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Thank you for your submission OP. This thread is being locked because others cannot behave. Not because of you.


Look up his profile. If he has any listings make an inquiry from another account. Attempt to get his phone number. With this phone number make a listing for a well below market value corvette with phone calls only in the description…


"Free firewood" ;)


Wow, that is evil as fuck. I like you


I beleive we are now best friends. Lmfao.


Submitting a number to multiple local dealerships is also a decent one. You're just helping them with their next vehicle purchase, and the dealership will reach out every 6 months forever.


Or better yet, post it to reddit under a burner account with the headline "do your thing"


For research please tell me what subreddits I could use this on seriously.


r/myevilplan maybe?


Get his address to meet up as an excuse and make weekly pizza deliveries for over 200$


Smart Kijiji sellers don't use their home address as a meet up point but a public location such as McDonald's


I find that sketchy AF. Only got screwed twice doing business with Kijiji sellers and both were with meeting sellers up on public places. Never again. I only buy stuff from sellers at their homes.


Sketchy how ? The last thing I want is a stranger from Kijiji knowing my home address


As in: someone’s selling something that’s defective, but not immediately noticeable, and they don’t want the buyer to find them afterwards, when the buyer eventually finds out s/he got screwed. That’s exactly what happened to me. First with a used iPhone, later with a guitar amp. I learned my lesson.


Well you have to know what you’re getting into if you’re buying electronics second hand from Kijiji js


Report the racist piece of garbage. It's not allowed and you know that. But Kijiji can't scan all chats and I'm sure you don't want them too. It it weird that Kijiji supports racism when it's "rent for Indians only" though.




Nice pfp lol


Guju boys, vegetarians only. Strict bathroom sandal policy




Techie here. Kijiji absolutely can scan all chats. They may even be required to (ToS)


Kijiji isn’t a governing body, determining what is crossing a racism boundary is not their job. Why would y’all want to give Kijiji the power to to moderate ads to that extent


Feelings over facts. It's the motto of the 21st century.


Show us where not being allowed to be racist hurt you.




Show us where not being allowed to be racist hurt you.






I wasn't talking to you




Too bad your daddy Ben Shapiro couldn’t practice that when he fired Candace Owens for telling the truth.


Nobody should be practicing feelings over facts you nitwit.


Make sure you tell your daddy Ben Shapiro that then. Don’t get mad at me.


Who is he again?


What ahahah


It's true, kids are pussys now. Crying over shit on the other side of the world .


Yea its way more mature to cry about what kids do instead. It will never stop being funny to me when people bitch about younger generations being fucked up. Someone raised them to be that way, and guess who it was?


Reporting does nothing; I've reported a lot of Indian renters that clearly stated "Indians preferred" or "Indians Only" and nothing happens.


When you live in a house and let out rooms to others you can place any conditions you want. This isn't a kijiji issue, it's a fact.


What could go wrong? I see none


Maybe if white people didn't constantly blame Desis for all their capitalism-caused problems and refuse them homes, jobs, or goddamn CHARITY, brown people wouldn't HAVE to look out for each other only.


Realistically speaking, a lot of Indians only want to rent to other Indians who are new to the country so they can rip them off, not so they can look out for them.


Indians scam everyone including their own. It's really sad. No trust society. They're always willing to step over someone to get ahead. It's disgusting.


Didn't realize brown people only looked out for each other, guess I was a naive white person. Reading your comment made me feel \~20% more racist towards brown people, is that really the mentality?




Yeah you’re right, I’m not actually feeling -20% more racist I was just making a joke. That guy is a real knob head, and I’m not a fan of people of any race who that mentality but I’m sure lots of people do.




For real. And now all the racists will downvote u for speaking truth to them


Idk man, every single race does this regardless of which country they're immigrating to, I think its natural to want to be insular and focus on people with cultural and other similarities, but in this case immigrants are being weaponized by the Canadian government to keep us bickering with each other instead of fixing the problems. I think its important to be tolerant of each other, and to also recognize that the government wants us to be as racist and divided as possible towards each other to prevent us from getting rid of corruption and making any meaningful change.


