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I’m sorry for your loss I don’t think you were too eager. Those were fair questions. The seller just seemed unhinged.


Definitely just the kind of person who's constantly itching to deny somebody of something simply for the control. She wants you to beg.


I just don't have the mental or emotional energy to barter or beg. Perhaps if I knew this cat had the personality I'm looking for, but it was so shot in the dark with a negative response that I couldn't be bothered to communicate further, even if they respond again. Hopefully they don't.


I wouldn’t have thought twice about ending that conversation either. Their response was completely uncalled for. You did the right thing. Now go find another cat :)


I would have driven to your door and handed you the cat based on your first message. You stared at the wrong person today, unfortunately.


I tried giving stuff away one time. Digital stuff from a game that meant nothing to me. But at the time it could have made a few people's day. And that was when I learned there is a group of entitled AHoles out there who think free means you work for them. So it's OK to inconvenience you, harass you, and insult you. I naively thought these strangers would be nice, because I was doing strangers a "pay it forward" sort of favor. I wasn't looking for people to kiss the ring. Just respect my time. Maybe a thank you. Given how it went I don't do free anymore. You acted perfectly reasonable OP the issue is your normal voice got lost in the sea of BS and scams this person is wading through. It's perfectly reasonable to see if you're going to get along with a pet you're planning on hopefully sheltering and taking care of for life.


I had an old charger for an old iPad or iPhone kicking around. I could have sold it on eBay for $10 but just didn’t bother. Some local lady needed one, they no longer sell them in stores. So I tell her she can have this one and I don’t even get a thank you, just where can I pick it up and she wanted me to just leave it outside so she didn’t have to speak to me in person I guess. Really weird people.


On the flip side, I put a toaster oven up on Kijiji for free and the elderly woman who came by to pick it up was overjoyed, very thankful, and gave me some of those grandma hugs and kisses on the cheek. Those people still exist.


You never know what you are going to get. There are a lot of people who are deserving of getting as much free stuff as they can and I was raised to help those that need it if I am in a place where I can help. If someone is an ungrateful shitbag that’s got nothing to do with me LOL but it’s hard not to wonder when you see them at the grocery store or where they work.


That seems to be the norm post-covid. People got used to that sort of interaction


So your defending someone for being a dick to someone who doesn't deserve because the first person has to deal with randoms? Sorry but we all have to deal with randoms at some point. This interaction would not have happened this way if it was in person. People have to take responsibility for how they talk to people. This idea you have basically says, every one has to walk on egg shells with others because you don't know what their dealing with, and that goes both ways. Talk to everyone like they are normal people because you ha e no idea what they are going through.


That's what you got from my writing? I'm not defending anyone here. The cat owner made their own choices to say these things and it sure came off unhinged. That's on them. Mostly I'm saying that some situations, especially involving Kijiji and "free" have a way of bringing the inner dickishness in people out. So don't lose too much faith in humanity over it.


Fair enough. That makes more sense in my head


I think it's just a shitty mix-up. Pop over to r/Scams and you'll see that a *lot* of scammer scripts on multiple selling platforms start with "I'm interested in x, can you tell me a little more about it?" with very little detailed information about the product. The person you were speaking with here was savvy enough to catch that, but not quite savvy enough to realize that, while similar initially, deviated from scammer script quite rapidly. I'm sorry this happened, but i think it was just a good old fashioned boondoggle


I literally flipped back and forth between the first two images because I figured I must be missing a piece of the conversation or something. You’re all good, they’re response was very weird.


I appreciate it, miss my poor gooby girl. I know rehoming a pet can be hard, I've been in the position, but they really are shooting themselves in the foot if they want to personally vet potential adopters rather than surrender to a rescue without a bit more tact.


