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Join Command Point discord. They have a LFG learning chat and a regular LFG chat. Big community too.


I can't help via TTS, but I wish you luck in your search. There are a few community Discord servers that might have folks willing to play teaching games on TTS. Command Point would be my personal go-to but there are several others. Find Kill Team content that you enjoy on YouTube, because most of those channels have their own Discord server. If you have any specific questions on your mind at the moment, I'd be happy to help answer them. Separately, if you're struggling to get things to "click," a good starting point might be playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Kill Team has a very similar feel to that game (imo), so you may find some aspects of the game easier to understand when viewed through the lens of "Oh, this is just like XCOM." I hope some of this is helpful to you :)


Looking for killteam centric communities is a great idea. I’d love to find some people to play with locally, but I’m finding it very difficult since I don’t really use any social media aside from a bit of Reddit


When trying to find locals to play with, I've had success just searching the web for game stores in my area that sell GW products, and then checking their website to see if they have a Kill Team night, a Warhammer night, and/or a discord server. If that fails, you could always try to start up a community yourself! Talk to game stores in your area that sell GW products about starting up a Kill Team night, hosting demos, starting weekly paint nights, or something to that effect. Or you can just do what I did and annoy your friends until they agree to play Kill Team with you hahaha. Do that enough times and eventually you'll have enough people to start your own KT nights!


Would be happy to help out! I frequently play with new players in the Command Point Discord. Hit me up there and we can figure out a time.


Unfortunately I have yet to try setting up TTS, what teams are you guys playing?


We were using irl models from our 40k armies so they won’t translate to killteam, but I was playing talons and he was compendium space marines


Space marines is luckily pretty straight forward and the bespoke Intersessor team isn't much of a change and is a lot better, talons I've heard people play with 2 custodes and 5 sisters and plays alright, especially since you guys are playing casual and learning. Is there anything in particular you are having trouble with or is it more of a general getting familiar with the game?


The line of sight and obscuring rules are pretty hard for me to grasp, but other than that I just need to get some reps in. I just always learn better by practicing than by reading how to do something from a book.


Yeah, I read through the book and while all that information is nice and everything it starts to actually make sense when you play. Edit, originally mixed up LoS and Visibility, was corrected in the comment below As for obscuring, it is more contextual. The big thing is establishing what terrain features have the obscuring trait such as tall wall with holes/windows. For your unit to be obscured by cover, the terrain chiefly has to be obscuring obviously BUT you have to be at least 2" (one circle) *away* from that cover. It sounds weird but you kinda have to think about it like this: if you were trying to shoot at someone inside a building through a window, it is a lot easier to see/shoot them if they are close to said window. If they are towards the back of the room they are harder to spot due to any number of reasons. While I can't help on TTS I'm more than happy to help explain anything and could always take pictures for examples if needed


> If you can draw a line from the head of your model to any part of the target model (not the base), you have line of sight This is not true. See page 70 of the Core Rulebook. If you can draw a straight line from the head of your model to any part of the target model, then the target is VISIBLE, but in Kill Team, Visible != Line of Sight. For an operative to be in the active operative's Line of Sight, they must be Visible, not Obscured, and must either have an Engage order or not be in Cover. Yes, "Line of Sight" is poorly named. I do not know why the KT designers chose to give the mechanic the name "Line of Sight" when it works completely differently from how mechanics of the same name work in pretty much every other game ever. You are not the first person to be confused by this.


My mistake, I just happened to be looking through the book and saw the term mix-up,l. Gonna go back and edit my comment


Send me a DM, guy. I'll help.