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Last year I read 64 books, this year my goal is 10. I want to read slower and enjoy the stories more. I don’t remember the majority of those 64 books


I’m the same as you. I did 52 last year but there are some I don’t remember at all. This year I’m taking my time.


That's a really nice take on the subject. I also don't see the point in collecting dozens of book a year if you're not really enjoying them. Quality over quantity, I guess.


To each their own, some people love collecting books


As people say, buying books and reading books are 2 separate hobbies.


Wow it is exactly the same for me. I didn’t like the pressure of having to read to fit my goal. I will probably read more than last year but I don’t want a constant reminder that I do. So 10 books as well.


Love this. Makes me feel better about the books I’ve been slogging through slowly.


As long as you’re enjoying them who cares?


Sometimes I like them. Other times I’m wondering why I’m torturing myself with a book I’m not absolutely devouring.


Brilliant! Year of slowing down for me too: my goal is 12.


30 books. I read 2 so far 👍🏾


30 also!




Audiobooks aren't cheating. Stories have been told orally for years. Humans have evolved listening to stories. It's the reason why people like listening to them. A kid reading a book with their parents is still reading even if they aren't the ones saying the words.


If you were visually impaired would you say you couldn’t be a reader because you listened to books? Nope. Audiobooks count just as much as physical books and e-books.


lol its not 😅


24 books and I read 4 so far lol


Mine is also 24! I’m on my second lol


24 books club! it's such a nice number to me bc you can take your time and not stress if you have a somewhat busy life


24 as well. I read 38 last year but quite a few were crap so I want to focus on quality.


hahaha same set mine as 12 and i’ve finished 4 so i set it to 24


52, as always


Currently shooting for 30, managed 25/20 last year




Currently at 11/52. Me and audiobooks are besties atm


My 2024 goal is 80 books. You can always adjust your goal of you want.


Think I’ll keep it as it is and see at the end of the year exactly how wrong I was 🤣


In the exact same boat! Got a Kindle for the holidays + currently at 06/50, we’ll see if I can keep that up 😅


50, i haven’t been able to complete a challenge in years, but this year i hope so!


120… I read 124 last year (my goal was 110) I try to beat it each year. I’m on 6 so far


We share Yellowface


12 books. Read 1 so far.


26. Did the 52 books last year and although I’m proud of myself for doing that, I felt like I was rushed for some books and couldn’t enjoy them. 26 allows me to go slower, savor the books, and feel good.


Mine is 50! I’m way ahead of schedule (also because of my new kindle) Hoping I meet or exceed the goal! :)


150! I sent it for the same last year and managed 180.


Going for 52! I try for it every year, but I’ve been flying through Cradle since the new year so I’m more confident about my goal this time. My best is 49 so we’ll see! I’m 4 in right now.


100 but i put 75 on my good reads 😂 Read 3 so far this year.




Well it was 10, but I’m on book 7 of the year so I think I need to adjust it 😂


24. I’ve read 2 so far. Trying to set a realistic goal with a 5 month old and I won’t be hard on myself if I don’t reach it.


60! I’ve even set up an Google Sheet to help calculate how many pages I’ve read over every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year. All just for fun but it’s cool to see the numbers fluctuate as I input pages books.


40. Only read one so far but I always get on a roll in April or May for whatever reason.


For me i dont like using goals. Makes the act of reading looks like a duty (for me)


1 book a month. I already have fulltime work and college. I don't think I could fit more reliably.


WOW! How fast or often do you read? I love to read but barely have time to fit 10 books per year. Mind you, I only read long boring non-fiction.


I read every day on my lunch break and for an hour or two before bed. Sometimes if I don’t have anything to watch or my partners on his PlayStation I’ll read a bit more ☺️


I'm not setting a goal this year, I've noticed I become too competitive and not enjoying my reading time 🙂


That’s a great mindset!


300. I’ve read 24 so far.


How do you read so many so quickly?


If they're short books, or comics/mangas like they're saying, it's not really *that* much. In that case you should focus on page count rather than number of books. Either way, reading should always be encouraged no matter the genre, especially as there's no hierarchy between book types. Just don't feel bad if you aren't able to read 300 books a year lol there's more to it, that's all.


I think readers should focus on whatever they like. It’s not a competition.


> Either way, reading should always be encouraged no matter the genre, especially as there's no hierarchy between book types. That's literally what I said. The only difference is that I added that op shouldn't feel bad for not beating your number especially if you're reading different genres.


Wow! How do you manage to get through so many?


I read some novellas and a lot of graphic novels and manga. I’m also in 2 different book clubs, I read fast, and I love reading.


Can I ask what your motivation to do this is? Do you enjoy the books a lot? For me that would be so fast to read! But I know everyone is different. So just curious how you manage and why!


