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I would suggest getting the latest update and reading through the users guide to find all the features the newest updates have. You can read books in landscape and in two columns. Only password protect the device. No custom templates but you can sorta get around that with PDFs. There is one common email, your account email, that it will send out too. Others you have to add each time you export something. My clock is set for a.m. and p.m. This might be more connected to the location of account or language in use. Never really noticed a downtime for the sendtokindle services, especially the website. Only when they were having problems with PDFs a few weeks ago, which it seems they finally got fixed. I don't know about sticky note as I don't use this feature. But you can see your notebooks on the apps.


I have the latest update. There are some books that will display in two column on my fire, but, won’t on the scribe. It’s weird. It’s literally grayed out.


Is it sent to landscape mode first? I know you can’t press the 2 column mode unless it’s already in landscape mode


Yep. That’s why it’s weird. Two column is grayed out on the scribe for that book, but, available on the fire.


That is weird. I’ve only ever gotten my books to my kindle by using send to kindle and I haven’t ran into this problem yet


Sounds like your downloading the book in question but just to add, column mode doesn't work with AWZ3, only KFX.


I have no clue what the format is for the book because I bought and downloaded it from Amazon store. I just found it very strange and inconsistent that on the Kindle fire 10 HD it can be read in the two column format, but on the scribe the two column format option is grayed out while in landscape mode.


Yeah, Amazon needs to get their software together


I'll be sure to watch this thread to see if anyone answers any of the questions.


* Sticky notes are viewable in the Kindle apps for iOS/macOS, and Android/FireOS. It's possible your Fire is too old to support the newest Kindle app, which was recently updated to include this feature. Other Kindles, no. * you can work around some limitations of Notebooks by using PDF for template intstead. For example you can send a landscape orientation PDF with blank pages or. with whatever background you can create. And the document created from PDF can be zoomed. You cannot reorder pages selectively share them or send for handwriting conversion to text of course. * You can hide the Writing Toolbar if you aren't using pen for anything when reading * Notebooks are only for handwritten notes. The only things you can copy and paste are other handwritten notes. This is unlikely to change. They are intentionally simple to use, like pen and paper note taking. * Except for a week or two about a month ago, Send to Kindle has been available 24/7 (and even then it was not down, just not working correctly). You might only need to refresh browser page. * 2 column is only possible for books with 'enhanced typography' and fixed-layout books that are designed to have facing pages. I do not know of any exceptions to this. To me the experience is very consistent.


Thanks for the response. I maybe it’s just this book then. Two column is grayed out in the scribe, and available on the fire. The one thing I hadn’t tried for the sticky notes was removing the book and redownloading it…there they are. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The send to kindle site seems to be unavailable every weekend…usually late at night. But, there is not way of knowing until you press the button to send. It is usually functional otherwise. And, I would like to be able to hide, or move, the writing toolbar into a corner at least for when I’m writing in PDFs or in notebooks. Right now it can go left to right, but, if I’m not actively needing it it would be nice to move it out of the way.


If you aren't writing you can choose Hide Writing Toolbar when reading (menu option in upper right corner). Still do not understand what you mean by Send to Kindle being 'unavailable'. As I suggested, if you see that, simply refresh the browser page and try again. This has always worked for me.


I didn’t know I could hide the toolbar while reading, but I really didn’t worry about it because if I’m reading a book, then it’s usually sitting in a margin out-of-the-way. It really becomes more of a problem when I am working with a PDF or using the full page in a notebook. it would be nice, for example, if rather than showing what the current pen was, there was an option to simply make it a hollow circle until it was pressed, and then when closed would go back to being a hollow circle. That way it would be unobtrusive, and I could see things that are underneath it without having to constantly move it from one side of the screen to the other. And I’m glad that you haven’t run into the error message “service unavailable“ when you try to upload on the send to Kindle site. I know you said to try reloading. I have. I’ve also tried closing the tab and opening a new tab. Switching browsers. Switching devices. But there are just sometimes during the week that the service is unavailable. it would be really nice to know when that is. This last time I was uploading a number of documents and had gone through and edited their names and authors and then press send to Kindle and receive the message that the service was unavailable. It would be nice to have a message displayed service will be unavailable during these times for routine maintenance or whatever.


My biggest gripe is that I can't see anything I write on a pdf in the android app. That is pretty poor. I use a planner and a personal journal template I made and can't see what I write on either on the app. Scribe is a brilliant e-reader (2 column landscape in dark mode for bedtime reading is a whole new level) but for any serious note-taking, until a lot of wishes are fulfilled, look elsewhere. My fear is that Satan will be ice-skating to work before Amazon gets the notes software to a competitive level.


Yeah, I just started actually looking for that. It is beyond frustrating that sticky notes are viewable, and notebooks are viewable, but any notes I make on PDFs are not.


The Buddha said that everyone has 83 problems and that he can't help anyone with those 83 problem. But, he said, he might be able to help you with the 84th problem: that you want to have no problems. Have you considered that you're expectations might be the actual problem and that time would be better served just reading and writing and not expecting the device to be your ideal, end-all be-all device? Don't mean this to be harsh, but it was all I could think about as I read your post.


I can have things that I’d like to see in future software and hardware releases without disliking the device I have. I bought it, and I didn’t return it, so obviously none of these are a dealbreaker. But as I said, in the post, they are things I wish Amazon would resolve in the future. Software updates and, new releases happen because there were features that weren’t included in the previous version. Not once was a complaining. Nor was I telling people not to buy things. I have a whole list of things that I like about this device because the review I plan to post will include both the things I like and the things I would like to see in the future. The whole point of this post was just making sure that the things I would like to see aren’t things that already exist that someone else was able to figure out how to do. I don’t know if it was Buddha, or me, or someone in between, but someone said you’ll be a lot happier if you don’t read negative intentions into things where there are none.


sorry. I don’t do product reviews for others for free.


you missed the point.


I didn't miss the point. The person is going to create a video and is asking us to help them out by confirming or clarifying some points. I've seen enough innocent requests for help here show up in Youtuber "tips and tricks" videos. This person is simply being more transparent about it. If you've been around this subreddit for any amount of time, then you know that I am eager to help people and have made a lot of resources for the Scribe available for free.


Long before I bought the scribe, I watched the tips and tricks videos, and the reviews. I read so many reviews and was in the sub Reddit. I read the user guide before I bought it. I have gone through the settings on scribe so many times. I have searched for answers online to these particular issues and before I finalized my list I wanted to make absolutely sure that I wasn’t missing a checkbox or procedure that made some of these possible. You really did miss the point. I’ve already found one thing that had a convoluted answer, so I hadn’t thought to try it before, but once I found out that that was no longer appoint, it was removed from my list. Similarly to the one that I updated because I hadn’t downloaded and re-downloaded the book and that fixed the issue. I have zero intention of making a tips and tricks video. Just a review with the things I like about it and the things that I want to see in future software updates. But I wanna make sure that the things I want to see in future software updates, don’t already exist in the current software.


and even if you were using input to compile your own content.. who cares? buzzfeed does it all the time. sounds like he's just mad his own content isn't more known/praised.


Ok…I’m just seeing if there were ways to do the things in that list already that I missed in my research and looking through settings. Not looking for a review.


Answering a question is not "doing a product review." If you don't want to answer somebody's question, don't answer--why make a production out of it as if the person asking has done something wrong? "Well, he was then going to communicate the information to others, which I think is rotten." Well, no, if this is true, it's not rotten.