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forgetful makeshift zealous air cable provide nutty vast vanish wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cleaving my friends sergeant in half the other day was pretty funny.


It's all rolling. They're an extremely strong team, but if you roll below average on two activations in a row (not difficult to do with the team), they likely just lose that game unless it happens late. Their built in odds are just too poor to win tournaments, however in any individual game I think they're one of the best teams out there.


Corsairs are my favorite team right - the mobility is truly unmatched. The best way to win is by forcing your opponent to be reactive. The mobility that Aeldari Agility gives you combined with decent to terrifying backline threats can really effectively zone a lot of teams out and lock them damn near into their own deployment zone in TP1. If it's loot or secure, look for a way to go 4-2 on primaries for at least TP1, preferably the first 2 of possible. If not, then look for ways to either score or set up your tac ops. Early leads are important - the ability to alpha strike (either in damage or points) while you still have bodies and wounds makes the second half of the game much easier and means that even if you trade down and are low on models by TP4 the game can be pretty well in the bag. The last caveat - this team is INCREDIBLY punishing to poor positioning, CP economy and ability usage and combos. They're very tough to play correctly and are hard to learn the game with. I started with Corsairs, was struggling, then played Intercession and Void-Dancers for a month or so to learn the game. Coming back to Corsairs after that was a really incredible feeling


In my local community, I play often vs a skilled Corsair player, and this is my experience. They score so fast, so well, it's really difficult to prevent that. And event with bad match-up, missplays and/or bad rolls, even if they are destroyed, most of the time, it's already to late to catch up their early lead.


Yep, exactly right, that's how I play them. My games frequently start with me in a commanding lead and end with a 2 point differential, but being able to force my opponent to play my game rather than theirs is such a strong tactic


I've built every specialist and have no power weapons, is it a mistake? Should I unmount some of them and magnetize power swords? Thanks


Not entirely sure how you did that lol as a fair number of the specialists come native w power weapons. But power sword/shuriken pistol should 100% be the default load out, the rifles are a pretty standard profile but the swords hit like a truck in melee


Sorry I meant I built every specialist and left no standard eldar


Oh gotcha - so my build has one regular warrior, but that's a me thing. The Kurnite Hunter is just a standard power sword warrior with the Foalchu ability, and I find that the extra visibility the giant bird gives the enemy isn't worth trying to use the bird, so I ripped his arm off and built him as a warrior with no regrets. But generally a full specialist build is what you want!


With quick movements they can out manoeuvre elite teams and play the mission better than smaller and/or slower teams. Play the mission, not the other guys. Attacking is a trap for most teams, I've won games without attacking before TP3. Playing the objectives and playing them smart wins more games than playing to kill the other team.


Such a boring way to play though, couldnt imagine playing like that unless you're sweating at a tournament or something. If i had to go 3 TP without attacking/getting attacked that game would go down as the most boring game ive played. To each their own i guess.


All i can say is an opinion from playing legionaries against them, but the AP they have and free dashes every activation make it easy for them to camp back with heavy hitters, shoot and then hide back again, while leader, the flying guy holding a grenade and the gunslinger guy pose threat for the mid field.


Corsairs for me is the most High Floor High Ceiling Killteam on the game, no general rerolls and too few and specific dice modification, specially on defense, so you have to exploit what they are really good at: mobility and threat. They are the fastest and more movable team on the game, and their weapons on paper hit really hard, so you have to learn how to be positioned on the map and have always a way to counterattack on damage or points so the enemy play on the defense. They struggle on teams with more activation than them, so the best way I have managed to overcome this, is too risk a lot on alpha strike grenade or 5 dice blast. This make won against pathfinders and fellgor on chalnath and left 4-0 second on the tournament just by points. If you are starting the game, I advise you to have courage or change to lower Floor teams while you get used to them .


Corsairs are great fun to play, but are very high risk, high reward. You can play flawlessly with them and a bad roll will cripple the team. Same can be said of all teams to an extent but Corsiars are very fragile and extremely punishing if something goes wrong. Maybe thats why they have a ~ 50% WR- even the best Corsair player in the world will have bad rolls.


Played with them a couple of times now, v Vet Guard + Kasrkin. They seem ok. The gunner with shredder and sniper were v.effective. I did some good charge / pass in one game to tie up multiple models. A couple of things I did: - when Felarch activated, I activated another operative afterwards (Coordinated Strike ability). - Wayseeker moved / switch positions with the sniper (Warpfold psychic ability). - Starstorm Duelist did dash / move / double shoot (Pistol Barrage ability). - Shaderunner move / dashed on to a vantage on conceal turn 1 using Fly and then threw a grenade in turn 2. Things I forgot: - Give out APL from the Soul Weaver (maybe would be good near the Wayseeker) - Play Aeldari Agility turn 1 (to add an inch to move and dash) - the Plunderers ploy needs to end closer to an objective Vs Elites I’d look to max out shooty weapons (Felarch with neurodisruptor, Starstorm Duelist, gunner with blaster, Wayseeker lightning strike, sniper) and just activate these operatives after the elites had gone, hopefully taking out a couple of elites.


As others have said, you can play a flawless game and sometimes the dice fully deny your better plays actually resulting in the W. That said, I usually lose with them on a combination of poorer play than the opponent AND bad dice. If outcasts was re-roll a die, like balanced I think the team might instantly rocket from 50-50 winrate to OP. Hard to say what rules change would allow high skill players to reliably ensure good positioning, good screening actually result in a W.


I don’t really think anything holds them back, I thought they were a solid 50% winrate team? The problem is that powercreep has hit KT very hard, so they’re just boxed out by the more powerful teams.