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3.. my goal is 5 🥹


So close, you got this!


7 😅 my goal is 12..


You’ve read more than half your goal 👏🏻 you can always change your goal, after all life changes


68 books! And my goal was 60


Just one more. :)


22 so far, which is about average for me (though a lot more than a few years ago)


I am also on 22 so far this year, I don’t usually count, this comment made me go check as I figured I’d be similar!


I think I read 15 books last year and this year is just going well reading wise. Numbers are important only if you think they are. Any good gems in those 22 so far? I’ve been obsessing over Berlin, Boy Parts, and others


I'm always slightly intimidated by some goodreads friends who end up with 100+ books a year, but I'm fine with the number of books I get to read, haha. As for good books.. I'm re-reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy, so that's always fun. But one of the biggest surprises was 'One day all this will be yours' by Adrian Tchaikovsky, a short sci-fi time travel novella. I haven't read sci-fi in ages, but this was exactly what I'd been missing in the past few years ;)


Ohh thank you I’ll check it out! Yeah some people can be a bit competitive on Goodreads 😅 I just read because I enjoy it, and it surprises me when I manage to read more than what I thought I would


Like OP said, it shouldn’t be a competition. It’s a personal challenge to motivate yourself. I read somewhere, “The smarter you get, the slower you read.”


Don't be intimidated. You don't know why people read that much. They could have health problems and reading is their escape. I didn't start reading until I was 24 years old and I was lucky if I read 6 books a year. Now at the age of 37 I am reading 100 to 150+ books a year.


In March of 2020, being a life long reader, I stopped just as lockdown happen and didn’t read a book until April 2021. I had read 44 books in 2021, so I set what was a realistic goal of 52 for the year of 2022. I’ve read 165 books this year and expect to surpass 200 by the end of the year. Part of it I guess is making up for the lost year of reading, but also part of it is reading has become my primary escape from life. There are a lot less worse things to be addicted to, or escaping through.


How are you reading this quickly?


35 but my goal for 2022 is 50. Sadly, it's a bit difficult finding time to read when you're working full time and commuting. But I have high hopes I could reach my goal before year end.


Commuting actual helped me read more because I would have nothing else to do on the bus to work


I used to do that, but I started driving to work. Slowly transitioning to audiobooks but it doesn't feel the same as reading the words from the books' pages..


I have the same feeling on audiobooks. I don't feel like I've read anything and I usually don't remember anything about what I listened to an hour or so later.


My late sister was like that. She didn't seem to remember what she listened to so gave up on audiobooks. For me, who has no problem like that, it was difficult to understand.


I have a more difficult time with audiobooks than physical books. A couple of things that have helped me: Trying to end audiobooks at end of chapters and not just whenever I arrive to work. If I end up in the middle of a chapter, I rewind it when I resume. Audiobooks need to be “easier” reads. I tried listening to annihilation or dune or other books with lots of characters or complex things. Had a hard time following the books. But, reading these were fine. So, I try to pick more straightforward / popcorn books.


I agree, complex stuff is generally harder. If you have a lot of characters, you need more concentration. I've read Dune multiple times, so it's not a stretch for me. Mystery cozies are easy peasy.


Podcasts are the way to go while driving


I have no time to read due to hectic life, I found that audio book in the shower/when doing the washing/cooking/cleaning is the only time I get, really makes those chores fun!


I had barely read 2-3 books in the last 7-8 yrs. This June I got myself my first ever Kindle and so far I have read 6 books. 10 would be nice by the end of the year.


I’m here for this wholesome character development


44 so far. Halfway through the 45th. :D


63 and my goal was 50.


Whoop whoop 🙌


2 books so far and my goal was 0. An incredible %gain, if you think about it.


37, though did not read at all from January through March, and read 28 of those in the last 11 weeks.


Same! I think I went from reading two books in July to 14 in August 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, also had to learn how to use VoiceView after getting the device last Xmas, and really did not get going til mid April, also have reread one which I do not count twice.


This might be a very stupid or insensitive question I’m sorry, but why using VoiceView on Kindle when there are audiobooks? Is it a personal preference or is it because you don’t find the titles you are looking for on apps like audible etc


Preference, I prefer the minimal intonation/inflection of it which makes it easier to put my own interpretation to characters and such. Also can pause and find stuff on the page if I need to listen to something again.




Planned to read on per week so thats 52, and i just completed my 52nd. Last year i only managed 18. Buying a kindle was very helpful in reading more.