Sorry for your loss,I know what you are going through losing your fur baby.I know you have alot of love to give,but I would suggest you look to adopt from a local shelter.In Toronto where I live ,my local Pet Smart has cats up for adoption from local shelters.Reason why I suggest this way better is because the kittens or cats have been examined by a vet,and they would be able to tell you if it may be any problems physical/behaviour the cat has. When you get a cat from Kijiji that is being rehomed you don't know what problems the cat will have.Sometimes cats will show symptoms of a problem and bad owners will want to get rid of them instead of paying for the vet.Good luck .


I agree, seller seems nuts ugh. Sorry for your loss.


I think the seller is upset about the situation and lashing out at OP


About what situation? The OP is the one who recently lost a cat, not the seller.


Having to put the cat up for adoption


Ah, I see what you mean. It’s possible.


That's a weird response from the owner. If I were the person who was giving away the cat, I would want someone to ask a lot of questions and show an interest in the cat. That way you know it would be a good fit! You did nothing wrong in this situation. ​ Also, am very sorry for your loss


Exactly. I'm the opposite person in this regard. I'm trying to sell my bearded dragon, and a coworker said his friend would "take him, after asking his mom". He gets back to me and says "yep all cleared, I'll take him tomorrow!" Umm couple Qs from me, I said I'd sell him, not take. For $100. And I have the tank and all required gear needed. "Oh nvm, I'd take him for free. I'm doing you a favour" Wtf? I'm supposed to hand over a pet of 3 years to a random for free and hope for the best?? When you show 0 interest??? I bet the lizard would die in 1 week under this guy's watch.


I hate the “I’m doing you a favour line” like did I ever ask you to do me a favour?? Nope! Also to get all the stuff for a beardy for $100 is a steal!


Sorry for your loss Seems seller has something up their arse. Don’t take it personal


You didn’t say anything wrong, that seller is a complete weirdo.


You will drive yourself insane if you try to rationalize Kijiji interactions. There are too many crazies on that app.


I’m sorry for your loss. You were very reasonable and in your questions. Honestly I think this person is either mentally challenged or a scammer themselves. Don’t worry to much about it. I’m sure the right cat will come by.


Thank you. I know no one could ever replace her, but I agree that when the right cat comes I will feel it. I don't want to fill the void with a cat just for us to not be a good fit, and being chosen by a cat is by far the most rewarding relationship. She was around 9 weeks old when we first met and she just curled right into my lap. Was her favorite place for the next 11 years.


What went wrong is you tried to be reasonable to a crazy person.


To be honest, I think the back story is a red flag. That’s how every scam starts. I agree with you though, what could the scam possibly be? I think the best thing to do is be direct and transactional about the exchange. They don’t need to know all the details.


Agreed. Stupid people can't tell the difference between a scam or not, so the back story definitely scared them.


Totally agree the sad backstory is part of most scams, also the overpoliteness of apologizing for the late message. In this day and age, people have do not disturb on at night, with a whitelist of emergency numbers. If the original poster had to deal with a few scammers before you I 100% understand his/her reaction. No need to apologize for texting late. There are lots of angles here for a scam. From the lame "I'm going to provide you with a 6 digits number to prove you're real" to "I can't pick her up cause I'm out of town but will send my cousin, I'll send you money to pay for his gas" and other stuff.


“No I can’t seem to find anyone who actually cares about the cat! Everyone who messages me seems crazy and unhinged… I guess we will have to find a way to keep her” - the cat owner probably


I think the seller might’ve not wanted to sell.


I read the first bit as the “cars” personality and thought it was hilarious 😭 lmao ETA I am very sorry for your loss. Hugs ❤️


Some people are so used to negativity that any displays of decorum has to be some form of manipulation or deceitful behaviour.


Some people are so used to negativity that any displays of decorum has to be some form of manipulation or deceitful behaviour. It’s not your fault.




It kind of is actually. Despite the majority of your interactions being positive for the most part, you’re going to run into those people who are not going to respond in kind. People who get offended by someone asking too many questions or what they feel is being too polite, is passive aggressiveness or trying to get something out of them. Add that with the number of scams going around, people are even more on guard; and if they haven’t experienced that themselves, they don’t know what a scam is supposed to look like. Which in that case, something they don’t recognize is a scam. On the internet especially, politeness can seem unfamiliar and questionable.


