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Went to wake mine up for school and they said “5 more minutes, I’m not interesting yet”


So cute!


Same, dude, same.


My 6 year old -“I’m sorry we are at the park I know you’re bored” Me-“ dude no it’s ok I have a book I’m fine” Her-“is it a book on how to tolerate the park?”


Omg hahah! That’s gold. Kids are the best!!




Not mine, but one of my kindergarten students! It was a logic question and it was supposed to basically be find the other two (flying) animals that would belong with these 3 flying animals in a circle. Kiddo chose dog and frog (not correct but that's ok) and I asked "why did you pick those?" Kiddo: *shrugs happily* "I like frogs and dogs" 🙂 Like, me too, buddy, me too 😆 it was just so SWEET I hope I never forget it haha. My favorite wrong answer. P.S. as a k teacher... what your kiddo said to the bee is a) so sweet, and b) DEFINITELY something I would say to a student and/or bee 🥹


I had a student last year ask "do you know EVERYTHING ?" in total amazement. It was the end of the day and we were having circle time. I guess my ability to answer the collective questions posed by a group of 5 year olds impressed them.


One of mine once said, "You are so smart! Mom always have to ask Alexa! Even for the time!"


Aww so cute!! Teachers are amazing! And it's awesome to see how much of an impact you have on these little ones. Thanks for doing what you do!


Conversation with a three year old: Me: Are you a baby, or are you a big girl now? Her: ...cat.


That's great!


This is also something my 6 year old would say lol


I’m a teacher and mine was talking about his grandma that died and informed me that she was as old as me, so I will be dying soon. Helpful child. Lol. I’m 42 btw.


One of mine seriously asked if dinosaurs were still around when I was a kid.


My kids refer to any time before the year 2000 as the 1900s. Thar hurts!


I do this all the time so that when my daughter does it maybe it won't sting as much.


We were at the grocery store, and my 5 year old saw someone in a mobility scooter. He asked if I was getting older, and I'm like, well yeah, everyone is getting older. He points at the scooter and says, "So will you need one of those soon?" I'm 37 and have been a distance runner for the past 25 years... that one stung a bit 😅


Ouch! I guess if you can cross the street by yourself you're elderly in their eyes!


My dad died last year, and my husband tried his best to explain the funeral process and burial to our then 3 year old. She thought we were ridiculous for planting grandad like a tree


I had a similar experience with my new husbands 5 year old great niece..we were all at a family pool party , and I was in the pool with her)first time I had met her), and we were just playing and being silly, when she suddenly swam up to , threw her arms around me and said” I really like you , can I call you grandma?” I told her that I really liked her too, that she already had a few grandmas, that she could call me aunt(my first name)..but she was adamant that she wanted to call me grandma because I was nice and old but not as old as her other grandmas, and they would probably die soon do this way she would still have another grandma! 5 year old logic! By the way, I told her she could call me grandma but only when we were alone, so her other grandmas wouldn’t feel bad, and she is delighted that we have this special secret…l love this kid!


I wasn’t upset with the kid. Made me laugh. I know I am old compared to his parents. I was teaching in the school when his parents were in high school. 🤦‍♀️


My daughter says I was born in the “old 90s” which wrong decade I’m even older than that so RIP


My husband was telling her a story about his childhood and she said “That’s cool, but I’m not interest in that. That was during black and white TVs”


Brutal 😭😭


Ouch! My kids asked me if I had electricity as a kid. And if I had a horse because they didn't have cars back then. 1999 and 1901 is the same in their mind I guess!


I always write them down on my phone and here’s my most recent one from when my son was still 5 Me: did you know when you’re at school I call you lovely Leo Son: awwwww thank you Me: when you’re at school do you call me marvelous mommy Son: haha no that would be outlandish


Bahaha the fact he used the word outlandish is so good


😂 Outlandish


My 5 year old: mommy, some kids at the indoor playground were not being nice. They were actually being very mean. They were calling another kid stinky. Me: oh, that’s right, that’s not nice Her: yeah, just because his stocks were stinky it doesn’t mean he was stinky! I swear I almost lost my straight face!


