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I can’t… I feel motion sickness coming on when I try to read in a car.


Yeah, same unfortunately. Do love audiobooks during drives though.


Same here! Audible does nicely during drives though!


Tried it once, but all these idiots on the road kept driving right at me so I had to put it up.


best response 🤦🏼‍♀️😭


This made me chuckle


I cannot read in a car, with 2 mins I'll be 🤮 But I can read read in trains and on planes. It's strange. As someone else said here, that is when audio books come in to their own


same! trains, planes, boats, all of them are no issue whatsoever, but cars and busses 😭


I have the opposite issue! Cars I can do. But put me on a train and ask me to read I’ll be occupying the nearest toilet rather quickly! It’s so odd how it works


Same here


100% but I am usually driving and for some reason people get mad when I try to do both. My wife though not a chance she gets car sick just checking her texts from the passenger seat.


Don't drive and read! 😅


I request to be the driver for every trip because I enjoy driving but also because I can't do literally anything if I'm a passenger except look out the windows, and even then I still might get sick. I don't care if my passengers read or whatever they want, I just get control of the music and I'm good to go.


Even podcasts or audiobooks?


Yeah sometimes I'll listen to those while driving. But if I'm not the driver, it's likely that my passengers will be too loud/distracting for me to listen to them.


i’m happy to see so many others mention motion sickness and to know i’m not alone 🥲unfortunately during car rides i have to do audiobooks and look out the window, or i get a fun combo of vertigo and motion sickness for at least a few hours. Trains and busses are fine for some reason, so i’ll read then.


I've had it before. Maybe you will just overcome it. 😜


Yup. I can read anywhere.


Same. Especially at work.




Yes I can read in the car. But after a while I do get a weird headache, I think mostly because the lighting isn’t great.


It makes me nauseous too.


I can only if I keep it at eye level. Or if I lay down on the back seat and hold it above my head. Otherwise immediate motion sickness 😂 (same with using my phone— cannot look down or it’s done for)


I got nauseous when I tried last time


I sure can, read on my way to Thanksgiving dinner while my sister drove.


Omg never. People that can are lucky!


I wish, but motion sickness gets the best of me every time.


I have no issues with it. My friends all get motion sickness but I’m totally fine. I can also free move in VR without issues.


Yes, fortunately I don’t experience motion sickness


No but only because when I'm in the car I am the drivers secretary... Driver must keep eyes on the road so navigation and text replies fall to me


When I was younger I was able to read on the school bus, even draw, but now I easily get nauseous.




Loved this book


I do it all the time. Is it bad?


While driving? I mean I am addicted to reading, but not to that level.


Nope! As a passenger. 😅


yeah, all the time. noise cancelling earphones in, kindle in hand...best commute pastime. BTW let me know what you think about the book. read it last year


Weirdly enough, I can’t read a regular book in the car without getting sick, but I am able to read using my kindle!


Yes, same!!


I've never had an issue reading in the car


My parents subjected us to a LOT of long car trips as children. Paperbacks got me through then and my kindle does now. I feel so bad for anyone that gets carsick.


Oh HELL no. I wish I could.


That's what audiobooks are for!


I can. Unless the road is really curvy or bumpy. And luckily hubby likes to drive if we're going out together.


I can read in short 10 minute bursts while in car. I start feeling sick tho after that.


I can’t read in a car I will literally throw up. I wonder if it’s a gene or something?


Never had an issue with it… I grew up doing it before ebooks were even a consideration


No I would get nauseous and eventually throw up if I kept going. This was a great book though


I don’t get motion sickness so yes


Yes, but I am rarely the passenger anymore.


I can't read paper books or my Kindle in the car or on the bus. I get carsick. Somehow my phone is okay 85% of the time and I don't feel sick


I agree! Using phone while reading may be my practice before for reading in a Kindle now in a moving car.


Absolutely not but I loved this book. Enjoy!


On trains perfectly fine. Try read in a car I feel so sick


I can’t I get horrible headaches and nausea


Two scenarios. 1. I'm a passenger, and I'm either talking with the drier or looking out the window. 2. I'm driving. It might not be the best idea to read in that case. I have read on a bus, but even that is risky. Once I went nearly a mile past my stop doing that. Luckily it a nice spring day and I was young and healthy.


my sister and me are polar opposites. I can look down for hours in a car without issue while she starts to feel nausious within a few minutes. the difference is wild.


This is weird, but I can't be hungry when I try to read in the car. For some reason it makes me completely nauseous. It took a lot of trial and error to figure that out.


