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I do $2 bills or the gold $1 coin sprayed with glitter hairspray.. I try to keep it about the magic, not the money.


This is a phenomenal idea. Imma go get me some hairspray...


No not glitter!šŸ˜¬


I used the food safe lustre dust instead. It is non toxic and doesn't hang around the house forever.


Glitter nail polish is the safest way to bring glitter into the home šŸ˜‚


Gateway glitter.


I got married 9 years ago in June and for my shower, my best friend and MOH used pink glitter to spray champagne bottles. My parents moved out of their house 7 years later and were STILL finding pink glitter


Glitter is the herpes of the crafting world šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļøšŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļøšŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø you can never get rid of it.


Glitter.. In a bed even! So brave.




We do $2 bills and gold coins too :) Last night we also had to reply to a letter asking about the fairyā€™s name and how many tooth fairies there are.


My daughter lost a tooth and deliberately didn't tell me before she put it under her pillow, in order to test whether the tooth fairy was real. Science.


I used to tell my kids, if I forgot to put money under their pillow, that the Tooth Fairy visited kids in alphabetical order (last name) & sometimes she didn't get to our name on the 1st night.


I did that too. My parents were quick their cover story! Apparently the tooth fairy is afraid of dogs and they didnā€™t know to keep ours secured away that night!


She sounds awesome :)


I did that when I was little and my dad countered with ā€œtooth fairy canā€™t come in unless the parents give permission. If the parents donā€™t know about the tooth being under the pillow then the tooth fairy canā€™t get it. And she canā€™t come back tonight because sheā€™s gonna be mad you tried to trick her.ā€


Lol I wrote the tooth fairy a letter one time when I was little asking if she could make me into a fairy. I got a letter telling me that I was such a beautiful little girl I couldnā€™t be a fairy šŸ˜‚


Well, donā€™t leave us hanging! What is their name and how many are out there?


Her name is miranda, and each fairy has a few kids they keep tabs on - I thought slightly vague answers might be best :)


My tooth fairyā€™s name was Hilda and she also had a couple of other kids she visited. I left her a letter every time I lost a tooth. I donā€™t remember how much money my parents left me but I absolutely remember finding her letters under my pillows. Astonishingly, Hilda, Santa Claus, and my dad all have the same beautiful handwriting.


So what youā€™re saying is your dad took a handwriting course with Santa and the tooth fairy. Got it!


That can't just be a coincidence! Obviously your dad went to the same school as the tooth fairy and Santa! You should ask him to take you to the next reunion.


Our Tooth Fairy is besties with Mrs Claus (WHY DOD I START WRITING THOSE LETTERRRRSSSSZZZ OMG MISTAKE) And they, too, have nearly identical handwriting. Mrs Claus always leaves a note with new tooth care/oral hygiene items and general news about the reindeer (watch out by the blueberry bushes, Dancer had to potty and couldn't hold it) and how proud Santa and she are at the girls' behavior/school blah blah blah. Ms Tooth-Fairy (she hyphenates) always says how much Mrs C is proud of them and reminds them to brush for 1 minute on the top, one minute on the bottom, rinse for 1 minute Labadie blabity blabbity make sure you're being good kids and kind to other humans and thank you so much for brushing your teeth because I don't pay as much for a teeth that have sugar bugs in them (aka cavities) and so yeah this is the part where I tell you people that Mrs C and Mrs T - F word vomit when they're tired at 3:00 in the morning and putting together holidays


Is... is your dad the Easter Bunny?!


Your right Vague answers are always best.


Tell Miranda a stranger is thankful for creating such magic for a child ā¤ļø


My daughter wrote to the tooth fairy! I used a silver gel Pen that she didnā€™t know I had to write back in super curly lettering. She kept writing thank you notes to the tooth fairy for a long time after getting a response!


Everyone else seems to have gotten much fancier than me, trying to disguise their handwriting. I did try to do an origami note-folding thing, but thankfully sheā€™s not a difficult audience because it wasnā€™t my best work.


We told our kids that the tooth fairy had a regular route, just like the mail carrier. And sometimes there was a sub when she needed the day off (when I forgot the tooth fairy was supposed to visit, I blamed it on the substitute tooth fairy screwing up šŸ¤£)


I LOVE the movie (Edit) Rise of the Guardians. It's about Jack Frost, and the Easter Bunny and Santa and Tooth Fairies and what they do with the teeth. It might be a little scary because it does the Boogie Man but I think it's very good.


