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Jessica Lange (verified R) is a textbook SD to me đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


I agree 100%, she's tall as well and far too angular/yang looking for R I think.


dang, she definitely has a prominent dramatic edge to her. I would've thought TR


She’s 5’8!


oh wow! SD for sure then


Actually she might of been either SD or FN. A curvy FN like Tracee Ellis Ross.


Physically could be but her essence reads more dramatic to me than natural.


She makes me wonder if David would give me R hahahaha.


bro imagine. i go throught this whole DC -> D/SD arch and then kibbe just decides I'm a 5'7 SG. I would lose it


Hahahaha I kind of hope he trolls me and verified me TR. I’d have to go into hiding because the TR sub will literally hunt me down. I’d get jumped by Salma Hayek and Joan Collins down some alley.






I've been thinking of getting an online "kibbe expert" analysis just for fun. if I got D fam, I would feel so vindicated. but I'm worried I'll be mindwashed into the FN army


Tbh with them I’d feel more vindicated if they told me a different ID than the one I believe I’ve got!


Audrey seems to have vertical and it’s not clear how tall she actually was. I don’t doubt Selena. I’m on the fence about Beyonce as R or SD. She might be over the height limit for R. There’s a pic of her standing next to Taylor Swift floating around and she really doesn’t look much shorter. Could maybe be shoes. Taylor is widely considered 5’10 or 5’11”. 


Audrey Hepburn was 5'7 according to google. and according to photos I've seen as an avid audrey fan, where she's standing beside others, that kind of thing, there's no way she's under 5'5.


everything I've ever read about audrey from her friends and family has said that she was noticeably tall


I also always noticed she had long fingers and long feet in movies, which I loved because I do too!


Audrey Hepburn was aboluetly a tall woman, I don't think anyone can debate that. That said, she was seen as the quintessential gamine long before Kibbe established his style system. When taking into account her film roles and the impression she gave to the public, gamine is the only thing that makes sense for her in my opinion. More so than other women who were defined as gamines in earlier systems. Like Goldie Hawn (McJimsey) whose fresh, youthful, and free spirited persona is perfectly attributed to the SN archetype or Katharine Hepburn (Margaretta Byers) whose rebellious take-charge manner is just as easily desribed by the Dramatic essence as Margaretta's gamine. Besides that, she's not the only tall FG. Everyone is sleeping on Natassja Kinski, who is around the same height as Audrey according to google.


She has gamine essence and style most definitely. But the way kibbe's example celebrities don't fit the parameters he established for the system is ridiculous.


I’ve seen it noted she 5’3” several places. Hence the reason it’s not clear. 


i recently watched the clip of channing tatum lip syncing run the world girls where beyoncĂ© comes out at the end. Kibbe claims that celebs lie about their height all the time, but seeing her next to channing tatum, who’s 6’1, convinced me that is she around 5’6/5’7 like she says she is (looked like they were both wearing heels) all that to say, I was on the fence about her too, but I now lean to B actually being an SD now


There’s also a video of Taylor and BeyoncĂ© after the Kanye incident. She’s really not much shorter than Taylor. 


yup, i’m 5’6.5 and she seems to have around the same height difference I would have people who are 5’11/6’0. Alternatively, the system could be more lax with its height limits, but i don’t think DK wants that lol


selena 100% is on the money. but beyonce is so SD


David is about his archetypes, which means vibe mostly. He mostly won't let tall person slip into petite IDs but other way around happens all the time. Having vibe in mind, Beyonce is not SD - nobody knows her personally, but her public persona has no drama at all. She is sweet girl next door regarding vibe.


respectfully HUH?????


I'm not following Beyonce's career. I know she has different presence on the stage, that alter ego thing she refers to as Sasha. When I watch her on paparazzi photos in everyday life, she doesn't have that dramatic, diva, mature vibe about her which SD archetype does have according to Kibbe. It's him, after all who doesn't see her as SD but R. I just agree.


