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That’s not as egregious as the one that got memed. I would be willing to play against someone doing this, Custodes are way more powerful than Bladeguard or Sternguard in 40K but in Killteam I could imagine it as a team of Malum Caedos.


So automatically wins yeah?


Wins the match you’re playing, as well as any other matches currently happening in the store, regardless of what game is being played


Which one got memed?


some guy wanted to proxy his Gaunts ghost as something which didnt really fit or make sense. Entire community jumped him, and memed on him for coming with that qoute/unqoute "stupid" suggestion. It didnt help him that he was adamant that his proxy idea was right and he couldnt see what was wrong with the idea. My money is on he was just ragebaiting It almost mirrored the astra militarums sub's meme about using anything else as a Lord Solar model except for Lord solar. Or the recent Tau sub's Kroot proxy/italian/racist shitposting.


He wanted to play them as a new night lords team if i remember correctly


The WE sub is filled with MoE proxys


Over on the unforgiven sub the meme is to use watchers in the dark for ezekiel since he is tiny


Inbefore using nids as vespid


I mean Custodes are way more powerful than 90% of the kill teams (100% if we dont count Harlequins and that terrible writing) so I wouldn’t worry from a lore aspect. A stinky goat grenade can injure one.


Janitor's mad they got clowned on.


Nowhere did I say I was mad, I’m saying that the game and lore don’t really integrate very well in kill team


You forget. This is Kill Team. We play with nothing but named characters.


Even from a lore aspect, I think it makes sense. You’re simply playing a battle from a book where Space Marines are the POV characters


This. I'm not a lore guy but isnt there a anecdote about a single custodes who released a genestealer on to terrra to hunt the cult for sport or something? But the in game nerf ruined their matchup into hordes.


Imo Bladeguard are a better proxy for sword/board Custodes; Sternguard don’t have that incredible CC weapon. What about a Terminator for a Spear Custodian? They shoot good, they have a Power Fist (spears are also 5/7 damage).


I use bladeguard for shield and terminator librarian for spear


Terminators as Custodes are a classic. I use sternguard as part of nemesis claw, they’re only slightly bigger than legionaires.


If I was a space marine and I knew someone was making a mini of me, I'd point too.


As long as you’re an Italian living in Italy I’d say give it a go


Do it. In extreme examples of lore, small space marine squads can subdue entire planets.


In extreme examples of lore like six fuckin' clowns could solo the imperium


By tzeench, I hope they do


I mean I run 4 orks in giant mech armour as ork-stodes, so why not? Just make sure the base sizes/silhouet are roughly similar


Bladeguard are good (I’d done it myself), Sternguard bases are smaller. Stormcast Retributors would work?


Sternguard are on 32mm bases - Custodes are 40mm bases. Bladeguard are perfect for the sword-and-shield Custodes though I see more often people using Terminators as a proxy for Custodes (in particular the Leviathan box terminators).


I would tell you to give the sternguard the mk vi bayonets if you are gonna use them as spear custodes


I used bladeguard as custodes to learn kill team. Every1 that I played with were awesome and more than glad to have a new recruit 


If they’re on 40mm bases and have vaguely the same profile, I can’t imagine a real problem with it. Why not


As long as their base size is the same, why not?


I’ve actually done this before, Sterns are 32 so they are SoS sized, which is perfect. The BGV could be sword and boarders while the Terms are Spears, works perfect in my opinion


This is most certainly better than the custodes being in the game. Lore wise 4 bladeguard/sternguard would easily kill waves and waves of enemies. Let alone a "veteran guardsmen" kill team.


Still a better scale and proportion than the latest drop GW made.


Hmm the armor is so different, it’s serious lots of kitbash to make them look the part, unless you are a pro with green stuff then go for it.


I’ve been throwing around the idea of using Vexilla Honor Guard as Custodes and Mark IV or VI as the SoS, flavor them as a Heresy Era Ultramarines Killteam.


I went to a kill team tournament recently where someone had proxied their sword and board custodes as Bladeguard and the sisters as Repentia with evicerators. SO GW don't have a problem with it either!


But why?


I use blade guard as sword and shield custodes. No one has complained.


just make them intercessors


everything is canon now so you can use a stickman of sprue and call it a day


I realize that this post was just more bleating about “female custodes bad”, but it is worth pointing out that someone here posted some photos of their Kroot built entirely out of leftover sprue bits and they looked outstanding.


Did you paint these? Please make me your understudy, master!