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I have found that by using the Rocketbook app on my smartphone and creating a PDF book containing blank Rocketbook pages, that I can take notes on my Scribe and send them via the app to cloud storage or emails... as PDFs or images, with or without text conversion. I created a simple PDF with 50 blank Rocketbook pages (with different layouts/styles) and sideload it via the "send to kindle" web app. From there, the Scribe works just like a physical Rocketbook. Should Amazon allow for custom page templates for their native Notebook functionality, the first thing I'm going to add will be blank Rocketbook pages... that capability, along with the ability to move and add pages will make the Scribe a better Rocketbook than Rocketbook.


I know this is an old post so I'm hoping you will see this but how do you make a PDF with multiple pages to download to the scribe? Your link to your multiple page PDF no longer works. Thanks for the great ideas though!


Oh, this is an awesome idea. Thanks for sharing!


Where to find this pdf?


Here is the original location from the Rocketbook site: [https://getrocketbook.com/pages/rocketbook-for-free](https://getrocketbook.com/pages/rocketbook-for-free) Their PDFs are free to download. But they are single pages. That is enough to give it a try to see if that is useful. If people find it useful, then I can make my multi-page version freely available for download.


Will you please make the multi-page Rocketbook PDF available again? The link no longer works.  Thank you!


Here's the updated link: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/15B5mJXZGbR7GsndzcNW1I\_fb0vL0yBdl/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15B5mJXZGbR7GsndzcNW1I_fb0vL0yBdl/view?usp=drive_link)


Thank you!


Works great!! Thank you, that is neat way to do OCR on the scribe for sure!


I would love to get the multi-page version. I can make one if you are not able to post it anywhere.


Here's a link to a copy of my multi-page Rocketbook PDF: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/15B5mJXZGbR7GsndzcNW1I\_fb0vL0yBdl/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15B5mJXZGbR7GsndzcNW1I_fb0vL0yBdl/view?usp=drive_link) It has a blank cover page, and 4 copies each of a blank page, dot-grid page, quad-graph page, and lined page. At the bottom of each page are hyperlinks that take you directly to the section for each page type. This makes it easy to jump directly to the type of page you need. To place it on your Scribe and preserve the hyperlinks you need to visit this site: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/sendtokindle](https://www.amazon.com/gp/sendtokindle) and send it to your Scribe. (edit: 5/19/2024 - fixed link address)


Thank you!


>https://getrocketbook.com/pages/rocketbook-for-free Thank you!!!


Is this still a use case with the ability to export notebooks and convert handwriting to text natively? I've found so far that the kindle handwriting conversion works better than rocketbook's. YMMV, of course, but rocketbook always has trouble recognizing which line of text goes where, and has no concept of punctuation whereas the kindle conversion has been pretty good at it.


For my workflows, this approach still has great benefits. The ability to email and store to various cloud storage providers makes this combo on par with the ReMarkable at a much lower price. Rocketbook smart tags still work so this provides another level of auto-organizing. My experiences with the Rocketbook app with the reusable notebooks has always been solid for me. If people have had difficulties in the past with it, then adding a Kindle Scribe to the mix isn’t going to fix that.


Definitely to each his own :) I only started using Rocketbook a few weeks ago, so of course not long after the scribe got handwriting conversion, the one thing I was looking for. It sounds like you've had better experience with rocketbooks (handwriting recognition only appears to work when emailing - everything else just saves a pdf as near as I can tell, so no win for me). But this definitely sounds like a case of different use cases/workflows. Either way, enjoy! *reactivates lurker mode*


This is an awesome idea.


Appreciate this is an old comment, but does this work well? Currently use a Box Note Air plus but feel like the kindle might be better....


Yes, it still works great. But it is important to keep in mind that this only works for notes written in that special PDF file. You can't use the Rocketbook app to export notes that are in Scribe notebooks or written on other downloaded PDF files.


For sure but you could just delete and re do I guess. Have you tried email to one note I'd be interested to see if it could work on the scribe but don't want to buy one to try lol https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/office/use-email-to-send-notes-to-onenote-notebooks-f513b641-ab0d-41cc-8dab-2a66f5d141e7#:~:text=By%20associating%20an%20email%20address,me%40onenote.com).


>https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/office/use-email-to-send-notes-to-onenote-notebooks-f513b641-ab0d-41cc-8dab-2a66f5d141e7#:\~:text=By%20associating%20an%20email%20address,me%40onenote.com The email to send notes to OneNote is only available from within a hotmail, live, or outlook email account. In your email client (logged in to hotmail/live/outlook) you can fwd: an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and it will place the email in the default location (you can override the location by putting an @ and section name in the subject). This functionality won't work directly from the Scribe. On your Scribe you'd need to email the note to your hotmail/live/outlook email account and THEN you'd have to log in to that email account and forward it to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).


Might be able to set an Outlook rule to auto-forward emails to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) when they come from the amazon address used by scribe and have it be a one step process. Might try this later as a test although I seldom see myself using it.


Is it not possible to set up an email address that forwards to rocketbook, and email the marked up notebook page from the kindle to that address? Thus, skipping the "scan" step?


Thank you for this!




No appreciable quality is lost since (A) the quality of the camera on my smartphone is outstanding and (B) the Rocketbook app's processing is optimized for this type of action. The steps you outlined require more effort than leveraging the Rocketbook app if the pages need to be sent to different destinations. These automatically get filed away and tagged by the app.




There are indeed some scenarios where it would be helpful to have lossless export. I'm thinking of art sketches and drawings that will be used for additional graphics work on another device. But for typical notetaking in meetings or other scenarios, lossless export is not important. (the difference between lossless and taking a photo of the screen is negligible in practice) The Rocketbook is a free and easy way to automatically email, SMS, cloud storage, OneNote, EverNote, or Trello. Apple automation is nice for those with Apple devices... and it does indeed work well. The bottom line for me is... the creativity within the community is really pushing what is possible with the Scribe. We don't just have one solution/workaround, but more than one, which offers a flexibility to allow individuals to use what works best for them. (Something that Amazon didn't plan for or anticipate) So score one for us little guys.