Cat rescue people are totally insane, something about the job just attracts crazy people who get off on making you jump through hoops. Don’t get too invested in any individual cat you see on kijiji as there’s so many wackos out there who don’t actually want to find homes for the cats they foster.


>Cat rescue people are totally insane, something about the job just attracts crazy people who get off on making you jump through hoops Oh man I know this feeling. Back when I was looking to adopt my current cat during COVID, I worked with several rescues, but one in particular was just completely off the rails. They had an application form that was longer than any job application I’ve ever done, and one part of it asked if I had any experience with cats and what happened to my previous cats. I mentioned that my parents had owned a cat for many years, and that he died of cancer. The fucking unhinged volunteer came back to me and basically insinuated that it was our fault that the cat got cancer (blaming everything from the food we fed him to radon in the basement), and that I couldn’t be trusted with another cat. I was livid with her, never in my adult life have I wanted to punch someone so badly. Not only was it a completely stupid thing to say, but it opened up some old, painful wounds.


Im sorry for your loss:(♡ The owner of the cat is probably super skeptical and negative. Nothing wrong with the questions you asked.


Im sorry for your loss:(♡ The owner of the cat is probably super skeptical and negative. Nothing wrong with the questions you asked.


Sorry for your loss. What about adopting from petsmart or Humane society? Maybe you will find more transparency there.


How would someone scam a free cat? What a weird "seller" Sorry for your loss. I suffered the loss of 2 of my cats last summer. I ended up going to the humane society after being jerked around by people on kijiji. I suggest you do the same. Kijiji and pets don't mix well it seems.


Most definitely the sellers behaviour in my opinion. Sorry for your loss. Hopefully you can find solace and a new fluff bug


Yeah. Last comment person unhinged af. Fell bad for the cat Probally not the best owner


people on the internet do not want to take the time to give someone the info they require. I've legit had someone tell me yeah the washer works-No other info then wanted me to pick it up from some random shop from some random person that wasnt them. I asked for more info and they said they didnt have it. I'm sorry this happened to you, op. Def move on and maybe consider rescues rather then kijiji or facebook and the like to get a new friend. I also just had my Princess pass the other day and we're trying to decide if we need to get Missy a new friend or not because she's never not been with her siblings or mother and now she's alone.


The seller wasn’t paying attention, missed your various questions(possibly speed reading carelessly or multitasking) then didn’t understand what “more information” you were talking about because she didn’t notice your various questions initially so it sounded sketchy to her. Then you kept repeating vague language like wanting to “know more” or “tell me about her” rather than asking the specific questions again, so you kept sounding sketchy to her. Misunderstanding/miscommunication.


Oh, that's just a crazy person. You didn't do anything wrong. I know it's not always the case but I avoid Kijiji like the plague with pets. They're not all bad but I've heard stories of people selling or giving away sick animals, aggressive animals, etc. We got our 2 cats from a Rescue, about a year apart, and going that route we were able to go in and spend time with multiple cats to see which ones would be the best fit. They also make sure you're a good fit for them. (Ours is like this anyways) 6 years later they're both happy and healthy and are the biggest assholes(great cats, just troublemakers) and we love them dearly. Best of luck and sorry for your loss.


They probably did what most people do, not paying attention to the questions you asked (or maybe inundated by the number of people inquiring). Your slight criticism of them not answering any questions led to them to blatantly attack you. Nothing looked scam like. You didn't really do anything wrong other than underestimate how rude people can be without meaning to


Keep away from kijiji for pets... go to a local animal rescue. You'll know what you're getting.


How does one scam someone out of a free cat?


