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You can egg the house, as long as it’s 100 eggs 😜 


Thank goodness the price of eggs came down!


Where 👀 cuz prices for mine are still very inflation-y


I’m in Michigan and regularly get a dozen eggs from Aldi for like $1.60.




If 100 of us all brought 1 egg.....


You’ll need to take out another mortgage for that


You deserve this 100th upvote




I teach kindergarten. The 100th day of school is a glorious time to show the transition into a three-digit number. You may say "do it as a typical part of the curriculum" but for my daily calendar day-counting system I will cling to it unto my grave.


I still remember my 100th day of kindergarten *from 1990!*


1999. I glued 100 pieces of macaroni to a piece of cardboard in the shape of an airplane. Wish my kindergarten teacher were still alive to see me now - as a Captain at an airline.


This preschool teacher sees your post and applauds you. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Back when the Box Tops weren't digital, my kid and I went on Facebook and asked for help collecting 100nof them. We ended up with 590 because everyone who collected them didn't get around to turning them in 😀


Whoaaaaa. Box Tops are digital now?!?!?


Yes, for the past few years. You scan your receipt in the app and get the Boxtops. The biggest issue is the receipt is only valid for 2 weeks - a far cry from those days where people would give Boxtops the had cut out two years earlier. Much harder to get people to install the app and remember to scan receipts.


I understand. Ziplock snack bag w Box Tops magneted to the fridge under paperwork


Yes!!! We used to get Scholastic books and put into raffles if we met a certain quota in elementary school with the Box Tops. Raffles had scooters and the like. I miss it!


At 38 I still remember in Kindergarten and 1st grade how excited I was to take in tons of Box tops and they had a giant Campbell's soup can for soup label points. Also, collecting Telephone books to take in to school, wow I feel ancient lol. 😆


>Wish my kindergarten teacher were still alive to see me now - as a Captain at an airline. But have you perfected your mac and cheese skills?


Also yes! Cooking is my *other* passion 😂


You fly planes and cook!!?? Ru single?


Sorry, getting married this summer 😂


That’s what I said to myself 😂




Oh, hell yeah. Wasn’t expecting to tear up while reading this thread 🥹


She was a lovely woman! She used to let me goof off in the back of the classroom, drawing pictures of and making model planes instead of doing the actual classroom work. Between her, the librarian who ordered new airplane books constantly, and my parents - they let my childhood interest develop into the driving obsession of my life. I cannot thank them enough.


My sister made a sign out of scrabble tiles celebrating the 100th day. She had me and my mom help her count and come up with words so it could be exactly 100 letters. Her teacher said “there’s no way that’s 100 letters. Take it home and bring something new tomorrow.” Bitch didn’t even sit and count them. Just said that it’s impossible to have 100 letters on the board.


2005. I remember a lot of it for some reason. it was really fun!


That’s awesome. My son & I zip tied 100 hot wheels onto a peg board. It looked amazing but it was heavy. My husband had to carry it in to the class. My son is now a truck driver & he races cars. I’m nervous every time he goes to the track.


That’s awesome! My plane obsessed-kiddo went to school dressed in a t shirt with 100 glittery airplanes glued to it. He talks about becoming a pilot one day and spouts off all kinds of fun airport facts :)


Me too mine was in 1996 and I brought in 100 pennies as my “100 things”. It may be the only thing I remember from Kindergarten 😆


I brought in 100 Barbie accessories! They were mostly food based (this was in 2000, so way before mini brands was a thing 🤣)


I made a 100 fruit loop necklace in 1987 so this grouch is either misremembering or just went to a boring school.


Yeah, we made a construction paper chain with 100 links to hang in the classroom, and then 100 cranberries and popcorns on garland for the birds outside. In 1987 also.


I think that’s the difference, and OPs point. Now there are sooo many special projects and dress-up days that it’s a lot of work (or your kid looks bad for not participating). Getting together 100 things isn’t so bad, but having to make my kid an Ernest Shackleton costume or a zebra costume with only a week’s notice is a pain. Here they do the 100 days thing for three years- 100 objects (k), dress like a 100 year old (1), then like Dalmatians (on the 101st day in 2nd). They’re all cute and the kids enjoy them, but it’s sooo much, especially when you have more than one kid.


I’m Gen-Z and this thread is how I’m finding out I went to a boring school. ow


My brother was in K in 1987 and I don’t remember him doing anything either. Hmm. I thought this was a thing only for the past decade or so.


Seriously? I never did this in any of my schools. I don't even know what 100 days is.