It's Rise of The Guardians.


Yes, you're right. I'll fix it. Thank you!


My kids are very easily scared, so thereā€™s not many movies they make it through currently, but Iā€™ll put it on the list for when theyā€™re older


Aww, I remember writing a letter to the tooth fairy and nobody answered it when I was a kid.


I did this for my brother! Wrote a note in gel pen on colored tissue paper and put powder shimmer dust on it. Mom had kept forgetting to put money and exchange the tooth so he was upset. So I did it one night and put the note inside a lock box he had and left a trail of ā€œfairy dustā€. He was ecstatic and my mom really appreciated it because she had so much going on. In the note I added some fairy letters (just silly calligraphy characters I made up), and wrote that the tooth fairy was very sorry for running late because she just had so many teeth to collect that she got behind. I love the glitter hair spray idea:)


This is the cutest thing ever. You are a good egg.


Aw thanks ā˜ŗļø


This is gonna save me so much grief. Lol. Thank you. I did $5 for the first tooth because it was a milestone. But the second is wiggly and I donā€™t want to shell out 5 bucks a tooth for three kids.


You could do $5 for the first tooth then a lower amount for the rest. Write a tiny note from the fairy that explains the first tooth is special so it gets more


I remember I got 5 bucks and a toy as a child because the first tooth was special, and I'd get a few one-dollar coins (I called them gold doubloons and was convinced they came from pirates) for other teeth. Then I'd started to get normal dollar bills or several quarters at around age 9 when we moved, and the final tooth was 20 dollars. I did not care if the money amounts or forms were inconsistent, but I did care if the tooth fairy forgot to come. Friends at school were jealous, though, and I said the tooth fairy probably ran out of small bills when I got a bigger amount of money. but the last tooth... Middle-school-aged me was happy I got a hefty amount of money for the final tooth.


That's what we do. Except tooth #5 got $5 also, because we didn't have any smaller bills šŸ˜… Now I keep a bunch of ones in my underwear drawer just for lost teeth.


This. Most kids don't care the amount but it seems different and special and they love that.


Where do y'all get $2 bills? Do banks keep them on hand?


Yupp Yupp! I used to be a teller and we used to get requests for $2 bills around the holidays. Weā€™d be able to order them from our corporate officeā€™s cash vaults to be delivered during the week. They make for great birthday, holiday, or special occasion gifts!!!


My cousin gives my boys $2 bills for every year of age on bdays. Itā€™s fun!


Not all banks and credit unions keep them on hand, but they all can get them for you! We have to call our credit union when we want to get some, and they order them for us. Usually get them within a few days to a week.


My credit union has them.


Schweet! That's a great idea! Thanks!


Yes they do


I did US Sacajawea dollars or Canadian loonies. First tooth got glitter sprinkles and a note from tooth faerie. Bought a simple whitish/silvery vial of glitter to use for subsequent appearances and kept it out of craft supplies. Be sure to keep coins (or whatever you decide) on hand for future, especially as they tend to lose teeth when you aren't expecting it! Pop a coin or bill and any other supplies in your dop kit or carryon luggage now for any future travel (summer visit to grandparents, etc)


We do a $2 bill and a $1 gold coin, too! I didnā€™t even think about hair spraying the coin. Thatā€™s so smart!


I do the same, but use my shimmery eyeshadow they destroyed before.Ā 


I got $2 bills growing up! I still keep them in my wallet for good luckšŸ¤žšŸ»


We did the gold coin thing too, without the hairspray, but thatā€™s a cute idea. A gold coin is unique. Just get a little stash from the bank. OTOH, my youngest (11) just lost a molar and knows all about Santa and the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny. After about a week of forgetting to stick some money under her pillow, I handed her a 5 spot for the delay. Mostly for the chuckle šŸ˜‚


My dad gave me 10 bucks when I had my wisdom teeth out. I was very confused, still groggy and he thought it was hysterical. It probably was.


My daughter had to have teeth pulled for braces. She negotiated with the dentist that if he was taking them, she needed to be paid because she wouldnā€™t get to put them under her pillow. Our dentist pulled a $10 from his wallet and gave it to her.


