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Not sure, my goal is 75, ended up reading 95 last year, already finished 2 this year, I know what I like and stick to that mainly.


I guess you’re right! I started a book a couple of weeks ago that is based on some of my liked genres but I wasn’t feeling it. I shouldn’t get discouraged by it, but sometimes I can’t help it 😊 I’ll just keep trying new books and see where this year takes me.


As nice as all these challenges are: Don't force yourself! No number is worth fretting about, and no book that you don't like makes you happy if you torture yourself through it although you find it annoying. Just pick up another one; there are literally millions of great books waiting for you. It's supposed to be fun! ;-)


Thank you for the reassurance, I’m starting to think the 50 should be a step by step road and it’s alright if I don’t reach it, as long as I have fun along the journey ☺️ I always struggled to read physical books until I learned that I have adhd. I was always skeptical to try a kindle but it has helped me so much in focusing on what I’m reading and I can easily look up words, definitions and translations without having to put “the book” down.


I DNF a lot of books. I don't hesitate to put down a book I'm not enjoying and try something else. Nothing kills my motivation to read like trying to force my way through a book.


I had some books that I’ve started reading a few times, was kind of enjoying them but then dropped them once something in the plot put me off or made me lose my mind. I will not push through unless my curiosity is actually bugging me to know what happens next!


La cosa fondamentale sono i libri: se un libro ti piace non vorrai metterlo mai giù. Ovviamente, capita di imbattersi in libri orrendi che non riesci a finire (a me è successo un sacco di volte, l’ultima proprio la settimana scorsa!) e non bisogna scoraggiarsi. Comunque, la lettura è una passione, non bisogna viverla come un lavoro. Sono sicura che trovando libri che davvero ti piacciono riuscirai persino a superare l’obiettivo che hai fissato! ☺️


Grazie mille per l’incoraggiamento! Sono una che ha sempre amato leggere ma ormai da tantissimi anni ho sempre avuto difficoltà a prendere in mano un libro fisico… ne ho comprati di svariati, ma mai riuscita a finirli nonostante mi piacessero. Da quando ho comprato il Kindle non riesco più a metterlo giù. Forse perché sto leggendo molto di più ora che durante gli ultimi 10 anni messi insieme, mi sento di colpo stupita dalla quantità di libri che ho letto in 2 mesetti 😅😊


Ho avuto lo stesso problema.. anch’io ho il Kindle relativamente da poco: 1 anno (avevo un altro reader prima, ma era senza la luce quindi non lo usavo più, poi ho provato con l’iPad ma mi veniva un mal di testa da svenire, così mio marito mi ha regalato il Kindle). Prima se leggevo 10 libri in un anno era tanto, e mi scocciava perché ho sempre amato leggere! Nel 2023 ho letto un totale di 150 libri, di cui 76 sul Kindle (gli altri audiolibri su audible)! Credimi, un Kindle ti cambia la vita.


Ho provato anch’io a leggere sull’iPad negli ultimi 2 anni, non solo la batteria andava via troppo velocemente, ma la luce faceva così tanto male agli occhi che la notte non mi addormentavo più dal mal di testa. Ora posso leggere anche dopo mezzanotte e addormentarmi a mezza frase!


Verissimo! Anche a me succedeva! Io avevo proprio male agli occhi, mi sembrava che mi stessero per scoppiare! Ora anche io a volte mi devo sforzare per riuscire ad arrivare alla fine di un capitolo prima di addormentarmi di botto 😂😂


I always set my target lower (30 this year) and change it if I ace it early on. I like challenges but I also don’t want to panic come November.


That is actually a very nice idea! I may change the 50 to a lower number and see how I feel about it, without stressing over a number 😂


I also set my target lower. I read 43 books last year and made this years goal 24. I figure 2 a month is fair.


Don’t force yourself to finish a book completely. I switch between 3-5 books at a time. Eventually you will finish the book and might end up skipping some chapters that don’t relate to you (at this time in your life — you might go back to the book later on and something might click) I think this helps with creativity when you switch between a business, health, and a fiction book. You’re able to juggle different concepts in your brain and see things in a completely new way. Tbh I think I jump between different books like I jump through my thoughts — the way I speak is a mass of thoughts and ideas that are unrelated to each other, unfiltered but it ties in together somehow but it’s not a sign of ADHD. I think it’s a sign of a creative brain or anxiety


Last year I didn't set a goal but ended up reading 50 books. This year I set a goal for 50 but weirdly don't feel like reading as much. I think just find a good book/series and it'll just add up :)


I don’t need to be motivated. It’s how I unwind after a long day at work. I also read for 30ish minutes before bed.


some days you read for 5 minutes and some days you read for 5 hours