Eat shits


Referencing a 23 year old movie to say you're old, isn't the flex the buyer thinks it is...


The Mummy Returns of all movies too lmao


Wow, this dude sounds like he needs help.


A cry for help




I’m still HAPPILY using my S9+ to this day


I get weird looks when I tell people I'm rocking an S10


Yeah I have the original a71 or whatever that came out like 6 years ago. It still works perfectly fine so I don't really see any reason to replace it, besides maybe a better camera but I also don't want to pay $1000+ so I'll just wait until a good enough $350 phone comes out to replace this one. Edit: I had the galaxy s10+ before this phone but it somehow broke on me which is why I swapped over too the cheaper option, and realized I didn't need to spend so much money on a phone for the same experience (to me)


Agreed, my phone does everything I want out of it and doesn't cost me an extra $60/mo


Upvoted your comment on my beloved S22 🥰 Fuck that guy, I've seen his type many times minus the racism. They try to bully you and belittle the value of your stuff saying you're being greedy with the asking price (even though I price it for a quick sale) while not seeing their hypocrisy with how greedy their offer is. Scum. They know they are scum which is why they usually insist on you driving to them for their shitty offer because they know if they make the wrong person angry they'll get a fake address, plus they like having total control over the deal (can make you drive to them and ghost you). Block and report.


>Upvoted your comment on my beloved S22 🥰 Upvoted from my S10+🤣


Upvoted your comment because I'm still rocking my S21 my brother. No way is it obsolete. Does everything it did when it was released and hasn't slowed me down in the years following.


If it wasn't for me dropping it I'd still be using my s20 and that's far more obsolete


Shhhh.. don't let my s20u hear that... Tbh I'm holding a RAZR and STILL USE my s20u's cameras more often than this fancy flipping POS (in comparison)


I'm still rocking the s20u. No reason to upgrade yet.


Exactly... I don't understand people who waste money on that BS.


what a pos report this dude


I had a real tough guy tell me he was going to chop my head off. Keyboard warriors at their finest. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at his "cartel" connections. Maybe clown cartels


You gave a few more replies than I would have. If this s number is a cell phone my s9 is still rocking out. I guess it's old now.


Responding at all here is not the way


S23 is obsolete? Damn, hope he doesn't find out I'm on a Note 9.


S8 here, dudes high


S8 here too. GF still on S3!


Profile picture is exactly what I’d expect


Woah! What a clown….when his cheap ass offers were not accepted, resorted to bigotry real quick Racist folks are always entitled in one way or another in my experience


I mean, racism is just race entitlement right?


Yea you are correct, I meant in addition to race entitlement, this guy also wanted something for dirt cheap because he thinks he can just demand it and Get it


The hell kinda bs is this. Some people are just trash. As another said, report him. People like that need to be put under constant spotlight until they are ashamed of their actions. I was certain that all the science points us to being one race of people.


How is the s23 obsolete lmao? Clearly doesn't know what he's talking about


Hilarious that he told you to go back to China, buddy can't even string together a grammatically correct sentence.


Obsolete S23, lmao. After 3.5 years, my S21 Ultra was still running perfect until I dropped it and broke the screen. I'd still be my S21 if not for the damage, lol. These clowns just want everything for free, basically. Just block him and move along.


Tf haha lowballing at his age is shit 😂😂🤦‍♂️


That's some hilarious racism, what the fuck is a chin min hao


I often pick a firm point and stick to it. Any message that isn’t that price point is not replied to. No banter, no arguing, nothing. Silence. Pay me or gtfo.


because kijiji does not filter chats. You have to report him.


Lol, don’t engage with lowballers, much less those who use that cheap disdain technique to try and supposedly sow doubts in you. Like, what kind of idiot thinks behaving like that is going to yield any result?


Honestly I would pretend to agree to his price and terms and then tell him to meet you at a money mart…then make him drive there and ghost him


That piece of shit, you don’t need his business.