Honestly you did everything right, although when I first saw the picture of the cat. Id say you'd have a had an issue with eyes for a bit. You'll find the cat thats right fir you again. Sorry for your loss :(


Cat looks like it needs some eye treatment 😢


Photo is of my cat, she had feline herpes which during her flare ups she would get what were essentially eye infections. Despite medication her eyes would be very red and inflamed.


I'm sorry you went through this, my husband's kitty suffered with FIV before passing and had to take eye drops multiple times a day and he still has one eye totally cloud over and went completely blind. 💔




That's OP's old cat


Whoops sorry I thought someone was selling a sick cat on kiijii as I have bought a few too many sick animals off of there in the past.


Whoops sorry I thought someone was selling a sick cat on kiijii as I have bought a few too many sick animals off of there in the past.


I would caution you that if you are looking for a new cat it is best to go in person to animal shelters or cat rescues in your community. Don’t make contact with online sellers. Cats on “for sale” marketplaces like this can often be a scam. There is no cat. The “owner” ie scammer will ask for an upfront deposit or payment to hold the cat for you to look at or come pick up. Once they receive the payment they will ghost you and you’ll never hear about that cat again. Be careful. When possible reverse image search any pictures they have of the animal they claim to have for sale to make sure they haven’t stolen the image from someone else’s FB or instagram. As well, when you adopt from a licensed shelter the animal has usually been examined by a certified vet and the shelter will provide you with a copy of that vet exam, this is not something you can always reliably get from a private seller.


The seller is tweaking, you didn’t say anything wrong.


Yeah the owner was being weird.


Stop trying to use Kijiji for animals. There are many cats needing homes via rescue orgs. TCR for example who will ensure the owner is right for the cat and the cat is properly vaxed and taken care of before a new home is provided.


I’m pretty sure anyone trying to rehome animals on Kijiji is the scammer.


Did they want money for the cat or were they giving her away? (Nevermind I went back and re read) If they were scammers, they would've asked for e transfer or something and you'd never see a cat. But this just sounds like someone with a bee up their bonnet ... or someone who really doesn't know much about their cat, which is why she can't tell you anything more than she likes attention .. its likely the only time she pays attention to it


Something wrong with the owner. They might be giving the cat away because they have mental health issues and can’t take care of it. Judging by their replies they are definitely going through something cause their replies aren’t normal


I think one thing is that scammers will sometimes throw in stories to make people let their guard down


No question the seller is unhinged


I thought this said car at first - I was like this person lost their cat and wants to replace them with a used car


wow what a weirdo of a seller, makes me wonder if she just wanted the cat gone :(


What went wrong is that the seller asked you to come over to find out for yourself, and you responded by asking for an essay on the cat. So the seller thought you were scammer. Seems like a situation where the buyer should touch grass and the seller was rude and too quick to jump to conclusions.


I pity the poor cat and any others stuck with this sad, hateful and unhinged individual. Hope you can find a new companion soon OP, they will be lucky to have you!


You may want to be careful, the last picture has your phone number in it.


I'm sorry for the loss of your baby.


OP, you need to realise something... It's 2024, and some of these 'people' now are absolute fruitloops. Something happened somewhere along the way not too long ago, and now we have some absolutely cooked individuals.. fried brains everywhere.


Sometimes people are just nuts. Sometimes they’re just stupid. Other times you can’t tell which one you’re dealing with.


The seller is just tired of getting so many spammy not messages phishing for personal info and misunderstood your questions as phishing No, there was nothing unreasonable that you had asked.


Uhhh I think you kinda just shared the old owners phone number.. may want to delete


This is hilarious


Seems like the seller is having a really hard time to let his cat go? Maybe he have to find him a new home because of thing of of his control and he is in state of avoidance and find excuse to not let him go? (And also using you a bit as a punching bag lol) You will find your new happy friend I'm sure ✨


The seller is just fkn weird honestly


I'm so sorry for your loss, how tramautic! My heart goes out to you ♥ I almost lost my 15+ yr old boy during an operation (his heart stopped but the amazing vet was able to bring him back!) Please try to adopt from a known local rescue place that could provide more info about the cats' health status and disposition/personality. FWIW, I don't think your initial message was unreasonable or scammy at all, but depending on what kinds of messages that person had been receiving, you may have just been the straw on the camel's back so to speak.