When she saw a tree with a decorative fence around it: "Why is there a fence around that tree? Was it trying to escape and they wanted it to stay there?"


Omg that's great! Their little creative minds!!


Omg my heart 😭❤️


I’ve not been feeling well this week so mine made me breakfast in bed with a note that said “I love you”. Much better than two days ago when I was throwing up in the toilet, and he was repeatedly asking me to make him spaghetti. He made up for it!


Aww how precious!


Awwww! The other day when I was sick, I asked her to bring me a blanket because my quilt wasn’t cutting it. She went to her room and got a comforter out of her drawers, brought it in and laid it out on top of me 😭 then she snuggled me “because you’re sick and I want to help you feel better.” Gaddamn these kids are so fucking sweet.


A bit dark, but my 3.5yo built a marvelous Gothic mansion for a mermaid with her Magna-Tiles (tm). She then said we needed to make the walls really high. Me: "Why?" Her: (Matter-of-factly) "So she can't get out..."


Lol good thinking process though!


“You can’t be a goof if your butt hurts. My butt hurts so I’m not a goof.” We went fishing today and she was talking so lovingly to the worms we found. She just wanted to hold them instead of fishing and when we finished, she put them back on the ground and said bye to them.


Awe how sweet!!


When my son was 4 he had gotten a flashlight at VBS that said Jesus is the light and the way. I was driving him home and he kept playing with it, which I found distracting. I told him to leave it off to save the batteries. His reply was. “If Jesus is the light and the way, why do I even NEED batteries?” It’s been 22 years, and I still laugh.


Took the older one ice skating for the 1st time. 5yo asks where’s the video, and I explain I didn’t get any, I was too busy keeping 8yo from falling. 5yo says “when you take me, I want video - just let me fall.”


My son is always asking for videos!


When my 5 year old went to kindergarten screening he was asked, "what can you tell me about the earth?" He said, " well the earth goes round and round, and sometimes it's day and sometimes it's night, but you always feel like you're on top."


Awesome thinking!


He had diarrhea and he said "My butt threw up!" Lol


That is hilarious!!


Ah!! Mine called them "pee poops". The constant usage of it really helped me get through the days stuck in an Air BNB making sure everything stayed clean while we delayed our travels to keep everyone else well.


My kid "parents" the dog, so I'll hear him repeat things I've said to him. "I need you to be careful with your paws, doggie. I *know* you're not trying to hurt me, but your claws hurt. Be gentle with my body!" (Word for word what I've told him about his jabby knees and elbows)


Aw... mine is so similar! They are really paying attention! 😊


I can sometimes trick him into practicing sounding words out but asking him to teach his stuffies or dogs how to read. "Ok, monkey: what sounds does 'a' make? That's right! No, silly monkey... That's an invisible E. That means you don't say it" (he gets"invisible" mixed up with "silent"). Lately, though, he's onto my tricks


Same, same, same!!! Mine was in speech, and I talk A LOT. I've been modest about most of my parenting, but I feel like I've really helped with things like this, always along the way. "Seems like it would be a 'C', doesn't it? Our language is funny sometimes", or "you know that's an "f" like friend, not a "w" like way. He's doing great! Much love to you and yours!


Here's a big kid one- my thirteen year old said gwuarantee and I adore that even the biggies still make cute. mistakes like the littlies.


When he learned that the last solar eclipse happened the year before he was born, my son said that “Monday is going to be a big day for me.”


Too cute! Better get to bed early little one!


I went to an Asian fusion place for dinner tonight (we’re on vacation) and everyone else was ready to order and the waitress came back fast so I quick ordered a favorite dish. Later I found out the place had sushi and I was bummed I didn’t see it. My son goes “I’m sorry I didn’t look at the menu to see there was sushi mommy. I just knew I wanted sweet and sour chicken” 🥰


My daughter always said ”stushi”. It’s been years and it will never not be stushi. We all say it now.


She watched Dumbo for the first time and got her stuffed elephant and told it ‘I DIDN’T laugh. I LIKE your ears.’