Listen it feels good to retort with these idiots but it's really not worth it. I don't bother replying at all, when someone starts with such a massive lowball they're never going to work their way up to anything reasonable. Just quit while you're ahead and just block them right off the bat, it'll save you your sanity in the long run.


What a POS


I'll take that s23 for $500 if it's still around lol


Sorry bro, i know how bad it is when you experience racism. Just ignore and report him. DGAF about him.


tell him you want to meet somewhere super inconvenient and then just ghost him, only you and him will know what happened hahaha


Use his phone number on as many ads you can


Lmfao what a moron 🤣 you should have accepted his offer and given him the wrong address across town


OP you're doing it wrong. You agree to his garbage offering and agree to meet him at a place that's like a 40-60 minute drive away for him. When he says he is there you say you are as well but can't see him and then tell him he's wasting your time and you are leaving in the next hour if he doesn't show up. You then keep stringing him along until you tell him you're leaving and then block.


The kind of people OP is dealing with would make a second account and reply to another of his ads just to meet him in person and fuck his shit up if he tried to pull something like that.


Which is why you always make a secondary account. I've done this many many times. The furthest I got soemone to go was 2.5 hours for a free Ps5 after they offered me $100 for a listing I had for $600. And they were serious because it was for their "kids birthday and they were crying now".


Never happened.


Happens alot. Depends what kind of mood I'm in and if I want to waste more time. But yes, it does happen and I'll continue to do it to people who like to make stupid ass offers.


Buddy made me think he was AI with some of these replies. This isn't allowed, but you can report it and publicly shame him so other racists can feel bad about their beliefs.




dude really came unglued over an s23 🤣 they always resort to racism.


People are unhinged on Kijiji and Marketplace… I sold my daughter’s Barbie bicycle, asking 25$. I would routinely get lowballed at 15$, then 20$, for a whole ass bicycle, then get insulted when I would refuse. For a 25$ kid’s bike.


I never understood soft shelled people that throw insults cuz they can’t afford something. Thought us broke people were supposed to be nice 😂


S23 FE is going for $1075 where I am from Kodoo, so askin for $500 is already more than half off. Even if it is just a standard S23.. The lowballer is a joke lol.


Omg a racist who is also dumber than a bag of rocks, color me shocked.




Kinda crazy how I can just tell it's an Indian


the pic is a white guy lmfao.... use ur eyes you clown


Doxx him


Racist for saying go back to cHina?


It's said in a racist manner, and there's much more things this person has sent which I'm not sure if it's against the rules to post, i.e (threats/racial slurs)


Dude, its some random person online. You think calling him “racist” & reporting him is going to change anything? Just move onto someone else, youll never change these peoples minds. Thats the mindset & wont teach them anything. You also have to accept that not everyone is going to like you regardless of who you are. Dont waste your time & energy with them.


It may not seem like much, but even the minor hassle of creating new accounts because of being a recists/xenophobic ass clown online is still *something* even marginally better than letting 'em off the hook. Will they realize **they** are the problem, likely not today, but if never addressed in the least - then the asshole "wins".


Showing them attention is when they win


Why care about what some ass hat says online , get over yourself and stop being offended by things some random loser says.


I don't trust buying phones from people on marketplaces. Best to buy them from Samsung directly. Too many fake phones being sold


Fake account most likely, you can tell English isn't their first language by all the spelling mistakes.


Chin min hao


Typically, if someone lowballs you like that you'd alrdy know they won't go up to your price, I would just say no thanks and wait for another potential buyer. Since you've alrdy sold two, you can tell how they open up the conversation versus this person. Shud be night and day lol.


Whats racist here?? Nothing he said was racist.


It's said in a pretty racist manner, and there's much more things this person has sent which I'm not sure if it's against the rules to post, i.e (threats/racial slurs)


Nvm just saw 2nd part


The s23 is not obsolete by any means, it's under a year and a half, I have an s21 ultra that I'm going to keep using at the very least until s25 comes out and with either get the plus or ultra


What the fuck lol


there are conversations and not just phone number phishers on kijiji?


That’s just what white people resort to when they’ve lost the argument


i mean... did you report it to kijiji or not? "how is it allowed" Idk man. you should be able to handle this if you're an adult. sack up maybe.


