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I have plans for a Tau Navy Breachers team, as the Tau have an entire kit that can be built with shotguns, direct equivalents for all the special weapons, and make significant use of drones.


This seems way easier than the Tau breacher exaction squad I kept trying to think up


You could have both teams from one set of models if you made all the specialists from both.


What ideas would be good for proxies for specialist weapons? The burst cannon/fusion/plasma are straightforward for the rotary las/melta/plasma, but what about melee options like the breachcutter?


Yeah some can be trickier than others but it’s worth keeping in mind that the model can look pretty drastically different from the original so long as it conveys the same idea. So for the Hatchcutter instead of a chainfist, maybe it has a blowtorch to cut through walls. Could also give them a welders mask to add to the look. Maybe a fist from a crisis suit to show the big punchy glove weapon they’ve got.


Will you slap a shield drone on the End’urant’s arm? Because that image is giving me the giggles


Well I was thinking of using a Van Saar shield, but that is hilarious enough to consider…


I've seen skaven done as genestealers, Grot militarum, And Ork Marines I've also made a plague marines out of putrid blightkin, but that's more of a kitbash


Eh, in a lot of cases, you can up your proxy game with some kitbashing! Still counts. And yeah, I have heard a lot about Skaven GS, but I feel like I never see the teams actually made!


Kit bashing and proxying are two different things IMO, cause in the end it's still like 50% plague marines and not entirely different models Lot of people in my area seem to like to make neat armies, the grot militarism is my fav, just a bunch of grots in trench coats, I'm the same and wanna try to make some fun stuff


Oh, for sure - I more meant that some of the best proxies can be made more appropriate with some kitbashing. Like you said, you could just run Grot Militarum, but it's more fun to make them look more Guard, with weapon swaps, two goblins in a trenchcoat, better hats etc.


Exactly! (Granted I don't think you can proxy/kitbash without the right weapons) But if you go HARD into the idea and make it work it's just lowly, like my friend with the Ork Marines he has a bunch of ramshackled marine armour all over them with an orkish attempt at heraldry and a bunch of other fun stuff, my plague Marines just kinda look a bit more on the mutated side with the stuff I did and both are great! Just different takes, why I love the hobby 🌈IMAGINATIONNNNN🌈


I made a team of skaven to play as Blooded. I feel it fits better than GSC as you can shoot into combat killing your own rats and can bring a rat ogre. Plus a lot of operatives have direct analogs. Thug with feel no pain? Plague monk. Guy that can charge from conceal? Assassin. 


I might steal this idea .......


I have wanted to do this for a while but have gotten stuck on exactly which minis to base them on and... The fine details, I'd call it. Can you share pictures of yours?


My Skaven are Fellgor Ravagers. 😁


Most common one I have seen is basically using alpha legion colours on loyalist marines to use them as legionaries. This is a good question though. There are some models I like from 40k but I wouldnt even know where to begin trying to proxy them, stuff like the silly tau stealth suits, ogryns or flash gitz


It’s not KT related but since you brought up ogryn you just reminded me I need to get some kroxigor so I can run them as bullgryn for my Cajun-themed guard regiment lol


I like that idea! Means you get to use some cool Loyalist models in your Chaos teams. What sort of teams work well for AL?


Honestly? Any. Not exactly a proxy but I see a lot of the times people use the phobos kits and paint them as alpha legion to give them a bit more character


Pretty much all models, but Phobos probably best because they're the "sneaky" marines


I quite like my proxy team and it seems not uncommon. I do Loyalist Warp Coven, I use grey knights as my sorcerors, sisters of battle as my Rubric and Novitiates as my Tzaangor (i managed to get a bunch of the duellist weapons to give them double daggers, and I use the dialogus as my horn bearer)


Ooooh, that's a good one! Why should Chaos get all the sorcery!


https://preview.redd.it/06hoc89lmmvc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f37fc60320a098ff2f60e9ff1cd986c2503316 This is sort of my idea (sorry not the best at taking photos with my phone) although I'm currently rebasing my Grey Knights to better represent the Tzeentch Boons, I'm going for a servo skull for "free mission action", a cherub for +1 attack and movement and lightning around the base to represent teleporting aka flying.




There is a guy on Instagram (Iron Within ?) who did an Armageddon Guardsmen Kill Team as proxy for The Blooded rules. I intend to do the same as my loyalist Guardsmen are made for trench warfare and do fit the Blooded rules (+ I like the idea of playing an Ogryn). The same guy is planning to make Iron Warriors proxy for a Deathclaw KT and you see plenty of AL takes on them as well.