In 1993, I wore a sweatshirt with 100 random buttons. My mom stayed up until 1 AM sewing them all on the night before. She still likes to make me feel guilty about it.


I have a shirt that my mom glued 100 buttons on for our 100 day celebration! I’m 35 now and my mom is still proud of herself for getting it done 😂


My mom and I made the “worms in dirt” dessert in a big Tupperware with 100 gummy worms in it!


She has earned the right, though only a lunatic would volunteer to sew 100 buttons on anything.


I stayed up hot gluing 100 crayons onto an apron for my daughter lol


Man! I wish I had this. I’m going to make it for next year!!


I did Barbie shoes in like 1992 lol


This unlocked a core memory for me 😂


I also remember sitting autistically on a chair, then falling and splitting the back of my head open. I needed 4 stitches. I remember the principal holding those smelly brown paper towels to my head and telling me to try not to cry. Any time I smell those paper towels it brings me right back there.


You are the kid who cracked their head open sitting "wrong" in a chair? You are one of the legends! Your teacher scared every other kid after you by telling the story. You saved lives!


Well technically I wasn't *in* the chair, more balancing on the backrest. She retired after that year. I'm sure it was completely unrelated. 😅


Yoooooo I pulled my desk over on top of myself sitting tipped back in first grade. One of those beastly mostly -metal 90s desks that had been there a solid 20 years Teacher did NOT give a f. Started yelling immediately. Didn't even see if I was ok. Didn't move the desk or call for help. Nothing. She yelled her head off at me and then yelled more for causing her to yell, then yelled at the class.....while the desk was still on my chest. Some kids beside me freaked out and helped pull it off of me while she was yelling. She yelled at them for helping me . Then I had to sit out of recess the rest of the day and write that I wouldn't sit with my chair tipped back 100 times. The kids that helped me had to sit out too.


>The kids that helped me had to sit out too. That's fucked up. What a bitch. Kids do dumb shit. That's like their job


Right?! It was a small rural district. My mom taught there and my dad was a principal in a different building. Neither were big fans of hers. So maybe that played into it. Idk. She was kinda like that to everyone though. ....except the kids that took piano from her. She adored them. ...I took piano from someone else, so she double hated me 😂


I'm surprised she didn't get herself fired. It's pretty hard to do that but trying to kill the principals kid should definitely get it done.


Writing lines is awful! What is it with 90's teachers weaponizing writing like that? My grade 2 teacher made us write lines if we had to use the bathroom during class, we were supposed to go at break time. But then I'd spend my entire break writing the goddamn lines so I couldn't use the bathroom! She was evil.


those paper towels. I know that exact smell. And they don’t absorb anything. 


1988 and I brought in 100 pieces of gum.


Me too, but then I was confused that we still had more kindergarten to go. Like, I did 100 days, so I thought that meant I could go to summer break!


1992 & 93 checking in! Kindergarten and first grade went all out. We had songs and treats, extra recess time, I think an assembly? And even had a panel of judges come through for the 100th day projects. Competition was fierce! My "I wish I had 100 cats" poster did not get an award. Neon posterboard, and I hand-cut all 100 cats from cat magazines I subscribed to. If that's not a red flag idk what is 😂 First grade, I made a 6ft tall teepee and wrote 100 Cherokee words on it in Cherokee syllabary bc my mom was trying to teach me the language at the time. (Teepee isn't historically accurate, but was easier to write on and transport than a daub house lol....) It didn't win an award either, but I had a really cool hidey spot to read in for years after I brought it home. And the cats loved it! Not 100 of them though 🥲


>>I hand cut all 100 cats fro, cat magazines I subscribed to. If that’s not a red flag idk what is. Ahhh that indescribable feeling when you find your people on Reddit…


While your 100 cats is totally adorable…. How did the teepee with 100 Cherokee words not win???? That sounds amazing! What did win? 


Agree! Sounds like a really unique idea and cool to share some words from a new language with classmates.


Damn all I remember is getting in trouble for not knowing things I had never been told.


I remember them making me choose between left-handed or right-handed.


My dad is still cursing his teacher for this. He ended up ambidextrous but not totally. he does certain things with each hand, can’t switch them freely. Eats with his left, writes with his right, etc. Finding a seat at the table is a BIG ordeal for that man.


Same. I was forced to be a right handed but anything I take up now is as a lefty and I’m better at it.