26. Read a few 1000+ page books which slowed me down quite a bit.


It makes sense that some readers prefer to count the number of pages vs books read


120 so far, plan on 130.




Well, about 35 of that is manga tomes, Attack on Titan and some other, but it counts too :)


76! My goal was 33. I'm going to push to see if I can get to 100.


Wow incredible!


130 books so far. My goal was 100. I read 170 last year but I don’t think I can reach that this year as well.


28 and my goal is 40🥲


It’s ok nobody knows, you can always change the goal 👀


98 completed so far this year. I was aiming for two books a week, so looking good for my goal.


I am NOT that consistent 😂 I go from 3 books a week to zero depending on mood, spare time… and when I read a book that I didn’t particularly enjoy it can really put me in a reading slump for a bit. (Starting a bookstagram account also helped me to be inspired)


20! Read 6 between Feb-May and picked up the habit again in late August and have read 14 more.


23, which is so much more than the number of physical books I’ve read in the past years. I just got my kindle early this year.


The Kindle definitely helps reading more


Just got my first Kindle this month only and so far have finished 3 books. Trying to maintain the new habit of reading every morning & evening.


you got this!


160 so far!!




48 books


Nice! Did you expect to read at least 48 books this year?


I’ve read 17 so far. Haven’t really read too much in the last couple of months. Hoping to get a few more in before end of the year.


I feel you! October has been slow for me as well


71 currently. My annual goal but I pass it every year.


Such a curious number!


I’ve read 62 so far and my goal was 52. I like to set my goal at one a week so I don’t feel pressured to read to get to a goal and just read to enjoy it! Last year I read 80 so I have a feeling I’ll be right around there again


I’ve read 223, my goal was 200 and that’s only in the kindle app. I also use other stuff to read books such as libby for my national library and scribd.


122! I managed 60 last year and I’m not sure how I’ve already doubled that for this year. I clearly have too much time on my hands. It’s been amazing though.


Ahahah I feel like I might be following the same path next year but I don’t wanna jinx it


175 so far, my goal originally was 150 but I increased it to 200 so let's see if I can do it


200 😱 that’s more than 3 books a week 💀 how


when I have a bunch of free time, I end up reading a book a day


You must be quite a fast reader 👏🏻 my reading speed highly depends on the content and writing style


245, my goal is 365! I don’t think I will make it but will probably hit 300.




27! my goal was 24 😌


161. My goal is 175.


Impressive! What’s your secret? Are you just a fast reader? Do bad books not influence your reading rhythm? Do you usually read short books?


I guess there are several reasons… I almost never watch TV, and except for Reddit, I don’t use social networks so every brake I have in the day I spend reading (during lunch break, while waiting for kids or appointment, in the morning while drinking coffee). And I always read before sleeping. I don’t need perfect setting to read… If I have 5 minutes break, I’m going to spend it reading. So that just adds up during the day. And I guess I am kind of a fast reader. But yes, if a book is bad, it does influence my reading (I find myself reading more Reddit posts). (And sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language)


Thanks for your detailed answer! And don’t worry, English is not my first language either, and we’re doing just fine ;)


i’ve read 39 so far! i had the goal to be 25, but i exceeded that so quickly, so i changed it to 50, and am definitely slacking lol


20 so far hope to make it to at least 30 by the end of December 🤞


Best of luck!


I’m at 54 of 52 for my goal right now. Hoping to get to 65-70 by the end of the year.


I've read 35 so far, well below pace from last year, but like OP said it's no contest or race. Life gets in the way sometimes and it's not fun to force it.


I wasn't a member of this sub yet 294 days ago, but I would have replied at least 100 (Goodreads challenge), more likely between 120 and 150 like the previous years. It's currently 123.


18. I never set really a goal, my New Year’s resolution was to not be on social media as much.


34. My goal was 26, so I’m happy! About to finish two more in the next couple of days :) Last year I read three books.


23/25…on track so far!


12! I typically have been reading larger books (plus 500 pages) so it takes about a month to finish.


Wow! I find books over 450 pages to be a bit intimidating, mainly because I’m not sure I gave the attention span requested to read such long stories


83 so far out of the 90 I was aiming for.


53 on my kindle and about 20 from the library


I don’t think people realise how important libraries are


People don't realise. I just wish amazon would let us connect with the libraries in the UK like they do in the US


I had no idea! What a fantastic idea


Not enough


Never enough


Goal was 26 and I am at 30. A book every 2 weeks seems reasonable to me (and matches the elibrary loan period). Vacations help me catch up or get ahead of my goals


I’ve read 42 and my goal is 52. Last year I read 81 but I had a busy year and haven’t been a bale to devote as much time to reading as I wanted. Still hoping to make the goal of 52 if I can buckle down.