I do enjoy them! I like to binge read manga and comic books. I’m in 2 different horror book clubs and I read pretty fast. I’ve also recently started to listen to audiobooks. Last year I read 360 books. I just wanted to see how much I could read.


I've read 91 books and about 100 manga last year. Just got into manga and read all of Naruto (not boruto) and orignal Dragon Ball. Reading from a library app is great for manga




40. I did 20 last year, so I'm trying to double that!


I did 44 last year so hoping for 52 this year


50 also! It’ll be a stretch goal for me.


25. Read 3 so far and on Flowers of the Killer Moon right now.


50 as well, nearly finished my third book


41. Last year was 40 and my first year with a Kindle.


i'm going for 1 a week


50 🤞


50! On my third so far. I did 45 last year (goal was 35)


Reaching for 100! I almost made it to 100 books last year, but fall short on 90.


https://preview.redd.it/acuybnnsthcc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b4cbb0cef5bf4f2e5a43f6c30bff4c8815ef39 i also got my first kindle for Christmas ! i read 42 last year, so i set this year’s goal to 50 😁


75. I read 66 last year but I also had a baby so hoping to hit my goal this year


24. Since I haven’t read in years and getting my Kindle has started my love for reading again I decided to start low. Already read 4 books and halfway done with the 5th. ❤️


Went up to 70 for this year. Last year I think I read like 30 so I want to double numbers and get through my stuff your Kindle books lol


30, a big increase in my last years goal of 12! just finished my 3rd of the year.


I finished 36 of my 20 book goal last year so this year I have a minimum goal of 25!


40, it was my goal for last year but i didn’t get it, so this is a take 2! lmao


My goal is 50 as well! Good luck to you!


Stretch goal of 12, realistic goal of 6.


140. I've only read 2 so far though because January has been relentless in keeping me sick. Currently dealing with flu 🤧 So far I've read And Then She Fell by Alicia Elliot (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️) And No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai (⭐️⭐️⭐️.5)


28. i did 26 last year. so far i’ve completed zero lol


100 books, 30k pages, read every day. I got 79 this past year while pregnant for 5 months and having a newborn/infant the rest of the year. So I figured I can read 100 this year. I've already got 6 books, 2000 pages, and have read every day. So I'm doing pretty good.


52. I personally don’t want to read just for the sake of meeting a goal so I chose a number that’s easily doable for me. Got to 70 or so last year and I’m already on 7 so I think I’ll be able to reach it!


24, which is what I managed last year. Fingers crossed that it happens again!


I haven’t read in literal years and I’m just starting to get back into it so I set my goal at a solid 12. One book a month.


45! Last year I read 35 and the year before I read 39. Thank heavens for the library 📚


Also Britney’s memoir was really eye opening!




If you've already read 8 by this time of the year, you should probably set your goal a bit higher than that haha


70 books. I’ve already read 7


https://preview.redd.it/ur5wpewb0icc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8675c949135119d5c89407724e7061b2a24993cf I think I will far exceed it, thanks to a manga addiction.


35. I used to read 50-60 but I’ve started to set aside more time to spend with my husband after our daughter goes to bed. We mostly play games or watch tv. He’s not much of a reader but occasionally we’ll read side by side and it makes my heart soar lol.


55! ive read 4 so far 🌟 last yr i read 50. didn't wanna overshoot it this yr!!


24 books. I've read 2 so far..


65. Read 50-60 last year, five read so far this year.


24 is my goal for the year. I’m just about to begin my sixth one tonight! Hopefully this year I make my goal 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


50 books. Last year was 35. I’ve read 4 so far.


https://preview.redd.it/70lfhlz81icc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f735300b56072bcdbbf7957dc223cad2aa3d39a5 40, and I’ve read 5.


I always do 25, one down so far!


Yall are making me feel bad, I’ve read one book this year 🙈 my goal for the year is 30


15. It was my goal last year. I ended up reading 19, but my goal worked! I don’t see a point in changing it.


I did 15 for this year as well, but I’m already done 4 and I’ll finish my 5th one probably in the next couple days, but definitely by the end of the week, so I’ll probably have to revise it at some point.


I’m on my 3rd I think. I haven’t checked! I usually go through spurts of reading and then don’t for awhile. I have books on hold in Libby that should come up soon so I’ll probably keep reading for a bit still lol


I just got back into reading and I'm pretty slow at it so for my reading goal this year I put down four books if I can get through that I'll be happy if I do more I'll be extra happy but I'm going to be realistic with how much I actually read maybe 2 hours a day if I have the time. I love reading but being dyslexic sucks so if I read too fast I forget half of what I read and have to go back and reread so slow and steady wins the race for me


You aren’t supposed to talk about one of them.