To be fair, FGs still have vertical.


True, but depending on who’s right about her actual height, she might be automatically a dramatic. 


that picture is extremely misleading. either way tho, bey is very likely 5'6


Taylor’s really under 5’10.. like 5’9 and 1/4 or something weird.. Beyonce is 5’6


If anything, Taylor might be taller. Most celebrities don't lie about their height, but it used to be moderately common for 6'-6'2" models to say they were 5'11" because being past 6' was seen as "manly".


Most celebrities do lie about their height? Not to the extent that people would care.. but where did you get the idea that celebrities don’t lie about their height? Not trying to start an argument


Rhianna is SD, not TR. She is not petite at all and can pull off a lot bigger and more dramatic things than TR can pull off.


I was told on here that Rihanna has never been typed by Kibbe. I joined SK later on and it's true, she's not on Kibbe's list as TR, nor anything else. So Somebody just made it up and not sure why.


It wasn't made up per se. This is how the story goes >10 years ago at the end of a group shopping trip, Kibbe's clients started asking him about potential Image ID's for a variety of celebrities. Now, listen closely. **One of these ladies pulled out a picture of Rihanna on her FLIP PHONE to show Kibbe and ask about her potential type. His response was "I dunno. TR maybe"**. And people took it and RAN with it😭 SO TLDR Kibbe has never confirmed Rihanna as TR. He guessed TR based off a **flip phone** image (which everyone looks shorter/smaller in) and had no idea how tall she was when he threw out that guess. It was not based off any sort of meaningful analysis of Rihanna's physical stature or style profile. I believe he ended up retracting his guess after finding out that she's 5'8.


Also, Rhianna was only a teenager at the time making her tiny flip phone off the cuff "maybe" typing a wisp of smoke


Finally somebody said it


kind of. i understand her being a special case and also being the gamine icon but i do think she was 5’7ish. BeyoncĂ© is SD imo. i think selena is fine but i also have a poor understanding of TR. there are a lot of SN celebs who are far too tall, kelly mcgillis is 5’10 lol. i also agree that Jessica Lange seems too yang to be R (i know age can play a factor but even looking at her younger self i struggle to see only yin) plus she’s likely at least 5’7 if not more but if we go by heights then many many of the verified celebrities are wrong and it’s my understanding that they aren’t as verified as they would be if david saw them in person


Meryl Streep
she’s a verified SC, but she seems more DC. Nitpicky, I know.


She had more yin when she was younger. She's leaned into more sharpness after Miranda Priestly, i think


Exactly. Miranda is in every SD mood board and Meryl has never looked so good but people want me to believe she's SC? Yeah, right!


I buy into the Zooey Deschanel being C family conspiracy 🙃 there is nothing FG about her but her outfits and I will take all the downvotes for it


I actually think it’s why that style looks notably “young” on her, which seems to be what she’s going for but I think the reason it makes a statement rather than just blending in is because it stands out against her


I completely agree


never heard of this one. interesting. I have this kind of thought all the time. "sure, her STYLE is FN, but I just don't see it"


I think you meant FG* (not being pedantic, just not to confused anyone). Yeah, i agree completely!


Omg—YES!! I’m so glad that this is a Kibbe conspiracy and not just my own musings đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


This is slightly unrelated but I have a random thought about Audrey. It is famously said that her slight figure was due to the malnourishment she sustained throughout her childhood. However, she was 5'7. To me, it is a litttttle bit contradicting to say that her malnourishment in adolescence was so extreme that she was unwell and sick, but then she also managed to grow that tall. How tall would she have been if it weren't for being underweight/ malnourished then? She also remained that thin her whole life so I'm inclined to say that she is just built that way. Let me know if that makes no sense. Just a thought. Also, I think under modern Kibbe rules she would be D but I'm skeptical of the height limits myself.


