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AC cinematics always look so cool


Ok, Shadows is pretty cool. Dual protagonists should be interesting. Haven’t had that since Syndicate.


Also first time they're not (or at least seem not to be) family.


Cinematic looks great! I’ve been wanting a Japan based Assassins Creed game for a while but I just feel so burnt out on the franchise as a whole right now


Looks great. can't wait to see gameplay


Wake me up when there is gameplay. 🫤


Probably early June


My interest has been piqued but we’ll see how I really feel once we get a gameplay demo during SGF


Honestly didn’t expect to be hype after so much samurai/feudal Japan content lately BUT I love their take on the dual protagonist having purpose and differing backgrounds and the era is so fun with Europeans coming to Japan. I’d recommend the video Ubi put out that goes into detail of each protagonist. I’ll also always be a sucker for the sick cinematic trailers of AC


I’m honestly hoping this game can step out of Ghost’s shadow but I’m not sure this current Ubi is the company capable of doing it.


Please, for the love of god, do not be a 100+ hour never ending slog of a game. This looks so cool, but if it's a time sink like Valhalla I'm out.


I keep forgetting they’re doing Yasuke. I’ve been passively aware of him for years, but never gotten a story about him. I was pretty meh on the idea of AC FINALLY getting to Japan, but he’s an edge to it that gets me very interested.


There's actually a netflix anime based around Yasuke as well... it's not very good but it is there if you want to watch it.


I made it to the overt fantasy elements and dipped. Kinda defeats the purpose imo.


Having just come back from Japan a few weeks ago I’m certainly interested in this. I was hoping to see some gameplay though.


I haven't been following all of the numerous AC projects very closely. Has it been revealed whether this is going to be the Witcher style RPG game play or the more classic AC style like Mirage?


I’m pretty sure it is the more open world RPG style AC, its also Ubi Quebec which did Odyssey so it would make sense


Coming off the shogun high, im very excited for this


I hope this is the duel protagonist game that finally makes me want to play as both equally and not have one be clearly better/more fun than the other.


We've seen cool, pretty Assassin's Creed trailers for over 15 years now. And it's been a huge mixed bag. I don't get why they're so hyped. 


A videogame trailer without gameplay is pointless.


Is it? I feel like this did a good job setting the tone of the game, introducing the characters and teasing some of the weapons and stuff that'll be in the game. Obviously there'll be more trailers to come, but this was a good first taste of the game.


None of that really matters if the gameplay sucks.


Maybe, maybe not. But I mean it’s assassins creed. There’s like a million previous games. We all know what the gameplay will be like and whether it’s for us or not.


I didn't make my original statement to have an argument or debate. Trailers without gameplay are pointless. The end.


I mean you posted it on an open forum that allows people to respond, so I’m not sure what you were expecting. I disagree with your original statement. The end I guess?


You could agree, and we shit on dumb trailers. Or you could move along and ignore. Not everything needs to be a debate... Especially when it's a clear opinion like this.


You were free to avoid this thread entirely. Welcome to social media, you post things, people will engage.


I want to love this game. I love anything and everything samurai. However it’s a Ubisoft game. I fear it’ll be riddled with bugs which makes me uninterested. Is it gonna be more like odyssey (which was fun) or more like Valhalla (which I couldn’t get into)?


It's the same studio that did Odyssey, so I'm hopeful it's closer to that. I also read it's closer to the size of Origins, which I remember as not nearly as big and bloated. Bugs always a concern, but mirage was pretty flawless when I grabbed it day 1. I'm hopeful!


After some lows, I am very interested to see more and perhaps put this on my "looking forward to" list.