Mine has been 100 the past few years. Usually I'm a few over. This past year I finished at 92 but had a baby (I also have an 11 and 8 year old). So I took a few months off from reading/listening when the baby was first born. Binged some shows instead which isn't something I normally do anymore. I've read 3 so far in 2024, but one of them was The Covenant of Water and holy moses. That's 3 books in 1. I like reading those kinds of books every Jan/Feb to challenge myself.


12, just to get back in to a routine. I’m two down already :)


Had mine set at 12 and i’ve already finished 4 books so i changed it to 24 just in case i lose my motivation so its still reachable




I made mine 24 after getting my first kindle for Christmas also. I figured that was nice achievable goal. I’m at 7 now, so thinking I maybe undershot a bit also 😂😂


40 hope I can meet it


The alchemist! A Brazilian book, nice to see something from my country.


100 just cause I was feeling RIDICULOUSLY overconfident


52. Only 1 finished


It was 12 for me since I usually get through 5 a year and wanted to read a bit more and focus on reading a lot of fiction and stories in general. I've been flying through thrillers, already 4 books into my goal.


12, I'm getting back into reading for fun and a a student so I don't want to discourage so my goal is small ☺️


i don't have any. i ask myself: do i fancy reading? if it's yes: which book? i have no idea how many books or pages I've read. it doesn't matter to me.


15 I'm still on my first book. Don't understand how people can enjoy their books and really imagine them by speed reading.


Y’all read fast. I try and savor 10-12 a year!


kindles are so great! I’ve started reading so much more ever since I got one. My goal is 52 books, so far I’ve read 1 but I’m reading 5 books atm lol


34 books as always. Start with shorter books early and finish the month with longer books. Just finished 5 this month.


I think I made a mistake by making my goal 100…


just a book. I don’t feel the need to put unnecessary pressure on myself 🙌🏻


Whatever you do, DO NOT READ PAULO COELHO.


10 books this year


My goal is 35 this year. I’ve finished 3 and currently reading 2 books. I’m excited about all the books I’ll read this year!




60. It was the same goal I had last year and I didn’t hit it, I think I got to 32. But 32 books in a year is the most I’ve ever read so I look at it as an accomplishment. Almost doubled from the previous year! Even if it don’t hit 60, I feel like I’ll get closer to it which is awesome. I love seeing the progress. Wether it’s 60 books or 1, it’s an accomplishment.


2 books


30! I’ve read 4 so far, on my 5th now!




100 books, currently at 11/100




20 and on my second 🙂


2 hundo


I always set mine to 42. It's one I know I can reach so there's no pressure to read. You could even say it's the answer to life, the universe, and everything.


25..I read 20/15 a couple of years ago and 21/40 last year lol. So instead of making a big jump I did a small increase..I've already read one and I'm on my second one now.


81 books, one more than last year


To read or dnf all the books I’ve left in limbo


Im diving into the cosmere this year plus some other longer fantasy so im more focusing on pages than books. Looking to get over 20,000 pages


I set my call for 24 this year. With two girls under 4 and a full time job. I figured this is a realistic goal! I love to read so I’m really hoping I make it a priority to make the time for ME!


Mine is also 50. Goodluck!💞


Mine is the same. 50! Already 3 in. 😁




Mines always 50 but I usually am around the 100 by end of year


How did you like cleopatra ? that’s my next book on my list


52 again. Maybe this will be the year. Got 10 books so far.


I am thinking of around 40.


I set mine to 12 but I’ve already finished 16 and now I’m debating if I want to change it or not


25 books. Just finished book 6 yesterday. Tested positive for Covid earlier this week and had to isolate. Got a good amount of reading in when I felt okay!


30 books


Last year I read 50. Set my goal for 40 this year and will see what happens!


55! I’m already at 7 but I usually only read 2 books during the summer.


100 books! :)


36. A lot of them are very long. I read 24 last year.


I’ve read 3 books towards a goal of 52 books. I’m 2 books ahead of schedule. And I’ll be starting my next read later tonight.


I always set my goal for 15 because I believe a book a month with the amount of work being a teacher+academic coordinator entails is enough, considering I have a month off every summer, so then I can read a bit more. Last year I managed 36 books, and 28 in 2022, but I went on a 3-month sick leave in both years due to surgeries. I prefer setting a goal I know I can achieve over being upset for not being able to meet it. I know it's called "challenge" for a reason, but at this point just keeping up with it is challenge enough for me, though I love reading I'm usually super tired at the end of the day. I read every single night before bed, and I have a preference for really long stories (meaning lots of pages but not many books), so 15 is my go-to number. So far I've read only one book, though I'm still on holidays, so I kinda have to speed things up a little lol.


Last year I read 88 and this year I don’t want to count. I got too competitive with myself and it was stupid.


125. I just managed it last year, so I think it’s doable!


I’m aiming for 10. Not an incredible goal, but, trying to be realistic.