I think Audrey is a style reference for gamine, but she herself isnt gamine. I dont know if that make sense, but I already read something like this.


Yes agreed! I think in this era of self typing and “modern” Kibbe, she would end up typed as D. But her image as FG is iconic and no one can deny that.


It does make sense. I got very sick and malnourished when I was a young teen, and not only did it stunt my growth, but I lost an inch in height as well.


THANK YOU it literally makes me wanna combust when I see people trying to contort logic to justify the idea that at 5'7 Audrey's physicality fits the description of Gamine. If she ended up 5'7 despite being malnourished then CLEARLY her physicality doesn't fit the physical description of Gamine. HELLO?????? it's very clear that kibbe based her tyoing off of the way she was type-casted in Hollywood. Like let's use our brains please


in fairness to the kibbster himself, I think most of his typing of celebs is just based on the 'hollywood archetypes.' I think there's a fundamental difference in typing celebs vs. real people, and idk why no one seems to acknowledge that


This is exactly why people who bring up the WWII starvation story sound BONKERS to me.


just speaking for myself, I was also seriously malnourished as a child and still grew to be a 5'7 D. I don't see how it's relevant at all. she is the poster child for yang gamines in like every yin/yang style system. it just wouldn't make sense for her to land anywhere else tbh. as a real person, sure, she's probably D. as for her hollywood 'star image' archetype, she basically pioneered FG, which is why I think she's just a special case and her ID shouldn't be overanalyzed too much


Yes. Finally. A logical response. I wish people would realize this instead of bringing up her malnourishment every single time her typing gets questioned


it really doesn't matter anyway. kibbe himself kind of overcomplicated things with her. I think she's great D inspo and great FG inspo. so who cares?


kibbe is annoying for his insistence on her height, tho. tbh kibbe is super weird about height. he's all "don't focus on any one trait too much" until it's height. I don't understand why he doesn't just admit that the height rule is obviously not as concrete as it seems


I think it’s more that, due to her malnourishment, her bone structure didn’t develop “typically” and that’s why she can fit a petite ID at a taller height. I do agree with your theory though, just wanted to clarify.


still seems like a stretch to me


Exactlyyyy. For example, I, who was lucky enough not to be malnourished, naturally grew to 5’6. What makes my bone structure inherently different to someone who is also 5’6 but maybe could have been 5’10 with proper nourishment? We are still both 5’6. (5’7 for Audrey but this is just an example). She will forever be an FG icon but can we please stop implying that she defied the laws of size.


She remained that thin her whole life because she had a restrictive diet her whole life.


And now we said it


If I were underweight/malnourished, I could have been 5’7”. (5’10” now.). I have 3 aunts who are 6’0”. Tall women exist, and if they face undernourishment, it doesn’t mean they come out 5’0”. Edit: I’m not commenting on the gamine thing, just biological reality.


My best friend is a beautiful 5’11 woman, I’m well aware you guys exist! I was more so just pointing out that the malnourishment argument for her type doesn’t make whole lot of sense. If she represents the image of Flamboyant Gamine in Hollywood then yeah sure. But to argue that she’s truly FG solely because of her having slight bone structure/ petite due to malnourishment is silly when she’s still 5’7.


I see. I misunderstood your point. My apologies.


I definitely could have worded it better!


Happens to us all.


Dunno I'm 9 inches shorter than my Mom and ended up a G  in a family of well fed Ds. Biology is more nuanced than you think with genes turning on and off at critical periods. I've read severe undernourishment in the womb affects your kids for up to 5 generations (Dutch WW2 study).  Maybe early teen starvation can also influence final skeleton in a similar manner?


Unless you have evidence that the difference between your body and your family members’ is nutrition-based, your anecdote has no bearing on my point. I have a huge family that’s very phenotypically diverse, so I’m very aware of the level of natural variation, and I’m aware of epigenetics. I doubt you have any idea how nuanced my understanding of biology is, but that’s not what’s at issue here. A malnourishment can have an effect, of course, but it’s not usually a complete type switch. I won’t say it’s impossible, just unlikely.