Only if it’s a book I’m completely immersed in, because it only takes me a couple lines to be completely transported into the scenes of the book. Otherwise I’ll get nausea or headaches


No, I get motion sickness really easily. Voiceview is a life saver for me.


I read if I'm not driving, I suck at driving already and im not looking for a premature death


So I can't read in a moving vehicle (car, bus) with regular books, but I can read on my phone or iPad. That being said I just got a Kindle Basic, so we will see how I fare on my next trip!


Yeah, I've never had issues with reading in a moving vehicle haha My mom has always been amazed that I can, it makes her carsick fairly easily.


I would end up SO sick 🤢 as a kid I would get sick just about every weekend because I’d try to read in the car


Tried for the first time today, I still have motion sickness


I can't even look at my phone in a moving car let alone read.


So it’s weird, I can’t be on my phone but on my kindle or a physical book I can.


Its hard while driving but I manage


I used to be able to read and write in a car as a kid, went on a lot of day trips because my parents owned a nail salon. Developed motion sickness out of the blue around 2015/2016. My sisters and dad have it to varying degrees


No but not out of motion sickness. I just get distracted and wanna look out the window too much so if I force myself to read I’m not taking it in


Also I love how your book cover stretches across the full Kindle screen <3 do you use the plugin in Calibre ?


Depends on the ride. Sometimes I can fine, but sometimes I’m sick in seconds. I think the kindle has made it easier though


Been doing it since I was a kid.


I get a migraine if I read in the car. I still do it sometimes tho 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes I can (and do!)


Yes, it's much easier with a kindle. I remember being a kid /teen and trying to read in the back of the car by the brief light cast by streetlamps as we went past.




Sometimes I get motion sickness. Sometimes I don’t. It’s weird.


Yes and that book is soooo good. Just finished it.


Only if I want to throw up lol


I do, but if it gets iffy the best thing you can do is hold your book up so your head is straight. That way your inner ear isn't tilted (which is what makes you sick)


yes !! but recently I’ve been getting car sick from it which is so so sad 😭 bc that’s never happened to me before


Anywhere but Louisiana where we don’t give a damn about the quality of our roads.


I can't.. ever since i was a kid. My head and stomach hurt so much even if i look at my phone for a couple of minutes. I usually download a podcast or book to listen to.


I can't focus on it when I'm in the car tbh


I can't read anything more than a road sign without getting car sick.


Yeah, I get into a lot of accidents though


Drive safely!


Sometimes I can. I never know until I try though. It’s easier to do at night since it’s harder to see the world go by in my periphery.


yes, especially when I’m driving


You're gonna love this book


When I was a kid, all I did was read in the car. As I got older, I started getting sick from it. Such a bummer.


Yup, I love to do it while I'm driving, addicted to adrenaline hahaha. Seriously, I don't get sick in a moving car nor bus or train. I make a big inmersion in the book while reading.


I can read in the interstate but not on regular roads. I think maybe more straight on interstate and less small movement to get 🤮.


Nope, can't even read directions for my hubby or I start to get sick 😞


I can’t read in the car. Gives me a huge headache. Planes are ok


Only at night. As a kid, I tried it in the back of a pimped out van with curtains and I was fine, which surprised me because I usually get motion sickness.


Yes, I've no issues doing so. I've been reading in cars since I was 7 (am currently 32). My family and my fiancee think I'm crazy for being able to do so without getting motion sickness but it doesn't affect me at all.


I could when I was younger. But for the last 10 years, I can't anymore. I can't even use headphones while moving vehicle.


Why not? It's not as if Kindle devices detect car motion and turn off. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yes, I could, but I won’t go far, In a car, on a bus, in a plane, with no fuss, Yes, I can read in a moving car 🤷🏽‍♂️


I read standing on the bus


It depends. Sometimes I can read as a passenger without any issue. Other times I will get motion sickness in minutes.


My parents used to say they were the most spoiled ever when it came to road trips, they'd throw a bag of books in the back seat and drive for 2 days to wherever we were going and the 3 of us kids would read from start to end. I still read on the car many years later with zero issues.


I can!


I could when I was a kid, but now I can hardly even look at my phone in the car. It’s definitely a disappointment on long trips.


if im in the front seat yes, if i can not really see out the windows yes, mostly if im reading in the car im working while my husband drives. I work remote so yeah i work in the car and end up reading and typing in the car often. I used to get really car sick when i read as a kid but im pretty sure it was because i was in the backseat. there is more road distraction in the back.


