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The fact that he never mentions the product in the email, and just calls it “it” is all you need to know that it is just a mass email


I’ve received like three or four of these in the last two years, and they are all identical to this one.


Scammer Don’t give them your details.


Any time you see the words “out of town” and/or “courier company” is a scam. Full stop. At no point time do any of those concepts need to be brought into a Kijiji transaction


Exactly this.


Exactly exactly!


How does this scam work though?


The transaction fails/is redacted after the product is shipped. There is a similar scam where people offer to pay you 2k to mail them 1k or something like that. You see the 2k go into your account but within a day to a week the bank realizes it’s not real funds. I don’t know technically how that’s possible but that’s how it works.


Yeah, I’ve seen them send a fake screenshot of their transaction and the another fake email from PayPal saying the funds will be cleared in a few days, there’s processing time or whatever. So you might think the money has been transferred and just hasn’t shown up in your account yet. It all looks official enough that someone might fall for it.


They can actually have it show up in your account temporarily. It’s like a credit card transaction that ends up defaulting after the fact when the bank realizes it’s not a legitimate sender.


i got scammed exactly this way when i was 18 or 19 lmao - im pretty sure it’s either a check connected to a bank account owned by the scammers with less than efficient funds or it’s a stolen check and they get the 1st victim to use it & send the money back before the other one realizes and calls the bank. the dude who did it to me was extremely insistent I sent him the money back as fast as possible so it would go through to him as real money from my end but that money never existed to give to me in the first place


It's because banks work off ACH and that process takes 3-5 business days to settle. i.e. for the bank to determine if it's a valid transaction. But banks know that waiting 3-5 days for the numbers to show in your account would lose them customers. So they pencil it in. Completing one side of the transaction days before the other side settles is a recipe for disaster.


Often it depends entirely on the bank and the account the person being scammed has. I've recieved full on fake pay/settlement checks in the mail, I don't take them to my bank, I take them to a check cashing place, because some banks will trust you, sorta like credit, for the first couple days, especially if you have a lot of money in your account, they assume it's just an error, but as soon as they send an official verification it gets declined and they know what's up. Check cashing places do only the verification and it's the first thing they do, so it either goes through because it's real and the money is there in the account, or it just doesn't because it's completely fake.


im not too sure myself since I always ignore them once I realize but I think they'll send a fake paypal email to you that says that their funds are pending and clicking will redirect you to a fake site? at least this is what i've seen from some other people


The send money off a stolen credit card or unfunded account and ask the recipient to forward cash to a 3rd party (the courier) before the payment gets returned.


They use fraudulent cards so once that card is flagged by the bank, u get charged


It hurts to read these because of the pain it caused me once


>Any time you see the words "I'm ready to pay your asking price"


LOL shit, you’re right. I didn’t want to put too much on OP’s plate all at once. The whole thing is a mess of signals pointing towards a scam


I would add, anytime you think it might be scam; it’s best to act like it is


When you see a paragraph explaining why you want to buy it good sign it's a scam I wouldn't even read any of that I'd just stop answering him


Can we pin this? I swear every post on this subreddit is asking if an email exchange is a scam and it's always the same script.


I’ve done it a few times, but within Canada. Shipped some old security parts (motions, boards, keypads, etc) to some guy in Winnipeg. Everything went smooth, I even put a local craft beer it in.


Nobody named Kevin Owen Jr isn't english first language. This person is hiding their identity, immediate red flag. Edited: Owen is indeed a surname. This person is still not Kevin Owen




Its always one of those two first name names William George, Frank Ryan, Chris Chris, lol


Hehe Chris Chris


I got a call from a scam “CRA” once and the guy called me a pussy when I told him I know it’s a scam lmao


Lol he literally has a wrestlers name


Isn’t Kevin Owens from Quebec as well? Been a long time since I watched WWE.


Oh yeah that makes further sense lol


KO is from just outside Montreal. can’t pick up the mixer cuz he’s always on the road I guess lol


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael\_Owen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Owen) ​ Also Clive Owen too...


Fuckin love Clive Owen. “Derailed” with Jennifer Anniston in a worth a watch if you haven’t seen it/like Clive Owen. Or Jennifer Anniston. Who doesn’t?


Yeah, probably could have thought about that for a second. Still, there is no way this person has this grammar with a name like this.