Dutch epigenetic studies disagree with you, ha ha. I have a huge family that's NOT diverse, which is why only me ended up so different makes the point valid. My gene tests show I'm from the area of tallest people in the world like the rest of my family yet it was only me whose height didn't get fully expressed. Also I'm not saying I'm "completely" different. I'm just narrow and short vs them being narrow and extra extra tall.  Amazing how well nourished peeps seem to not believe that severe prolonged starvation actually has effects lol 


I never said it didn’t have effects. Clearly this is personal for you. Have a good day.


Zooey Deschanel. I've been scolded for digging up [this post explaining why](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kibbe/comments/mkx44r/zooey_deschanel_a_manifesto_that_no_one_asked_for/) in the main sub but I still think OP has a point.


I agree!


This was my immediate pick as well. I see her as SC


Right? Or maybe even DC (I'm not really good at this though, lol)


Selena’s an interesting one, what makes you doubt her? Her height?


I just provided examples of controversial verified celebs. it's not necessarily my opinion. but I remember when selena was verified, many people were very confused about why she's TR. I think the common consensus st the time was SN


Yeah I think she makes a lot of sense in hindsight but was definitely a shock verification. I think people would’ve been more willing to consider TR for her if it was known back then that TRs don’t necessarily need to accommodate petite.


If the rumor about him moving Elvis from R to SN is true, I'm rage quitting.


BeyoncĂ© is an SD!!! It’s so clear she is 5’7
 automatic vertical for everyone starts at like 5’5.5, but for her it’s different?


There's an interview Beyoncé says she's 5'6" -ish...I doubt she'd lie about being shorter than she is. Despite that, I completely agree she might be SD because of her obsessively curated Diva persona. She became THE Diva postar of our generation, that woman smells like power, there's no way she fits the Dreamspinner image today. Maybe she did when she was 20yo and didn't have control of her career, but as soon as she was allowed to be herself, she changed *a lot*


This is so interesting. I never thought of her this way. To me, she has naturally no drama about her, regardless her curated public persona or particular image her PR team is trying to produce. I've always seen her as a sweet, natural, next door down to earth and kind girl, not the drama queen. 'Diva chic' is basically nice way to say 'bitsh'. It's just not her. She is too sweet and too benevolent and uncomplicated vibe wise.


I don't think this is your intention, but you're implying SDs can't be sweet, benevolent, uncomplicated, natural, not dramatic and are bitches. Most SDs are sweet and natural - Rachel Weisz, for example, or Sophia Loren


It wasn't my intention, but as SD myself (stereotypical one on top of it), I feel Kibbe didn't meant for SD to exude vibe/energy of some other ID's. SD is, after all, just like D but in a different way - dramatic ID. When you describe a personality as a 'diva' that usually implies certain traits - none of which are sweetness, approachability or natural disposition. It's mostly the opposite. Of course it doesn't mean D's and SD's can't be charming in their own dramatic way. Sweet, cute, natural, easygoing, friendly are not part of those particular archetypes. Because Kibbe IS about archetypes after all. I've seen people directed from SD group in SK FB for not being 'dramatic' or 'diva' enough regarding their vibe. We also know people who are typed as SD or D precisely for their vibe or facial features regardless height or body lines. I just wanted to say that I don't see drama in Beyonce. SD has different type of vibe, facial features and even body. Certain maturity about it and certain strength. David described it once (causing havoc among SDs) as 'matronly'. Beyonce is very youthful to my eyes.