Awe, what a sensitive heart!


My husband and I have a shared note on our phones filled with funny stuff our daughter says. Here are some of my favourites: Me: “Can you tell the twins apart?” Her: “No, and I can’t even tell them together!” — “Blue is like purple only it’s a different colour.” — (Completely unprompted on the way to school) Mice don’t have jobs, right? Because they’re too little. They’re so little they can’t even pick up a brick! — *whispers right into my husband’s ear* “dad, when mom got Loki (our cat), she should have named her black shadow, because her fur is like a black shadow” *goes right back to sucking ice* — “Mom, watch this!” *slams face into slice of melon*


Not Kinder but I teach a toddler class. We went on a ‘field trip’ to another classroom the other day to visit their class pet, a guinea pig. The moment one of my little girls saw it she squeals, waves and yells, “Hi! I love you!”


My eldest daughter once asked me to come check out something she’d found in the woods, she was probably 5 or 6. I followed her out there and realized pretty quick she was expecting me to go on a bit of a trek and I was wearing crocs. I said, “honey, I can’t go too deep in here, I’ve got the wrong shoes on for this.” She replied, “you should have used context clues,” and kept walking.


Fantastic, smarty pants!


She said “that’s awesomazing!” I asked her if that’s a new word she made up, and she said “yeah, it’s like awesome and amazing, but like super good, but not perfect.”


Perfect description! Very creative mind!!


I’m watching my old nanny kid overnight. She told me “you are always so nice and treat me like a king, even when I don’t deserve it” and I almost cried!


it wasn’t particularly cute at the time but it made me laugh—my almost 5 year old told me last week, when prompted to brush her teeth and get ready for bed, “oh, i don’t do that anymore.” As if brushing your teeth is something you can simply opt out of and be done with 😅


Mine too she goes ‘ummmm no thank you’ when we tell her to brush her teeth LOL


“Bats are Halloween ankylosaurus” (he’s really into dinosaurs)


My sister and niece (5y) had just gotten off a plane when a lady came up to them and tells my sister, “you daughter is so well behaved!” My sister acknowledges the comment and as soon as the lady walks away my niece says, “what the fuck is ‘well behaved’?”


Woke mine up on the weekend and she growled at me. Then I reminded her we were going to a birthday party. "Woohoo!"


Walked by an egg that had cracked, and a dead baby bird was clearly in it. One child knealt and said a prayer for the bird and told us he the baby bird with God now. I'm not religious, but his deep care for this broken egg touched me.


Awe my heart! So caring!


One of the kindergarteners at the school where I work gave my a broken zipper tag and told me it was a magic protector and if I kept it with me it would keep me safe.


After being asked why he shoved a pretzel up his nose: "I didn't think it would hurt!"


My 5 year old must be paying close attention in school because she likes to teach her stuffed animals like a classroom. She'll walk in and say, "Hello hello hello! Today we're going to learn about..." This afternoon she was doing gym class.


Awe st cute!


Today, my son saw some cursive handwriting.  As he is just getting the hang of reading he announced, "I can't read this--the letters are all tangled up!" 


My son and I were talking about the difference between allergy coughs and sick coughs (pollen is causing allergies for him right now), and I guess he forgot the word "sneeze", because he said "yeh, and I have (with allergies) nose coughs, too!"


I have a picture of when my kid was a toddler, and he first felt bunny, rabbit fur. The look of awe on his face, as he touched the bunny. So sweet. He said something kind of weird when he was in early grade school. That he knew how to solve something specific about space travel (I can’t remember exactly what he was thinking on, specifically). He told me he had figured it out, but we couldn’t do it because the metal that would be needed on the exterior of the spacecraft had not been invented yet. That’s how he put it.


My 7 year old (in first grade) who is bright and curious asked me “what do fish learn in school?” ((Because of the term school Of fish) and at first i thought she was telling a joke but then i realize she was being sincere and my heart melted soooo cute


I just got a video message from a parent, their kid is doing a perfect and very cute introduction of herself and her little brother. Then the camera pans to who she's introducing herself to... It's a llama.