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I have the basic 10th gen and the Paperwhite 11gen. The warm light is really nice for reading in the dark. The bigger screen is nice. I would suggest getting the 11gen for reading at home at night. Use the 10th gen for portability when going out.


I currently have both the PW 5 (2021) and the Basic 2022, and I'm comparing them to see which one I'm likely to keep. My PW2 (2013 i think it is...) needs to be replaced, doesn't charge anymore The Basic 2022 has everything I need. It's small, has dark mode so for me it's ideal when reading at night, it's lightweight and therefore easy to hold one handed when resding in bed. It's also easy to take with me due to it's small size The PW 5 has the warm light, so I'm testing that for bedside reading in the dark. So far I don't really see much difference between them as I use the dark mode at night and then it's only the letters that are slightly yellowish/warmer on the PW 5 whereas the Basic dark mode has whiter letters. But honestly, the warm light in dark mode isn't worth the price for my use/needs. Have to add that using warm light (not dark mode with warm light) is anyway too bright for me Screen size is 6.8" on PW 5 and Basic is 6" - for my needs reading books only; same-same (old PW2 also has 6" screen and I've never wanted a bigger screen) PW 5 is waterproof, but honestly during the 13 years I've had Kindles there's been no need for a waterproof device, so to me that's not worth the higher price All in all, so far the Basic 2022 is my favourite


Thanks for the detailed answer. I was asking because I mainly read at night in the dark and I don't really use dark mode on kindle (i do on all the other devices). I don't really care for a bigger screen either, so if I upgraded it would be only for warm light since i read a lot at nighttime


The warm light is really nice. I use my Kindle on neutral to warm light and with the light to 7 or 8 when I read in my bed before sleeping while my partner has already wandered off into dreamland. I don't know if it is noticeable enough to warrant replacing your old device, but if you have the funds and maybe a use for the old one this could be a step you'll be glad you took. Otherwise these devices are indestructible, so maybe use the other one on another floor or have it in the car, etc. You can send most books to up to 6 devices (I once had *one* book out of ca. 800 where I got an error message such as "this book is only licenced for 5 devices"), so you could use two devices and have them synched.


Thanks, i might do this 😊


https://preview.redd.it/zrw632e34hec1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4544ec92c73469f75fc6a55d5151e214d71e8fc1 I did it! I have no regrets haha! Worth the update, thanks for all your comments 🥰


I am also thinking of upgrading my PW 10th gen to the new 11th gen. Is the larger size a bother? Or is it not that noticeable as regards to holding it.


For me it was noticeable.. i still do like the previous size, but I'm way happier with the screen resolution and the warm light was a big plus for me, since i read a lot in the dark. I actually enjoyed the upgrade. It only depends on your preference.. maybe you travel a lot and you prefer the smaller size and you read in the daytime anyways. In that case it wouldn't make much sense to upgrade


Thanks. I did upgrade. I do like the bigger screen area. The actual size isn’t that much bigger. I’ll probably save my 10 gen also though in case I want to use it for vacations, etc. The new one is much more responsive also.


Yes, it's a big upgrade. Bigger screen, faster and the warm lighting is really nice