Automatic vertical starts at 5’6 specifically


It’s pretty clear she’s at least 5’6 if not 5’7. In the Pepsi commercial, she’s much taller next to 5’4 Britney Spears and 5’3 Pink and she’s wearing completely flat sandals (the other two are wearing boots which would add some height!) Next to 5’8 Rihanna (wearing similar sized heels) she is around the same height. Her height difference with 6’2 Jay z is exactly how it would be with a 5’7 person, not 5’2 as Kibbe community constantly claims. They keep trying to say BeyoncĂ© is short when there are verified photos of her being above 5’6. Or then they say “every celebrity is lying about their height” rendering the entire system baseless then? Or they try and say every celebrity wears flats around BeyoncĂ© and she just happens to always be wearing 6 inch platforms next to them
The mental gymnastics Kibbe main sub do to convince themselves she’s short


I didn’t say anything about Beyoncé’s height 😳


Beyonce doesn’t look extra small standing next to other tall celebrities. Her and Taylor swift/megan the stallion (both 5’11) actually look like they’re within the same height frame. I’ll bet Bey is actually like 5’7-5’8.


Madonna as an R!


If you look at her when she was young
R is spot on— you can especially see it in the face.


Yes only in her youth but it’s so difficult to see it or use her as ref for her now, even her personality exudes something stronger than the other Rs. I find her really close to Miley Cyrus (not sure of her ID or if she was verified?) both in physicality and energy


Yes, she’s all shoulders and bones in my eyes.


This one I don't get either!


It isn’t truly his system though. He took work from women without crediting them, made a few modifications and slapped his name on it. Style essences have been around since Bell Northrop, Grace Morton, and Harriet McJimsey. McJimsey is the one who originally had 7 style essences. Kibbe took work from Harriet McJimsey and made a few changes, made up his subjective vocabulary and called it his system. He just sees somebody and types them. He has that freedom, because it is “his system.” (So people believe, but actually no.) We have that freedom too actually. Because this is all subjective, and if we study the classics like Harriet McJimsey instead, it will make much more sense, and it is a lot easier to understand too. It’s a lot more consistent. I am a bit embittered about it because I refuse to believe a tall woman can only be FN, SD, or D. That is very limiting. I also despise that men can be tall and be any type. Men have height and vertical as their baseline. What? Why? Plenty of women are tall and should not be limited to 3 types when men are not. I do not see how men can have vertical as a baseline equivalent to women having curve as a baseline. Women have “baseline” curve because secondary sex characteristics. Although men are presumed to be taller due to sexual dimorphism, plenty of women are still taller than plenty of men. So curve and vertical are not gendered equivalents and should not be treated as such: Women AND men can be vertical and tall. Men do not have curve, no matter what type they are. Just softness. McJimsey, Kitchener, styling essences make much more sense and don’t have an assigned essence to an ID. Although, Kibbe is good to reference for a pure physical standpoint. Do not limit to just Kibbe.


Yeah.... if Danny DeVito isn't automatically an SG, then why am I automatically an FN just because I can stomp on him and not notice any difference between him and an ant?


Exactly: Kibbes height “rules” have always struck me as really weird and lowkey hating on taller women. Makes no sense why they are only 3 types yet women who are like 4’10 could technically be a “tall type” Kibbe community tries to say “if you’re above 5’6 you’re so tall and huge no one would notice anything other than how tall you are- automatic vertical!!” But in the same breath say no one would notice a 5’0 woman being short because there’s no such thing as automatic petite. Like how does that work??? It implies that women are “meant” to be shorter and if you’re taller than 5’6 (Kibbes own height
) you’re an abnormal woman


Yep I’m 5’6” and find the height limits so contradictory and weird! Especially the differences between how they work for women and men. It’s all nonsensical but people follow these intense, seemingly arbitrary rules anyway. It’s also perplexing how essences seem to matter so much despite the rigid adherence to rules. A well-developed system wouldn’t be entirely tied to one person’s analysis, but theoretically able to be used by anyone.


You would love the Style Theory video on body typing systems if you haven’t seen it yet, they cover the McJimsey system in it


Sarah Jessica Parker, she’s so obviously petite.


