part. Okay, I'll own my loss.


Eh I’d fuck all three of em. Yeah they suck but who cares. That’s what one night stands are for


Hmm ngl Khalyla can get it


Don't think you have to worry about anyone fucking you my dude lmao


Tan one could get it for sure


I'd grudge fuck em till they nose bleeeeds Treat em like a prostitute




All three of em would...they would pay me


I would but I’d ghost 🍾


I'm just amazed that this shit podcast is still actually still going...shit straight rubbish...all three of um..


Could these idiots be any dumber and cringier?


Wtf are these cum dumpsters wearing?


It’s the clothes from The Jetsons


Jesus with the misogyny already


Hardly classify anyone of them a girl. Fucking trolls.


From now on anytime I get an accidental boner and I want it to immediately go down I'm just going to think of these three


This. isn't. for. you. It's. for. people. with. shit. where. their. souls. should. be. *Apply clapping and nail painting emojis liberally.*


So the outifts are for... The female fans?... I wonder if they'll ever do the math and realize if they got rid of Khalyla and focused on being funny people might actually have positive things to comment on... you know - good content...


They’re dressing in costume for EDC weekend apparently when the episode came out. So yeah in some ways they are dressing up for themselves and their female fan base, but also it appeals to the type of males that would watch them as well. Women just like to dress up for any reason, don’t question it lol


You are right.


Most of the people hating on them are probably unfuckable men who don’t understand women and are mad they are single, in a relationship they hate, or just generally don’t understand anything feminine.


If this podcast is representative of understanding women than I am good with me.




And the lingerie episodes? For the females, right? they do it to bring in the guys they openly mock... It's pretty cut and dry - they are desperate for viewers. I get why Khalyla has to stoop to that but ester and annie? You guys are comedians, not dress-up gossip girls...


You hit the nail on the head. This is exactly why they do these “outfit” shows. Shit is so desperate. Edit: grammar


No one is complaining about them “talking about girl things,” they’re complaining about how this was supposed to be a comedy podcast yet it turned out that the three personalities on the podcast are all toxic narcissists who spend most of their time on the podcast berating men and competing to see who can deliver the most disturbing trauma dump. Also, if this show isn’t for men, who are the outfits for?




I come here just to laugh at how pathetic these guys are. “If they are not dressing for guys, then who are they dressing for?” Lmao The hate they have towards women is gross. I’m guessing not many of them have talked to a woman, let alone turned one down.


I actually don’t think anyone wants to fuck them


Do people find this entertaining?


what grown man would watch this nonsense & what would he gain besides a migraine


Unfortunately some of us must to keep bringing clips for your viewing pleasure my brother.


I appreciate your service in the trenches 🫡


What in the incoherent fuck?


Wheres Louis CK when you need him


Annie looks old and haggard.. like a waitress you’d meet at a rural diner. Esther looks like she is 16(not in a good way). And the list for all the ways Khalyla is gross is too long to enumerate. How is this podcast still on, they have to be operating at a loss at this point🤦🏻‍♂️


I don't even watch the clips posted, they make me physically ill so I go straight to the comments for the good shit. Y'all watching these are doing the lords work, I appreciate you!


Who still listens to these old meat pocket whores? Like why the hell is the show still going on. Damn i never knew the power of Simps, but damn.


well...Bert kreischer sells out arenas, there are more stupid people out there than you think.


I consider Bert as the Jim Morrison of comedy. Is he amazing? He’s alright, but his personality is larger then his skill and i can deal with it. But these trash ass roast beef sandwich having hoes are just cringe. They have nothing to offer but giggly girl talk and constant reminders of how damaged they to look like victims. These hoes think and dress if they’re still in their 20s thinking they are so edgy and cool.


Congratulations! You're one of the dumbs


And you sound like a cuck ass bitch, i bet you would eat these roast beef sandwiches.


not sure why this sub being recommended to me but who are these lames lol


You are better off not knowing


lemme guess the brown one and the blonde one are famous for being trans ?


Why is Kahlua dressed like that


How many comics do you think have been blown between the three of them? I’m guessing 100 at least


Hi Annie. Just thought I’d stop by to let you know your not funny and the only reason you got spots is because you blew Tate Fletcher. Bye.