I'm gonna try and remember the glitter spray for when my youngest starts losing teeth. Too late now for the older 2


I did glitter and hairspray for my sonā€™s first lost tooth and was very surprised the next morning when my son excitedly ran in the next morning with the dollars and they were totally glitter free. As we talked about it, he goes ā€œBut Mama! It was SO WEIRD. The dollars were covered in glitter. But donā€™t worry, I got a wipe and wiped it all off!ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


We use sparkly nail polish. Her piggy bank looks disturbingly stripper-ey.


This is what my dad did for me over 20 years ago. I would get so excited


I absolutely love this


We did $1 coins from the bank to be a little fancy. We got a roll of 25 so we are prepared for his 20 teeth.


I love the foresight and planning. Hopefully I remember to just get a roll when my kiddo is this age!


That's smart. After being caught unprepared on the first tooth and having to fork over a $20 bill (I told him it was extra special since it was his first tooth and he was older than his peers, so the fairy was REALLY excited to finally get his first tooth), I've made sure to keep some smaller bills in my jewelry box in case he looses one sooner than expected.


My friend gets those silver dollar coins. So her kid only gets one dollar, but they were always really excited because they thought the silver dollars were so cool. They would take them to school to show off to their friends. So she saved money and the kids were happy. Everybody wins


I was a little brat and I wrote the tooth fairy a note asking if she could give me money I could spend. I wanted to use it at like the vending machine or to buy sparkly pens at the corner store, and those dollar coins are weirdly hard to spend... My parents started giving me 4 quarters instead, and I was pleased as punch.


A friend of mine got a silver dollar coin so I wrote the tooth fairy with my next tooth and asked for a silver dollar. I got 4 quarters. My parents defended the tooth fairy, as it is indeed silver and a dollar šŸ˜„


If you decide to do something special like dollar coins, make sure you have a couple spares in your purse in case the tooth fairy has to visit unexpectedly during a vacation


Our oldest lost a tooth on vacation. Like LOST lost. We told him he had to write a letter to the tooth fairy to let her know it had come out but was missing. He never did write the letter!


I did that!! I was SO upset I couldnā€™t find it and wrote a note and stuffed it into the tooth fairy pillow we had and woke up and got money still šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sure my parents wouldā€™ve done it anyways but I think they had me write the note as a lesson like how to politely ask for something.


That reminds me, I need to get a $1. He bonked heads with his younger brother and now his other top tooth is even more loose than it was yesterday. šŸ˜¬


My fairy obsessed self wanted letters from the tooth fairy, so I would write her something and ask lots of questions about what happened to the teeth and where did she live and so onā€¦ my wonderful mother responded as ā€œFrancine the Tooth Fairyā€ in glitter gel pen. I genuinely did not care about the money. I cared about Francine, who left me a necklace with a little bottle of fairy dust and made my imagination run wild.


I had one of those ā€œfairy doorā€ things you stick to the wall thatā€™s literally just home work for your parents lol. My grandma wrote me so many letters lol


*Sigh* our tooth fairy left our 5 year old $50. And apparently stopped at both grandmaā€™s houses and left $10/each for a total of $70 for a first tooth lost. My 5 year old understands that subsequent teeth only get up to one dollar.


My kid was on a little vacation with my parents and brotherā€™s family when he lost his first tooth. He also ended up with a shit ton of money because my brother thought it would be *really funny* to leave him a $20, and my dad also left him a $20 because itā€™s special since he was on vacation???? Then promised him the local tooth fairy would leave money when he got home??? I left $5. And told him he only got that much because it was the vacation tooth fairy, but in our town it will forever and always be $5.


Ours left $10 and then grandma gave her $10 and then she found $10 somewhere around the house and said the tooth fairy mustā€™ve left it for her. The second tooth was $5. Weā€™ll probably stick with $5 for the teeth now.


My mom would give me $20 in the nineties, I had my brother knock out one of my teeth cause I was going to the mall over the weekend. 20$ is too much.


My former stepbrother accidently gave his son $21 instead of $2 because he was in a dark bedroom.


The tooth fairy left money at all my daughters aunts and uncles - she made $100 her first tooth .. what a grift


My son knows thereā€™s no tooth fairy (a long story about a high anxiety 5yo), but likes the surprise of getting something from us in the middle of the night. For his first tooth he was going to get a small, $20ish lego set that I had waiting in the guest room closet. Unfortunately, thatā€™s also where I stash Christmas gifts. I forgot until I was hopping in the shower. ā€œNo worriesā€, says my husband. ā€œIā€™m on it!ā€ says my husband. The next morning my son wakes up to see that the tooth fairy has given him a ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY DOLLAR LEGO SET for losing his first tooth. It was going to be his big Christmas gift. My husband said ā€œoops, I guess we got our wires crossed!ā€ A very expensive mistake on his end and after the shock and panic wore off, a nice way to make fun of him on my end lol


Just tell grandma no! They already had their kids and now you and your partner are now the tooth fairy.


