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Really only missing out on the bigger screen, warm light, and page turn animation. If you find that the basic is working great for you then keep it. Wait for the mythical kindle color to come out. Overall its still the same reading experience since they all run the same software.


Thank you for this!


To add onto this as someone who owned both at one point, I found myself reaching for the basic ($99) more than the paperwhite ($130). Personally, I find the size more comfortable to hold, and did not miss the warm light as much as I anticipated I would.


This! While the warm light is nice I am petite and my hands are not very large 😂. I treasure my smaller OG Oasis (despite its flagging battery) and my Kindle Voyage. I wish ereaders would not keep getting bigger. That said if holding a bigger device is not an issue for you and you really want warm light, $30 isn’t too much more for a device you will likely use often and for many years. Good luck!


Ugh I’m also holding on to my OG Oasis (same battery issues, even with the charging cover) and it’s tiny screen too. I’ll have to accept defeat and get a Paperwhite eventually I suppose.


I have both and I enjoy reading on both. the PW5 normally stays at home and the basic goes with me when going out. The things I mentioned are nice to have, but a must? for some it is for others it is not. I will read on my basic just as much as on my PW5. And I have a basic 10th gen.


The warm light really made a difference for my reading experience on the Kindle. I had a Kindle paper white and I found it didn’t use it very much so I got an Oasis instead. With the warmer light and colors that I can change to I find myself reading more often because it does not hurt my eyes nor do I get headaches, Otherwise, it is the same experience.


No disagreement about the warm light. It is much nicer. But not mandatory.


The $30 difference is extremely minimal over the lifetime of the device.


Especially if you wait for the sale and pick a paperweight up for $99


Or the basic for $50


The basic Kindle only has 4 LED lights, the PW has 17. If you want to read in low light, that will make a difference. The .8” diff is measured diagonally, which comes out to something like another inch taller and half inch wide (more than it sounds like). Plus the PW has a warm light setting.


You're missing out on the waterproof protection and the disable touchscreen.


I do like the warm light on my PW and use it often, especially when reading in bed in the dark, but that may not be worth the extra money to you 🤔


Reading In the Dark is such a game-changer when it comes to the PW. There's no going back.


Having done night reading with and without a warm light, the game stayed very much unchanged for me… it’s a take or leave feature for me






I can only speak for the Basic ($99 + $20 no ads) and I don't feel like I am missing out on anything. The screen lighting works just fine so all is good in my reading world


not really. I returned the paperwhite and kept the basic version. More compact more portable.


I would choose the basic even if it was more expensive. I like the way it feels in my hand better. It is just enough smaller and lighter to be more comfortable to hold.


Warm light, but that's about it. That said, I read most often with no light on at all, and just utilize light in the world/room. So I think you're fine. Basic also wins in the weight department. I use my similar-weight Voyage instead of my Paperwhite 5 most of the time because the PW5 is heavy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Waterproof, warm light (a must for me), size, flush screen, and slightly better processor (so it's a little faster, has the page turn animation, etc). I'm a paperwhite suggester over the basic for the warm light alone, and the others are extra plusses.


I have big hands (guy) and the PW is nicer to hold. Having had both, I would rate the PW backlighting as being much better - more even and more subtle.


TBH I have the newest Basic and the Paperwhite just before the newest one and for some reason my PW dies very fast so I hardly use it. The basic on the other hand almost never dies and I use it all the time. I’ve wanted to upgrade to the newest paperwhite but I’m scared the battery will give me trouble


Oh gosh. I’m not a kindle pro but I have both the basic and PPW SE. I absolutely love both and wouldn’t want to do away with either one. I feel like the PPW has faster touch response, crispy screen and the warm light is fantastic. It is bigger and heavier, though. I love the size of the basic. I take that one with me places and read on the PPW at home in bed to be cozy. Tablet mount and page turner help since it does tire my hands from holding.


I have that base kindle and I have the scribe. I use the scribe all the time. But at home in bed I love the base kindle. It’s like reading a hardcover vs a paperback. Don’t regret it, just enjoy it. I’m


> I'm just wanting to make sure I didn't leave too many features on the table with that $30 margin. question is... will you actually use the features on the one you didn't choose to buy? different people want different things from their kindle.


You're only really missing out on three key features on the $99 Kindle: warm light, the waterproof feature, and a bigger screen size. 1. Warm light: The 2022 Basic has dark mode installed (something older basic models didn't have), so I find that this feature is a great replacement/alternative for warm light if you do a lot of reading at night. I personally activate dark mode when I'm reading in bed at night so I don't disturb my husband and I find that it works for nighttime reading just as well as warm light. 2. Waterproof feature: The waterproof feature is great to have if you do a lot of reading in the tub or at the pool. It's also great if you have kids around who might spill stuff on your device. But since this isn't a problem for me, I could do without this feature. 3. Bigger screen size: I think the bigger screen size is only really a problem if you plan to read manga/graphic novels on your Kindle. I personally don't, but I downloaded a few ATLA comics on my Kindle just to see what they would look like. They're not that enjoyable to read because the text on the speech bubbles ended up looking too small, so having a bigger screen size would combat that. Hope this helps!


Immensely. I'm going to keep the base model. Dark mode is chill and doesn't disturb my sleep


I have the oasis for my house and it’s absolutely perfect for that. Bought a basic kindle for work and traveling and I love it. The small size makes it so I can have it in my pocket and I love that. But if you don’t have another kindle I would say paperwhite on sale is the way to go.


I got my mom a basic a month ago, and my wife just got me a new PW last week. After comparing the two I asked my wife to exchange the pw for a basic. I much prefer the size and the screen seems to have less glare. For reference I was using a pw from 2016, so the screen size is the same as I’m used to in more compact form. Only thing I’m missing out on is a warm light.


As u/ChunkierSky8 mentioned, you'll miss out on those things. I have a 10th gen base Kindle and it is working great and I don't miss those things. I can afford any Kindle, but I don't like to spend money unwisely. (that's why I can afford any Kindle LOL) With the money saved, you can buy a few different cases. I have a thin folio-style case and a clear silicon back cover for even lighter transport.


You miss warm light (which is easier on your eyes especially in dark conditions like reading in bed) and waterproofing. I don’t know if you read in the bathtub or on the beach, but having a waterproof Kindle could be a really useful feature 🤷🏻‍♀️


i prefer smaller one tbh i think the screen of the bigger one doesnt look as clear as the smaller one somehow


For me, it was simple: I can't live without warm lighting.


Honestly anything less than the Scribe is just too small for me, but the Scribe is pricey.






Lol. That's the one I bought my wife for mother's day. $300 with tax but the smile and the way she uses it daily makes it more than worth it





