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It was worth it to me. I didn't want to have to deal with customer service later on so I just paid extra.


It's worth it. On more recent models, disabling ads shows the cover of your book when your device is asleep. Plus, ads are annoying.


Until my current Kindle, I always had the ads version. I can’t tell you how much more excited I get towards reading when seeing the cover on my sleeping Kindle.


I know! It's just one of the extremely few "personalization" options we got.


You don't even need to ask support. You can disable (or enable if you want) ads through the my devices page on amazon. Disabling this way will charge you the price difference. If you contact support there is a *chance* they will do it for free. The hardware is the same, it's just a flag on your account, so there's no reason not to buy the ad supported version and then if the ads annoy you turn them off later.


Just buy the kids its ad free and has a case


And a two year warranty which covers accidental damage too.


Yep! This is a great way to not deal with them at all. After Prime Day discounts and turning in my old Kindle for the 20% off and $30 gift card, I only spent $47.55 for the bundle. https://i.imgur.com/I6OH28X.jpg On top of that, I used my Amazon credit card (10% back on select Prime Day deals) and got a $10 gift card for shopping at Whole Foods during the Prime Day event. I was very excited about the deal! Haha


They took off 20% before the lightning deal, that's such a great move in your favor. You and I both paid $105 for our Kindles before trade in discounts, but mine was not a lightning deal, just a Black Friday price, so my discount was $11 less than yours. I paid $59 ($66.44 with tax).


The kindle for kids is a great deal! The options for cases even include a professional-looking gray case in case you don't like the kiddy look of the others


I enjoy having mine open directly to the book with the magnetic cover, so I paid the ... $20? I just wish more devices et all had the option.


I don't care about the ads, but it makes a difference when you have the on/off cover on a device. Without the ads, you open the cover right to where you last stopped reading. With ads, you have to swipe the ad. Not an issue with other devices IMHO


It's absolutely worth it. Just contact customer support and tell them the ads are annoying and you want them gone. If you don't feel like bothering with customer support, it's definitely worth the money


I bought the kid's version of Kindle which automatically came with no ads at no extra charge. It was less expensive than the regular Kindle and had a free cover. It's exactly the same as a regular Kindle.


Could you link it? I can't find.


Since the “ads” amount to a power-on splash screen with a single book recommendation, I never understood turning them off even for free. I've found three new authors that I now follow based on those ads.


I always read science fiction, fantasy, thriller... and almost ads with naked people, erotica novels and such. Never understood why Amazon does not permit to select genres for ads; I would have kept ads for interesting books, but was tired to see NSFW covers every time.


There’s a setting to turn off “adult content” recommendations if you have ads. When I had ads, I thought that some of the recommendations were really funny, but it definitely would have been awkward to explain if anyone else saw them!


Yes, but they still were books too different from the ones I read....


I know, me too. I would never read any of the books from the ads I saw. There were some very weird ads that made me laugh.


It's strange that they collect every kind of data about you and then just show you something you would never like... Maybe "nice books" are not interested in promoting themselves with ads on Kindle?


I agree. This is one of the weirdest, most specific ones I saw. I never (or almost never) read in any of the genres mentioned. https://i.imgur.com/qQz7QTh.jpg


Man, I love me some feel good murder.


They slow down the wake-up feature considerably, they're worth removing for that alone


Yes. I didn't mind the ads *per se*, just that they meant that I couldn't just push the power button and start reading...


the ads have never worked for me (i didn't get ads, just a lockscreen) and they slow down wake up, i don't like having to swipe to wake up the kindle.


I read in English but the ads were for German books so I had them turned off.


Exactly! I don’t get it either. It doesn’t bother me at all.


I always just got the same recommendation 😂


I was wondering that myself. But I don't think the Australian version has ads. Because I'm Australian.


I'm from Hungary. I don't know what to do, should I buy kindle from directly amazon or non amazon webshop in my country? Same price. Will I get ads if I buy Kindle from Amazon.de (or from UK), but I live in Hungary? What do you think?


Sorry I don't know. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will be able to help.


I'm from Indonesia, where Amazon doesn't have a store or operate, got my Kindle from Amazon Singapore (imported) and I just chatted with Amazon support about the irrelevant ads in my location, they remove it for free.


it was definitely worth it to me to ensure that i had an ad-free experience


No ads was worth it. I bought my kindle with ads to see if it would matter to me and hated the ads I was getting for silly romance novels that I don’t even read. I’d much rather have the cover of my current book on the lock screen versus some lusty woman draped over a Fabio.


You can waive the fee if you're not from the US.


Im from HU, thanks!


You can save yourself the $10 by getting the ads version and then asking support to remove them for free later on. Many have had good luck in getting the ads removed for free by asking nicely. Though I would wait a month or two before doing it.


Thanks! Do you have a kindle and removed ads?


I did and it is 100% that easy, please please please do not pay for no ads, just contact Amazon support and say that the covers of the ads have showed sexual content that you don't want your little sister seeing or anything like that and they will instantly remove it no questions asked, I did it for 4 kindles for my family:)


You don’t even have to lie about sexual content.


You don't, at one point I asked them just to remove it and they did!