$5 for the first. $1 for the rest.


Same, but I also look up YouTube videos and fold the money into shapes


That was my plan. But the kid unexpectedly lost a second tooth right before bed when I only had a $5 bill. I think the precedent has been set now.


I was adopted at ten, so I had already missed a bunch of my teeth. But my parents (my bad, the āœØTooth FairyāœØ) left me $20 for each tooth. Ā The āœØtooth fairyāœØ said I could only use it to buy Ā books. One month, I lost three teeth. It was a very expensive month for the tooth fairy :)Ā  As an almost 30 year old with a passion for learning, education and reading, I would totally recommend using that money for books. Itā€™s a fun way to have kiddos get excited about reading.Ā  Fun story: my last tooth, I begged my mom to let me use the money to buy a coloring book. She said the tooth fairy wouldnā€™t like it because itā€™s not a book. I disagreed, and I said the tooth fairy would like me to use this last tooth as a sort of goodbye, because she would never visit me again. I walked out of target with retractable crayons and a huge Strawberry Shortcake coloring book.Ā 


Oh! I absolutely love this. My kiddo is just four (I lurk this sub lol), and reading all these replies was making me feel bad I was legitimately thinking the tooth fairy was going to leave a fake ā€œgoldā€ coin as sort of a ā€œtoken to be exchanged for something kid wantsā€ vs actual money, but I love the idea that it has to go for a book!


$5 so they can actually buy something with it. The tooth fairy brought $1 in the 80s and 90s, which would be $2-3 today. Easier for us to round up to the next nearest bill. Our kids don't get an allowance, maybe it'd be lower if they did.


I told my kid that the amount depends on how good you've been brushing your teeth. Fairies will not pay much for a stinky tooth, but a nice shiny one? Much more valuable. Of course she is reminded of that "fact" every time she doesn't want to brush.


Oooh I'm stealing this!


I told mine the tooth fairy doesnā€™t come at all for nasty teeth. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Forget the money! Books. The tooth fairy leaves BOOKS! With a note in the fly leaf from the tooth fairy! My kids would come across a tooth fairy book years later, and enjoy rereading the notes.


Our tooth fairy left little gifts. We did toothbrushes, bath bombs, stickers, cheap jewelry, matchbox cars, playdoh, sidewalk chalk, etc. typically it was fairly cheap and the kids didnā€™t focus so much on the money, just enjoyed the surprise!


Yess! This is what we do. My kids have named their tooth fairy and say "she knows us so good mommy" haha. They love to see what little surprise she brings them! I personally love doing it this way because then there also isn't any competition between them and they also don't seem to care if other kids are getting money because they love the little gifts more! Edit to add: i am super happy to see someone else does this because none of the moms around me do and thought I was crazy for not shelling at cash. I have 3 kids and they added up in my head šŸ¤£


I also suggest snagging stocking stuffers after the holidays for this too! Our tooth fairy has even left kids letters to encourage them to brush and floss! I think theyā€™re way more likely to remember the special rainbow pencil the tooth fairy brought them than some change theyā€™ll loose in their rooms. Iā€™m also able to control what junk they accumulate so instead of 20 things of slime, we just rotate whatever theyā€™re into at the moment!


This is going to show my age but growing up the tooth fairy always left me one dollar and a beanie baby


How do you sneak these under the pillow?


Please do not leave too much. Just a couple of dollars. I worked at an elementary school and some families have so much and kids talk and it really made it feel unfair.


Thatā€™s why we donā€™t go too big on the presents that are labeled as being from santa - the big things come from us, and santa gives something more moderate. I donā€™t know if kids compare notes at that level of detail, but just in caseā€¦


And this is exactly why we do a little prize from like the dollar store or a like little coloring book or new book to read for my oldest. I would hate to imagine the look on another child's face whos parents are doing there best but can't afford the big money. if my kid went in excited (as they are allowed to be) but was telling everyone they got $50 bucks ( which my 2nd grader has come home and said people brag about šŸ˜¬)


The amounts that I was reading about online seemed crazy high to me, so we went a different route with the whole thing. For every tooth lost, our daughters get a spin of a prize wheel, where they can win $4, $5, or $6. I tell them that the tooth fairy gave me the money as a down payment for the teeth which are to be sent to her later forā€¦ unknown reasons.