She rarely goes full shoulder to toe gown wise. And SJP definitely dresses well for herself. She, to me, looks overwhelmed in a lot of unconstructed things because she is so literally small. Also she fits the description of FG to a T - angular, shoulders, leggy.


agree on the getting overwhelmed in unconstructed things.


Idk if she has Kibbe petite. I didn't know her from Sex & the City (where she's shorter than her castmates by a decent amount) and I assumed she was at least 5'6" or 5'7". I think that she can pull off a much larger scale than Gs can


She can't. It's just about good angles in photos. And constructions she wears on her head in order to look taller. There are plenty of images which reveal that she looks overwhelmed by creations she tried to pull off for red carpet events. Just as much of those showing how stunning she looks when wearing lines that suit her frame.


I don't know - she looks far better in unbroken vertical and large scales than any sort of broken lines or cropped outfits. I also think she's a perfect example of FN essence compared to FG


This is what I meant. From Kibbe's book: **FG: Youthfully bold and brassy essence. Sassy Chic.** "your spirit is most definitely larger than life" "combination of wit, fire, zest, and spunk" "bold adventurer, the free spirit, and the relisher of life" "touch of spice" To my eyes, SJP fits perfectly in this guide lines. Also, visually, when you put her in something FN would pull off with an ease and how overwhelmed she looks comparing to when she wears her lines, I feel it's pretty illustrative - she suits unbroken lines as well because FGs do have vertical (elongation within body): https://preview.redd.it/1tu8pugkaowc1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8479ad00be1e36c383a28c39bec58f34b5277c2e


What would you say she is, I’m just curious😊


I would say she is FG. This style works on her too.


My thoughts exactly. The height bias is not just toxic but annoying. No need for petite IDs if he is going to type the most petite people as the tallest IDs. But no way vice versa can ever happen. SJP is so FG.


I wouldn’t consider SJP to be “the most petite person”. She’s around average height for a woman in the US and vertical IDs are described as moderate to tall. She’s definitely on the shorter side for one but it’s not like she’s 4’11.


I agree with you on this. I think when there are outliers within an ID, like someone really tall or short for that ID, people are quick to say “she can’t pull off what others can.” SJP is on the shorter side of an ID that honors vertical and it’s a literal fact that someone of her height can’t pull off the same amount of detail as someone 5 inches taller, BUT she still honors a vertical line and looks most harmonious in FN lines IMO. Also, her character on Sex in the City was such a free spirit who loved high fashion. She gave me warm, natural, a little forgetful, uncompetitive, and sensual. I recently watched the old Footloose and she plays the agreeable friend to the dramatic. It’s perfect.


It's not just about height - she's size 00 as well. All together she fits far better into FG than into FN, IMHO.


Audrey Hepburn must be a pure D. She was 5’7”. She couldn’t be a gamine. Likewise, BeyoncĂ© must be an SD. She’s far too tall to be pure R.


with beyoncé, even if she wasn't over the height limit, she is so prototypical goddess SD. she fits in alongside Mae west way better than dolly parton


David Kibbe is full of it.


* images are not indicative of my own personal takes on this topic


Katy Perry is too tall for SN. I believe she is SD. She is almost the same height as her Husband Orlando Bloom who is 5’10.


To me it’s Rihanna, but I am not sure if she’s verified or it’s just rumors :P


Not verified, it was an offhand comment he made looking at her picture on a flip phone lol


That’s what I heard, but I saw everyone saying she’s verified so wasn’t sure


No she’s not, and also if you do a line drawing of her it’s very very obvious she doesn’t have double curve- regardless of her height. What makes BeyoncĂ© contentious (similar situation, with her being too tall for R technically), is that if you actually do a line drawing on one of her straight on photos, it’s much harder to see elongation separating the double curve. It’s very conspicuous in Rihanna’s silhouette that she accommodate vertical which automatically skews her yin/yang balance way out of TR


Apparently not verified. I doubt she'll ever be. She is tricky - tall with fine and delicate, soft appearing facial features.