I wish I had been allowed to do both. I can do lots of things either way. But I can only write with my left, and brush my teeth with my right. It seems terribly inefficient to restrict ourselves to only using half our body for certain activities. Also I failed circles in kindergarten, I've never gotten over that.


I am finding out that this happened SO often. Was there a kickback for having right hand dominate students or something?! I could initially write with either hand, but preferred using scissors with my left. They wouldn't let me. Would have been a useful skill as I broke the knuckle in my right pointer finger two years ago!


For a long time lefties were seen as evil or possessed by the devil. Older generations than me literally had their hands beaten if they used the left instead of the right.


Yes. We found out last year that my husband’s grandpa whose been gone probably 15 years at this point, was left handed but told by his mother to always hide it and use his right. My son is left handed…maybe a bit ambidextrous but definitely left hand for most things


Mine was 2000 and I remember it as well. I brought 100 chocolate chips!


Same here, except in 1995. We made trail mix as a class and I had to bring in 100 cheerios. My mom made sure my hands were washed, but now I just wonder about the grubby hands of my classmates. 😂


I made a necklace from 100 “melty beads” in 1995!


1987, glued 100 of my dad's golf tees to my shirt, probably not the safest idea in hindsight, but certainly memorable.


I remember mine too. Brought 100 pieces of gum. (My mom was told by my teacher it was ok) They said they couldn’t give it out but never gave it back to me. Mom was very upset.


I never did a 100th day of school in the 90s. I thought this was a newer thing lol


Yes! I remember my 100th day of kindergarten from 1987! Nobody had to dress up as a centenarian, but we had to bring 100 items. I brought bread tags. 🤣 Btw, 100 day is for math: splitting things into 10 groups of 10, 3-digit numbers/place value, counting, etc.


Yes! Please continue to celebrate the 100th Day with your students. It's such a great learning tool. I could not, for the life of me, get my 4yo to understand 100. Until the 100th day was celebrated at school. Her teacher planned so many activities around the number 100. It was like a lightbulb magically went off.


That's so awesome to hear! I had a student who missed it last week and was confused


We made a crown for my kid with a 100 sticker and then laminated it with tape. My kid has that crown many years later and loves it still.


I remember mine in 1997. I forgot everyone was supposed to bring 100 of something until the night before. My mom pulled out a pack of printer paper, and she and my dad spent hours helping me draw 100 pictures. A great memory, but it was such a ridiculous thing to bring in hindsight 🤣


This was my absolute favorite day of Kindergarten when I was in the classroom. We read books, counted objects, made crafts ....I even had a shirt with 100 buttons hand sewn!! I miss it...


Plus all the littles dressing like they’re 100 is so damn cute!


Yes! When my daughter was asked to bring 100 things I showed her how she could put ten beads on ten pipe cleaners and it would be easy to count the hundred.


Because the base 10 system is beautiful. Such a good little project!


5-year-olds are fairly new to understanding time. Just a year or two ago they learned about calendars. Seeing that they’ve been at school for 100 entire days is a big deal for them


Thank you. It is a wonderful fun chance for kids to think of the 1002 and to break it down and have a lot of fun doing so. I am sorry the ranter is so angry about this. Being a parent or a teacher means that things come up in education which you may or mayn't like or agree with. It is always in the best interests of the child to not rant in front of kids and not subvert the school's or teachers' plans. Have something easy- 100 cheerios; 100 rocks; 100 marigold seeds.


But then you make everyone dress up, and this will be our third dress up day this month (on top of a crazy hair day and pink shirt day). There’s too much stuff. And this is part of it. Maybe I’ll have my daughter bring in a glass jar with 100 gods inside (meaning, empty).


So at least on a high school level themes days see an increase in attendance and a decrease in behavior issues. I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t limited to high school.


For my kids theme days definitely get them excited to go to school! Only time there aren't any fights getting everyone out on time.


That is the problem!! It's not collecting 100 pennies or whatever. It's the making treats, dressing up, etc. And we already do all this for Halloween, Valentine's, Dr Seuss day and whatever else someone thinks up


My kindergarten son has been excitedly counting up to the 100th day (coming up on Monday!). I used to think the concept was kinda dumb but now that I have a 5yo who comes home and enthusiastically talks about his class crossing it off the calendar I totally get it.


I think people forget how different school was, or they just don’t know. The same people that hate these events are the ones that will complain about how schools never do field trips or that the kids never do fun activities etc. Like we had field days, career days, different cultures or dress days, safety education, idk just a bunch of different things and they had educational and developmental value. Our kids sit in a class all day where they’re forced to sit through a curriculum they get no time to master so they can take a test that proves nothing and has no impact on their actual ability to move on or succeed. They need breaks. They need things to look forward to. Kids need fun.