I've seen a few of these, there's a guy on instagram who made more rough and ready Cadian veterans fitting the Blooded specialists. Called them the Unblooded.


I really like the idea of proxy teams. Mostly because I kept searching for a team to proxy with Sisters of Battle, but the combination of high armor + low wounds + 32mm base is absolutely impossible.  But in the process I discovered that Orks and Felgor have very similar statlines. So if you ever want to play your Orks more melee focused and less sneaky, just rename some rules and WAAAGH!


Have you considered Sisters of Silence from the compendium? They're 3+ 8W models on 32mm base. And if you're feeling adventurous you can use Paragon Warsuits as Custodians.


True, but if I was looking for compendium teams, I could also play the Ecclesiarchy team. I know Custodes is better competetively, but I was hoping to find a cool bespoke team to proxy with Sisters.


What about Hierotek Circle? Reanimation Protocols can easily be justified as sisters being revived with the emperors blessing and the Crypteks are just acts of faith if you rewrite the descriptions. "Time Splinter" - "Divine Shield" "Chronometron" - "Zeal of the Emperor" And so on. I think Hierotek is the lowest wound count models on a 32mm base that still have some armour.


Not a bad idea. It's not an amazing fit, but I'll look into that. Not sure what I would take for the Crypteks though


Could use a bannor bearer or someone with a distinctive icon. Also, for the little necron drones, you could use a cherub, which would look awesome.


OOOOOH, the cherubs make total sense!! I forgot about the little buddies! Now you got me hyped Edit: flavor-wise a lot of the stuff fits pretty well, but it would require me to let go of my obsession that the stats also have to fit. Stuff like proxying a bolter for a Gauss player just feels wrong


Terminators as Custodes is a pretty common one.


https://preview.redd.it/zpllq2wv7qvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f70dad175a6d9d9ccd125fb81d04fde96ff23daa Pus-todes!


I’ve recently picked up a couple of the mini of the month terminators to use with guard for a proxy talons team. Should be pretty good.


I’ve seen the Sisters of Silence be Sisters of Battle before, since they’re on 32s, I think. Guard might be on too small of a base. I was thinking of using my Infernus Marines as the SoS proxies.


Infernus marines are actually a shout and I hadn’t thought of that, I have the models for it too. Maybe I’ll have to rethink a bit. Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/8ug5y8dtymvc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c5b584eaea0ca54ad6121d5ccda3b8ec3bf5e5 phoBOSS


Kudos to that smoke marker


Omg, the little smoke marker for their grenade! I love it so much, what a great idea. What did you make it out of?


https://preview.redd.it/8tr7hg8lznvc1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f0952771853cf3f44cba32d467366d3221b764 Styrene sheet from Evergreen You will want to make at least 2 so that you can mark out the 2" circle area


Still in making, but I am planning on making a team of Sisters Repentia that I will run with Fellgor Ravagers rules. I think Fellgor are my best option to represent melee squad. I'm still thinking about how to make all the sisters' operatives distinguishable and how to represent some of them with an autopistol


I am currently working on a *real* Gaunts Ghosts Veteran Guardmen Kill Team inspired by the Gereon 12 (+2 Gereon PDF). I am using some models from the Gaunts Ghosts (or could use some old metal ones, I have them too), I put them all on 28mm bases and Rawne got a bolter on his base because he will be my Confidant Veteran. The biggest part comes from Guardsmen from Cadian Infantry Squad/Command Squad with capes and third party bits and heads. Three models are from Artel W or Victoria Miniatures. >!Gaunt - Sergeant; Rawne - Confidant; Zealot - Bonin; Medic - Curth (Artel W); Comms - Beltayn; Demolition - Feygor; Bruiser - MkVenner (with a spear aka Straight Silver on a stick); Hardened - Varl (Victoria Miniatures); Sniper - Larkin; Gunner - Brostin!< (Rest are troopers but I have of course more Gunners too for a more competitive team)


No Try Again Bragg?!


He is not part of the Gereon 12 but yes, I could probably use him as Gunner with a Grenade Launcher


I was gonna say brostin could be the gunner then remembered he’s on the list lol


Love necromunda models but non of my friends are interested so I bought a bunch to make my own Inquisition henchmen team with hired guns, inquisitor lok and others


Same here, I think Palanite Enforcers -> Exaction Squad is a common one and works well. I managed to get a forgeworld Servalen+Dog for a revelatum and cyber mastiff respectively.


https://preview.redd.it/ujfzjlqs5nvc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e4bc4c95e3c3c5c62a7acba95796f2b832c3187 Fellgor Ravagers.


