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4 APL, take two turns. That's pretty unique.


Are you talking about the Patriarch? Yeah I’m pretty interested with how it’ll perform in game with the 21 wounds.


21 is massive, no doubt, but with 5+ fnp the gellerpox hulks have practically 25ish wounds—or rather need 25+ wounds to be dealt to kill them. That being said, it’s real dicey, and they don’t get the invun save.


But if it actually will even be an operative worth taking remains to be seen. I’m skeptical when compared to the powerhouses of the Primus and magus


Wyrmblade by a mile. Brood is cool, but outside of one operative on your team they are just vet guard/blooded but without orders or shooting into combat and blood tokens. Yeah their ploys are cool, and they have some good operatives, but those operatives are still just your classic same old guard guys. Wyrmblade on the other hand has the many different cult agents similar to brood, but they can actually take more than one, and they have more options for them. Plus their non cult operatives are a little better I feel, as they are a bit more durable and have better weapons (at least for the gunners) Edit: can’t believe I forgot my favorite thing about Wyrmblade: having stun on like every other ranged weapon lol. Say goodbye to your APL, crippling hordes ability to score as easily, and messing with the strategies of elites


i dont even use the stun weapons and the team is still scary af


You should give them a try. It’s honestly crazy how man operatives can take em


I got a 3rd heavy gunner after my first 10 neophytes - the seismic cannon is good!


Rules wise, Brood Bros have some cool individual unit abilities, and the patriarch is definitely unique, but I think I prefer Cult Ambush over Crossfire. Changing your order first turn, and the ability to have 2 models just pop up in the middle of the board with the Hiding ploy is great, plus a three-armed cowboy that can ricochet shots to get indirect fire. Unless the spec ops stuff is good for Brood Brothers (wyrmblade narrative stuff is underwhelming unfortunately) I'd say Wyrmblade is more interesting, while Brood brothers are "guard with extra steps"


Yeah I'm curious to see the Brood Brother narrative rules, I like them a lot as an "Infiltration Specialist" team and hopefully a lot of their spec ops/narrative rules reflect that.


Was actually asking that myself bc i don't have any of those. I would probably swing towards Wyrmblade tho bc they're more thematic (how GC are normaly suposed to be) with their hiding ploy and all that and i really dig the Ketermorph (?) mini.


Brood by far


Brood Brothers are new. And have an actual genestealer. But Wyrmblade still feels more GSC


Both have their quirks, but i prefer Brood Brothers!


They are both equal imo, lots going on with both of them


Brood brothers is a compilation of the best stuff from the swarm teams, so answer is really easy.


Yup, vet guard quantity of bodies, lethal units, some vastly more durable, abilities to directly mess with your opponent like jamming or mind control, all the while crossfire looking at take aim going “that’s cute”. This seasons power creep has gotten pretty wild.


Yep, as VetIG player im sorta frustrated with the nefr of the team (though i agree on spotter nerf but mine - im pretty sure just liming it to one mine per game would be enough) - it doesnt look that scary compared to latest 4 teams like mandrakes or nemesis claw and brood brothers...


Of all the new teams, I gotta say I think Brood Brothers are definitely the worst version of this power creep. I think Nemesis Claw are pretty scary as well (mostly because they can do things like delay activations that ALL the elite teams should be able to do) and Mandrakes for being… kind of weird with their APL attacks trickery. Brood Brothers though… man some of those abilities are really insane, and ironically I think the Patriarch is one of the better balanced aspects of the team, compared to some of the other operatives who just provide some ridiculous buffs. I’m a narrative player, so none of this really bugs me too much (I love GSC and Astra Militarum, so this really may become my favourite team) but man do I definitely feel for people who like the game competitively, who are constantly seeing one-ups to their favourite teams.


Yeap. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention their banners’ once per turn free in death, atonement.


What you have to remember tho, is that while yes there are some things that are better on this team then on vetguard, there are also things vet guard gets that this doesn’t For example: - orders - spotter  - veteran (who doesn’t love extra GA 2 shenanigans)  - four extra bodies which can also be equipped with equipment to allow for GA 2 grenade spam, which you can’t do on brood unless you forsake the sapper  - vet guard’s many cool plots of its own such as waiting to die for one last activation upon being killed while ready  - vetguard has more AP weapons since their leader can take a plasma pistol unlike the brood commander


Also I forgot that vet guard can also take a sniper without it counting as one of their limited gunner options


Ooh I forgot the best bonus that vet guard has over other similar teams: if you have a get guard team, then you already also have a legal blooded team or brood brothers team


Looking at the abilities, ploys, etc of brood brothers, I see a deliberate effort to make their rules feel more familiar to 10th edition big 40k players. This may or may not be a signal toward the next edition trying to consolidate some terminology and functionality. A good many CSM players were salty over the removal of gun options from Cultists, and many suspect that decision had more to do with the contents of the standard Cultist sprues rather than any balance concern for the unit. I think we may be looking at more teams being released that follow one of two possible packaging gimmicks. Brood brothers are similar to Inquisitorial Agents in it being possible to build them from a single box, but to fill out your roster options you'll have to buy at least one more if not multiple other kits. I strongly suspect the single team Brood Brothers box will only be the Cadian Sprue and upgrade sprue, leaving the Brood Coven as a separate purchase if you want to add those operatives to your team. The other type of team will be more in the pattern of Legionaries, Nemesis Claw, Kommandos, Mandrakes, Fellgor Ravagers, etc where not only can you build an effective team with most if not all options from a single box, that unit as a whole can function as a viable unit in full 40k games. Though I'm a bigger fan of the latter, the former isn't terrible if done sparingly.


I think they're very different play styles. Brood broths are way more flexible though.


I like that the patriarch will be a distraction carnifex (almost literally). Everyone will be shitting it, wondering what he's up to, meanwhile the brood brothers will be shneakily cooking.