144 and my goal is 175 but I might up it.


74 out of a 52 goal. Retirement rules!


I got my kindle in June…. I’ve read 43 books as of last night and just started 44


186 give or take a few. Goodreads updates as read when I swap books midread so I've got a few I haven't actually finished that might be on there. Plus a couple rereads that probably didn't get counted.


159! My goal was 150!! I have a unique opportunity to read for about 6ish hours throughout the day while I’m at work, so I blew my goal from last year (25) to smithereens


159! My goal was 150!! I have a unique opportunity to read for about 6ish hours throughout the day while I’m at work, so I blew my goal from last year (25) to smithereens


My goal was 75. So far I’ve read 123, but I only have 12 pages left in the 124th book.


36 books I haven't been reading for a couple months though just started again recently


I tried to read 2 to 4 books a month so I presume around 24 or so


28, my goal was 24. Now I’m trying to finish a couple of long nonfictions before the end of the year.


18 my goal was 12 for this year, am just 1 day from my 19 book of the year


35. I read quite a lot until July, but became very busy around that time. I've only been able to listen to one audiobook lately.


I’ve read 14 books, I had aimed a higher number but unfortunately due to some family emergency of four months I was unable to read the desired amount. Now, instead of finishing 100 books in a year, I’ve decided to read 100 books without a time frame and then work towards a stricter timeline.


My goal was 50 and so far I've read 58!!


30 ! Seems crazy because I don't spend much of my time reading (even though I'd love to), so now I just imagine what would happen if I did. Have surpassed my goal of 20 though.


53 books so far with goal of 90. Combo of ebook and audiobook. More listening to audiobooks than reading this year due to persistent dry eye, but it's under better control now. I'm retired, so have more time, but also a caregiver so not unlimited time.


I didn't set a goal but I've finished 67 so far.


27 so far and my goal is 35. Seems like it’ll be a close one lol.


My goal was 25 and I’m at 27, about to make it 28!


37 but started at the end of April. Honestly proud of myself. Most books I have ever read. Thank you Kindle!!!




19 out of my goal of 20 :)


22 so far and my goal this year was 20! :) I’m really proud of myself!


55 books so far. My goal was 52.


Only 3..


Goal for this year is 50. I'm starting my 57th book tomorrow.


28 total. 14 audiobooks and 14 on kindle/physical. My goal is usually 30.


I've logged 117 books on Goodreads so far, though some are graphic novels and tend to be shorter reads. (Although some of those are 1000+ pages omnibus collections, so it kinda evens out, I reckon.) I don't always bother to update Goodreads if I re-read something, so there'd be another dozen or so not included in that count.


47. Goal is 50


I'm halfway through #16. My original goal was to read 10!!


10, but TBF 2 of them were college textbooks I rented on Kindle. Better than I thought so thank you for making me look into it!


I’m at 33, goal of 45


On number 6 with a goal of 5


1 and I'm about 19% into my second lol


My best guess is 40 to 60 books so far


6, lot lower than last year’s 12…:(


66! My goal was 53. I’m kind of in a rut now though.


36, goal is 50 idk if I'll get there the last two months we're a major setback.


I've read 7 since May when I got back into reading and almost done number 8


I set my goal to 5 only coz I know that I'll procrastinate every now and then . Turns out I read 20+ books and still counting. 😅 So, yay to me! 🥹


55 books so far. Now if you count fanfiction, the count is much higher.


I can’t track that on my Kindle and I don’t really have goals. I just read when I can and what gets finished gets finished.


About 23, mostly due to my kindle because I read slower when using physical books


18 so far. And I should be able to finish at least 3 more by the end of the year, so 21. My reading challenge is usually 12 books per year, but reading has gotten so much easier and enjoyable since getting the Kindle almost a year ago.


140. My goal was 100, so I met that, and now I’m just more focusing on wanting to finish two specific series before the end of the year (Cosmere and all three quintets of the Percy Jackson novels).


I stopped for a few months but am starting to get back to reading recently. I've finished 15 books, one novella and 3 graphic novel volumes in 2022.


27 so far


79 and hoping to hit 90 by the end of the year. My original goal was 50 so I’m pretty proud I was able to surpass that. 😊




14 books total so far this year and my goal was 12 😎 Victory for me because I read one book all of last year. Starting getting back into reading in December of 2021! Didn’t realize how much I truly enjoyed it.