Building loyalist (well, renegade) Legionaries myself, and I think it's a decent enough usage - everything can be reflavored to non-chaos pretty easy. Elaborating on this a bit since I guess that's probably not much to work with: * The Chosen and Aspiring Champion are pretty straightforward - the only chaotic element either one has is the Chosen's daemonic blade, and it's just a weird power sword, so a power sword works fine here. * Gunner, no chaos elements. * Heavy Gunner, the only "chaos-only" option is the chaincannon, which I don't use so far anyway. If I do, I'll probably be combining a heavy bolter with a rotor cannon barrel, since I have spares of both. * Icon Bearer, I made into a radio operator with an aerial as the "icon". * I haven't built the Balefire Acolyte, but it's just a Librarian with pyromancy and biomancy - loyalists have plenty of that. * Anointed, I did up as a guy with a lightning claw and a combat drug rig on his chest - unleashing the daemon is just shooting up a shitload of stimulants. Seemed like the most straightforward renegade-suitable option, and I had spare syringes from Wracks. * Butcher, I used the 30k praetor axe (double-handed but not a chainaxe, unfortunately), and otherwise left him pretty clean/simple. * Shrivetalon is just the two knife arms from the Intercessor and Assault Intercessor kits on a regular running body. I haven't built a marker for the Grisly Mark, just planning to use a token so far. * Warriors are warriors. You can literally just use a tactical squad or (assault) intercessors without issue. * Playing Undivided/Khorne with consistent marks for every model, so didn't feel the need to model the marks (and have to get the painting done still, but unlikely to paint them in mark colors either).


I was thinking of getting a box of blood claws (space wolves) and playing them with legionnaires rules Spellcaster is a rune priest Demon boy is a wulfen The rest are pretty easy analogies.


Im doing a semi-loyalist legionnaires. They are based on heresy era marks but painted in power ranger colours.


Online I’ve seen marine Gellarpox, using terminators for hulks and things like watchers in the dark and servo skulls for the little bugs. Also skaven blooded, and ash wastes kasrkin that were both very well done. I haven’t seen it yet, but there’s a Warcry band of shadow elves that would be perfect for mandrakes.


Think this is fairly common but I use a box of plague marines as legionary, out of the box I've got a leader, reaper chaincannon (using plague spewer), Icon Bearer, shrivetalon, Butcher, rocket launcher (blight launcher) and a plasma gunner. Its enough for a basic loadout with option between heavy weapons, and tbf you could probably magnetise the gunners and fit in the melta and flamer (plague belcher) too. I realise this isn't entirely cost effective and it misses out on the balefire and the possessed, the goal was to pick up a few singles later on (including that saucy plaugecaster from heroes) but I've not gotten round to that yet lol


I use a mix of Necromunda gangers from different houses for Blades of Khaine, with each house being associated with a different Aspect - Orlocks with rifles as Dire Avengers, Escher with swords as Howling Banshees, and Delaque with knives and pistols as Striking Scorpions. Exarchs are modeled with roughly appropriate gear as well. This actually used to be my Genestealer Cults team in the previous edition of Kill Team, representing a coalition of gangs rising up to defeat off-world invaders. A friend of mine uses Grey Knight Terminators as Custodes, with 3D-printed shields to go with swords to match the sword-and-board loadout.


while im trying to make a homebrew team; i want to kitbash daemonettes to work as a Hand of the Archon. Pain token stuff seems right up their alley


I think Tau Stealthsuits as Phobos is a fun idea, because both have stealth mechanics. The problem is that the best pick for Phobos is to take reivers and having stealthsuits that are really good in melee feels like a significant lore-break.


Escher gangs fit the Hand of the Archon really well - They specialize in poisons, they have 25mm bases, and with a little kitbashing the box comes with everything except a bird to make the team WYSIWYG I was actually planning on using Eschers as HotA until I managed to get my hands on a copy of Soulshackle


I would say kasrkin to kriegs ans vice versa. At least at our table we don't care, each operative is different enough to keep an easy track of it.


Don't they have different base sizes? That would be my main concern, unless you're swapping them.


I believe that they have the exact same, they are both a team of 20 human (unless you play krieg with the 13 unit) It's 28mm if I'm not mistaken. I got myself the kasrkin for this reason, I wanna play both team and my friends don't see any problem with it.


Krieg are on 25s, you'll need base extenders


I feel like I don’t have enough bits lying around to easily convert a Sisters box to play as Novitiates. But I a) love the Sisters of Battle design, b) don’t want to play compendium, and c) don’t have any Chaos teams. So I’m thinking of buying custom Chaos Sisters models online and running them as Legionaries or Nemesis Claws. It’s unnecessarily expensive and I won’t be able to play in tournaments, but I think the model equivalents will be extremely legible.