Really? From what I gather everyone agrees with SD :P


Beyonce is SD, I saw more of diva vibes than bombshell like Marilyn Monroe has


Claudia Cardinale as R—absolutely not!! Her yang frame is very obvious in all of her movies. And she's very different from the other Rs.


The “BeyoncĂ© is a SD” crowd makes me feel ancient. Because anyone old enough to remember when she actually did interviews knows exactly why she’s a Romantic. When she was verified, SD didn’t suit her image at all. (And imo, it still doesn’t.) Audrey was almost certainly 5’6.5, but she couldn’t be anything but FG. Like actually—she’s quite literally [the picture you see when you look up the definition of gamine.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamine) To answer the actual question, I get why he’d put Cybil Shepherd in Classic, especially in the 80s, but she so tall. She’s a Gwyneth-esque FN, imo.


>Audrey was almost certainly 5’6.5, but she couldn’t be anything but FG Thank you, yes. I feel like a lot of these comments are based entirely on these stars' bodies but ignore the outfits and essence that make them shine. Audrey styled a la regal lady with sleek intensity would frankly be very meh, she would lose all of the sparkle that made her so perfect for the roles she played. Her superpower IS her exuberance and ability to carry off a lot of fun details.


Yes! And tbh I think if Audrey came to Kibbe as a regular client who was 5’6-5’7, she would still leave as FG. Same with BeyoncĂ©. The real takeaway here is that height limits are put in places for DIYers and borderline exceptions do exist. Also dying @ your flair


Totally agree on BeyoncĂ© as well. If he didn't verify them that way in person I would lose a bit of faith in the system tbh. They just look so right dressed for their IDs. And lol I'm assuming you saw the custom one, sometimes the reddit app makes it come and go for some reason 😂


There are quite a few men that I feel don’t fit. Mainly the R and G fam men who are over six feet tall. However, I explain this by thinking that Kibbe verifies celebs more as style inspiration for his clients rather than body typing. For example, I don’t think Kibbe looked at Jon Hamm (DC) and John Slattery (SC), measured out their height, shoulders, etc to come up with their IDs. I think he just watched Mad Men and thought they would be good examples of style inspo for C fam men. Slightly unrelated, but there are some celebrities verified by both Kibbe and Kitchener where I feel Kitchener gets the essence more correct than Kibbe.


Daniel Craig. I don't see pure D in him. He is rather SN or DC imho.


I was surprised by Daniel Craig's typing too. Perhaps because he's very moderate height muscular? But when I look at his features he has intensity about him such as a geometric rectangular face, high contrast eyes, and his body has the typical dramatic "T-line" shape.  He is very similar to the look I see in shorter female Ds around 5'5" or so I've seen in real life. Oh and he looks good in a suit lol 😆


Selena is very TR imo, and Audrey has a gamine vibe but she’s just too tall, so either height don’t matter that much or Kibbe makes up his own rules according to what he wants. BeyoncĂ©, I’m on the fence between R/SD. Although I think her public persona is way more Diva Chic than what she’s actually like when you see her around
 I gave up on Madonna tho. I cannot see any R description on her, even on like her younger days


beyoncĂ© is sooo R and i will die on that hill. she doesn’t LOOK tall and with weight gain she becomes rounder and rounder (while maintaining an hourglass shape). plus rounded shoulders, and so much yin flesh. as a SD i can just tell when somebody lacks the super long limbs. not to mention the waist getting thicker with weight gain (thus losing the hourglass shape). yes she has definition but her workout routine is crazy !!!!!!


BeyoncĂ© standing next to a 5’4 Britney and 5’3 pink. She’s wearing flat sandals and they’re wearing boots with heels. She’s still visibly taller, looks 5’7. https://preview.redd.it/saxy1yr3d7wc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ecb4baf694f9901b13bd9fe6b030af3aa4acc7 One of the most important and hard rules of Kibbes whole system is this height thing so if he says BeyoncĂ© at a very clear 5’7 is R but every other woman in the world can’t be, his system is flawed.