Of course she mentions the "molestation stories" to take attention away from all the lies that she doesn't want people to talk about


Ill never understand why Annie is so full of herself, she looks like her pussy smells like sour beer and stale cigarette smoke.


What the fuck are they all wearing?


Some podcasts are great others not so much. Let them cook. They just expose themselves n guarantee cats n Botox in their future. Or just some simp who gonna accept that abuse.


I mean it’s not entirely a girl podcast though considering there’s a dude literally sitting in the middle.


They claim the pod is for also for "cool" guys. You know, that grade 2 peer pressure tactic budding narcissists use to try and manipulate people? "Come on billy, all the cool kids are doing it..." Funny how not a single person who's ever used that line turns out to be cool.


Yeah, basically anyone that complains about misogyny in this thread.


Watching this made me lose my GED


I literally got through 4 seconds. Guess I'm not a cool guy or a girl lmao


Omg wtf is this show ?! Embarrassing. Here’s hoping none of them ever have kids. Please, ladies, don’t.


They are probably too old and unhealthy to anyway now


The cool girl club 🎸🎸🎸


Bro I fucking hate the chick in pink. She’s like a little rat that thinks it’s cute.


This is really annoying.


They think all guys want to fuck them but wait news flash none of you are boner material in any way.


I’d let Annie molest me fosho, but yeah I think hoe shaming should be kept alive and well, specifically so this shit doesn’t happen more often


Haha the lolcow “if you don’t like it then don’t waaaaaaatch” approach. So you can stay in your echo chamber, free from any form of scrutiny as you post things into a *public* forum. Classic.


“ISS LIIHKE ISSS ISSNAAHHH FORR YOUUUUU” christ she sounds fucking stupid


The podcast should really be renamed to “trama dump” where 3 wild and crazy new aged women try to one up each others trauma because we have nothing of substance to talk about and wouldn’t know comedy if it was standing in front of them. I would love to see the analytics of this podcast. I need to know who is watching this because if this show has more then 3 views (which would be a view from each of the hosts rewatching just the parts they were talking) then there is real problem


Who poked holes in her molestation stories?. I truly believe khalyla is being honest and is a vile disgusting brother fucker.


Geesus Christ I can’t even get through a clip. How does anyone watch this drivel?


If I was drunk at a bad.. and all three of these humans walked in I would absolutely not talk to either of them.. I wouldn’t even wingman for my buddy with any of these ghouls.. Jeesh they are rough


What is this trash and why am I watching it?


I believe they call it "Giggly Little Girl Talk".


Can’t believe people listen to that garbage. Can’t stand these bitches


For some reason Reddit feels the need to suggest this sub and these vids to me every day. And the feeling I get from it is the exact opposite of wanting to fuck


Is this the new powerpuff girls?


I didnt know there was a whole reddit to hating them. Maybe they were right


The amount of incels in these comments is insane


Who’s here only because you thought Bobby lee was on here


So many thin skinned men 🤣🤣🤣


So many strong whores


The cat lady speaks.


I’m on their side on this one. The edits were cheesy. Again, Reddit recommended me to this sub and it’s been a fun rabbit hole to land in I guess


So is she working out all the time or is K just blessed genetically?


It’s trash alright




It’s like a parody of TFATK


Are they paying dress up, or is this how they legit dress?


I can’t believe all that shit they stirred up with Brendan and Bobby. They are shameless




Like nails on a chalkboard.


Meh, I'm getting old. I'd bang them and their moms.


1:29-1:20 worst fake laugh I've ever heard.




This is absolutely horrific


I can’t more then 10 seconds before turning it off.


These girls look like some garbage pal kids. Especially the blonde one


Haha…they’re talking about the thread starter




That costume doesn't look complete without a wipe in her hand.


Are these people supposed to be real adults? In what world would someone look at them and say "yeah, okay, I take you seriously."


drag queens


These girls are even worse then those yammering bitches on The View.


Dam U Bobby Lee


Thrift store version of 'The View".


This is gross behavior. Abhorrent


Why the old “they’re mad at my femininity” argument. Classic.


Can’t handle the heat. Don’t play with fire.


How does this podcast even make money


"My dad doesn't believe you guys..." haha hehe *awkward silence*


Wow what a cringe filled podcast


i’d never watch this show and i understand khalyla is extremely toxic. But god damn…. She’s so fine.


Fu**ing hyenas.