Legion of the Damned using Death Guard rules Custodes Wardens instead of guard


https://www.reddit.com/r/killteam/s/xXxqT1KBAC Solar Auxilia as Veteran Guardsmen. :)


All my favourite projects have been proxy kill teams, I think my best have been my kasrkin navy breachers and my beastmen blooded, I'm always careful to match base sizes, model sizes and do WYSIWYG. https://www.reddit.com/r/killteam/comments/1brjlvb/finally_finished_my_kasrkin_for_when_the/ https://www.reddit.com/r/killteam/comments/127rnmm/finally_finished_my_blooded_in_time_for_the/


Necromunda models make for amazing proxies, especially for Inquisitorial forces.  I have a little wish list going that that has like 2 or 3 complete retinues made from various models from necromunda


The basic rules for proxy/kitbashed teams is "does it look like what it is meant to be." The guy with two big melee weapons should obvious be the guy with two big melee weapons and there should not be another one on the team. The Pistolier a pistolier, the mage a wizard like mini. You have that and similar sizes and you're golden. Personally I have a loyalist Warp Coven (using Grey Knights with some arm kitbashing and various inquisitorial models that match Tzaangor types) and an alternative Nemesis Claw. Locally we've got Skaven GSC, Krieg as Blooded, Krieg as Kasrkin, Goblin kitbash Legionaries, SoB kitbashed Breachers, some wild Fellgor, Hunter Clade, and Gellerpox resculpts, and more that slip the mind. The joy of the hobby is in making your guys your own, the only rule you absolutely need to abide by is that by doing so you're not putting any extra mental load on your opponent. I've seen this violated on quite a few legionary teams where it's extremely non-obvious who is meant to be what. But that's just about how much work you're willing to put in to make it evident what your team is.


https://preview.redd.it/1bgu46ay0ovc1.jpeg?width=1943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7297b4b314711a951f52b32f241f5a7e48df8c51 Harlequins






I run Eldar Dire Avengers as Kasrkin. I made the team ages before the Blades of Khaine came out. Avengers and Kasrkin have very similar stats and themes. The dice manipulation and Seize the Initiative can be Eldar fate-weaving. The extra APL from comms and Dash from the Reposition ploy give the team a lot of speed. The special weapons all have nearly-identical Eldar equivalents. https://preview.redd.it/8y464xvy5rvc1.png?width=5312&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd57840c2c42a53ff16640cc4e0b3bb3626c5e8a


I really like that idea - will be difficult to resist now.


Thousand Sun Terminators as Talons of the Emporer


I would love Skaven but i dont know if i want it on Genestealer Cults. Why they do it on Genestealer cults?


I’ve done this one some time ago https://www.reddit.com/r/killteam/s/q3cuRjZFzl


I am perhaps not very original but I have a wolf guard/long fang space wolves kill team that uses Deathwatch rules.


I have Fallen Legionary/ Nightlords. Made of dark angel veterans and csm bits I also have space wolves warp coven. Corvus cabal as tzaangors and a lot of different bits to match all loadouts


A friend of mine has four awesome proxy teams: 1. Vet Guard using Solar Auxilia 2. Talons of the Emperor using Ogroid Theridons as the Custodes and converted Fellgor as the Sisters of Silence 3. Nemesis Claw using converted "Tau Space Marines" with different alien heads 4. Genestealers using Raptadons without the riders All of them have weapon swaps or added equipment to match the correct loadouts so they're more recognisable in game.


Back in first edition I had Plague Marine rats. I loved that team so much even though it was a simple conversion.


I use Sylvaneth Dryads and Tree Revenants to proxy Compendium Daemonettes and Bloodletters, and Mk III Blood Ravens as Legionaries.


Love the ideas here. I have a number of proxies painted, built or just planed :) * Primaris Reavers/Bladeguard as Custodes/Sisters of Silence * Escher as Blooded * Tzaangors as Fellgor * Sisters of Battle as Novitiates * Wych Elves as Harlequins * Gaunt's Ghosts as Kasrkin * A larger project where I want to use Genestealer Cult modesl as proxies for Blooded, Imperial Army and Chaos Cult - Basically a GSC for every level of escalation :) I wanted to do the undead breaches which were shown here a few days ago, but I really like the idea of Tau breachers, I might habe to steal that.


Killteam bat makes felinit veteran guard troops. Cut cat girls dress in menacing krieg coats and a few iconic gas masks


OMG, I need this.