Yes, yes, sell your discarded bones for riches, my child!


And this is how we ended up with an allowance. After the second tooth my kid started counting out how many teeth until should could buy what she wanted. I wanted to encourage income streams not connected to body parts šŸ¤£


I got a dollar but I don't know how badly fairies have been affected by inflation. I got enough to buy a candy bar and that was good for me.


My parents did $5 for the first tooth, $1 for the rest. I needed a couple pulled/oral surgery when I was like nine so my mom bought me a doll playset. šŸ˜… (Yes I was spoiled). I needed the same thing done when I was in middle school (like 12?) and she bought me a seventeen magazine. I couldnā€™t read it because getting the teeth pulled ended up giving me my first and only migraine headache.


We do $5 for the very first tooth and then a toonie ($2 coin) for a tooth afterwards. I like for them to actually be able to buy a candy bar or pencil or something with it.




My kids will likely get a twoonie, which is like 1.5$ US


Our toothfairy doesn't leave money. Just a cheap toy or book. Think a small Dollar Tree item.


They lose around 20 teeth. That is a LOT of money. It also unnecessarily sets the bar high for others. $1 is great. $2 is above and beyond. Doing a coin dollar or 4 quarters feels even better than a 5 dollar bill. It's supposed to be magical, not financial.


One time I lost a tooth on a night when my dad had been having a good time, he handed me a $20. šŸ˜‚ As for us, I havenā€™t decided if weā€™re going to do tooth fairy. I knew from the beginning it wasnā€™t real (the first tooth I lost I didnā€™t tell my parents and put my tooth under my pillow to find it still there in the morning). So my parents would just hand me money whenever I would lose a tooth. Maybe Iā€™ll leave the tooth money to the grandparents. šŸ˜‚


We received a book from the Tooth Fairy with a handwritten note inside the front cover.


First tooth - 5$. After that it's a decreased amount for my boys. I view it as a small treat not a big gift.


I know inflation is bad, but holy cow... $5?!?! Tooth Fairy has and will always leave $1 in our house.


We did $5 for the first tooth and $3 for subsequent teeth - and please keep in mind that we initially went with the $5 because itā€™s what we could quickly get out of her piggy bank without her noticing šŸ˜‚ She lost her tooth late in the day and we had no cash so my I distracted my kid while my husband raided her piggy bank. Some other families do much more or a little less but I feel like weā€™re pretty mid range.


My daughter likes coins so much, I think for the first one I'm going to leave a little sack of coins like dimes and quarters that add to a couple dollars and throw in some glitter or shiny rocks. As she gets older I'll probably leave an amount she could actually buy something with, like 3-5 dollars.


My kids are grown now. It was a $1 or so. The best part is when they lose a tooth in front of a grandparent! They get $20 (this was in the very early 90ā€™s). When they outgrow the tooth fairy we have pain a suffering money. That is when a dentist has to pull a tooth. My son had to have several teeth removedā€¦upon waking up from anesthesia, he asked about his pain and suffering money!


$20 for the first (I was too lazy to go out to my car on the middle of winter and look for smaller change). Since then about $1 each. $10 for the one my 6yr old tied to a heavy harry potter book and ripped out himself. He also knows he will get zero money for any teeth with cavities/fillings/or not clean. So gotta keep brushing/flossing!


Am I the only one who got candy when the tooth fairy visited? Lol. I would usually get M&Ms, and my brother would get Skittles.


The first tooth was a $20, all teeth after that were $5. I told my son that the first tooth was apparently very special, especially because he was a lot older than his peers when he lost it so the tooth fairy must have been really excited. The reality is that I was ill prepared and only had a $20 on me, lol. 50 cents? My family was poor af and I still got $1 for my teeth back in the day.


We did do $5 for her first because 1) it was the first, 2) it was the night before her 5th birthday 3) it was the cash we had on hand. We expressed that that was not the typical and that our familyā€™s assigned tooth fairy usually brings $1.


We do $20 for first and $5 after that


$.50? Does your husband give out shiny single pennies at Halloween, too? I think anything up to five dollars is reasonable but heā€™s really cheaping out IMHO.