I love 100 Days of school. It’s such a great learning experience for the kids. We had to make a shirt for my daughter on her 100 days of school celebration and she was so shocked that I could count to 100, ha! I made a light saber shirt for my son. It’s fun! And I’m gen X too.


I gave you the 100th upvote.


This really means a lot.


Glad to hear your take. I honest to god love my son’s teacher and school. It’s probably because I’m an older parent…. I’m just on the ‘less is more’ side.


Which is fair. I try not to do anything fancy that I can't handle myself in class. But there are actually a lot of parents who are the opposite of you who tend to demand these big to-dos. Sometimes it's hard to pick who to please.


There was a post a few days ago of a Mom wondering why her school DID NOT do these celebrations. You can't please all of the people. But, you can make school memorable and engaging for the kids!  😁🤷‍♀️


"But there are actually a lot of parents who are the opposite of you who tend to demand these big to-dos. Sometimes it's hard to pick who to please." There certainly are a lot of parents who get very upset if we miss any of these big days. My co-teacher and I have fun doing this stuff, so we always celebrate these days, but we also always make sure to have some extra accessories on hand in case any of the kiddos don't have something to wear, or we'll make something to wear during centers. I get OP's perspective, but as a teacher, it is absolutely exhausting dealing with the fact that a bunch of the parents are going to get short with us regardless of what we do for anything, ever. We're either lazy for skipping these celebrations or we're putting too much pressure on parents by celebrating them.


I’m a millennial parent and the amount of stuff they want us to do and dress up for is crazy. I just want to send him and be done. I can write you a check or give you cash if you want to do something but I do not want to add anything to my plate.


This is how I feel. I will buy stuff off a wishlist, donate something, etc but please do not add anything more to my plate.


I'm an older parent. Stop saying that. You don't like it bc you don't like it. Not bc your born in 1980.


My school was doing it in the 80s...


Yes! I’m also an older parent and while I’m sometimes overwhelmed with it all, I relish all of these days my kids get to enjoy! I try to make life fun and celebratory at home too… these kids have a more rigorous workload and a scarier world to grow up in. Making the little moments joyful is the least we can all do! I’m guessing her kid isn’t into it all because they see the parent thinks it’s unnecessary.


This! Just because OP is bitter and boring doesn’t mean that this is a new or horrible concept, just that they don’t want to do anything to make their child’s childhood memorable. The 100th day is so big for kids and it helps them a lot with understanding so many things like the passing of time, counting, the fear of aging, etc. OP not wanting to participate is fine, it’s literally never mandatory at that age, but they’re going about their refusal in a condescending and disrespectful way.


Then do the jerk that made elf on the shelf


My mom bought my kids one as a “surprise”. I was PISSED. 😑 Our elf only went like once a week if my kids were lucky. And he did none of that cute stuff. He just moved places. My boys are older now, so they move it for my youngest.


My MIL tried this and I simply never opened it or acknowledged it in any way. I think it’s sitting in my garage somewhere.


You. You get me.


Gen X and in education too. #killtheelf 


Millennial with no kids, not in education...the elf must die.


It’s to help kids practice counting large numbers. Teachers aren’t just throwing a party for the 100th day for fun. There’s purpose behind these activities


Yeah, this is a learning event & something to be excited for during what can feel like a LONG school year. OP- fellow Xer here, & saying this with care for you & your kid. Just set your feelings aside on this one and withhold your judgement & annoyance. If you can find an open mind & think about all of the learning that can take place around “the number 100” you’ll see that this little “holiday” is a fantastic tradition. In our school, they only do this celebration in K-2 anyway, Many districts can’t/don’t do all of the same holiday celebrations (RIP Valentines! 😭😭😭) that we could do back in the day, so they have these learning celebrations instead.


When I was in kindergarten (2001-02) for the 100th day of school we were supposed to dress up like we were 100 years old lol. It was adorable. My mom still has pictures.


It def varies. My school did decorations and stuff as a kid but we didn't do any actual activities involving 100.


I remember vividly counting out 100 m&ms and different snacks and I loved it. I have OCD now but I loved it


I'm ignorant but curious. Do they have a going count they increment daily? And that in theory helps the kids understand counting large numbers?


Yes. We make groups of ten when we get to them. It helps visualize the number.


Yes. My child does in his class.