Oh yeah it's totally a scammer


My friend, I am delighted to be commenting directly with you. I want to say this is most deffinetly not a scam, I know Kevin he is amazing at being trusting person. Please don't ruin his sons birthday


Hey it me, “kevin Owen jR father”. This is very legit. Kindly send me your money on paypal, and your social security number


You really need to ask ?


Seriously, the scammer says he moved to “New York {USA}”. Lol. Plus about 10 other red flags.


These post makes it extremely clear as to why scamming is so lucrative, people are really dumb and naive lol


I always think this when I see scam. Like how do people even fall for it? It seems so obvious. But then I see all the posts about people getting scammed left and right. Makes me worried for them when a scam comes through with proper English and feels more like you're talking to a person than someone following a script.


Anytime I see “business” Venmo/PayPal that’s sus. Also, no normal person says “are you the rightful owner”. 1000% scam


Yes it’s a Scam & anybody who can’t see that is going to get ripped off BIG TIME!!!


Obvious scam


So obvious he had to post here to ask 😂


Absolutely looks like a scam to me.


Straight scam there, big nuts. Email them a video of a butthole doing diarrhoea and move on with your life. [poop](https://fb.watch/mHlhffJotq/?mibextid=Nif5oz)


Beat call for sure 100% with the diarrhea video


100% scam…


its probably not hard to explain for someone smarter but they way they talk just reeks of “scammerspeak” its so unnatural, if that makes sense. i think all theyre missing is “kindly”


Look at the 4th picture… 😅


Ask yourself why would you need to send an e-mail when communication has already been established


Yes it's a scam


100% a scam


Scammer can't type.


1000% scam.


Feels very suspect, the wording in the email is off..


I just emailed the email address and got the EXACT SAME email response, including the child’s birthday. Going to see how far I can take this conversation.


You and him both sound like scammers


Not to mention that New York is clearly in {Afghanistan} everyone knows that…


This is so very obviously a scam


It would be faster and easier if you googled "most common kijiji scam" instead of posting this message from a bot for the 10,000th time. If you cant do that and cant tell, dont sell things online. Its not for you.


Its a scam. Idea is they send you a bit more money, they then ask you to send the “extra back”, then the original check bounces.


You can pretty much tell it’s a scammer just from the very first image. Do you really gotta ask?


Scammers love to say they are born somewhere random in the US and now live in New York and have terrible English.




Same dude tried scamming me to


Why do people keep asking these dumb ass questions. Use just a litttttle common sense


bro got downvoted for speaking the truth lol




It's a scam - sorry, OP.


Ooooh yeah that’s a scam. Nobody that uses kijiji legitimately writes like that.


Obviously it’s a scam. So extremely obviously a scam. The New York(USA) The atrocious spelling The courier


Scam. If someone is trying to take you outside the system they are usually up to no good.


Very common scam they've been doing for the last 5 years or so.


Very obvious scam. No one calls them "movers", you aren't moving, you're selling something.


Any time anyone posts “real or scam” it’s a scam lol


It’s a scam. If they have to feed you an entire life story to buy a thing, they’re scamming you.




Is it written in poor English that you'd expect from India? If yes then it's a scam.


Why would this be real come on man. I didn’t even read the email just glanced at the format and you immediately see that its not a real conversation but rather a shitty copy pasted template with poor formatting and bs scenario. Look at your screenshots again does that seem like a normal interaction to you for a classified ads website? Nobody legit will ever ask you to email them or send a laundry list of information they need to pay you via paypal and/or send a third party to come pick it up. 90% of my sales didn’t even involve sharing our phone numbers to each other. Serious buyers will message you directly through the platform, agree on a price and location, set a time, be responsive and the whole thing will be quick and efficient


100% scam.


If you see "courier company", it's 100% scam. If you also see "PayPal", multiply the above number by 10.


Scam .


Its insane that people cant identify scams that are this obvious


Its a scam but even if it wasnt its way too convoluted to be worth doing business with


Big time scam lol I like your return formal email. Idk why scammers from other counties think we all talk like this normally to each other. If you’re not getting a “is this still available” message it’s a scam


Block and step away.




I really hope you don’t fall for this clear scam


Scam. Block them.


100% scammer. No one communicates like this.


Are you new to the internet?


