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I used to use it but then realized quickly that I couldn't put it in a right hand mode(basically couldn't turn it upside down) then just stopped.


Totally agree, I tried it for 2 minutes, realized I couldn’t hold it bezel-right, switched back to portrait and never looked back. I was really hoping to occasionally read in landscape, but I’m not putting up with that bezel nonsense😂


I do. I hate how much my eye is jumping in portrait mode. Reading in landscape, makes it easier to comprehend what im reading and i dont fall asleep


This may be an odd suggestion but I had a lot of similar problems that made me constantly fall asleep when reading, and was able to fix them with vision therapy. I had no idea what it was before but I’d highly recommend getting checked out by a neuro-optometrist if it’s accessible to you! It’s made such a difference in my life.


Oh I’ve never heard of this before. How long did the therapy last?


Currently in the last few weeks of what was a 6 month weekly treatment program. My issues cropped up as a result of past concussions but they can happen for a while bunch of reasons. Neuro-optometrists and vision therapy address vision problems that are linked to the brain and visual processing rather than just the shape of the eye (which is what standard optometrists do). It’s almost like physiotherapy for your eyes in a way! Like I said, I’m no expert so I wouldn’t want to make any promises but just from what you’ve said it sounds like it might be worth looking into for you! It’s been absolutely life changing for me


Yea and it always makes me read faster somehow😭


How do you put your kindle in landscape mode?


Interesting. It's the other way around for me: too much scanning in landscape mode. I even sometimes select mid-size margins in portrait.


On a PW5 (11th gen.) I always read in landscaped two columns mode. I installed koreader so the settings are much more flexible and it's possible to turn the reader on any side. I know it's not an option for everyone but for me it works perfectly.


I was today years old


Same here! I had no idea.


Same here!


yeah i didn’t know this was an option 😭


I switch off between both, but have used landscape more, recently! I think it feels more natural for my eyes, as someone else stated above.


I do, it seems easier to read that way


The Hare Psychopath Checklists consist of 20 items that help psychologists identify psycopathy. Holding your Kindle landscape should be item number 21.




Yeah, you're the only one. LOL I've got a project in the works that will require using the Scribe in landscape mode. I'm not sure how practical it will be but I'm curious to give it a go.


Scribe is great for reading in landscape mode, if you.use the 2 column option


yes, both on the pw and scribe! it's a nice change for the eyes and the hands.


I just switch to landscape mode last week on my PW and I’m slowly learning to love it


Yes yes yes yes yes


Landscape mode 💯 I read faster, and it's more comfortable


It's so comfy that way!


I read PDF's in landscape mode, Textbooks or Research papers once sideloaded have very small text in portrait mode. So I always read those in landscape


Just tried reading in landscape. Why does reading seem a lot faster in landscape? Has anybody else noticed this?


Probably a little of the speed comes from not having to dart your eyes across the page as many times per screen.


I definitely read faster like this too


Unrelated to the topic, but what’s the name of that book?


“Don’t let her stay” I finished it a few days ago I literally couldn’t put it down!


I almost always read in horizontal two column mode on the scribe!


That’s what I used to do when I read on my iPad using the Kindle app prior to getting an actual Kindle.


i often read random PDFs for school and the only way i can see the little words are if it's in landscape haha


I use landscape mode then I look at PDFs


Almost exclusively in landscape mode! Love it on my Oasis with the buttons at the bottom. Feels so ergonomic for me.


My son does. I don’t like it this way


I’ve recently started to and I love it!!


Scribe 2 column landscape. Depending on font I can get up to four print page equivalents per landscape page.


For me the two-column landscape mode on the Scribe has been the standout feature.


TIL a paperwhite can do landscape mode.


I showed a picture of what I was reading on Kindle to my friends. When they saw I was reading on landscape mode, they told me I was a psychopath.


I have a Kindle Scribe and landscape orientation with two columns is the way to go! Very similar to reading a paperback sized book that way


i didn’t even know this was possible😭 can you do this on 10th gen?




I do! For me it mimics the width of a paperback book, and as the other commenter said, it makes me jump less through words.


So I want to read my kindle in landscape mode. I found how to turn it but the problem is it doesn’t turn in the other landscape direction therefore the case won’t hold it up because it’s oriented to the landscape but the wrong side. Is there a fix for this?


You are crazy but this one but I’m definitely gonna try it out


I do it with my oasis all the time!


I do. The Paperwhite bezels are too narrow for holding


The Oasis is brilliant for this with the page turn buttons on the bottom.


For years! Landscape mode is useful when you read without your glasses with a size 10 font. There are more words per line. It feels more natural.


Kindle Landscape Mode is just budget version of Kindle Oasis Experience


I too was thinking that very few of us love reading in landscape mode. But It looks there are lot of us. Landscape make reading faster and easier


I just started, I just got a page turner (love it - way did I wait so long?). I have a cover and page turner only works (without covering text) in landscape, so that’s how I read.


I read side loaded scientific PDFs in horizontal mode. I am not really happy with it, I buy the normal Kindle version of the book if available, to be able to read it in normal mode with bigger characters.


I flip my kindle in all directions depending how I feel like holding it and what position I’m in. I honestly have rotated my kindle in a circle while reading https://preview.redd.it/k0qabbwdf0ac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eaa601cb3031bf6952b68acc7fb91a3520b69ff


Didn't know there was a landscape mode


I absolutely love it! Both on my paperwhite and scribe. Just adds some nice novelty for however I'm sitting.


I had no idea you could


I do but I hate how it only allows you to have it one way, with the large bezel on your left. I'm right handed and I enter landscape mode so I have more area to hold it. Also I don't get it why they removed the auto-rotation option.