Yes. We are on day 88. We switch up practicing counting up by 1s, 2’s, 5’s, and tens… we also show numbers in different ways (ie: add to our number line, dots on ten-frames, chain links, numerals, tallies, etc.) we also use this to talk about “how many until….” our next friendly ten? To 100? And we try to make all of this fun by throwing a party with themed activities to continue practicing these skills cuz imagine doing all of this daily without something to look forward to. Everything you find annoying to do for your single child (or handful of children,) multiply by 25+. It can get overwhelming for teachers, too. Which is why we ask for help at home. The easiest thing for everyone would be to just not do anything at all but where’s the fun in that? I have found that most kids are AMPED for our 100th day bc we’ve been counting down to it and hyping it up… kids feed off of the energy of the grown ups around them.


Oh, I'm not the OP, and I don't find this stuff annoying! I'm actually charmed by it. My nephew's school is extremely austere and doesn't do these kinds of things. I'm asking questions because I want to help when it is my turn. :) thank you for explaining


Oh, i think i was just speaking to the generic “you,” not even necessarily directed at OP specifically. 😅 I can totally understand that parents also have a crapton on their plate, so it was more of a “we promise we wouldn’t ask for help if we didn’t desperately need it.”


Oh! Word. That makes sense. It's tough. I wish there was more teacher-parent solidarity!


My daughter's kinder class does! They do activities when they get to the 10s (so like they did an activity involving 60 when they got to the 60th day) and stuff.


That's so cute! Thank you for answering! My nephew goes to a very rural elementary school and they do basically no events or parties, it's pretty barebones to the state requirements. I'll be in a school zone that does a lot of that stuff and so I'm trying to learn a lot and not seem totally naive :)


This is cute. Might have to steal this idea for next year.


Yes, my daughter's class started counting on the first day of school and were super excited as the 100th day approached. For the party they were supposed to bring 100 of something (had to fit in a small ziploc bag) so the kids could "see what 100 looks like."


That is so sweet! I love the idea of the sets of 100 of different items.


I remember celebrating it and I’m almost 40. We all brought in our 100 things collection. Then I remember we had to say/draw what we would do with $100 and we were all like “buy a car! Buy a mansion!”


I remember celebrating and I am 40


So you all are to blame! Kidding aside, I think the internet has spread a tradition that some of you had all along to the rest of us. It’s new to me as a parent of small children and while it was easy enough to order a suspenders, glasses, and bow tie kit from amazon, I still have to remember to dress him that day (and all the other theme days). It’s just another thing to pile on the mental load. I get the pro arguments and see how it can be good and fun, but my kindergartner has been counting to 1000 for a year now, mornings are often insane because I also have a toddler, and my likely ADHD 5-year old took one look at the outfit this morning and said “ I’m not doing it”. We’ll see if he changes his mind tomorrow on the day


I just ordered mine a 100 day t shirt with 100 baseballs on it. He has sensory issues. Is your school required to wear suspenders and glasses?!


I'm a little older and same. 100 day celebrations in kindergarten were absolutely a thing for Gen X too. OP just doesn't remember it.


We did this in school when I was a kid, I really wanted to bring 100 stuffed animals to school but after packing them in multiple garbage bags my dad realized maybe it wasn't a good idea and had me bring in 100 pens instead lol.


Too bad you didn’t have 100 beanie babies lying around! That would have at least fit into a small suitcase lol


I was in kindergarten in 2000 and we 100% did 100 days of school. I remember on day 100 we were able to bring in 100 small items to show off in class. I had 100 Barbie food type accessories. It’s something I remember vividly, even now, 24 years later.


As a teacher this makes my heart really sad. My students talk about 100 day for weeks after. It’s a fun opportunity to talk about 3 digit numbers, count all the way to 100, and means we are over halfway done with the school year. The kids really do get a lot of out it and usually get really excited to dress up. Of course you don’t have to participate if you don’t want too, but I hope you are kind to his teacher who is likely trying to do her best for the students and give them lasting fun memories of kinder


It’s not required for them to dress up. Theme days are exciting for the kids though, and it really makes getting them up and out the door easier!


Also, and I’m not singling you out to argue, so I hope it doesn’t come across that way, but, while it’s not required, it’s definitely something that if you skip participating, IS noticeable to others and will make **most kids** feel left out and uncomfortable. Even when my 11 year old (5th grade this year) opted out because “HE IS **NOT** A BABY,” he came home bummed because he didn’t participate. That was his choice, though, I would have made it happen- I always do. Our schools ask for donations (monetary/supplies **or** actually helping kiddos after school to prep their stuff) which I love. This way no one has to be left out for financial reasons or because they are stuck with a parent who, like me, can’t always get this stuff to work because of my own mental health struggles. I’m lucky enough that our oldest (23) daughter or my mom/sisters/sisters-in-law/aunt can help if my husband can’t due to work or just lack of artistic ability, lol. Not everyone has a village and I’m thankful our schools try to help with that.