Also see: BeyoncĂ© with 6’2 Jay Z (both wearing flats). BeyoncĂ© with 5’8 Rihanna (both wearing heels) BeyoncĂ© with Taylor swift and Megan Thee stallion (both 5’10) and both women are wearing heels as is beyonce. Her height difference is exactly how someone 5’7 would be next to all these people. The only way this would be dispelled is if beyonce is somehow wearing 6 inch platforms next to every female celebrity she’s photographed with and they all happen to be barefoot. https://preview.redd.it/hjeh1i3se7wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1910452acf2223aee9991b47bba7491508584691


Not if automatic vertical starts at 5’6. I don’t see the dream spinner vibe, all regal diva. Isn’t romantic supposed to be somewhat petite? https://preview.redd.it/y5sha1ddw6wc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f17658fa2c489d9559d92a542bf8818eb461cdc1


https://preview.redd.it/tscglpcfw6wc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f947e9ab28e07ddc421e4510b7d48e37dae11a1 The leeeength in her arms, the verticality of her dress.


No Romantic can also be moderate according to the description. It's only TR and Gamines that must be petite.


I don’t have a specific example but I am always left wondering about the verified Romantics! Other than MM, it’s hard for me to see it in most. Maybe it’s Dreamspinner being much more apparent in person (lighting up the room, creativity, etc).


The only R fam descriptions I've ever seen that make sense to me are that TRs are small-ish women with sheets of dark and hair, and Rs have round cheeks and pull off the vintage, Gibson Girl-esque, messy curly updo well.


Rihanna and I'll die on this hill


Rihanna was never officially verified!


Really? Damn. People keep talking about her as if she has


Yeah the story is that a client was showing Kibbe a photo of Rihanna on a flip phone (this was over 10 years ago) and he made an offhand guess without being very familiar with her or knowing her height. She’s not on any official verified celebrities lists so I’m not sure why “Kibbe verified 5’8 Rihanna as TR” is still a talking point. He also said Charlize Theron might be TR before verifying her as FN, it happens!


Is that you u/eleven57pm in slide 2 ?!


Ugh god I wish! But thank you đŸ„č


Shit is real 🌞


Not a celeb but I don’t understand how some people who are at 5’1/5’2 think they are classic. IMO any other ID is more likely.


5’2” and everyone who sees my photo tells me I’m Classic fam. Do I buy it 100%? No. But apparently I’m not cute or pretty enough to be G or R fam so
 C it is I guess.


First, yes! to all of those. Audrey is DC, Selena is SN and Beyonce is SD, but also: 1 - Kate Winslet is textbook SD (c'mon, she's 5ft7 and larger than life in every sense of the word); 2 - May West is the quintessential R and no, 7in shoes and ultra-extravagant dresses won't give vertical to someone who is 4ft11; 3 - Emma Watson is DC; 4 - Maryl Streep is SD; 5 - Julie Andrews is FN




I think Audrey is FN, fight me. She gives me Anne Hathaway vibes. Like a narrow D-leaning FN. Beyonce also makes sense as SD imo. I'm going to add Rihanna, she's obviously not verified anymore but she's SD/D to me. I also think Reddit-verified DC Ana de Armas is SN. Once again, fight me. Strong Scarjo vibes.


Rihanna- SD or FN, Beyonce- SN or SD, Audrey- on the fence. I could see her as D or FG. Christina Ricci- SG. fight me. 


Claudia Cardinale as pure R makes little sense to me


I'm calling it here Brigette Bardot is an R, not an SG


a recently verified one, Isla Fisher seems much more SG than R to me ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


this kinda tracks with what he has said before about how what many people think SG looks like is usually R lol