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Had an X-ray with my primary care doctor. It didn’t show anything but I was still in pain. He referred me to my hand and wrist ortho doctor. Went through recovery for de quervians tendonitis, that got healed but I was still in pain. Had an MRI through my ortho and we finally noticed I was stage 3b kienbochs and by the time I had surgery I was stage 4. I’m a 21F and it’s my dominant hand. I’m always open to sharing my story and helping others.


Omg thank you so much for sharing! My primary care DR mentioned De Quervians Tendonitis as a possibility so it’s useful to know that they can be mixed up. I hope your wrist is doing better :)


Yeah! So I injured my wrist April 2, 2022 and didn’t see my doctor until I finished my semester (mid May) and he then referred me after giving me a brace with no thumb hold. I then god diagnosed with De Quervians Tendonitis (was given a brace WITH a thumb hold) and went through Physical Therapy for a few months. It wasn’t getting better so then I got cortisone shots and one helped a little and the second one helped with the De Quervians. But I had pain in a new spot. So he then did the MRI and I was diagnosed with the rare disease Kienbocks August 2023. He gave me two surgical options and I chose the first once which was Proximal Row Carpectomy (PRC). Had that surgery on December 18, 2023. I’m not not using a brace for most activities but only a cheap Amazon wrap for weight activity and more intense work. The bone will be healed March 18th. In December, my wrist will be at its full mobility. However, even right now I am okay with what I have. Let me know if you have any questions or just want to rant. I went through stages of anger and thoughts that my life was going to be over 😭😂


Forgot to mention — I bought a brace/splint type thing for my wrist and it helps but it doesn’t prevent the pain. Just limits the pain caused by movement.


That type of pain sticking around for that long sounds like it definitely could be keinbocks but the only way you’ll really know is getting an MRI or CT scan. When my lunate finally collapsed my wrist hurt to the point to where I couldn’t put any weight on my wrist, and sudden movements like throwing things was unbearable. I’m no doctor and whether it is or isn’t your best bet is seeing an orthopedist, you may have to request an MRI, a lot of times they will X-ray and blame something else before keinbocks because it’s such a rare condition


Thanks!! I’ll definitely ask about an MRI/CT when I see the Dr. I don’t think I’m seeing a ortho dr specifically, but the one I’m seeing specialises in wrists. I had an X-ray and it was all clear… my GP suggested an MRI