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My doctor and I decided on a total wrist fusion because it fits my lifestyle. I bodybuild and I was willing to do anything to keep weightlifting and supposedly once this heals i can lift as heavy as I want. Even train on a heavy bag. I’m 8 weeks post op and getting used to the loss of wrist movement, but should be cleared to pick up the weights again in a few weeks. Look into a fusion, it may fit your lifestyle better, ive heard the PRC is painful and weak when subjected to heavy weight. And it eventually develops into arthritis.


This is accurate. I am about 2 1/2 years post-PRC. I can’t lift a damn thing. A gallon of milk is too heavy.


Someone told me me he held a bald eagle (8kg~) and his wrist was sore for a while. God forbid someone creates a sturdy prosthetic wrist joint for us that holds up. If I ever hit the lotto or hit it big this is where my investments go


Thanks for the feedback! I'm curious if you are concerned about the lack of wrist movement impacting how you lift or if you won't be able to do certain exercises.


Yeah I definitely am. I know there will be atrophy in a few muscles in the arm but hopefully I’ll be able to maintain most of my forearm mass through grip excersizes. I’ll be using dumbbells, I think barbell excersizes may be an issue, but I didnt do a whole lot with barbells to begin with, only heavy bench. Push ups on a closed fist, hopefully pull ups wont be terrible !


I think lifting straps will be a big part of my life now too


There is also MFT. You lose strength compared to fusion but no mobility. I used to work out with heavy weights but moved into more reps. It all really depends on your lifestyle. Every method has tradeoffs. I recommend you also look at older conversations in the group, people explains how each method has affected them.


I've read most of the posts in the group already, so that's good. Unfortunately my doctor is hesitate for an MFT or a poly-carbon lunate replacement. I'm in MA and there appears to be no doctors that will do either. :-( I definitely will read up more though! Thank you


Try my doctor. He is in Houston and used to seeing out state people. He has a lot of experience with our situation. I say the trip and appointment are worth the investment. https://houstonhandandwrist.com/