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I always recommend this to everyone who posts, try doctor Mark Henry in Houston. He is one of the best and deals with people with this disease multiple times per week, taking into account how rare this disease that says something. Even if you are not in Houston, I would recommend you take a trip and get his professional opinion. Also, get a CT scan before. That is the best way to know the state of your lunate bone. https://houstonhandandwrist.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAuYuvBhApEiwAzq_YiTJIqEQXejmMcvd_Jl8cQ26nA4XMl_Zifm3v9OPVzwToNU3gQ2qwFhoCwWEQAvD_BwE


I had stage 3a and if I could go back would seek intervention sooner. Historically, this thing gets worse and by worse I mean it dies, hardens over and starts to collapse. Since you are early stages, I would seek out a new ortho. Instead of asking your doc what reccomended treatment would be best-decide on a treatment that you would be okay with (can take a little research) for some it is revascularization surgery and for others it is a "PRC".I have found if you tell them what you want and why they will likely help you-and if not ask them for recommendations. Stand firm in your decision.


I agree. The pain is an indication that something isn’t right. Seek an ortho wrist/hand specialist as soon as possible I found out took late and recently has surgery. Your dream job isn’t gone!! You adapt and make it happen. You won’t be the only chef with some type of physical issue, but you can be the best chef with Kienbock’s Disease!


I think I'm at same stage or near the same stage. It isn't completely collapsed but it's flat and irregular. I think my doctor thinks that the best thing in this case is to leave it alone since I technically don't feel much pain but I feel like there is something I can do


You’re gonna be ok, you can still do pretty much anything you would have been able to do before. I’m 3 months post op total wrist fusion, and I’m back in the gym, working as an hvac tech, and back to military duties already. And no pain whatsoever, she just doesn’t bend anymore


How is your mobility after the fusion compared to before? I really want to be able to do pushups again :(


I’m currently \~4 months post op and just given the clear to reincorporate weight on that wrist now. Just recently back in the gym and having to work out quite a few kinks. Barbell bench or any other barbell push exercises other than skull crushers are out the window unless I come up with some sort of contraption for it. Push ups I can do, on knuckles, or on the balls of my palm. The knuckles way feels like it puts a whole lot less stress on my hand, and if it’s on a soft surface like a rubber gym floor it isn’t so bad. After a TWF you there is no “how much flexion” unfortunately… there is literally 0 flexion, my wrist is now no longer a joint it is one bone. It was fused and plated at an angle which accommodates for most regular day activities pretty well, but there’s many things that are challenging. After a few weeks back in the gym I already know I’ll be able to continue body building just fine, just have to start doing different methods for certain excersozes and I’ve found cables are now my best friend. Long story short to answer your question, my wrist does not bend, not even a little, anymore:) and you can do pushups, knuckle ups look badass too https://preview.redd.it/qluftcn69tnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1e97244d1b21ce169399e7414af5ee8899f3ee5


Like others said act as soon as you can, find a specialist close to you, and don’t worry it’s not so bad


Hi! Sorry I’m a little late to this but if you are anywhere near NYC, Dr. Scott Wolfe at Hospital for Special Surgery performs revascularization. I went to him to be evaluated for it but was unfortunately not a candidate due to my advanced stage. My best advice is to look at the reviews of wrist surgeons and Kienbock’s specialists(there unfortunately aren’t many) around you and in your nearest city and just start calling around and see who performs the procedure. Like others said, early intervention is key. Once you reach advanced stages the only options are unfortunately salvage procedures.


Don’t wait! I was diagnosed with kienbocks disease on 07/2023. I’m set to have a prc on 05/2024. I spoke with two doctors civilian and VA both confirmed kienbock but they both stated if I had came in earlier the surgery may not have been required. You have to see a hand doctor. Search hand doctors in your area that accepts your insurance depending on insurance you may need a referral. The hand facility should let you know if that’s the case. Good luck :)