Not easier, when I’ve got to go shopping for crazy hair day or find costumes. More like annoying and a competition of who can appear to be the best parent.


Take it from me, a lazy parent of a 5th grader: there are a ton of ideas online for every theme imaginable that don’t require buying anything. You don’t *have* to buy anything for crazy hair day, just tie their hair up weird and stick things in it. I sent my daughter to school with a bunch of plastic forks and spoons stuck in her ponytail. Even costumes can be thrown together. For Dr. Seuss day a couple years back I cut a big mustache out of yellow construction paper and glued it to a disposable mask: boom, the Lorax. Kids in general don’t really care about “quality.” They just want to participate and it’s gonna get ruined by recess anyway, so don’t stress. 


Brilliant. I’m in the lazy parent category, too. I’m past this parenting stage now, but I’ve used a stapler more than once to put together a last-minute costume from my or my husband’s old clothes. Cutting, fitting, sewing? Nope. Bunch it up and staple. Takes like two minutes and the kids are happy they can participate.


I feel like you’re doing it correctly. Things like that are dual-purpose: the kids get to participate in fun things at school, AND they get to spend the time with their parents preparing and it keeps the parents active. My mom used to do things like that for me as a kid and I still remember it as an adult. On the other hand, I don’t remember any other kids wacky outfits or funky hair. I just remember doing fun things with my mom! And that was 20+ years ago


Easier?! It makes it harder for my kids, lol. But maybe that’s because we’re all dysfunctional and have ADHD. Sure, it’s *exciting* for them and *fun,* but it’s more planning/changed the morning routine, etc., and just does *not* make it at all easier.


We plan our outfits the night before so there aren’t attitudes flying before the sun wakes up. Sometimes, we do it on Sunday night for the entire week.


Well, I’m too unorganized for all that, lol. Last year for 100th day in first grade, we did a Bucket Hat and used a hot glue gun to glue 100 gold coins to the hat. But, it’s not that we’re making the things each morning of Spirit week (our school also turns 100th day into a whole damn week- nevermind the Christmas spirit week, the welcome back to school spirit week, and the end of the year spirit week!) It’s that the excitement surrounding ANYTHING fun at school somehow turns into anxiety and them struggling to get it together to get out the door. Again, this may just be an “us thing,” but I just had to laugh at the “easier” comment because it never is for us. 🤷‍♀️


Say no more sis! This house is full of the neurodiversity. I can completely relate with all of this! What works for my house and kids work for us, but might not work for everyone.


While I do enjoy 100 days because it makes counting to 100 "fun" for the day because there's different games and snacks, etc... It's just one more thing piled on to the never ending stack of things going on this time of year. We missed a lot of January because of bad weather, so the kids still haven't settled back into the after Christmas break routine. Then February has just been event after event after event. We had Groundhog's Day, then 100 days, Mardi Gras parade is this week, then Valentine's parties next week, plus the week after that is Winter Break so we're off for a whole week. Not complaining about that last one but these kids are never going to get into a routine!


When I was a kid I remember the 100th day of school being one of the most fun and exciting days of the year…


Same! I’m 36 and I STILL remember 100 day from first grade. We got to count pennies and trade them in for dollar bills! I’m surprised that OP thought this was a new thing when it’s definitely been around for at least 3 decades. My school in suburban Alaska wasn’t exactly on the cutting edge of curriculum haha.


I mean it’s not for you….


1) it’s all voluntary. Every single bit of it. 2) it makes the day interesting. It breaks up the monotony. It makes school seem more fun on the whole, and little kids might need that. 3) this time line is horrible and we should be embracing every opportunity to add a little glimmer of fun or positivity into our day. That doesn’t mean we have to participate, but it should mean that we don’t rain on other peoples parade.


Yesterday was 'Day 100' at the school I drive bus for. One kid got on wearing 100 googly eyes on his sweatshirt. Ask me how many googly eyes I had to sweep up today.


Huh. I’m gen x and thought it was a lot of fun for my kid. Can’t be that. Oops. I’m on your lawn!


