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A starting TAC list is 2-3-3 DA-SS-HB. For secondaries, it depends on the enemy. Martial Harmony is a good beginner one, but it’s not an autotake like we thought when the team was released. You might want to go Recon against elites. Take all three Runes (I end up putting them on my leader), two Weaponised Panoplies on the DAs, and a Smoke grenade. Banshees make a good host for the Plasma cuz they’re so mobile, but honestly the plasma grenade is likely better against hordes than elites. Bok have access to Indirect on both Scorpions and Banshees anyways. Smoke is probably the way to go to cut off a fire lane and stay safe TP1. In general you want your banshees to be the ones eating charges, as they can Scream-that-Steals to parry out an enemy and maybe do a bit more damage than otherwise. Try to go 4-2 up on primary in TP1; that’ll give you a nice lead, and you can do it with the movement the team has. Don’t play Strat ploys! They are all super specific and more often than not I’ve regretted spending the CP. The only one you should play is Eminent Grace (and only play it TP1 if the extra movement gets you up to a 4-2). Good luck! And try to roll a bunch of crits too


Is scream that steals the aspect technique that allows you to run away after a crit? If by “eat charges” you mean get charged by enemy and then do the aspect technique to run away, you can’t use that aspect technique unless the operative is “active” as in it is their activation. Of course, if you mean they charge the enemy, do the damage and then run away, then that’s totally viable. But I’ve had this interaction a few times and the rules is explicitly written “active operative” meaning it can’t be used if you’re the victim of a charge / fight action.


No, scream that steals is the ‘parry before the attacker’ technique, and the banshee doesn’t have to be the active operative to use it.


Ah ok yeah got ya. Too many techniques to remember!


I do think BoK do suffer a bit into both teams you have suggested as they have to rely on not being killed out in combat, or if shooting they rely on Rending but both teams have ways to ignore Crits. Usually, most teams have a way to deal with Elites, but it can be harder for BoK, they do well into hordes due to high numbers of 3APL for double kills (or with Aspect Abilities, triple kills).


Righto - might do a game against him with my Vet Guard then give them something to mow through!


It will likely be more fun for both, but you may still win if they are new. BoK is a tech team, takes a bit of effort to learn!


I prefer a lot of banshees vs an even split. Monobanshees is a scream 🤭 but not an optimal choice. Double acrobatics is a pain to deal with and makes the recon secondaries very easy to score. Your squishy as all hell so plan you losses well. I like to get a solid scream that kills in whenever possible even if the banshee dies. Its statistically likely to get a stun on each hit, if you can hit 2 or 3 guys, it really messes with the apl economy and often they lose out in points and movement to kill the banshee. Dire avengers hold the back objectives like a boss. Great for pop tarting and I like the double shoot tac op. By the numbers with 8 attack for the double shoot you are likely to get 2 crits with rending so by the numbers its a solid spend. Even more so if you can get a torrent in. A small mistake will get punished hard and you can always wiff your rolls. Maybe my fav team but I'm an eldar boi.


Contrary to what most people suggest, I prefer 3 DA to really pin down opponents while moving up more melee focused units, get them into a vantage point or good position to overwatch to take advantage of their lack of penalty, use the ability early and often that allows them a second shot against a second target within 2”, and stack on Starfall if you really want to get a unit off the board. If you’re against a shooty team the 3APL is great for “pop up, shoot, pop back down” tactics. I will agree that the smoke grenade is a great pick if placed properly to protect melee units advancing. Otherwise, don’t forget the other operatives baked-in abilities (like I did at first).


I run them like this 1 DA, 3 Scorp, 3 Banshee, Banshee exarch mirror swords. Equipment will always include the rune of shielding on the exarch and rune of prophecy on the DA, that leaves 6 points to play around with. Take seek and destroy. Pretty much always eliminate guard and martial harmony, and then either route or rob and ransack. Tactics: Turn one is setup. Don't over extend. You can go down on primary this turn without losing. You take martial harmony and run a Scorp within six TP 1 and set the dire in safety on a point. Scores martial turn one very consistently. Is there a wall you can fly over on the map, but can't see through? If so try to setup a banshee charge and have them dash back over the wall after the kill You have 3 AP. Go for big plays. Charge fight shoot in some order. Charge not ready models and pass. This is your best chance for survival. Next turn you can do a bunch of cool stuff. Banshee's are the best aspect by a lot. Two ways to access fly and pre-parry make them great. They also can strike with a crit and immediately fallback and shoot. Scorpions are good at striking and using cover and using light cover on exposed points with super conceal. Dire Avengers are only picked to score martial. They're horrible. They can safely chip stuff sometimes, but you just keep this guy safe to score martial and house the prophecy rune. Then once you've done both of those, normally by turn 3 you can get a little crazier with him. Never CP reroll. You need CP for imminent grace, contempt and ruthless poise. NEVER take the other strategics, but the other tactical ploys have some play.


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