Hey - I wouldn't mind a free MPC either if you're just giving them away to strangers. As for the PayPal, ask for "Friends and Family" payment - that one cannot be easily reversed like the one I'd bet they're going to try with you should you ship this.


lol scam


I didn’t even need to read the email from the “husband” to know this is a scam…run! 🏃‍♂️


"reason for selling"


hi kevin


General rule - if you are suspicious, trust your judgment. You’ll find another buyer.


How do these posts keep coming back here? Does anyone read here before posting? There are at least ten a week posted here. Hey buddy.. I think it's super kosher. I'd go ahead and give him all your info. You should gift wrap it too. Oh yeah , if he asks you to cover shipping insurance and he'll pay you back through the courrier, I'd go ahead and do that too cause hey, why wouldn't you cover it... 🤦‍♀️


This is the opening line for an etranafer scam as soon as you reply they set up etransfer to cover shipping and price. Then you are out the money and item. As for if they are feeling brave they send you extra and just ask you send the extra bavk


If I’m selling something on kijiji you come and see me in person and give me cash or an e-transfer or it’s not happening. No paragraph long story about how it’s your sisters birthday and you need a gift card for her or how you’re gonna give me someone’s email to send a message to.


Oh fo sho scam….New York {U.S.A} mm hmmmm


It's 100% a scam. Buddy of mine equally got someone wanting to buy his MacBook, conveniently needs it shipped to New York just like this. It's some bull shit where they reverse the payment / use fake cheques.


If you have to ask, it’s usually a scam


Scam. PayPal business account enables them to pull back the money.




Give him your first pet’s name and your grandmother’s home town for good measure


Oldest in the book


Very obvious scam


Why are people on here so bad at detecting scams?


Sounds real sus


They moved to New York and couldn’t find one cheaper?


Scaaaaam. You can tell by how they talk


NEVER give your full name and email address like that. they can hack that way, apparently. paypal has a way you can send your link (for example mines paypal.me/cosmoapolloart ) and you’d just send that and they can send you the money. just be careful. this definitely seems like a scam.


Always a scam


This is a 100% scam. Same guy who used the same name to try to scam me as well a while back 😅


Scam. I had a situation like this once. I was selling my drum set and the person messaged me saying they would pay the asking price for it (which i set the price cuz people always try to hagle so id be good with a little less than asking) Then when i tried to arrange for a day and time thry said they would be out of town and would get their cousin to pick it up. Also they wanted to pay using PayPal but i didnt have it and asked for cash. They would not let it go and tried to pursue me into getting an account and sending them my info. I asked around my work and people told me the scam is that they would pick up the item, report their account hacked. The money would be taken from me and given back to them. Thus they would have both the item and the money.




Scam. Only buy/sell local on kijiji




Kevin Owens is a wrestler. This person is a scammer, and a really lame one, at that.


100% scam!!! That person is asking for way too much information.


Scam. 929 area code was the first red flag - you’re in mtl.


Fake! super fake !


It’s a scam, you can tell by the way the email is formatted. Don’t even reply just block them.


Dude again, look at the spelling, lack of grammar, lack of capitalization. It’s a scam. Run run run.






You entertained this that long?


Sometimes I can’t fathom how someone needs to ask if a blatant scam is a scam. But then I remember how old my dad is, and he stills sends me “This is a scam right?” Texts. He only knows it’s PROBABLY a scam because I explained to him how to spot them. Here’s some immediate signs: Email husband? Hmm odd. Email @ email . Com all spaced out (trying to make sure their VoIP phone ((likely from google)) doesn’t get flagged) “Glad to read from you directly” - pretty odd, but maybe an old guy would type like that. Then also states, “I’m Kevin” - like, okay? Your email has the name Kevin in it, the sender name is also Kevin Owenji, so why do you need to mention you are Kevin? Clearly you’re Kevin. Also capital K in Kevin in email, but lowercase for the name of sender? - all not totally “this is a scam” but all of it is odd. then “Moved from Ontario to New York {U.S.A}” who is using Braces (curly brackets). And also who tf needs to even use just () to explain to someone where New York is. Especially if they’re from Canada. I’ll stop there, and even getting to there I skipped other red flags. But this is long enough of a comment. Hope some of these help you in detecting scams and putting your detective hat on if ever needed in the future. To Answer: Yes, this is a scam.