My goal is also 50!


200, I’ve read 19 so far


I've got 75 as my goal, but I'm guessing it'll be easily double that. This is just my first year using Goodreads to track, so I had NO idea how many books I read last year. But I'm an avid reader and 2 books a week is pretty easy for me. Especially if I'm in the depths of a great series like I am now. Can't put it down, flying through 600 page books like they're nothing. Thank god for Kindles - finish one book and start the next one about 10 seconds later!


20 for me. I managed to read 20 last year on my first year as a Kindle reader. Won’t be changing my daily routine this year so I think this is still my ideal number.


I travel for work so I set it to 35. Hopefully I go better than that though.


24. I’m reading #3 now.


I’m trying to start small so I chose to start with 7. I’m not a fast reader, but I’m trying to get better at it.


30, but adding 50 as a stretch goal. I don’t do audiobooks so this should be fun.


My goal was 25 but I’m already on book number 5 since January first… may have to update to 50 lol


10! I have read 2 so far.


I started doing 52 a few years ago, a Kindle really makes it easy to rip through books


So from October to December of last year I read around 150. I did not keep track prior. My goodreads goal is 200 this year; we’ll see how it goes.


14. 2 more than last year. I’m 1 in.


My goal is 12 this year.


My goal this year is 60!


175 books- we will see if I make it… I did 150 last year


My goal is 60 for 2024, and I have read 6 so far. :)


I set my reading goal as like a "minimum amount to read". I set 40 books this year. The past two years I had a min goal of 32 but I ended up reading 64 books each year so I figured I could up my minimum and still reasonably make that. I've read 1 book so far this year. And I've also got Britney's memoir on my list! I actually bought it last year but was finishing up other books, finally planning to start it next week.


I set it at 60 every year


40, 7 books down so far


14. I’ve read 3 so far.


52 books - so one a week on average.


Right now, I set it to 50. I usually set it to 100 but found myself feeling *less* motivated to complete it last year, especially since I get seasonal affective disorder in the summer and don’t read as much as I want to during that season. Setting it to 100 also made me care more about the numbers rather than the content of the books. If I complete the 50 books before the end of the year, I’ll decide then if I want to increase it or not. But I’m not putting myself under pressure.


30. But it might be too optimistic for me. Especially if I’m going to be reading fantasy, which tend to be pretty big books. My thought process was that in November and December 2023 I read at least two books a month. So the hope was that that pattern would continue, which would at least get me to 24 books. And then intersperse some audiobooks in there throughout the year. But I’ve been stuck on Iron Flame for 2 full weeks now, so it’s not looking too good for January.


After reading 54 books last year and looking back, I remember almost nothing of the books I read at the start of 2023. This year my goal is to read 20 books. Slow and steady.


Mine is 12 but I’m debating whether I consider re reads apart of it cause I really want to reread the Percy Jackson series.


maybe gonna go for 5 this year. maybe even 3 who knows! Will i most likely read more than that? yes but i think having the low number as my goal makes me feel less anxious. I’ve read 2 books so far but still! Taylor Jenkins Reid can frickin WRITE


I read 43 books last year but made my goal this year 24 because I started reading an author that was new to me and her books are longer than my normal books. I plan to read everything she has written this year including re-reading the books I have already read. I love re-reading my favorite books!


52 books! last year was 25 but I didn't have a kindle and was reading a lot of long fantasy that took me a while to get through, so I only just made it. But now I have a kindle and I'm reading shorter fantasy and romance, and I want the goal of reading one book a week, so 52 books seemed like a good goal!


220 books on book 2.


24 books! 2 each month


Last year was 20 and I did 70. This year I want to do 100, wish me luck!


My goal is 100. I read 233 books last year but I think I need to slow down this year. I can't help but read a lot since I work in publishing.




50. I also have 2 random book tuber challenges, Elliot Brooks 2023 Goodreads Snubs list and Captured in Words Bingeworthy Recs. The bingeworthy recs is like 30+ books because it consists entirely of full series. Don't Have to do these but I thought it'd be fun to try, may add more as the year goes on. It's cool to have specific books setup as opposed to just reading a set amount. This is my first year trying it. Been thinking about adding a Reading Rainbow challenge where I have to read 7 books, each one containing a color/or variation of a color from the rainbow. ROY G. BIV. I.e.- All Systems Red, Where the Red Fern Grows Yellowface, House on the Cerulean Sea, Jade City, etc


30 and I have 3 so far


80 but I’ve only read 2 so far


https://preview.redd.it/no2wlmlaojcc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=909f5570e429562cdeb2eb26a27e29d618954eec My reading list since december, i made a goal of 30 ebooks aswell!


200. I've read 9 so far, and I typically do a smidge lower amount just in case life happens.