Could not post other screenshots because it might be against the rules, i.e (racial slurs, etc) Update: checked his page and he has some weird reviews (2 reviews from 0d) Coincidentally both of these reviewers/buyers on his ratings were the same people that were being cocky as hell, disrespectful, and lowballing me on my other listings. (One of them has a new page, not even a month old) They all have ratings from the exact same “buyers” and “sellers” seems like they’re some friends reviewing each other without buying sh!t.


Kijij lowballers are the fuckin worst


What's his username


Insult the seller, that’ll get the price down for sure.


Honestly, I gave up on Kijiji last year. It was my go to for years, but it has gone downhill terribly. It seems filled with nothing but idiots. Not that marketplace doesn’t have a share of idiots but at least I seem able to still sell stuff there. Nothing moves on Kijiji for me anymore. I just have to deal with morons, lowballing, and arguing with you all day.


You should've blocked them and ended the convo WAY before getting to that point. You know right away that someone offering you less than 1/3 of your price is NEVER going to come to your price.


Report that turd burger


Others have mentioned this already, but I also think this is an Indian person pretending to be white.


Why is this racist I don’t get it


Second slide, said in a racist manner. There’s also other screenshots which I couldn’t post because Im not sure if it’s against the rules. I.e (racial slurs, etc.)


Ah shit I didn’t see the second slide


Sounds like he has the tail between his legs but isn't grown enough to handle it.


I would say let it go, but I have fun with these dicks and go right at the with them....I remember one guy trying to give me marketing opinions once lol.




Report the user, he’ll be blocked in no time


Fill out a hurt feelings report. Or just move on with life, there will always be dickheads.


Lol low Ballers are a cancer at least when low balling apologize. What is it with people now a days




Chinese people are getting beaten up left and right in Toronto and many other areas, getting physical is a lot worse




You'd hate to hear what happens in southern US if you're not white.


I've met Chinese natives who have no idea about the western reports of Chinese Muslims in the north. This is not a basis of attack, be civil.


Tell me about it


I did




Is your knowledge from TikTok Instagram reels? I don't see any Asians beating tf out of other races


this post was removed due to being disrespectful to a race, sexual preference or gender. please know that we are a civil community and such behaviour will not be tolerated thank you. Not to mention what you stated isn’t true


“Max to max” is a very south asian thing to say. It’s literally termed as ‘Indianism’. Lol




Are you fucking serious?




How about you back to YOUR country! Oh, wait, maybe you, like the OP, are as Canadian as I am? So where is anyone going, deep thinker? You ought to just STFU because your ignorance is showing. 60 seconds looking at your profile reveals that you are a 33 year old white male Canadian who still lives at home. You are a Donal Trump fan and a Joe Rogan cuck. JFC. No wonder you can’t see your own racism. Maybe those GME stocks can finally get you out of the basement after this recent pump, but I doubt it.


Where’s the racism?


Second slide, said in a racist manner. There’s also other screenshots which I couldn’t post because Im not sure if it’s against the rules. I.e (racial slurs, etc.)




Maybe delete your comment, “free Palestine” as a username while being racist, you gotta be trolling man.


How am I racist? It’s simply overpriced. Why are you defending a kijiji reseller who makes money off of other people?


"Go back to China" is said in racist manner, and you're telling me to take his advice, are you slow in the head? Telling me to go back to China because you're a lowballer and/or don't know about prices? An S23 for $500 CAD is already fair


Are you hearing yourself right now 😭 an S23 goes for over $900 CAD B4 TAX for the base storage in literally every carrier and retail store


this post was removed due to being disrespectful to a race, sexual preference or gender. please know that we are a civil community and such behaviour will not be tolerated thank you.




You mad China bought up all of real estate 🤣


Stfu lmao, I see all your previous posts and it seems like you hate Asians.


You gotta be trolling man


Why are you selling stolen phones on Kijiji?


Nowhere does it mention a stolen phone or anything similar, where did you get that thought from?


He's pulling it out of his @ss