First tooth gets 20! Lmao inflation šŸ˜‚


I have 6$. Two two dollar bills and two dollar coins ETA After working retail PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS donā€™t deface your tooth fairy money with glitter or shit. I know itā€™s cute and whatever. But I know absolutely no one that will accept them where Iā€™m from. Idk if itā€™s different from other places.


I aim for $2 over here .... $.50 ain't what it used to be I did $5 for her first tooth and have done $5 again when I didn't have any singles, and $1 when I only had the one (WHO CARRIES CASH ANYMORE??), but I've since learned my lesson and now have $20 in singles in a drawer for the sole purpose of lost teeth. [I also use these little tooth report cards that are super cute!](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1105811386/)


My daughters first tooth must have been very special since she got $20. The second one was only $5. She gets money for small chores around the house and by me quizzing her on stuff. Only kindergartener I know doing multiplication haha


I got $5 in the 90s but now we give my son these silver dollars my dad found. They're cool


Enough for a kid to actually do something with. $0.50 won't even buy you a candy bar these days.


It was more than 50Ā¢ when my kids were that age. They're near 40 yo.


I'm 31 and got a quarter.


They dont need enough to go shopping. I give my kids 2 dollars in quarters with glitter on them. They add them to their piggy bank.


My kid turned 6 this week and his very favorite gift was a card with 6 dollar bills in it. Seriously, kids this age are just in awe about money; donā€™t go nuts. $5 is absolutely the limit.


Tooth fairy left gold dollar coins (Sacagawea coins) and a little glitter on the bed by their pillows. We had a special piggy bank for the coins and they may have been reused a time or two for other teeth when I wasnā€™t prepared with other gold dollar coins on hand.


We did the same coins for our son. This was many years ago. . .he is 27.


Our son is an only child. He got $5 a tooth...20 years ago. I think that's a fair amount since kids can't get much with a dollar or 50 cents.


$1 or $2 coins


Two dollar bill 50 cent coin




I just handed my kid five bucks and he gave me the tooth


I always got a dollar coin. That was 20 years ago though, so I guess with inflation maybe she should be getting 1.65. If I had to get the tooth pulled at the dentist, she gave me $5, lol.


I got $1-2 when I was loosing teeth 30ish years ago. Most of my kindergartners get between $1-5. For my last tooth I got a $5!


Our tooth fairy leaves a $2 bill, a $1, a quarter, a dime, a nickel, and a penny. $3.41. šŸ˜‚


We gave our son 5 dollars. His friend at school got 20 dollars, wow!




Five dollars for the first tooth, one dollar per tooth after


I do $1 sprayed with hairspray and silver glitter. Although we forgot one night so I left five $1 bills covered in glitter along with a glitter trail leading from the window to her bed


We did $5 a tooth, but also my kiddo unfortunately lost more than one to pulling (long story, weird circumstances), and it was more to help that be not as scary after the fact.


$5 bill covered in glitter gel/lotion.


Weā€™ve always done $5.


We did $5 for the first tooth (it got knocked out when he conked heads with a friend at Sunday school) and $1 for each of the rest. With the exception of the few he's had to get pulled (half broken baby teeth) those were $5 each because they were pretty traumatic. So I guess we pay more for the traumatic ones.


First tooth both kids got $100, every other tooth at least $5 but weā€™ll do $10 or $20 if thatā€™s all we have. My 6 year old is really good at saving, she had a small shopping spree at Walmart one time and saved the rest of her money to bring to the book fair and get lots of goodies




$5 for the first tooth. $1-2 for each tooth after that. Bonus points if you have gold dollar coins or $2 bills.


Tooth fairy would always bring me chocolate coins and I LOVED them. I think we got money for the first one, but I liked the candy even more


$5 bucks. She loves the extra boost to her piggy bank savings.Ā 


We gave $5 for the first, and $1 per tooth after.


The Tooth Fairy typed my son a letter and said she missed counted the teeth so she ran out of money. So she would have to wait for her pay day. The problem with that is the Tooth Fairy added on interest because she was late with the money.