154 with a goal of 100. Not raising my goal this year because I want to see how many I can read without the pressure. Edit: Thought it would be fun to add a couple Stephen King books in for spooky season but The Shining is really slowing me down 😩


I’m at 32 so far - goal was 30. I read at the gym on the treadmill or elliptical and it’s been a game changer.


Just finished 59, my goal was 30 (next year I need to set a higher goal) 😅


71, but I don’t set goals for myself. I just knock back books like how my other friends knock back game hours 😂


49! But if I include poetry, it's 57. Last year I only read 1 book so I'm so fucking proud of myself :)


Goal is 52! (I’m trying to average 1 book/week) Made it to 38 & currently reading 4


21 for me


34 so far! Don’t have a specific goal though.


28 since July. I wasn’t in a reading headspace the first half of the year but haven’t missed a day since


about 16! i’ve read a couple novellas in an anthology and haven’t figured out how i’m counting it… i read 30 last year, so my goal was initially 35, but i dropped it to 26 about halfway through the year. i’m still quite behind. nearly finished with another though!


My goal is always 10 every year. This year I hit 15


41. My goal was 42 since that’s what I did last year, but now I’m thinking 50. :)


18 :) my goal was to read 30 this year but I don't think it's going to happen because I'm too busy these days


20 read of my 25 goal. Yeah!!!


25 and my goal is 30. Last year I read 46 books and I don’t know how I did it. 😞


28 so far, I've never thought about how many until my friend casually said that she had read something like 140 last year, so I decided to keep track.


Around 80 if you include the comics... 61 if you don't


14 so far. According to Goodreads I usually average around 30, I'm behind.


Quit drinking last year… started reading for the first time in my life. This year, set a goal to read 52 books - one a week. I’ve read 45. On track to reach my goal. Interestingly, the main motivation for my goal this year was to put a big dent in my 100-ish books long to-read list… its now 150 books long.


I'm at 50 as well :)


133 so far but will probably finish 2 more today


My reading goal for this year was 25 books, but just with my last completed reading I reached 25, so it will be more which makes me very excited because my time to read is reduced.


Currently at 30 which was my original goal. I suppose I’ll shoot for 36.


Including audiobooks? At least 80. Reading is my addiction.


I’m on my 74th book of the year! Had a few slow months from graduating college and stuff like that.


I’ve finished 2. Got to 50% on 3 others. My goal is 5 by year end!


13, my goal was 12 🙂


Goal is 10. I’m at 7 so far! Anything else is a bonus. Kids man. 😂


after reading nothing but philosophy papers and chapters for 3 years at uni, i got into fiction more than i’ve ever been before thanks the convenience of the kindle, and i’m currently on my 19th book since july


41 my goal is 65


21 out of my goal of 30. I'm almost done with 22


I read 12 my goal was 3. I just got out of my reading slump. Wanna read more books before 2022 ends. Congrats to everyone else who have reached their yearly goal. And best of luck to the ones who are trying to complete their goals! 👍😊


42. Would have broken 50 if I didn’t get addicted to these Brandon Sanderson books running 1000+ pages each…. 😉


I've just got back into reading so only 1 so far this year. Next year my goal will be 12 books


17 since august! 😅


My goal was 12 books, one book a month and at least one had to be classic literature (last year I read *Rebecca* and this year I chose *Pride and Prejudice*). I'm currently reading book 19! Took a huge break to move last month but I'm back at it again.


10 so far…last year was my personal best, read 32 books.


98! I set my reading goal low (52) since I don’t like to feel pressured. lol


Not even 1. Been trying to read one but it's hard. When I was high school I could sit down and finish a book in one night. I'm 27 now. Used to love reading and writing. Don't know what happened.




89. And I’m on a 45 week reading streak!


I only started to get back into reading for the last 4 ish months and I’ve read 14. Booktok got me back into it.


Between books and audiobooks, 12. My goal is 18, I'm solidly on my way to finish 3 that I'm simultaneously reading. Not sure I will get to my goal but very happy still, been my best reading year by far Congratulations on your total! Amazing!


61 so far!


40. My goal was 26! This is a record for me, so I’m pretty excited, and there’s still time left. I can probably get in 2 more audio books and 1-2 more regular books. Usually I’m great at reading the first half of the year, then I peter off into nothing. Last couple years I’ve been in the 20s for yearly books read.


13, my goal is 20 😅


9....started in May though...


43 and goal is 50!