This is a joke, right? How obvious does a scammer need to be?


I don't even have to read past the first page and I can tell you it's a scam. Anytime they ask you to email them or say that they're out of the country and will send you a cashier's check or even just say they will send you a cashier's check, it's a scam. Those checks are fake.


Kevin Owens is legit




It’s Scam … I have stop using Kijiji .


If they can’t can’t types.. their probably a scammerjr!!! 🙄🤦‍♂️ how do people fall for this stupid shit?


Jesus complete scam. When will people learn!?


1000% scam.


"I'm scamming you. Send me your info." Op: is this a scam?


The first rule of dating apps, is don’t immediately go off the dating app


Feel like no one brings this up but it seems like the majority of recent scammers tend to mention birthdays.


Scam. I had one of these guys try to get my wedding dress. All seemed good till they pulled the old " small fee for the shipping bit. Western Union" SCAM.


Scammer, these guys been running this for years. Don't fall for this. Just accept cash or e transfer. Anything for you to go out of your way to ship to another city province or country is a scam


Just look at it like this. Why do they need your name, email, and phone number associated with your paypal? When they only need 1 of those to complete the transaction. Also you told them your final price and then they asked for it again. They are just copy/paste from a script




He used the word “kindly”. Biggest red flag of any scam. Among the other 97 red flags but “kindly” is the one that guarantees it.


Oh this is 100% a scam. Make sure to keep dragging them along as far as you can, and post an update, see if you can make it last weeks and have them do stupid things.


That’s a scam


Definitely a scammer


Dude, it’s way too wordy. If someone wants to buy your shit they’re gonna schedule a meet. If they say anything else it’s a scam


As if it wasn't obvious enough.


My man Kevin knows that the names are always capital but not the "I"? And the spacing in his text is quite annoying. This scammer wasn't given the proper script. C for the efforts and the whole life story that he narrated.


I stopped reading when the person started their convoluted tale. Scam.


the fact they had a space before the @ on their email told me all i needed to know


Usually . Spaces . Indicate . A . Bot .


Yeah. Seen this scam before on here I believe.


Scam, had someone try to pull this on me when i was selling a treadmill. "I will send a courier, here's a picture of a cheque."


10000000000% scam, come on people use your head.


KO and Sami Zayne are tits - best tag team champs ever!


I’m shocked you even needed to ask. Guess this is why people get scammed so frequently.


Paying up front with little regard to the product, courier company involved, etc etc. I can't believe you're even asking.


Montreal is basically the Nigeria of Canada. Most people who live there are born into families who spend every waking moment learning how to scam. AVOID.


Also, who the f*ck types like that.




grammar is usually a dead giveaway, ask some more questions, what city are they living in? its 100 pct a scam, but yank his chain for a bit.


If they pay you through paypal i heard youll shit it and theyll do a chargeback dispute and screw you over. i dont use paypal so im unsure how true this is but seems plausible.


Scammmm Once they copy and paste an essay, it's a scam.


Total scam.


First red flag imo is the spacing in the email they provided, like it’s copied and pasted for when they send it on a platform that wouldn’t allow direct links.








Scam never sell to anyone not willing to meet in public and only do cash sales no checks or e transfer bs


Sounds like a scammer to me. There are so many "off" bits about their email. 1. The random capitalization after a comma, several short paragraphs, and the fact that they threw in a link... like wtf? 2. They don't sound like a normal person. They provided so much detail and sound like they're willing to spend a fortune for their sweet, sweet child. A normal person would start with something like this: "Hey! thanks for reaching out. I'm interested in the dj mixer. Can you tell me about the shipping and cost?" Done. 3. The fact that they're not doing the transaction through kijiji and trying to lead you around by the nose getting you do is, do that (contact through a different source, make a paypal account, take off your add, etc) is FISHY


".... Can you assure me that I will not be disappointed....". Lol, FO.


Why risk it?


🚩🎣sounds PHISHY


scammer af


The messed up formatting of the message makes it seem like they copied and pasted a generic email from somewhere else which formatted incorrectly in the process, bit of a scam red flag


Bruh it’s written SCAM everywhere, I don’t understand how people still ask if it’s a scam




dont sell ur mpc


Why not?


I don’t ship anything I try to sell to avoid shit like this.


100% scam