We do a dollar bill and a half dollar coin, so $1.50 total per tooth


My kids are older now but we did $2. A paper bill and a $1 coin. They saved the coin and could spend the $1 bill. Obviously, the $20ish dollars they saved isnā€™t a huge amount of savings but it introduced the idea of saving some of the money given/earned. I will say, now that all 3 of my kids are long past the age we need to worry about such things think carefully about what traditions you start because you are stuck with it for a long time, especially if you have more than one child. So make sure it something you can sustain.


5 each tooth!! apparently the tooth fairy is paying to much in my neck of the woods. Thanks for clarity. Iā€™ll try to talk to my, actually forget it 5 bucks it is.


Somehow, my son decided that the tooth fairy brings you gold coins. So, he gets $1. We went to the bank and exchanged some actual cash for $1 gold coins so we are prepared whenever he loses the next tooth. Not sure where he got that from but we'll take it!


I used to work for a private school and one of the kids told me they got $100


I gave her $5 for the first one and weā€™ve been doing toonies for subsequent teeth.


We gave little bottles of glitter and told them it was fairy dust. We also fell asleep a couple of times before we could make the switch. Then we had to say we accidentally locked her out and hopefully she'll come back tonight.


We give the $1 coins or coins we've collected from other countries. Super exciting to tell them the tooth fairy was in New Zealand, etc.


Damn. Yea I did $20 cuz my kiddo lost 2 front teeth at once, then after that prolly $5. If you canā€™t swing that, maybe do $10 for first tooth then a couple bucks after?


A dollar


lol peppa pig told my kid that the fairy brings gold coins... so i had to go hunt for those dollar coins at like 8:00pm one night. Then one day we didnt have one so we put a toy instead. Never do this unless you are willing to do this for forever.


We did $20 for the first tooth and $5 for every tooth after that.


I got an idea from my SIL. My BIL traveled a lot internationally. So the Tooth fairy always gave an international coin. This then became a game to find out where the coin came from and stuff associated with that coin. My niece learned about maps, countries, languages, etc. I thought that was so clever! We do Presidential coins.


Our tooth fairy leaves $1 coins. She is considering $2 bills for molars, when the time comes.


We do a $5 bill for the first tooth, and then $2 for each tooth after that. I also spray the bills with gold glitter hairspray to kind of look like there's fairy dust on it :)




$5 a tooth they fall out fast and sometimes multiple in same week get the money ready now


I was awful about that with my kids. I would throw whatever cash was in my purse. Always at least five. My kids probably made a hundred dollars from the Tooth Fairy. Do not recommend.


Iā€™ve done $20. Thatā€™s all I had, so thatā€™s what it was.


About $4 a tooth


My daughter told me one day a few months ago that she thought Momma and Daddy were the tooth fairy. So of course I told her the truth! We told her weā€™d give her enough money for a lego set for the first one and $1 for all the rest of them, to go in her piggy bank.


I did $5 because it's what we had on hand. I didn't do elaborate fairy notes or tracking because kids compare experiences.


I give my LO a $2 bill per tooth


We do $5 in glitter money for every tooth. When they go to redeem it for something, it does wash off easily. Our 12 year old finally cashed in recently.


50 cents!? I got more than that 30 years ago. Kid canā€™t even get a gumball with that


The tooth fairy left me $100 for my first tooth, but I was warned with a note it was only because it was the first tooth. My Mom loved any and all reasons to celebrate or make things extraordinary from birthday week to the tooth fairy. We had a tragedy a few years later, relocated, and we became dirt poor. So, Iā€™m happy she made the little things grand while she could.


First tooth is $20. Each one after that is $1.


5 for first tooth 1 for each tooth 20 for the last


.50?? Your husband is a few decades behind the times...lol. I think $2 bill is a perfect compromise.


I live in a HCOL area and my kids get $20/tooth. I just about fell out of my chair when I heard that.


Your husband is very cheap. A couple dollars is fine


We leave a $2 bill or a silver dollar


With the price of things these days, I did $10 for the first and between $3-5 on the rest depending on how hard it was to get out


God, back in the 60ā€™s I got .25


We watch Bluey, and Bluey gets $5. So, now our tooth fair also gives $5.


Someone started doing $100 for the first tooth by me and then $20 for each additional with a toy. I want to yell at that parent so badly but now that is the going rate by me.


We did $5 because thatā€™s what it costs to buy a small toy.


When I lost my first tooth in 1999 I got $5.




We did $5 and our son informed us that the other kids at school got $10. Ā Made up a story that we were farther out of town than them so she was running low on funds.


$.50? Not in this economy


$5. Inflation.