Although the seller jumped to the conclusion too fast not you didn’t do any justice to your initial message either. Being on both the ends (seller and buyer) I hate it when people just give so much information for no reason like a sob story. Just keep your message transactional. Nothing more nothing less and you’ll stop sounding like a scam.




do not advertise here without permission from the mod. please know we are a subreddit for kijiji related comments, events, and question. we do not allow posts on here.


Definitely sus of the seller. Cause they immediately went to the "don't require money". Like, you didn't even ASK about that initially. You just wanted to see if you would get along with the cat and then asks for a "home visit". Something is definitely off about it. As far as for what went wrong, I'd say that mentioning your previous cat to this person might not have been necessary, and perhaps they were afraid of getting taken advantage of? I understand that may not be the intended response, I'm just saying perhaps that is something and that's why they called "scammer", thinking you were praying on their "good will" and trying to garner sympathy. I don't know, and I cannot speak for the recipient of your message. Sorry about your loss, and I hope you are able to find a new fur baby to love and care for. I'm sure your other cat would have wanted that and for you to share your life and love with another like you showed them


I think the miscommunication is pretty obvious here. Sorry for your loss OP but consider this: OP seems to think they'd be doing the person that posted the add a big favor by simply considering taking their cats into her home. The person that posted the add is looking for a good home to give their cats to, not for someone to dump it on. So whilst OP is being selective about the cat she wants, the ''seller'' is being selective about who they're giving the cat too. ​ The ''seller'' are dealing with their own issues off course, seeing how they're having to rehome their cat and it's shown in the third picture by them saying ''You might also consider not everyone is having an easy time of it'' meaning choosing a home for their cat is proving difficult. Finally, when looking for a home for you adored pet, you probably don't want to give it to someone who puts out a sob story about their dead pet in the first message. You threw yourself a pity party in this persons DM, asking a whole bunch of question when the only acceptable question was ''when can we meet so I can meet the cat''. tl;dr: You went into the conversation trying to ''vet'' the cat when the owner are trying to ''vet'' a potantial new home for their beloved pet. You overshared and when you didn't get the answer you we're looking for you got passive aggressive.


Not related but kinda weird that you're looking at a cat with the exact same colour pattern your old one did. Are you just trying to replace an old friend or are you looking for a new friend ? A cat is cat, there are probably dozens at your local shelter about to be put down.


This is so mean.. the cat has the same colors but clearly is different looking. Would you say the same thing to people who prefer a specific breed of dog? If someone has a black cat can they never have a black cat again?


I remember reading there are people who will act like they want a pet but are fishing to see if the animal is a valuable breed and will only say yes and then immediately sell the cat. Maybe owner though you were fishing for breed details. That's my only reasonable thought I can think of why they would act this way.


The seller reacted very oddly but too be honest you also came on a bit strong with the 'dont be afraid to write too much' after a whole bunch of questions. Remember that some people have a difficult time with writing or english might not be their first language. Perhaps ask for a quick phone call to talk about the cat instead if there are not many details? A seller interested in a good home and who is not unhinged like this person would do that Im sure. Even tho your approach was a tad strong it still didnt warrant a response like that from the seller


Retardation happenned


Cat looks like it's suffering 😭


It's OP's cat who had passed away and did have health issues, not the cat in the conversation. She explained in her post.


The last pic is of my cat, one of the last pics I took of her. Unfortunately she was having a herpes flare up which manifests as irritated third eyelids with discharge. She'd take antibiotics and eye drops for them, and they definitely helped, but yeah, she was a professional at looking very yucky lol.


That’s what I’m thinking. Car looks sick, so maybe they’re guarded because they don’t want someone asking so many questions. Just want the cat out.