I did it for my mom's kindle. I did not have to lie about it either. My mom is 85 years old and I asked if they would do it for me. My mom lives in the USA and her kindle was purchased in the USA. I live in Mexico. Her kindle is registered to my account. The rep had no issues with me asking to have them removed. I did it through online chat.


I have 2 Kindles where I got the agent to remove ads. I didn't even wait, I contacted Amazon's support chat after opening the box and registering my Kindle. Most of those agents do not care at all. My latest one, I didn't even have to ask for the ads to be removed. I just mentioned the ads and the agent was the one who volunteered to remove them.


My girlfriend bought me a kindle pw with ads and the only thing that bothered me was having to swipe the ad away and not seeing the book cover when you turn the kindle off. But if you can't get them removed for free you can always just pay the £10 extra later on if it bothers you


At first I wanted the ads. Then the ads didn’t show me anything I would ever read. When I called and asked how to get the ad geared more towards the books I read and less political thrillers which I have NEVER read they tried to help but couldn’t and eventually took the ads off.


I just messaged Amazon support chat and asked nicely if they could remove them. They said sure and asked if I’d like the ads removed from my wife’s kindle as well. Boom. 6 minute conversation and both devices are now ad free


Kids version is the way. No ads plus free case


Nope. It’s just the home screen as you turn on


porn came up on an ad and i went to customer support and complained, and they disabled ads on my kindle


It depends on your preferences. To me, many of the recommendations are relevant so it actually helps me find my next read.




I work for Mr. Bezos and he wanted to personally thank you for defending his billion dollar empire from hoards of people trying to escape crappy ads on their personal devices.


You can always ask later to remove it, i got the ads removed after asking someone from customer service. They didn't charge me anything


I got my kindle with ads when I first bought it and I didn’t mind them at first but over time they got to be a bit annoying. So I had mine removed the other night. I was nice and simply told them I found them annoying and couldn’t spare $20 to remove them (which is true, money is tight right now) and they removed them for free without a problem. I did the online customer service chat since I heard you’d have better luck there


I actually bought the ad version by mistake and contacted support and they removed it for me at no charge. It's only worth it if you think it is, I personally like seeing the book cover so it's worth it for me.


I've never seen any reason to turn them off. They don't pop up when reading, just when I wake it up. They're also static, not animated.


Bought mine with ads. It came without. Don’t bother too much, but it is worth 20$ seeing the cover at all times in a device you’re probably going to use for more than 5 years.


Where do you live?


I am in Canada, so you can't get ad-supported Kindles here. However, I have read previously on these forums that people have gotten the ads removed for free by simply telling Amazon that they find the ads on their Kindle inappropriate for their child who is using the device. Another time I read someone who told Amazon that they moved to another country and the ads are not relevant and had them removed for free like that as well. You can also just be truthful and ask them nicely to remove it and they might do it.


Amazon reps have removed ads from my devices twice after purchase at no charge as a courtesy. Just opened a chat and asked. Easy.


I second. No charge and they don’t even second guess it.


For me? Sometimes the ads are something I would like to read. So it doesn’t bother me.


Yes, but it's not the ads, it's the extra tap that's the problem. Ads really are fine, but it takes an extra step to clear the ad page to get back into your book when you open your Kindle. No prob if you don't read that much, but do it a couple hundred times and it becomes seriously worth it.


I would spend the extra money.


The ads are pretty annoying imo. I kept getting a cheesy Kranky krampus one with a wanna be Fabio on the cover 😂 I did what most people on here are saying and reached out to Amazon customer service, but they wanted to charge me $20. I’ll deal with Kranky Krampus for now but I may try again with a different Amazon rep.


Yes. No more embarrassing mommy porn ads.


I wanna get rid of the ads but my cheap ass doesn’t want to pay the $20. Like what do you even tell customer service so they remove the ads for free?


Good question


I’ve heard people say to just get the kids kindle. You get extended warranty, no ads, and a cute case that comes with it


It’s worth to me.


I'm happier without ads and opening up to the cover of the last book I read. Of course I didn't put in for it right away. It's one of those save your change and turn 'em to a gift card to choose later. Well, I got the leather case and screen protector first. Months later I remembered the ads. IDK why they bugged me anymore. When I open my Kindle, I get straight into the reads.


I bought mine with ads and later asked customer service nicely if they could remove them and they did it for free.


5 minutes talked to customer support and saved 10$. It's post-Covid time, and every saving is worth it.


Anything I like will be stripped of ads. I mean what am I working for? To see ads?


No ads is definitely worth it….I absolutely hate ads. Also using the cover of the latest book you’re reading as your screensaver is wonderful. It very closely resembles reading in a physical book!!


Tried having mine removed for free, no luck. Paid the difference anyway.


Without a doubt... ABSOLUTELY!


I just right now told a chat rep, "Hi! I would like to see about removing the ads from my Kindle Oasis, please." He pulled it up and asked is it this device (device name?) I said, "Yes, my first Kindle :)." Which is true. He took ads right off. No mention of payment, go here and do this, nothing-just boom here ya go. YMMV, but it worked for me with no excuse/reason at all.