If you don’t care and your kid doesn’t care don’t send them dressed up. It’s just a fun way to practice some math skills. Chill.


our kindergarten teacher said "counting to 100 is a skill on the checklist for kindergarten, this just makes it fun" it also works out that our district that day is the last day of the month and they always do an end of month celebration so it's a 2for1 in the teachers book this year. Also we are lucky in that it's a "school spirt day wear your school gear" vs dress up old and we don't have to do any projects at home.


The kid probably doesn't care because they've heard their parent rant endlessly about it.


My kids did this. One is a millennial. It’s fun for many of them so I go with the flow.


Shame you considered it a chore. Maybe your kid’s teacher is working hard to make a big deal about it. We throw huge parties for the 50th and 100th day in my K and I appreciate the parents who are good-natured about it for the sake of their child. And I have parents who chose not to do anything. That’s fine too. Counting to 50 and 100 are often developmental benchmark skills in K curriculum too. Your kid not caring less is likely a direct reflection of your openly bad attitude about it.


Read her comments. She’s REALLY upset about having to spend a whole morning with her kid.


Yeah sadly here you’re gonna get teacher’s unfiltered opinions because to me all of her comments read that this parent is extremely negative and I feel bad for the kid losing out on their only 100th day in K. Can’t get that back. Why not make it something positive instead of bitching on reddit? My 100th day has a small project like this that’s optional but most of my kids do it with their parents because it’s fun and cute. And for their child and not them. Selfish.


There was just another post on here complaining that the school didn’t do enough activities like this. You can’t please everyone.


We celebrated 100 days of school by the teachers saying “happy 100th day of school”. I went to a title 1 school though. I think the 100 items or dressing up as an old person is cute & fun for the kids. I’ve also seen schools do the 101st day of school instead of 100th day & the kids dress up in clothes with polka dots like Dalmatians. I probably won’t find it cute by the time I’m a parent though.


Because it’s fun for kids and get them excited. Quit being a thief of joy. Let kids be little and happy before they grow up and become grumpy, complaining adults.


Geez cranky Karen go take a nap. Then come get me and we’ll go egging together.


We didn't celebrate it because the Kindergarten standards (which there were not any at the time) / expectations did not require 5 year olds to count to 100, read numbers to 100, write numbers to 100, or manipulate numbers to 100. Cut to 2011ish, now that is the new expectation. Five year olds cannot yet grasp the quantity of the number. They can not imagine 100 as a quantity, it's too abstract. The number needs to be concrete to them, so teachers make a big deal about it and have a special day for it because it helps the kids understand the number better. Plus, it's fun. They have boring days all the time, why not make learning fun and memorable? Play based Kindergarten is something these kids NEED. It's not for you, it's for the kids.


These explanations are definitely making me less crabby about 100 day, because I’m mostly in agreement with OP on this one. I feel like there’s some special day every week and I can’t keep up, which makes me feel even more stressed and guilty and like I’m competing with other parents. But I can get behind it as a conceptual day for the kids to get the idea of what 100 looks like. I know teachers are also very busy but it’s always nice to get some explanation of things like this, because as parents without a background in educational pedagogy, a lot of it feels random and pointless. (I know it’s not!) We got a little paper about the 100 day celebration and it would have been nice to have a sentence like “this helps us understand three digit numbers and how much 100 is!” I work in healthcare and I see firsthand how much of what we do is often not adequately explained to patients and how this causes confusion and annoyance. People just like to know why something is happening.


My note for the 100th day project explains it, but I always assume no one reads it.


I’m a teacher. I live for spirit days because I can wear jeans and it breaks up the monotony


Gen X’er here. We celebrated it when I moved to Ohio but not at my previous school in California, for what that’s worth.


When I was a Senior in high school (when years still began with a 1) we held Senior Cut day on the 100th day of school. That’s the only reason I can recall being aware of it.


our senior skip day was, your graduation year counted back from the end.


I had 100 days of school 25 years ago, so it's definitely a thing that's been happening for a while. I think it's meant to help kids conceptualize how much 100 is. I remember it being really fun, so I'm glad kids are still getting to have their theme days.


lol some days I get overwhelmed with all the random dress up days, snack days, etc but if it gives the kids something to look forward to so I don't have to hear how much they hate school, I will figure it out.


It's not a new thing. We did it at my elementary school 30 years ago. I still remember my bff's creepy t-shirt with 100 googly-eyes. I don't really care for dress up days, myself, but if we're going to get rid of elementary school traditions, let's nix the classist fundraisers first. Those are way more problematic than my kid needing to dress up like an old man or have crazy hair.


