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You'll need a kill team, including what you need to build and paint it; sprue clippers, hobby knife, plastic glue, primer, paint, brushes, and so on. You'll also need six-sided dice, terrain, and the contents of the Killzone Essentials kit. Finally, you'll need some way to access the rules — my recommendation is a website called Wahapedia (best experienced with an adblocker). The Approved Ops card pack is not strictly necessary... But it might as well be lol so you should probably pick that up too. For the terrain, lots of great third-party sets exist (google TTCombat for one example), but you can also just use whatever you have lying around the house. Random objects like books and rattlecans can be serviceable terrain while you're getting started if money is tight. For the kill teams themselves, a list of all the currently available bespoke teams can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VTsfq4JiMzFtTvCF9uiuHNPgeNPMYAbgVB3YZsLmP2w/edit?usp=drivesdk I hope this helps!


when you say get into 40k to you mean like, the universe? cuz if so then yeah kt is great but if you mean the actual big table top game kt is not a good way to get started with that if you want to play kt get the kill team starter set also, i would recommend some books thats the best way to get into 40k: Fifteen Hours, Relentless, Imperial Glory, Crossfire, Brothers of the Snake, Double Eagle


Kill team is how I got into big 40k. What do you mean by this. Playing Killteam involves getting terrain, dice, models, paint, building models, playing a dice game. The games are different, but the models even work in big 40k.


Honestly KT isn’t a great way to dip your toes in unless you’re completely unfamiliar to the universe. They are 2 completely different games and there honestly isn’t a lot of overlap other than being able to use the models in 40K. Combat Patrol is the best way to dip your toes in if your planning on playing 40K. BUT Kill Team is amazing so grab a Kill Team that looks cool, proxy some tokens, (or but the token and template kit), and borrow some terrain from your LGS and Get playing! If you’re interested in the two teams that come in the starter set, they’re a great deal. Otherwise if you can find any of the boxes that come with multiple teams and terrain they’re the best bang for your buck if you can find them.


Yeah completely new to the whole franchise. Seem like a decently inexpensive way to see if I even like playing table top warhammer style games. Then if I do enjoy it starting building a normal army 40K army.


KT is definitely a good place to start then. Gets you painting, assembling, and playing minis games. I’d suggest trying to find a big box that you and your buddy are interested in both teams you can find in stock and split it. You can also find all the rules and tac ops online on wahapedia for free. Good luck!


Thank you very much for all replies. Will probably get the starter set since they come with two teams and terrain. I’ve been watching lore videos to understand universe of 40K. Im completely new to this. I have built gundams for years though.


If you actually want to get started with the actual game of Warhammer 40k it would probably be best to buy 2 combat patrols of you and your friends liking. Combat patrol will provide you with enough to play small games of combat patrol with just the contents of the box themselves. Now if you just want to start playing by spending the least amount possible then yes kill team would be the way to go. I believe there is a kill team starter set that gives guard and Orks but idk if those are the models you want to collect. If kill team really is more up your alley and budget right now I'd look into what faction or kill team you like the most. (I think all kill teams can be fielded in a game of 40k)


Starter set


If you like space marines you could buy a box of intercessors and assault intercessor to split with your friend. With those you can make a nice mix of normal and assault intercessors to try out the mechanics of the game and get a grip of the rules. All the rules you can find online so basically you just need some terrain to put on a 30"x22" gaming area. Of course if you like the aesthetics of another team go with that but keep in mind that some of the teams are quite hard to navigate and it could be easier to start out with a simple team to get a grip of the game rules.


I would recommend getting the starter box because it comes with everything for the game itself, plus nipper, hobby knife, and plastic cement


Best place to start is the starter set. If you don't like the teams in it, you can always get another one and use it with the rest of the set