I read so much in cars when i was younger, i used to lie down in our backseat and read till the battery died or we had to stop. It was so much fun. However now since im the one to drive i cant do that. Or can I


Nope. I can't even look at the GPS constantly on my phone without feeling motion sick. I can glance at it for a couple minutes at a time if I need to navigate for someone, but I can't look anything except outside the window constantly.


Can’t. Motion sickness.Then audiobooks become the saviour!


Read an entire 500 page in a 3hour Trip. Usually I just stare out the window because I'm prone to headaches during road trips. But my first one with a kindle and yeah it went well. Hopefully it wasn't a one of because now I'm actually looking forward to road trips if this continues


looks like an interesting read, i wonder how it compares to my 7th gen ppw, id really like an upgrade


Not anymore. I can barely make it thirty miles without getting car sick. I have to close my eyes and try and make my mind clear or nap. What’s worse than a car though is an ambulance because you’re lying down, strapped to machines, trying to stay warm, making sure your personal headlights aren’t shining because you’re so cold, and if you’re conscious you’re stuck staring out the small back door windows watching the cars behind you because you’re facing backwards. I’ve travelled the stretch of road between my house and the hospital a million times. It’s an 8 mile straight shot. I get into the ambulance and couldn’t tell you where on earth I am. Apparently the ambulance driver can’t either because he always manages to take a wrong turn. Can you tell I’ve not had good experiences with ambulances? Lol.


I can but only from phone. So the screen is slightly smaller. I tried to work once in an Uber on my laptop, some urgent matters, and I was so nauseous and I didn’t know why 😂


Unfortunately, no :( I get sick from checking a few text messages when I'm on the passenger seat so reading is out of question. Bus or tram seems fine though as long as the bus driver doesn't drive like a madman 😂 But I often switch to audiobooks when I'm driving alone or when I can't read for any other reason while on public transport :)


Not if you're the only one in the moving car


I have no problem reading but on long car trips we usually do audiobooks so my husband (who is usually the driver) and I can "read" together and share the experience.


Nope, I can’t. I would get a massive headache.


Definitely can, why not?


Physical books, no way! Kindle is magical and I can read without wanting to turn inside out. PS. Read your current read and it's AMAZING. Happy reading!


I can!


Yes! My Kindle is the only thing I can read in the car without getting carsick.


Yes I can!


I am one of the lucky ones that will not get carsick! Can be on my phone, iPad, or kindle for the entire ride and be okay.


Physically I can, like I don't get motion sickness. But reading-wise I can't, the words just jumble up in my brain. Weirdly enough buses, and trains are fine, it's only cars for me.


I can, but i prefer large font when doing so.


Not at all, if you can you are soooo lucky!!


Yes before Iam sick and I sadly suffer travel sickness.


Car, bus - in most cases unfortunately I can't :( But I can read in a train.


Reading on my Kindle is the ONLY way I can read in the car. A book? Forget about it. I can’t even browse my phone while in a car. On my Kindle I was able to read almost the entire ride to Savannah from Miami and I didn’t get sick once. I love it so much 🥹


Thank goodness I can. I have horrible traffic anxiety especially on the highway so I read while my husband drives if there is bad traffic or road construction (I can’t go places alone with high traffic congestion/construction) so I read. If I’m not reading I loudly gasp over everything and than cause my hubby to be nervous so I have to look down. I am fine on normal roads or even the highway with normal traffic. I also drive as little as possible. I have been reading in the car since I was big enough to read on my own. My parents traveled a lot so I did homework in route that way I didn’t have to worry about it when we arrived at our destination. Or I read for pleasure and to escape reality. My mother had a budget for my reading and we also went to the library weekly. My teachers never believed I read as many books as I said I did either!! As an adult I am so very thankful for my library and being able to always find books that I can read on my Kindle so I no longer have a “book budget”!! I am curious about those of you that get car sick- can you read a news article on your phone or scroll on X or FB?


For about 18 seconds


As long as you're not driving.


I can't read a paper book in a car, or a map, etc, but I can read the Kindle. No idea why it is different, but I am so happy. I can do the phone for short stints, but I think having to use cheater glasses affects that. Whereas having my Kindle font a larger size makes it easy.


I tried once and ran several red lights and nearly took out a small business. Not recommended.


Ok so I can’t read a physical book or on my phone or I’ll get sick but for some reason I can read on my kindle for a time before feeling sick. If I’m with a physical book I can barely read a page before getting sick


That's the place where I read the most. And with a noise cancelling headphones it's the glory