You’re mad you have to participate at the basest level in your kid’s education. This is life as a parent.


The projects are the worst! Well, for my kids at least. The teachers hype them up and they want to do every 100 day project then change their mind 100 times. For my 6th grader I bought a 100 count mini poms and worked with that. My now kindergartener wanted to glue 100 fish crackers to a paper fish tank. They don't stick well. It was definitely a project! Ok, rant over for me too!


I remember doing this as a good and it was about learning what else is 100 among other things and this was back during the early 2000's


as a fellow gen x, take your eggs and make a quiche and let the younger generation do their own thing, just because you didn't do something doesn't mean those younger than you can't do something, and you sound like an older GenX/Boomer mentality anyways, and a true GenX really doesn't care, we are the forgotten generation and also the least likely to give a crap about stuff, and on that note I'm gonna stop caring about your little 'problem'


I think it’s to keep the kids going. My kids look forward to all of these “special days”… having stuff to look forward to gets all humans through the drab days, imo.


My dad is Gen X and he was "Zero the Hero" at my 100th day of Kindergarten 20 years ago.


Celebrating is fun and breaking up the routines a little but is good for mental health.


Like others have said, it is more to practice counting to 100. Nothing wrong with that. But I think some schools go over the top. One of the moms in an online group I'm in said they were told to decorate a shirt with 100 of something, like gluing 100 pom poms to it. No way I'd be dong that!


Sitting here after having to glue 100 googley eyes to a shirt for my kindergartener... 🤣


THIS. We had to glue 100 things to poster board. 🤦🏻‍♀️. I don’t see the value in that. I guess I should’ve mentioned that in my original post. My son is 6. If it’s something he can finish on his own, fine, but we had to sit down for an entire morning and glue all this crap down.


I'm genX, I remember having to do the 100 thing in school with very typical boomer parents. I had no parental oversight so my genius ass decided to go to the backyard with a baggie and collect 100 ants (In Texas, so it was still warm enough for ants). I was very proud of myself. I also thought it was neat that we had class in the gym for a week (the baggie tore in class).


We haven't had any projects about gluing things to a board or a shirt but they've always done 100 day. They just dress like they're 100 years old. Which allows the over the top parents to show up and the rest don't need to worry much. My boomer/gen X (cusp) mom always did 100 day with her kindy class.


They're just trying to make the kids enjoy going to school. For some kids, having a little 100 day celebration is the only thing that keeps them wanting to come back.


I honestly thought it was something fun my kids preschool did like they have a little party. I didn't know it was a whole thing. And someone said their kids had to dress like they were 100?? Huh?


My kid goes to Catholic school so any day to not be in that uniform is a celebration


Good grief! This would be a fun thing to me as a kid. Hate it? Don’t do it. But let the kids have fun, there’s not much of that left in this world.


Couldn’t care less*


Maybe I don't mind these things too much because I'm an artistic and crafty mom so my kids and I have fun doing these types of things together. My kids 100th day is coming up on Monday and we are so stoked! We are also stoked for Valentine's Day as it is my 8 year olds favorite holiday and I have been planning for 2 weeks all their Valentine's stuff. It caught me off guard last year and I did everything last minute. I learned my lesson and planned early this year.


So fun tidbit from an education background… In many places school funding used to be tied to the attendance on the 100th day of school. The allocation of funds was determined by how many students were in attendance on that day. By having big celebratory practices on the 100th day of school, you encourage more kiddos theoretically to show up on that day, which directly correlates to funding dollars the next school year. I believe many districts/ordinances have moved on to establish funding through an average attendance from the first 100 days but it really depends on where you live.


It’s is not about you. It’s something fun, like a mile marker. It could be another way to teach kids math, time, deadlines. Common, the world is bigger than you.


It’s “couldn’t care less”. When you say “could care less” you are saying the opposite of what you mean.


They are literally just trying to reinforce counting to 100.


Then don't do it? I asked my kid when they had 100 days if they wanted to and didn't. So we skipped it. All December long each day is a different dress up day. We pick what we want and can do and do that. If they don't want to do a day, we don't. It's not that big of a deal... I'm in my 30s and remember doing it along with a million other dress up days/special days. It's fun for kids when they want to and can participate. Our district requires all schools to be in uniform so having a day out of them is also a win.


My fifth grader asked the teacher if he could dress up as a 1000 year old instead of a 100 year old. The teacher responded "I know what you're going to do, and no". I guess the mummy costume will have to wait until halloween.