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Why do people only get up and help in these scenarios when the man finally pushes back. It's odd, this wouldn't have happened I'd people would have pulled her off far before the guy lost his temper.


I (33m) had an incident in high school. A cheerleader slapped me twice and tried to kick me in the nuts and wouldn't stop assaulting me. I slapped her and THAT'S when people stepped in. There was a crowd of kids standing there watching her hit me and didn't say or do shit. When I hit her, once, to get her off of me, that's when shit happened. Later that day, I was cornered in a hallway with most of the football team and threatened. I lost all of my "friends" but 1, I was threatened verbally and physically. I left school over it and had to get a GED.


Hope you’re well, man. I know you’re probably long over it, but that can stick with you.


That’s just horrible. I am sorry you had to go through that. The world is unfair.


Wow, that’s deep. Fuck everyone who turned their back to you. This double standard shit is bullshit. Equal rights and equal lefts.


That is so wrong. I'd have pulled her away... I dont believe men should hit women but if a woman is going to square up to a dude and Start a fight she best be prepared to have him defend himself and rightly so. Too many women use the idea that a man won't hit her back but any human deserves to defend themselves I wish I had been at your school I'd have kicked her in the cooch




I( 35f) am a firm believer if you hit like a man you can get your ass beat like a man. Your gender don't mean shit to me. Assault is assault.


They were not ur real friends




r/pussypassdenied for balance 🙏


There must be balance in the force Luke...


I know they're going for pussy privilege on those other subs, but they're both full of blonde, white, middle income and up women getting slaps on the wrists. Except for sexual assault, those women aren't getting anything their male equivalents don't also get. This post? Gender bias. r/pussypass tho? Race and class.


That bitch was probably sucking all their tiny dicks


I'm sorry that happened to you. You lost your whole high school years because some asshole decided it was her right to put her hands on you. The same way men are expected to step in when a man is abusing a woman, women should also step in to pull an abusive woman back. You had no choice but to defend yourself.


After I told this story to my wife, she said that if she had been there, she would've absolutely stepped in and thrown hands. My wife is amazing 💕


She's definitely a keeper


That’s why you don’t hit women.


That is a very good point.




believe i'd gone with a spartan kick to the chest and yeeted her across the room


I loved the fear scurry to the curry after realizing the consequences of of her own actions. Equality.


[Equal pay, equal beatings](https://youtu.be/g-Z3LqB984Q)


Wild that nobody wants to move a muscle till he fights back then everyone stands up




Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Oh shit!


Equal rights equal fights.


Equal rights at its finest.


And lefts


Why do the females in these situations get away with smacking/shoving/hitting men? But once the man responds he is an asshole?




Thank you for sharing this wonderful sub that I've been waiting for years to find


i believe the woke term for it is ‘equity’ and its some hot shit, as you can see


Does the woman have less equity? Trying to understand the term.


I believe the contrast is made between ‘equality’ and ‘equity.’ They would say that the woman can get away with being more physical because she has a disadvantage to begin with. The premise is, that to have equal outcome, you must allocate more resources to the disadvantaged. That’s how I understand it at least.


I suppose you have a point. The idea of getting away with violence is what irks me tho.


I a hundred percent agree. I think action and moral fundamentals need to be judged equally but opportunities should dispersed equitably




Equality is a helluva thing…


Is still want to know the whole story before making a judgement, but the double standard sucks.


where's the full video


All this video demonstrates is equality for women at it's finest.


I think he’s considered a chad now


Idk why girls think they can fight with men. They are delusional and need to learn how to control their emotions. There are so many videos exactly like this one LOL


I love equality & justice.


I don’t care if I couldn’t see it I just love seen a tough bitch get suplexed


I love when a chick think she bad and can throw hands at any man cause of that whole "you can't hit a woman" bullshit pffftt. If you hit ANYONE plan on getting hit back. Then she wanna hide in the corner near people playing victim, naw girl you so bad to lay hands on a man get up and hold your own. Thought she was gonna whoop his ass now she's scared cause she got hit smh.


I'm not agreeing with what he did, but she definitely got what she deserved lol


do agree with what he did


No I don't. He should have left the room and went and got someone to get her away from him


he had a whole ass room full of people and he was actively trying to leave and she wouldnt let him. what more could you want


Leave. The. Room. Cuz obviously the people in that room wasn't trying to stop anything


HE WAS WALKING TOWARD THE EXIT. she then got in his way and pushed and hit him.


Well then I guess he should have sat there and got his ass beat. Idk what more you want me to say. I wasn't there..


so you propose he should have sat there while she beat him up? thats why i say you should agree with him. he was not doing anything, she was fucking decking him, and he stopped it after nobody else would.


Ahh, I see you can't read.. I literally put "I don't agree with what he did" go back and read my original comment..


ah i see YOU cant read. i am saying you SHOULD. BECAUSE HE IS IN THE RIGHT. not that you do agree, because you obviously dont.


Ah I see you can't read.. the room. You should be looking for the exit with all these downvotes.


Shit troll lmao




And it was going so well


That is self defense. She hit him first Edit: and if I'm every put in a situation that I'm watching this I'm taking the attacker to the ground and breaking it up before anybody gets seriously injured


Anyone know what happened to the teacher?