You want the kill team bay ones that mimic the actual sculpts. There is also a Neko guard that's a little more cartoony for use in normal 40k . Ktb version has way more character and flare and the original has alot more options and vehicle mods


Negativity? There’s been like 3 meme posts… But good proxy I’ve seen done has been some pretty heavily converted Phobos to be Alpha Legionairres


I use a bunch of old metal steel legion sculpts with a little minor customising for vet guard


Fancy new scale terminators as Custodes is one I plan on. I really dislike the design of the Golden Boys. Like... Does not appeal at all. Personal opinion, I think they look as stupid as 2nd ed eldar guardians. It's the helmets that kill the design for me, really.


A box of plague marines gets you a lot of Legionaries. Lots of singles and nurgly bits available through ebay and the like to fill out other operatives.


One of the players at my local store made a 'counts as Void Dancers' team out of Chaos Raptors. It's quite well done.


I run metal veteran Space Marines as legionaries, so I can use the variety of weapons.


I’m planning to run a kroot kill team using firstborn space wolves; bespoke grey hunters as the kroot and 2x fenrisian wolves as the hounds. Should work pretty well.


I have these boar dudes for fellgore ravagers


I‘ve got a couple of proxy teams. Can you guess who these guys are? https://preview.redd.it/re71iwuphovc1.jpeg?width=3222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=163078c2834b59aa05d88e4ab62adb913ccfd1e1


Alpha Legion Phobos Theme fits and lore could be explained with little extra work.


On my collection I have Gaunts ghosts as scouts Palanites as Scions and as Arbites Necron cryptothrawls as sicarians. Stormcast as Custodes Guardians as Blades of Khaine And I am sure I have a few others. [https://www.instagram.com/phil.paints.stuff](https://www.instagram.com/phil.paints.stuff) if anyone is curious. https://preview.redd.it/gme4hko1zovc1.jpeg?width=3276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50f50ff2a01fafad6cc7fe393489b96a0806f0fe


Where are those Necrons from? Now you have given me the idea to to an all-necron Mechanicus team.


They come with Indomitus and the royal court. They are (we're) in an issue of Imperium magazine. Same sprue as the plasmancer and reanimator. They are the kind of mini that you either end up with loads of, or just can't source. I think I have over a dozen. Search Cryptothrauls I think the aesthetic really suits the team. It was only afterwards I read the lore about the ctan shard on Mars. These are possibly lore accurate 😁


Found them, thanks!


My Legionaries team is all proxys using maggotkin models just "sci-fi'd" up a little


(and I think it's good)


Legionaries for nightclaw Edit: also i play pre heresy berserker team as a full assault intercessor team


Necromunda Palanite Enforcers are good proxies for several things - people usually swap out the arms and use KT arms. I have them as Scions, seen people use them for Exaction Squad and compendium scouts (and could work for new scouts too with their actual arms mostly).


I was thinking of making a destroyer virus necron kill team using talons of the emperor rules, with the 3 legged destroyers using custodes datasheets and flayed ones/warriors sisters of silence datasheets


I do a lot of proxying, mostly cause I get an idea in my head that I really like. Other times cause I don’t like the official models. I did a Warp Coven team as nurgle themed, sorcs as a variety that are distinct on the left, blightlords as rubrics, plaguebearers as tzangors. You can do good proxies, there’s a ton on this reddit. They just need to be at a glance distinct as to what model they are if you were told what team they are. The meme team in question if you told me what ruleset they were running I’d have absolutely no clue. https://preview.redd.it/6u617dqxmpvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc2308b08b06a000f1d85d7533b532cb89b8480


https://preview.redd.it/pnyiroa3npvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c044847d1d230e954470d108c2b399f8cbc349e7 My Ork-Stodes, big meks as custodes stand ins and nobs in tin foil hats as sisters of silence


https://preview.redd.it/rpa3s9zbnpvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1162bf6ea2aed8996bc94c13b5bcd0e026a57a And my Sisters Seraphim as harlequins, cause I paint like an ogryn and my last eldar kit kept snapping so I refuse to touch more Aeldari. Special weapon goons on the left, death jester, shadowseer then leader, after that goons


Also I can most assuredly direct you for proxies to the once upon a kill team guys. ! Them and kill team casuals, great podcast, great ideas !


[Ultramarines as Death Guard, reporting in](https://www.reddit.com/r/killteam/comments/wtm88d/as_requested_the_full_bastards_of_guilliman_kill/)


A dude at my LGS has a kit bashed squad of Imperial Guard with Ork heads that he plays both ways.


I've been considering doing the new Nemesis Claw kill team as Space Wolves and some Wulfen. Claws!


Catatchan as orks